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The Murder of Equity & Justice |
Current rating: 0 |
by Carol Ammons Email: lifestratinst19 (nospam) (unverified!) Phone: 217-344-1811 Address: 1108 N. Busey Av |
23 Apr 2005
This article is an Open letter of the Citizens of Champaign County & The Champaign County Board.
This letter was written in response to the County Board's refusal this past week to objectively evaluate its long record of racial disparity in contracts awarded by the county, a long-standing practice that it was hoped by voters would come to an end after the Democrats achieved a majority on the board following the 2000 election. The County Board Republicans voted unanimously, joined by Democrats Babara Wysocki, Steve Beckett, and Brendan McGinty, against letting a contract to evaluate past discrmination and propose future remedies to avoid such disparate results in the future.
The defection of three Democrats to help cover up past preferential contracting by previous Republican-majority county boards is viewed by many voters as an apparent betrayal. Carol Ammons' letter raises disturbing questions about the disconnect between rhetoric and reality among those who claim to support equal opportunity, while they actively work to undermine effective remedies to racial disparity.
ML |
Open Letter to the Citizens of Champaign County
& The Champaign County Board
The Murder of Equity & Justice
Well as they say in baseball, “root, root for the Home Team, if they don’t win it’s a shame. So it’s one, two, three strikes you’re out…” Once again the old ball team wins. The April 21, 2005, county board meeting re-affirms the inherent racism that it claims to want to remedy by “lynching” the possible racial disparity study that could have set the county on the right track. After much political ping-pong, and fake gestures of being fiscally responsible by not allocating the needed money to conduct the study, the supporters of the status quo, were successful in keeping things as is. Double talk such as, “I support a disparity study and I agree that the county has not done adequate business with citizens of color and females, however, I don’t like the process in which it was presented to this board.” County board members who have no answer for why there aren’t more citizens of color and female contractors. Some members say; why should we worry so much about this issue since those particular people aren’t beating the door down for proper representation? Others who have not dealt honestly with there own ignorance which manifests in the form of racism say, we already know we have a horrible history of doing business with these two segments of our citizenry, but let’s not deal truthfully with the reason why that is so. Let’s just GIVE “them” a waiver from being bonded, as long as they agree to do contracts that don’t exceed twenty thousand dollars, even though, we do business to the tune of sixty million dollars per year!!
The “inherent racism” that is inescapable in America plays out when issues such as this arise. The county has no problem voting to approve “fiscally responsible” purchases of 120,000.00 dollar vehicles or a million dollars worth of software, but a racial disparity study that we all agree we need to have done (just not for 50,000 dollars) we deem fiscally irresponsible, even though it was already approved and the funds have already been allocated in the budget. What is the real reason why this study was lynched? Who is really behind the efforts to keep the truth from being plainly revealed? These are the questions that continue to go unanswered when Democracy is thwarted for personal privileges and connections to big business. Those same members who spent an hour correcting the language in the contract because they didn’t like some of the legal implications then turned right around and voted against the study! One would be lead to believe that if a person was truly in support of such a study, then after the issues of legal implications were resolved, those individuals would then support the entire study, but that was not the case.
This sounds to those of us who experience racism and sexism on a daily basis, that we are still dealing with the ideology, “can the niggers and women ride up front with us important white men and get real access to the sixty million we relegate and share or, should we give them some crumbs from our table so they will go away?” Painful as it may be, it is indeed true.
Is there any relationship between the lack of economic inclusion and crime in the African-American community? The resolution adopted by the county board, reinforces that lack of opportunity for independent businesses in our community to employ other members of the community and to offer remedies to unemployment.
