Announcement :: Protest Activity |
May Day Fun And Fury In Chicago |
by H Taggart htaggart (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 22 Apr 2003
May Day is the world's 2nd most celebrated holiday. It was born in Chicago in 1886 out of the "Haymarker Affair" which resulted when businessmen ordered the government to prosecute eight men who were advocating the 8-hour workday & other workers' rights. The government complied. Four men were hanged. Today, the government remains the lackey of the business community, not the servant of the people as is required to be a democracy. |
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(1 comment) |
News :: Civil & Human Rights |
The Forbidden Truth Of All Human Political Systems |
by The Seer of Forbidden Truth forbiddentruth (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 22 Apr 2003
All human political systems are genocidally enslaving, terroristically
brutal and brainwashing structures specifically designed to control,
dominate, and destroy the lives of all citizen-slaves |
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Editorial: Lack Of Accountability For The Israeli Border Police |
by haaretz via gehrig (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 22 Apr 2003
Reaction to a B'Tselem investigation of the cover-up of the revenge killing of a 17-yr-old Palestinian by four Israeli border police |
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Announcement :: Peace |
Call To Action! May 3: Voices For Peace Day In Madison, WI ! |
by Generations For Peace may3event (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 22 Apr 2003
Calling all those wanting peace and social justice, to those who oppose militarism, interventionism, and imperialism!
Calling all those willing to defend democratic rights, the right to peacefully assemble and dissent; all those who uphold the right to petition for redress; all those who oppose Patriot Act surveillance and repression, racial profiling and the mass round-up of immigrants!
Calling activists of all age and description - Green, Red, and Black, faith-based and secular; all performance artists and musicians, poets and magicians!
We call you to join with others throughout the region to raise our "Voices for Peace"!
Come to Madison on May 3rd for a day of peace activities, starting with a RALLY and MARCH at 11 AM on the Library Mall at State and Lake Streets. Following will be an afternoon and evening of workshops, teachins, street theatre, tree plantings and other events presented by peace organizations, churches and community groups. Join us in a broad exploration of the plans and intentions of U.S.government, the future of the Middle East, and the methods for building the peace and justice movement. |
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News :: International Relations |
America's New Iraqi Order: Promising Democracy While Protecting Abusers |
by Julie Flint (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 21 Apr 2003
Modified: 11:56:49 PM |
Iraqi journalist Kamran Karadaghi said Juburi was unable to visit his native village, Shirqat, because of the hatred his own people nurtured toward him. "He is the most corrupt person I have ever known," he said. |
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News :: International Relations |
So Who Really Did Save Private Jessica? |
by Richard Lloyd Parry (No verified email address) |
Current rating: -1 21 Apr 2003
Modified: 10:47:06 PM |
The rescue of Private Jessica Lynch, which inspired America during one of the most difficult periods of the war, was not the heroic Hollywood story told by the US military, but a staged operation that terrified patients and victimized the doctors who had struggled to save her life, according to Iraqi witnesses. |
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Pro-U.S. Pundits Should Get Real |
by Peter Scowen (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 21 Apr 2003
Since the end of World War II, American foreign policy has almost never been about spreading democracy or the liberation of suffering people. |
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Talkin' 'Bout My Generation |
by Laurie Manis ljmanis (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 2 20 Apr 2003
After 9/11, I also dared to hope, as did Tim Robbins, that some great good might come from the horrors of that day. I imagined that our leaders finally might begin to listen rather than pontificate; that my generation might finally be roused from its apathetic, avaricious condition and remember that it is more blessed to give than to receive.
"And then came the speech." |
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LOCAL News :: Agriculture |
"Neutral, Inclusive"? World Agricultural Forum In St. Louis A Corporate Circus |
by Aziz Choudry (ZNet) via ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 20 Apr 2003
Who and what is the World Agricultural Forum, which holds its next Congress in St Louis, Missouri in mid-May?
Does anyone know if there is any offical participation in this by the University of Illinois? ML |
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