In the era of the War against Terror, poverty is being slyly conflated with terrorism. In the era of corporate globalization, poverty is a crime. Protesting against further impoverishment is terrorism.
The bribery scandal continues to chew him up: "Asked about the criminal affairs in which he is allegedly involved, 68 percent of respondents said they did not believe the prime minister's claim that he knew nothing, heard nothing and saw nothing."
Current rating: 0 22 Jan 2004
Modified: 04:36:01 AM
...Provisional Government Linked to Bush Re-Election Campaign. Interview with Bruce St. John, author and commentator, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
"Do we really want professional American law enforcement personnel conducting surveillance on people who haven't broken any U.S. law in order to help enforce the 'law' of some Party apparatchik in China?"
Today several members of the Prairie Green Party appeared in County Circuit Court (case #03MR00756) to argue that the Green Party be a "recognized party" for ballot access and primary purposes in Champaign County.