LOCAL News :: Agriculture : Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : International Relations : Labor : Regime |
by via email (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2006
As part of the delegation of Latino leaders, Giraldo Rosales, met with members of Congress to advocate for immigration reform legislation that allows law-abiding, tax paying newcomers to eventually become full participants in our nation’s democracy, including earned legalization and guest worker programs with a path to U.S. citizenship, civic integration initiatives, and programs providing immigrant students with a meaningful opportunity to pursue higher education. “As an elected official I am here in our nation’s capitol to press Congress to fix our broken immigration system,” said Rosales. “Congress’ indecision to act is forcing our local elected officials to deal with a federal issue and that is why I am here to re-enforce the urgency for action on this import issue that affects us all,” continued Rosales. |
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Announcement :: Media |
Leah Wolchok' Short “City of Mermaids” will be Appearing in October at... |
by CTFF(http://www.CTfilmfest.com) connecticut.film.festival (nospam) gmail.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2006
Modified: 08:35:46 AM |
...The Connecticut Film Festival ~ “City of Mermaids” ~ Short ~ Director: Leah Wolchok ~ A film about the mermaids of Weekee Wachi Springs, Florida |
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News :: Children : Civil & Human Rights : Gender and Sexuality : Health |
What if It’s (Sort of) a Boy and (Sort of) a Girl? |
by Elizabeth Weil (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2006
Chase says she believes that every child should be assigned a gender at birth but that the assignment should not be “surgically reinforced” and that parents and doctors should remain open to the idea that they may have assigned the wrong sex. She contends that the most important thing is for a child to feel loved by her parents, despite her difference. An operation, she says, should not be done to assuage parental embarrassment or anxiety; it should be chosen, if it is chosen at all, by an intersex individual who is old enough to make her own decision and give proper consent. |
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News :: Right Wing |
Utah Gov Jon Huntsman Jr.,Senator Bob Bennett,Orin Hatch call Republican Senator Shelby a stock fraud |
by Tony Ryals endoscam (nospam) lycos.com (verified) |
Current rating: 0 24 Sep 2006
Actually Patrick Byrne only calls Alabama Senator Richard Shelby a 'gangster'.It is Patrick Byrne ,along with his billionaire daddy Jack,who funds Republican 'dirty tricks' with dirty money from his Overstock.com pump and dump stock scam out of Utah.He is the one who commits and aids and abets stock fraud, including on an international scale with worthless U.S. penny stocks.And Utah's moronic Mormon Republican political 'leaders' such as Utah's Governor Jon Huntsman Jr. and Utah 's U.S. Senators Bob Bennett and Orin Hatch in turn help him. |
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News :: Environment |
Summer nights warmest of record at Minneapolis |
by pat n (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 24 Sep 2006
A double whammy of greenhouse warming and urban heat island is increasing overnight summer temperatures in big cities. Urbana does qualify as a big city for UHI. |
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News :: Arts : Civil & Human Rights : Media : Regime |
Pirate Radio Stations Challenge Feds |
by via AP (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 24 Sep 2006
A record 185 unlicensed broadcasters received fines, cease and desist letters or had been raided by the by early September, up from 151 enforcement actions in all of 2005 and 92 in 2004, according to John Anderson, an expert on pirate radio who tracks FCC enforcement at University of Illinois' Institute of Communications Research. His data show a steady increase in pirate radio enforcement dating back 10 years. |
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LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Political-Economy |
“The Repair of Broken Societies Begins at Home” |
by Jan Kruse for AWARE jandurl (nospam) insightbb.com (verified) |
Current rating: 0 22 Sep 2006
On Tuesday, Sept. 26, Paul Street, (researcher, writer, speaker, and historian), will be speaking at 7:00 p.m. at the Community United Church of Christ, 805 S. Sixth Street, C. The title of his talk will be: “The Repair of Broken Societies Begins at Home”. It will be a critique of US foreign policy with analysis of worsening social conditions and erosion of democracy at home. This talk is brought to you by AWARE. |
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Corporate America's Uncashed Check: Disgorging the Ill-Gotten Gains of Slave Labor |
by Deadria Farmer-Paellmann, Bruce I. Afran, and Carl J. Mayer (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 22 Sep 2006
The legal principle at stake in this case is simple and timeless: corporations must be made to disgorge the profits they unjustly earned on the backs of brutalized slaves. A similar principle was at work when banks and corporations who profited from slave labor used by the Nazi regime disgorged their ill-gotten gains. |
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Two Kinds of International Law |
by Jochen Hippler mbatko (nospam) lycos.com (verified) |
Current rating: 0 22 Sep 2006
In an absurd way, president Bush also justified the iraq war as "self-defense." Lebanon has the same right to security, territorial integrity and inviolable borders. Israel's right to exist is not a reason for violating the rights of others. |
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