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News :: Elections & Legislation : Media : Political-Economy |
Rich Whitney's Support Triples in Governor's Race While Others Lose Points |
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by Whitney for Governor (No verified email address) |
12 Sep 2006
Recent poll shows that Rich Whitney's support tripled over an 11 day period, while the other candidates lose percentage points in the race for Illinois Governor. |
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - September 12, 2006
Jennifer Rose, Campaign Manager
Whitney for Governor
Tim Tacker, Communications Director
Whitney for Governor
Patrick Kelly, Media Coordinator
Illinois Green Party
Phil Huckelberry, Co-Chair
Illinois Green Party
The Chicago Tribune surveyed 600 likely voters from September 7th though 10th. Results show that support for Rich Whitney, the Green Party's candidate for Illinois Governor, has tripled during the 11 days following the release of a Research 2000 poll. The new polls indicates that 6% now support Rich Whitney. With a 4% margin of error, the actual number may be as high as 10%.
During this same period, the Tribune poll shows that Rich Whitney's opponents both lost percentage points, with Blagojevich dropping from 47% to 45% and Topinka from 39% to 33% support.
"These results are consistent with our expectations--steady and sustained growth culminating in a win for Rich Whitney come November," said Jennifer Rose, Rich Whitney's Campaign Manager.
Rich Whitney has indicated that he plans to pull off a "Jessie Ventura" in Illinois; and that idea may not be very far-fetched, considering Jessie Ventura got only 3% of the vote in Minnesota's primary on September 15, 1998, compared with Rich Whitney's 6% support on September 11, 2006.
"It's time to allow Rich Whitney into the debates. The voters have a right to hear the views of all three candidates, so they can make a fully informed decision on election day" commented Tim Tacker, the campaign's Communications Director.
The next debate is scheduled for September 26th and is being co-sponsored by the Southern Illinoisan, Southern Illinois University's Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, and WSIU Public Television. Jim Bennett, Editor of the Southern Illinoisan, previously indicated that Rich Whitney would be invited after achieving at least 5% in this poll; and Mike Lawrence, director of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, has also said, "I don't think the threshold should be any higher than 5 percent." |
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 This work is in the public domain |
Re: Rich Whitney's Support Triples in Governor's Race While Others Lose Points |
by Consideration (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 14 Sep 2006
Hey, I heard this morning that Whitney was invited to the debate. Congratulations! You have to give credit where credit is due. |