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Announcement :: Media |
Announcing The P.U.-litzer Prizes For 2003 |
by Norman Solomon (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 22 Dec 2003
In view of the many deserving competitors, we regret that only a few can win a P.U.-litzer. |
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News :: Miscellaneous |
The Top Twenty Forbidden Truths Of Humanity |
by The Seer of Forbidden Truth forbiddentruth (nospam) hushmail.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 22 Dec 2003
The human species is the most diseased, perverse, and pathetic to have ever infested planet earth. This article reveals the top 20 reasons why this species has forfeited it's right to continue to exist. |
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LOCAL News :: Globalization |
Zach's FTAA Story (ROUGH DRAFT) |
by Zachary C. Miller zach (nospam) ucimc.org (verified) |
Current rating: 0 22 Dec 2003
I have a LOT of editting to do on this project. Eventually it will be multimedia with relevent parts linking to related images and other people's accounts. I'm going to add sections with more political analysis (most of this is just a narrative account though I've got quite a bit of politics thrown in here and there as thoughts that were going through my head while everything was happening). I also want to add a lot more stuff about the organization of the autonomous direct action group. But the editting isn't going to be done for at least a month. There's so much to sort through. So in the mean time, for those who are eager to hear my story, here it is in rough form. I've passed this account past all 7 of the people that were in Miami with me and they agree to the details of the account. |
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Selective Memory And A Dishonest Doctrine |
by Noam Chomsky (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 22 Dec 2003
What's revealing and important to the future is that Washington's display of contempt for democracy went side by side with a chorus of adulation about its yearning for democracy.
To be able to carry that off is an impressive achievement, hard to mimic even in a totalitarian state. |
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News :: Gender and Sexuality |
President Voices Support For Marriage Amendment Amidst Vocal Opposition |
by NTAC Media info (nospam) ntac.org (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 22 Dec 2003
President George W. Bush threw his ideological weight into the looming battle over the civil rights of gay, lesbian, intersex, and transgender Americans. The National Transgender Advocacy Coalition (NTAC) decries these efforts to destabilize gay and gender-variant families in the hopes of garnering reelection support through religiopolitical bigotry. |
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