Kevin Clark, coordinator of Northwest Suburban SUSTAIN (Stop U.S. Tax-Funded Aid To Israel Now!) in the Chicago area has just returned from 3 weeks in occupied Palestine.
While in Palestine, Clark worked with the International Solidarity Movement. He is available for speaking engagements in Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana.
It seems America is mostly populated by the lowest form of life on the planet. Thatâ€(TM)s why so many people support the war machines slaughter; this is most likely due to a form of social engineering (kill off the ones that donâ€(TM)t go along with it)
Poll results conducted by the London Times (1/25/03)
"only 26% said Mr Blair had convinced them
that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is sufficiently dangerous to justify military action",,144,00.html
If Americans are responsible for global war and terrorism, it's only because we've been disinformed by the media-money monopoly that we don't control....