Here are photo's of the Dave Johnson defense team, the crowd of public observers that showed up to support Dave, and a banner from the union hall where the trial was held on January 17, 2001.
Tune in to Community Radio WEFT 90.1 FM at 10:00 AM for highlights from the DC IMC Coverage of the Inauguration and Anti-Inaugural activities on Radio Free Conscience.
A group of Cyber Rights advocates
including the ACLU, CPSR, EPIC, ACM and
several distinguished law professors
sent a letter to Secretary Norman Mineta
of the United States Department of
Commerce expressing concern over the
lack of process and public oversight in
the publication of Top Level Domains
(TLDs) on the Internet.
Wednesday evening the Executive Board of the Champaign County AFL-CIO, in response to a complaint lodged by a fellow AFL-CIO member, decided to censure Dave Johnson, Political Director and Vice President of the Champaign County AFL-CIO, for publicly supporting the Green Party during the 2000 presidential election.