UCIMC Archive Site -- Posting Disabled |
This is the archive of UCIMC's site as it was on October 1, 2006, when we switched to a new software platform. Posting to this site has been disabled. For our current site, please go to www.ucimc.org. |
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Announcement :: Media |
Freedom of Press and Media Consolidation Conference at UIUC |
by slumgullion |
09 May 2005
Seymour Hersh, Naomi Klein, Amy Goodman, Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and more to participate in a freedom of press/media consolidation conference Tuesday, May 10th and Wednesday, May 11th at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Check out http://www.iimpr.org for more info.
All Events Are Free and Open to the Public! |
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News :: Media |
IMC BUYS THE POST OFFICE; Community Media & Arts Center Planned |
by UC-IMC |
06 May 2005
Modified: 04:29:38 PM |
The downtown Urbana post office building is being transformed into a community media and arts center, with the post office services remaining at their current location. On Cinco de Mayo, the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center (IMC) closed on the purchase of the post office building as its new home.
The IMC will be holding a press conference on Monday, May 9th at high noon on the steps of post office building at 202 S. Broadway in Urbana. COME CELEBRATE WITH US! |
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Announcement :: Media : UCIMC |
WRFU now accepting program proposals, plans next training session |
by Tom Wiltzius Email: tom (nospam) wrfu.net |
04 May 2005
Radio Free Urbana (WRFU) is now accepting program proposals. If you'd like a show on the station when we go on air in (hopefully) late June, you're encouraged to visit http://radiofreeurbana.org/proposalform.php and submit a proposal. Additionally, we will be holding another airshifter training session Saturday, May 21st from 2-4 pm. |
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News :: Civil & Human Rights |
Urbana City Council will Vote on Domestic Partner Registry and Benefits this Monday |
by Danielle Chynoweth, Urbana City Council Member |
29 Apr 2005
On Monday, May 2, the Urbana City Council will take a final vote to establish a domestic partner registry. The registry will be open to same-sex and heterosexual partners living together in a close and committed relationship of mutual financial and emotional support. Both partners living in Urbana as well as those outside of Urbana are eligible to register. The opening of the registry will be announced this summer.
Also on Monday's agenda is a motion to extend health insurance benefits to the domestic partners of city employees. This would shore up domestic partner benefits to make them equal to those extended to married employees. The City voted last summer to extend partial benefits to domestic partners of city employees, but these benefits did not include health insurance. |
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Announcement :: Elections & Legislation |
State Green Party Meeting to Be Held in Urbana |
by Jennifer Walling Email: jwalling (nospam) uiuc.edu |
28 Apr 2005
The Illinois Green Party State Party meeting will be held on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from April 29- May 1, hosted by the UIUC Campus Greens. Representatives from Green Party locals from all over the state will be in attendance.
Several great workshops are open to the public! |
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The Murder of Equity & Justice |
by Carol Ammons Email: lifestratinst19 (nospam) sbcglobal.net |
23 Apr 2005
This article is an Open letter of the Citizens of Champaign County & The Champaign County Board.
This letter was written in response to the County Board's refusal this past week to objectively evaluate its long record of racial disparity in contracts awarded by the county, a long-standing practice that it was hoped by voters would come to an end after the Democrats achieved a majority on the board following the 2000 election. The County Board Republicans voted unanimously, joined by Democrats Babara Wysocki, Steve Beckett, and Brendan McGinty, against letting a contract to evaluate past discrmination and propose future remedies to avoid such disparate results in the future.
The defection of three Democrats to help cover up past preferential contracting by previous Republican-majority county boards is viewed by many voters as an apparent betrayal. Carol Ammons' letter raises disturbing questions about the disconnect between rhetoric and reality among those who claim to support equal opportunity, while they actively work to undermine effective remedies to racial disparity.
ML |
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News :: Miscellaneous |
Uncle Sam's Overlooked Film Fest |
by Matthew Murrey Email: mytwords (nospam) yahoo.com |
22 Apr 2005
The local anti-war anti-racism group AWARE handed out "spoof" film festival fliers to moviegoers at the Ebert Overlooked film festival.
Our flier was titled "Uncle Sam's Overlooked Film Festival"... |
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Announcement :: Health : Peace : UCIMC |
Come to the Food Not Bombs Kick Off Picnic! Sunday -- 4pm Scott Park. |
by Food Not Bombs Email: faith (nospam) ucimc.org |
13 Apr 2005
It's been a long winter of hibernation, but now we're ready to shake off the snow, get out in the sun, and serve up some tasty food to the hungry masses! To begin the season, we're having a huge community picnic with live music, relaxing, and dancing.
WHEN: Sunday, April 17th @ 4pm
WHERE: Scott Park, Springfield and Third in Champaign.
Food Not Bombs is one of the fastest growing anti-war, anti-poverty revolutionary movements active today with chapters all the world. We share free vegetarian food with anyone who wants it. Food Not Bombs is open to everyone. if you're interested in getting involved email foodnotbombs (at) ucimc.org |
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News :: Protest Activity |
Anti-War “Main Event” in downtown Champaign |
by Ricky Baldwin Email: baldwinricky (nospam) yahoo.com |
13 Apr 2005
After protesting US imperialism on North Prospect for the past three years, AWARE is trying out a new venue in downtown Champaign this Saturday April 16 from 2-4 pm. |
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Announcement :: Arts |
Boneyard Arts Festival & Late Night Cabaret -- April 15-16, 2005. |
by Sascha Meinrath Email: sascha (nospam) ucimc.org |
13 Apr 2005
The Boneyard Arts Festival is this weekend, April 15-16, 2005 in locations throughout Urbana, Champaign, and surrounding communities. In addition, this year there will also be a late-night cabaret on Friday & Saturday night from 9pm to 2am. |
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