So, where are the seekers of justice? Exactly what is a liberal? At this moment of disappointment and feeling of defeat, let me share a few additional concepts. As the county board has manifested a faltering and fluctuating interest in civil rights (expressed through phone contract scam) and economic rights (expressed through the killing of the racial disparity study) during the past year, a flood of words rather than just deeds has inundated the dry desert of expectations. The earnest request for justice seekers went interestingly un-answered; therefore, the banner of justice and equity was not raised. For hundreds of years African-Americans have had to fight to stay alive by developing endurance to hardship and heartbreak. Yet, until this very moment, have I truly come to realize how deep the rivers of injustice flow. So, who’s to blame? Is it the “when convenient” so-called liberals? Or perhaps, the apathetic spectators in the Black community who refuse to address their concerns? Or, maybe it’s the old powerful alliances between big business, unions, or labor contractors with county officials? At this point, every serious, justice seeking citizen in Champaign County should be thoroughly outraged at the reincarnation of such spirits as King Leopold or Willie Lynch, who sought to deny humanity equity and justice. After all, they understood that the worst thing an oppressive regime could do is to allow it’s “slaves” to experience true freedom, which is, full participation in power. Well, since I’ve shared, I realize that the fight is far from over, because it is neither won, as some may assert, nor lost, as the calamity of this declaration may suggest. It will simply change forms. The destruction of white supremacy must continue. |
This work is in the public domain. |
Re: The Murder of Equity & Justice |
by beholder (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 23 Apr 2005
Maybe it is really necessary to take much closer look to who are the official liberals, who were and are supposed to be the opposition to Bush and his surrounding. It seems that the two last elections were lost by democrats just because of the intensive actions of these so named leaders of liberals (starting with Mrs. Clinton). This is the main reason of the failure of the two last elections Conservative Republican were NOT FIGHTING THE OPPOSITION. There was NO opposition, as the leaders of this so named opposition were fighting AGAINST the interests this opposition was supposed to present. There is the wise proverb that any fish starts to become rotten at first from its head. So, it seems necessary to take the close look at the head of current liberals and to start the clean up and the necessary treatment, isn't it? |
Re: The Murder of Equity & Justice |
by I.T. (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 24 Apr 2005
beholder -
Your is an old argument that just doesn't fit every foot you try to shoehorn it into.
National politics is not local politics.
The DNC does not run the Champaign County Democratic Party.
Beckett, Wysocki, and McGinty are NOT liberals. They are conservatives who would have run as Republicans if Republicans could get elected in Urbana.
Wise up. And support those public officials who are doing good for the community instead of just reciting the same old whiny mantra about the corrupt Democrats.
It is time to kick out Beckett and Wysocki. (McGinty will get his soon enough). We will run folks as Democrats to do this - unless the Green party has figured out how to be more politically saavy and broad based.
The problem is that folks are so caught up conflating national with local politics (an error which comes from not being involved in local politics) that many won't back a Democrat on principle. This is a losing position.
Help kick the bastards out! |
Re: The Murder of Equity & Justice |
by Wayne D. Pickette (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 24 Apr 2005
My Wife who posted this comment under the pen name of beholder has almost no idea about local politicians and didn't aim at them. What she has written she wrote about GLOBAL politicians (like well known leaders of Global opposition, Clintons, for example, etc..). So, your comment either irrelevant or aimed at the wrong target, whichever you prefer. Some general observation , though, can usually lead to suggestions that situations on local levels can be similar to global situation or even fully mirror it. But this is extremely vague observation, everything is always connected and created by specific people, and with these people neither I nor my Wife have the sufficient familiarity for any opinion and/or conclusion. |
Re: The Murder of Equity & Justice |
by Gunner (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Apr 2005
Racial quotas? What good would that do? Are you seriously charging the County Board with racism? Where in a "color blind" society do racial quotas fit in? No where, because you are acknowledging that someone should be awarded a contract based only on the color of his/her skin, not on the quality of their work. |
Fill Us In |
by Dose of Reality (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Apr 2005
OK, Gunner, will you mind letting us know exactly _which_ "'color blind' society" you are talking about? Because it sure is not this one. |
Re: The Murder of Equity & Justice |
by Might Moderate (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Apr 2005
He is referring to the color blind society that liberals are working towards. It’s an interesting question, though not directly related to the topic of this thread. If a color blind society is achieved, how can you be sure racial minorities are being properly represented? That might be too abstract for discussion here.
