UCIMC Archive Site -- Posting Disabled |
This is the archive of UCIMC's site as it was on October 1, 2006, when we switched to a new software platform. Posting to this site has been disabled. For our current site, please go to www.ucimc.org. |
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News :: UCIMC |
Send Us Your Stories! |
by Clint Popetz Email: cpopetz (nospam) ucimc.org |
02 Jan 2003
If you have story ideas, leads, tips, headlines, or anything that might be of use to the people creating news at the Urbana-Champaign IMC, newsroom@ucimc.org is the place to send them. Members of the various groups (print, radio, and video) monitor this list, and it is a great way to get coverage of news that matters to you, even if you don't have the time to produce them yourself. |
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News :: Urban Development |
Wireless Project Surges Ahead -- Rolls Out Second Wireless Cloud |
by Sascha Meinrath Email: sascha (nospam) ucimc.org |
02 Jan 2003
The Champaign-Urbana Wireless Project has enveiled a second wireless cloud bringing the total node count up to 5 on their community wireless network. Currently, two fully operational (and free) wireless networks exist as part of this initiative.
The first extends from the Urbana-Champaign IMC southwest for about a half-kilometer. The second is located near the corner of Race and Washington and will extend north. Anyone wanting to join the network should contact the wireless team at: wireless-info (at) ucimc.org |
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News :: Miscellaneous |
Argus Systems Case |
by LSD Research Group Email: contact (nospam) lsd-pl.net |
30 Dec 2002
45 000 USD contest rip-off by Savoy, Illinois software company
We are a group of computer security researchers from Poland. In April 2001, Argus Systems Group (http://www.argus-systems.com), an Illinois based company announced the 5th Argus Hacking Challenge - the contest for hackers in which 50 000 USD prize money was offered to the first person (or group) that would successfully hack into the web server protected by the company's flagship product - the Pitbull Foundation
Our group took part in the 5th Argus Hacking Challenge. Within less than 24 hours, we managed to break into the protected web server. Our successful performance was officially accepted and announced by the Challenge committee, consisting of Argus and sponsor representatives (Fujitsu-Siemens, Integralis). The whole event was widely discussed in various medias around the world, both traditional (CNN) as well as Internet-based ones (wired, register, vnunet, iw, zdnet). |
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News :: Crime & Police |
Terrorist Threats Bring Lenient Treatment |
by ML |
29 Dec 2002
White skin privilege results in slap-on-the-wrist
The Dec. 28, 2002 edition of the News-Gazette brought news of the apparent conclusion of the case against Max Weissberg, 21, who was charged with the federal crime of transmitting an interstate communication of a threat on August 26. The threat by Weissberg was designed to discredit the Green Party campaign for Congress of Carl Estabrook by pretending it was from a non-existent group of Middle Eastern terrorists, implying that terrorists supported Estabrook for Congress. The charge against Weissberg, who admitted his responsibility for the crime, could have resulted in a prison term of five years and a maximum fine of $250,000. Instead, the charge will be completely dropped if Weissberg successfully completes a 18 month long diversion program. If Weissberg had been of Middle Eastern descent, it is very likely that this case would have had a far different outcome. |
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News :: Health |
CCHCC Press Conference: How Safe Is Your Hospital? |
by Dr. John Hilty Email: jhilty (nospam) shout.net |
21 Dec 2002
SUMMARY: Champaign County Health Care Consumers (CCHCC) recently held a press conference featuring Faith Henson and Pat Weddig, both registered nurses, as guest speakers. They discussed the relationship between patient safety at a hospital and the staffing levels of registered nurses. |
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Blaming The Victims |
by South Asian Collective Email: sacuiuc (nospam) yahoo.com |
18 Dec 2002
DI's editorial apologies notwithstanding, we feel that publishing racist ads funded by the One 'Truth' Foundation is no way to "educate, enliven and inform the U of I community." |
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Announcement :: UCIMC |
As Tax Time Draws Near, Consider A Donation To The U-C IMC! |
by Russ Rybicki |
15 Dec 2002
Tax time is upon us. And with our current government's love of bombs and dislike for social programs many of us don't like giving our current government any more money than we have to. One way to do this, if you itemize your taxes, is through a charitable donation to the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center. The U-C IMC qualifies as a charitable non-profit organization, so your donation is tax deductible as allowed by law. |
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News :: Labor |
by Peter Miller |
05 Dec 2002
The Graduate Employees Organization was certified as the collective bargaining agent for about 2700 graduate teaching assistants tongight. The vote was 1188 (77%) for GEO and 347 (23%) for "no representative". A few pictures from the GEO vote count tonight.
Intensive get-out-the-vote activities yielded over 1000 grad employees willing to have their names printed on a list of union supporters which has been posted on bulletin boards across campus, encouraging people to turn out and vote for the GEO. The Illinois Federation of Teachers, the AFT, and graduate assistants from other GA unions (Michigan, Wisconsin, others?) are on campus to help with efforts to turn out voters. |
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