This is an important article in light of the debate over the Living Wage that is currently going on regarding paying all Champaign County government employees a Living Wage. It looks like any politician who gives the voters what they want could win, but some are strangely reluctant to let democracy take its course.
The student group Earth Doctors needs help to extend recycling services to all Champaign residents. Currently, Earth Doctors is attempting to survey Champaign residents and needs community support!
Tell us about cases where people have been called or visited by members of a law enforcement agency after September 11 for expressing political dissent.
As Bush's "war on terrorisim" scours the globe for more targets and profits, the International ANSWER coalition is building for its massive April 27 anti-war, anti-racist demonstration in Washington D.C. to oppose the war and all its misery abroad and right here at home. Read below to see how you can help build the resistance.