UCIMC Archive Site -- Posting Disabled |
This is the archive of UCIMC's site as it was on October 1, 2006, when we switched to a new software platform. Posting to this site has been disabled. For our current site, please go to www.ucimc.org. |
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Announcement :: Arts |
The Public Square: Our Work and Why We Do It |
by The Public Square Email: info (nospam) thepublicsquare.net |
23 Apr 2004
Before an event designed to celebrate, congratulate, and consume art work, come share how you understand yourself as one who works in a world that requires that you do. |
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Education : Protest Activity |
Chief protest ends; makes gains |
by Andrew Ó Baoill Email: andrew (nospam) funferal.org |
16 Apr 2004
The 4pm press conference outside Swanlund gave details of the agreement between the sit-in-ers and U of I administration. |
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Protest Activity |
Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by Zach Miller Email: zach (nospam) chambana.net |
16 Apr 2004
Anti-chief protestors log 18th hour amidst rowdy oblivious bar crowds.
A group of IMC reporters checked in at the Anti-Chief sit in this evening. We interviewed activists inside and outside the building and cheered as the 17th and 18th hour marks were posted. |
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Why Public Protest Matters: War Tax Info Picket on Mattis |
by Sarah Kanouse Email: kanouse (nospam) students.uiuc.edu |
15 Apr 2004
This morning, I spent a couple of hours at the Mattis post office distributing literature on military uses of our tax money. When we were asked to leave, it revealed a great deal about the limits of permissible speech and ideas about public space. |
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News :: Civil & Human Rights |
"Anti-Chief " Sit-in in Progress |
by tarkusinc |
15 Apr 2004
This morning, a multicultural coalition 40 University of Illinois students, faculty, alumni, community members, and Native peoples have occupied Swanlund Administration Building on the Urbana-Champaign campus
of University of Illinois in protest of the continued use of "Chief Illiniwek" and the U of I Board of Trustees' disregard for democracy.
We need your help and support!
1. Contact Trustee Eppley at (312) 372-1121 and tell him "I support the occupation and urge the Board to end the controversy and eliminate the "Chief" today!" You can also leave a message for the Board at their office at (217) 333-1920 or at mthompsn (at) uillinois.edu. Please copy all emails to prc (at) prairienet.org.
2. Come to Swanlund Administration Building (601 E. John St, on corner of 6th & Wright) now to show your support for the occupation!
We will be picketing and rallying all day outside of Swanlund. If you'd like to lend additional support, we desperately need money for food,
supplies,other essentials for the occupation, and (potentially) bail money if arrests occur. Checks can be made out to "PRC" with "occupation" in the memo. |
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News :: Iraq |
Four "civilians" killed in Iraq were US mercenaries. |
by Sascha Meinrath Email: sascha (nospam) ucimc.org |
07 Apr 2004
While the mainstream press continues to claim that the U.S. citizens killed in Iraq were "civilians" -- their company was actually hired to protect Paul Bremer, the U.S. administrator in Iraq. Why the imporant fact that they were hired as mercenaries is being obfuscated by U.S. press remains an open question. However, as the situation in Iraq continues to deteriorate, the continuing misinformation being reported to the American people raises serious concerns about the dominant press' persistent failure to report important information to the general public. |
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News :: Iraq : Peace : Regime |
Military Families, Veterans Say No to War |
by Sehvilla M. Email: smann (nospam) riseup.net |
02 Apr 2004
Rosemary Slavenas, whose son Brian was killed in Iraq last November, and others spoke out against the Iraq war and Bush regime at the library on Thursday evening. |
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News :: Crime & Police |
Champaign Police Withdraw Request for Tasers After Community Speaks Up |
by Kimberlie Kranich Email: kakranich (nospam) yahoo.com |
24 Mar 2004
One day after the public turned out en masse at Tuesday's Champaign City Council meeting to oppose the purchase of Taser electroshock guns for the police force, the police chief and city manager decided to withdraw their request and work on strengthening relationships between community and police. |
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News :: Crime & Police |
Champaign City Council Deadlocked on Taser Vote; Mayor Blasts Public for its Input |
by kakranich Email: kakranich (nospam) yahoo.com |
24 Mar 2004
Champaign City Council Members were evenly split Monday night over a resolution to purchase Taser electroshock guns for the police department. The vote was 4-4 with one member of the 9-member council absent. The final vote will be taken at the Council's April 6 meeting. |
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