On the topic of minority contractors, I can't imagine why the council would oppose investigating whether the low numbers are due to discrimination by city staff and officials or just lack of competitive bids. Fear of damaged reputations? Fear of lawsuits? Answers should be sought by the public, though people should also limit the accusations. Racism/sexism may not be the answer that’s found. |
Re: The Murder of Equity & Justice |
by Gunner (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 26 Apr 2005
Racial quotas are a slap in the face to any minority business owner. The only reason they would get the contract is the color of their skin, not the quality of their work. |
Re: The Murder of Equity & Justice |
by Local Yocal (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 27 Apr 2005
One of the big problems with the County Board's awarding of contracts, is the lack of viable minority-owned vendors, and minority-owned contractors who are qualified to handle the laying of half a million bricks on the side of a courthouse, or do the iron work to add 5 stories to a building. The County has had some major work done, requiring big equipment, big insurance costs, and big amounts of labor for which few, if any, black owned businesses qualify. I think the disparity study needs to be done to find out how many qualified black vendors underbid their white counterparts and still did not get the County contract. How many times over the years has that happened?
I don't doubt that the County prefers to work with people who look like them, lord knows, the County is willing to jail everyone who does not look like them. But I am concerned that the County Government can hide this fact by showing that there just isn't any black and women vendors to hire around here. I could be completely wrong and that's why I am interested in what an analysis of the county's financial dealings look like over the last 10 years. The disparity study needs to be done if for no other reason to give the black community an understanding of what kind of developments need to happen so black entrepenuers can position themselves better to receive county business. |
Re: The Murder of Equity & Justice |
by Straight UP (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 27 Apr 2005
Expecting the County Board to follow through on the issue of the equtiy study which was approved and budgeted for by that body last November, is in no way supporting the notion of racial quotas. Quotas are illegal! The purpose of the equity study is to determine the barriers that have inheritently kept businesses that are owned and operated by women and people of color on the side lines.
The Champaign County board members have enjoyed years of NO SCRUTINY and they have done what the "H" they have wanted---whether it was legal, ethical or in the best interest of ALL the citizens in the county.
Their most recent reversal on the equity study is a maneuver that doesn't pass the sniff test and I strongly suggest that citizens seek outside support to investigate and perhaps dismantle what appears to be a corrupt government!!! |
Re: The Murder of Equity & Justice |
by Born to the Tribe (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 30 Apr 2005
I'm wondering about an inconsistency in thought, broadly represented by the users of this site.
I agree that there are issues regarding the awarding of contracts by the county, and it is reasonable and perhaps preferable to invesitgate the reasons for the lack of minority contracts.
Analogously, I agree there are issues regarding the treatment of Palestinians by Israerl, and it is reasonable and necessary to find a just and equitable solution to the situation.
Now, many here have asserted that it is unsupportable to ascribe anti-semitism to anyone who disagrees with Israeli policies.
By the same token, is it supportable to ascribe racism to anyone who disagrees with the solution suggested heree to the issues regarding contracts with the county.
If anti-zionism is not anti-semitism, why is anti-affirmative actionism racism?
Why is anyone who suggests that the county may be acting appropriately a racist? |
Yet Another Trite Troll Generalization: Notice How They Just Keep Coming? |
by regular reader (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 30 Apr 2005
It is intoned in ominous tones by Born to the Tribe:
"I'm wondering about an inconsistency in thought, broadly represented by the users of this site."
I'm reading here a bunch of right wing trolling by what sound like pretty much the same axe grinding, _implying_ that your generalization (let's see, where have I heard that axe before, yeah right) that people here are making unwarranted charges of racism is true, but there seems to be little other evidence of that in this thread. In any case, the troll/s hardly "broadly" represents "users of this site" in any significant sense.
I do see people suggesting that it appears that racism may be a factor, based on the facts, suggesting that a study would be warranted to get to the bottom of the county's longstanding record of lily-white contracting. Nobody's proven a thing -- yet, but killing a study will certainly prevent that, won't it?
So what's your point, other than trying to add to the stereotype that one/a few troll/s are always lamely trying to construct here of progressives? |
Re: The Murder of Equity & Justice |
by Born to the Tribe (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 30 Apr 2005
My point is that there is selective acceptability of rhetoric, argument, position, and opinion.
