Current rating: 2 03 Nov 2003
Modified: 07:23:26 PM
By Popular demand additional protests will be held on Pospect! The November 29 date has been added to the schedule and protests will continue to be held each Saturday from 2-4 through December 20!
Jeff McKenzie arrives in Australia. This is not a one or two day protest. It is an eight month walking prayer, 2,000 miles in Australia and 1,400 miles in Japan, attempting to forward a message to the world that we can and should have a nuclear free future.
Current rating: 0 02 Nov 2003
Modified: 01:46:28 PM
Michael Powell's FCC is running out of ear plugs. So, now FCC must listen to the people's demand to bust monopoly media and return the airwaves to their rightful owner--the people. The story is from Oct. 30 2003 issue of The Nation