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Complaint Against the Redaction of the Plaintiff's Name in the Patrick Thompson Case |
by John Hilty jhilty (nospam) shout.net (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 10 Jul 2006
Modified: 04:39:41 PM |
The UCIMC has recently removed the name of the plaintiff from the postings of the Patrick Thompson case. I find this redaction objectionable for several reasons, which I discuss below. |
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LOCAL Announcement :: Media |
WEFT election deadline tomorrow July 12! |
by Durl Kruse jandurl (nospam) insightbb.com (verified) |
Current rating: 0 10 Jul 2006
WEFT Election details:
Every year near the beginning of summer, WEFT conducts an election for two
Member-elected seats on the Board of Directors. The term "Member-elected" refers
to the fact that all WEFT Members may vote in the election. A WEFT Member is
anyone who has contributed at least $40 to WEFT in the past year. Hundreds of
ballots are sent out by postal mail (one for each Member), voters fill out their
ballot and send it back to WEFT.
If you received a ballot, it must be postmarked by TOMORROW, July 12th, to be
tallied in the election. If you believe you are a WEFT Member (that is, you
contributed at least $40 in the last year to the station during pledge drive or
at any other time) and you did NOT receive a ballot via postal mail, you may
request one by *immediately* sending e-mail to the WEFT Board of Directors at
weftb (at) weft.org (by tomorrow at the latest).
For more details on what's happening with the effort to reform WEFT, go to
CROW's website at:
www.reformweft.org |
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LOCAL News :: Elections & Legislation |
Stop the Democratic Party’s attack on third-party campaigns! Place SEP candidate Joe Parnarauskis on the ballot in Illinois! |
by Tom Mackaman tmackaman (nospam) yahoo.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 10 Jul 2006
The Socialist Equality Party calls on all our supporters and all those who defend democratic rights, in the United States and throughout the world, to flood the Illinois Board of Elections with protests against the attempt by the Democratic Party to keep SEP state Senate candidate Joe Parnarauskis off the November ballot. |
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Our -isms or Theirs? |
by Gregory D. Foster (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 10 Jul 2006
There’s a war going on this country—and it isn’t the so-called global war on terrorism. It’s an Incivil War of cultural fratricide. If you’re in denial on this count, ask yourself how many times a day you hear the sanctimonious mudslingers who dominate the airwaves accusing others of liberalism. Or secularism. Or humanism (as in secular humanism). Or relativism (as in moral relativism). Or revisionism (as in historical revisionism). |
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Government Secrecy : International Relations : Iraq : Regime |
Watada, the War, and the Law |
by Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 09 Jul 2006
Watada's most crucial legal claims were corroborated June 29 by the US Supreme Court, in what Duke University law professor Walter Dellinger calls "the most important decision on presidential power ever." |
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LOCAL Announcement :: Crime & Police |
Annoncement/Flyer for Courtwatch Vigil |
by davep pengdust (nospam) aol.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 08 Jul 2006
Modified: 08:25:18 PM |
This is the handbill/flyer for the Courtwatch Vigil on Saturday, July 22. 2006. Open with Acrobat Reader, Print, Photocopy and distribute FREELY. |
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