Axe grinding, I might note, is the name of the game on a website dedicated to discussion of political and social issues. EVERYONE here has an axe to grind. Mine is different from yours, but that doesn't give you the right to deligitimize my views.
If you criticize Israeli policies, that does not mean you are anti-semitic.
If you criticize affirmative action, that does not mean you are racist.
Let's stick to the issue. Refute my anology based on logic and reason. Prove me wrong. Excoriate my opinion. But it is cowardly, intolerant, and intellectually flacid to counter an argument with a charge of "right wing-ism."
Don't be afraid of opposing thoughts, fellow citizen. Freedom of speech belongs to me as well as you. |
Not Being Selective |
by regular reader (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 01 May 2005
I think I made, and you missed, my point.
I am not being selective here. I noted that you made a broad generalization about users of this site that you offered _no_ evidence for.
In fact, even a superficial perusal of the threads here shows there is a wide variety of opinion among users of the site and certainly not the unanimity you assert exists.
What you've written sounds very much like the pattern of trolling that regular readers of the site have noted has been occurring for some time now. That's my evidence -- you fit the pattern to a T.
It's up to YOU to offer evidence for your generalization, if you wish to dispute what I noted, not me.
You're as entitled as the next person to your opinion, but don't shoot the messenger when they point out you're acting like a troll, not someone with a serious point to make. |
Know What? |
by Dose of Reality (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 01 May 2005
Whatever the name, Jack always starts whining about frredom of speech before his latest incarnation goes down in flames.
Coincidence? Probably not. |
Re: The Murder of Equity & Justice |
by Born to the Tribe (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 01 May 2005
If the only people who post here are those with whom you agree, then what is the point? It's a preach-the-choir-come-to-jesus meeting, not a discussion forum.
My point -- again -- is that there are double standards: one for jews, and one for every other racial/ethnic/religious group on the planet. Don't tell me that anti-semitism is dead. |
Try Harder |
by Dose of Reality (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 01 May 2005
#1 What anti-Semitism has to do with this particular thread, I have absolutely no idea.
#2 Both David Gehrig and David Green post here, so your assertion that on this website "there are double standards: one for jews, and one for every other racial/ethnic/religious group on the planet. Don't tell me that anti-semitism is dead..." is utter BS. I am sure that both would agree that each does not represent the other -- which hardly makes your case that "only people who post here are those with whom you agree." And I defy you to point out any case where anti-Semitism is somehow "alive" because of what's posted here.
You're trolling dude, because you're not making sense -- hijacking this thread is just one symptom of what you're up to. You don't have an opinion you're willing to defend, you have a chip on your shoulder you're daring people to knock off. |
Re: The Murder of Equity & Justice |
by Born to the Tribe (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 01 May 2005
So referring to county board contract practices as a "lynching" and referring to the "murder" of equity and justice does not indicate a "chip on the shoulder?"
It's not about this thread or that thread. It's about a pattern, a context that runs throughout the progressive philosophy. Victimization is lauded when it applies to racial minorities, gender minorities, jail residents, economically disadvantaged. They all get their full due when it comes to chips on their shoulders, injustice, prejudice. Only jews are denied what is accorded to everyone else. And it's impolite to point this out. The only acceptable progressive stance of a jew is to be an anti-zionist. |
Get Real, You're Trolling |
by Dose of Reality (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 01 May 2005
You're not pointing anything out.
You're just waving your finger in the air, making accusations that there is a consensus in "progressive philosophy" that believes the "only acceptable progressive stance of a jew is to be an anti-zionist." This is based on zero evidence, other than you've read elsewhere here that a couple of people may have that opinion. You've disagreed with them, others have disagreed with them...and now you're basically just trolling. |
Re: The Murder of Equity & Justice |
by Born to the Tribe (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 01 May 2005
Trolling: (n). 1. Saying things people don't want to hear. 2. Questioning orthodoxy. 3. Discomfiting. 4. A convenient label designed to shut someone up. |