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News :: International Relations |
outFarpress presents: The SHORTWAVE REPORT 7/1/05 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! |
by Dan Roberts outfarpress (nospam) saber.net (verified) |
Current rating: 0 30 Jun 2005
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, Spain, China, and Russia. |
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News :: Right Wing |
The Fix is In - American Media Ignore Downing Street Memo |
by Messenger (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 30 Jun 2005
Over the last month, the American media has studiously avoided a story that has dominated the rest of the world. A leak transcript of a meeting with the British Prime Minister well before the invasion of Iraq showed that the US had decided to go to war even though it had no proof of weapons of mass destruction. Mainstream media argue that there is no news, that the American people already knew that the Bush admistration was mistaken. Conservative talk show hosts continue to deny that there are any problems. In a small, cramped room in the Capitol, Cong. Conyers held hearings on the Downing Street Memo. Ralph Nader, the Green Party and Rep. Maurice Hinchey call for impeachment. |
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But Is It Playing in Peoria? The Downing Street Memo and Our Hometown Papers |
by Cynthia Bogard (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 30 Jun 2005
While many small-town papers have begun giving substantive coverage to the damning Downing Street memo, the local Champaign News-Gazette still considers running political interference for Bush and US Representative Tim Johnson's support of him more important than getting the truth to its readers for them to decide. |
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Interview :: Peace |
Totalitarian Techniques |
by Noam Chomsky mbatko (nospam) lycos.com (verified) |
Current rating: 0 30 Jun 2005
"The occupying powers torpedo democratization in Iraq by declaring there will be no binding date for their withdrawal.. the distinction of pro- and anti-American is a concept from the arsenal of totalitarian rule techniques.." |
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Stay the Crooked Course |
by Ray McGovern (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 29 Jun 2005
As was the case in Vietnam, the Iraq war is being run by civilians innocent of military experience and disdainful of advice from the colonels and majors who know which end is up. Aping the president’s practice of surrounding himself with sycophants, Rumsfeld has promoted a coterie of yes-men to top military ranks—men who “kiss up and kick down,” in the words of former Assistant Secretary of State Carl Ford, describing UN-nominee John Bolton’s modus operandi at the State Department. So when the president assures us, as he did yesterday, that he will be guided by the “sober judgment of our military leaders” he is referring to the castrati. |
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Government Secrecy : Health : Nukes |
No Safe Threshold: Panel Rejects Nuclear Industry Claim, Affirms Radiation Link to Cancer |
by H. Josef Hebert (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 29 Jun 2005
One more reason for Exelon not to build another reactor at Clinton and why nuclear weapons are a threat to life as we know it on the planet. Fallout from the testing or use of any nuclear weapon will always add to the already present risk from other other sources of radiation.
The committee gave support to the so-called "linear, no threshold" model that is currently the generally acceptable approach to radiation risk assessment. This approach assumes that the health risks from radiation exposure declines as the dose levels decline, but that each unit of radiation — no matter how small — still is assumed to cause cancer. |
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LOCAL News :: Globalization : International Relations |
EZLN releases Sixth Declaration |
by Zach Miller zach (nospam) chambana.net (verified) |
Current rating: 0 29 Jun 2005
The Zapatista Army of National Liberation released their Sixth Declaration in over eleven years today and they've got something big planned. |
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LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights |
Israeli Propagandist Speaks at Sinai Temple |
by David Green davegreen84 (nospam) yahoo.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 28 Jun 2005
Modified: 05:49:59 PM |
Jewish Federation, which is a Zionist organization, hosted an Israeli propagandist at Sinai Temple, which is a religious organization, on June 26th, to raise money for the Israeli Defense Forces occupation of Palestine. Gil Elan has been associated with the Middle East Forum, directed by that notorious racist Daniel Pipes. He has also been associated with AIPAC and Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces—clearly a real sweetheart. Isn’t AIPAC being charged with espionage? This would be like CIMIC inviting a member of Hamas to speak, only worse. Of course, all in attendance would claim to be paragons of moderate respectability, academics to bureaucrats to rabbis. They claim not to support the settlers, but never criticize the occupation.
Juan Cole well advises those who claim to be liberals:
But what I would do is to ask my many Jewish friends to please stop giving these people money. (And I appeal to everybody to stop going on those propaganda tours that JINSA hosts). Liberal Jews are being cynically used by rightwingers who secretly despise them, but know they are a soft touch for any appeals to the welfare of Israel. Liberal Jews need to found more of their own organizations and become more active in lobbying for their humane vision of Israel. Give money to Brit Tzedek v'Shalom or Tikkun, and found more, and more progressive such organizations. Cut the fanatics of the ZOA and JINSA off without a dime. The plan of the leaders of these latter organizatons is to gradually shift the American Jewish community toward Revisionist Zionism and Likudism, so as to make it a permanent pillar of the right wing of the American Republican Party. The right wing of the Republican Party is decisively not "for others." It is about the rich being selfish. And Revisionist Zionism of the Likud is not "for others." It is the supreme selfishness, the erasure of another people. And that is not what the American Jewish community has stood for for hundreds of years. It isn't what the Jewish tradition is about. |
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