Current rating: 0 30 May 2002
Modified: 31 May 2002
This report comes by way of the AWARE peace list. First report from Matthew Quest by way of Simona Sawhney. An international UIUC student from the UAE who is active in the Israel Divestment campaign has been detained by the FBI today. There is an emergency meeting tonight at 8pm in the Courtyard Cafe at the Illini Union.
Here are some pictures from the scene of Ahmed's house where 2 plain clothes INS agents showed up with Ahmed in handcuffs and manacles and then took him away to Springfield. (article 1)
Current rating: 0 31 May 2002
Modified: 01:23:20 AM
Here are some photo's of Ahmed with his family on a recent vacation. Ahmed Besouda has been detained by federal agents today for reasons as yet unknown. (article 1)
A 30 minute review of international news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.7MB & quick/streaming-3.4MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Spain, Germany, Netherlands, China, and Cuba