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News :: Agriculture : Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : International Relations : Labor : Regime |
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25 Sep 2006
As part of the delegation of Latino leaders, Giraldo Rosales, met with members of Congress to advocate for immigration reform legislation that allows law-abiding, tax paying newcomers to eventually become full participants in our nation’s democracy, including earned legalization and guest worker programs with a path to U.S. citizenship, civic integration initiatives, and programs providing immigrant students with a meaningful opportunity to pursue higher education. “As an elected official I am here in our nation’s capitol to press Congress to fix our broken immigration system,” said Rosales. “Congress’ indecision to act is forcing our local elected officials to deal with a federal issue and that is why I am here to re-enforce the urgency for action on this import issue that affects us all,” continued Rosales. |
Washington, D.C. –Today, Giraldo Rosales joined key Latino elected officials from across the United States on the steps of Cannon Terrace on Capitol Hill to press Congress to improve our nation’s immigration system. With less than 12 days before the end of session, today’s press conference re-enforced the urgency for action on such an important issue that affects all Americans.
As part of the delegation of Latino leaders, Giraldo Rosales, met with members of Congress to advocate for immigration reform legislation that allows law-abiding, tax paying newcomers to eventually become full participants in our nation’s democracy, including earned legalization and guest worker programs with a path to U.S. citizenship, civic integration initiatives, and programs providing immigrant students with a meaningful opportunity to pursue higher education. “As an elected official I am here in our nation’s capitol to press Congress to fix our broken immigration system,” said Rosales. “Congress’ indecision to act is forcing our local elected officials to deal with a federal issue and that is why I am here to re-enforce the urgency for action on this import issue that affects us all,” continued Rosales.
United States Representatives Luis V. Gutierrez (D-IL), Grace F. Napolitano (D-CA) and U.S. Senator Ken Salazar (D-CO) joined the elected officials in their call to action as they urged their colleagues in Congress to enact a comprehensive immigration reform package that is fair and humane.
“The time for action on comprehensive immigration reform is now, and the time for excuses is over,” said Rep. Luis. V. Gutierrez, chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus on Immigration Task force. “It is time for elected officials to stop playing politics with this issue. For the sake of the millions of families adversely affected by our broken immigration laws, for the sake of our economy, and for the sake of our national security, let’s work together to create an immigration system that works for families, works for businesses and works for our communities.”
“The Senate passed the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 earlier this year. It is a law and order bill with three major components: border security, immigration law enforcement, and penalties and registration for the millions of undocumented workers in America. Democrats and Republicans in both chambers, along with President Bush, have already stated a willingness to enact comprehensive immigration reform. I am pleased that so many state and local officials will be in Washington this week to continue to push for comprehensive immigration reform. I can only hope that this added pressure will convince the leadership in the House and the Senate to put politics aside and finish the job on comprehensive immigration reform,” stated Colorado U.S. Senator Ken Salazar.
Latino Leaders Advocate for Immigration Reform
“Leaders from both parties are taking part in today’s advocacy day. We represent millions of Americans from two parties and diverse ethnic communities that support hard-working immigrant families,” said John Bueno, NALEO Board President. “We need a comprehensive immigration reform act that addresses the urgency to fix our nation’s broken immigration system,” continued Bueno. |
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