Practice and Persecution of Falun Gong:
In Illinois and Around the
by Stephen Gregory and Dongdong Zhang
On June 12, when Hubert Zhou, a resident of Chicago,
presented his ticket at the Icelandic Air ticket counter
in Minneapolis St.Paul airport for that evening's
flight to Iceland, rather than have his bags checked
and his boarding pass issued, he was asked to step
aside and speak to the station manager. The manager
informed Mr. Zhou that his name was on "the list."
What list? The Iceland Ministry of Justice had given
Icelandic Air a list of individuals in the United
States and other countries around the world suspected
of being Falun Gong practitioners. Icelandic Air was
forbidden from allowing anyone on this list to fly
to Iceland. Any employees who slipped up and allowed
someone to make the trip risked losing their jobs.
No refund was offered for the suddenly invalid ticket.
What happened to Hubert Zhou also
happened to seven other Falun Gong practitioners that
night in Minneapolis, six of them from Chicago and
one from St. Louis. Around this time the same thing
also happened to other practitioners in Baltimore,
Boston, New York, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, London, Paris,
and Stockholm. These practitioners had wanted to travel
to Iceland because Jiang Zemin, the head of the Communist
Party, the government, and the military of the People's
Republic of China, was due there on a state visit.
Jiang pressured the government of Iceland to do things
it had never done in its proud 1,000 year long history
of protecting fundamental rights-- restrict travel
to Iceland and detain people inside Iceland on the
basis of their beliefs; and restrict the freedoms
of speech and assembly.
Hubert Zhou had wished to go to
Iceland in order to respond to the propaganda against
Falun Gong that Jiang Zemin dispenses wherever he
goes, and to appeal peacefully to Jiang himself, the
people of Iceland, and the people of the world to
end the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Falun
Gong has no membership rolls. Mr. Zhou and his fellow
practitioners wondered where this blacklist came from,
and who compiled it. In order to understand what happened
at the ticket counter in Minneapolis-St. Paul airport
in June, a little background about what Falun Gong
is and how Jiang began persecuting it may be in order.
Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) is an ancient,
traditional form of practice that was taught in private
for thousands of years before being made public in
1992 by Mr. Li Hongzhi. In the following five years,
Mr. Li devoted himself to teaching it in China as
well as outside China.
Falun Gong involves the practice
of five, simple meditative exercises, and a set of
teachings that are set forth in the speeches and writings
of Li Hongzhi. Zhuan Falun is the principle book,
and is studied regularly by practitioners. These teachings
can be summed up in three words: truthfulness, compassion,
and tolerance. Practitioners, all over the world including
here in Urbana-Champaign, strive to become better
people by embodying these three principles in everything
they do.
Falun Gong is not a religion. There
are no priests, hierarchy, churches or temples, dues,
rituals, liturgies or catechisms in Falun Gong. It
is a "loose cultivation practice," with
no official organization. All activities are free
and voluntary. The teachings of Falun Gong forbid
practitioners from being involved in politics. They
are taught to devote themselves to self-improvement,
with the understanding that society as a whole will
benefit if the individuals in society work to become
better people.
Practitioners of Falun Gong typically
report improved health, sometimes dramatically so,
with chronic or life-threatening diseases being completely
reversed. And they also report various improvements
in mental health such as less stress, a greater ability
to handle conflicts, greater harmony in the family,
and greater feelings of contentment.
Falun Gong enjoyed explosive growth in China before
the persecution began, and has also spread rapidly
around the world. A 1999 survey done by the Chinese
government reported that between seventy and one hundred
million people practiced Falun Gong in China. Falun
Gong is now practiced in fifty-five countries outside
The sheer number of people practicing
Falun Gong scared some members of the Chinese Communist
Party, most notably Jiang Zemin. In fact, a large
number of Communist Party members, including many
very high-ranking ones, practiced Falun Gong, and
found no conflict between it and their official duties.
But the Communist Party in China has never tolerated
any groups that are independent of it. In addition,
under Jiang Zemin, the Communist Party has shown itself
hostile to any forms of spirituality that the Party
does not control. Freedom House recently released
internal party documents that set out a campaign to
suppress not only Falun Gong, but Catholics who acknowledge
the Pope, Evangelical Christians, Uigher Muslims,
etc. (See:
On July 20, 1999, Jiang began a
campaign to "eradicate" Falun Gong. This
campaign of terror has been comprehensive and brutal.
At this time Falun Gong practitioners can confirm
the deaths of 474 practitioners in police custody.
Sources inside the government in October, 2001 placed
the true death toll at over 1,600. The government's
official policy is to identify every single practitioner
and brainwash her or him. If they do not renounce
Falun Gong in writing after being brainwashed in centers
created just for this purpose, then they are sentenced
to China's notorious labor camps. In addition to being
held in Labor Camps, practitioners are held in "transformation
centers" places of detention created solely
for the purpose of torturing Falun Gong practitioners
and jails throughout China. Sane and healthy
practitioners are also involuntarily committed to
mental hospitals, where they are tortured by medical
personnel using massive doses of psychotropic drugs
and electro-convulsive therapy, among other methods.
All those who are detained, whether in jails or elsewhere,
are likely to be subject to beatings and torture.
Women are singled out for various forms of sexual
abuse and humiliation, including rape and gang rape.
The Hong Kong Center for Human Rights and Democracy
estimates that 20,000 practitioners are held in Labor
Camps, 100,000 in other forms of detention, and 1,000
in mental hospitals. Practitioners of Falun Gong believe
that the numbers of those detained are in fact much,
much higher.
While the Chinese government has attempted to "eradicate"
Falun Gong in China, it is also working to harass,
intimidate and slander it here in the United States
where there have been several incidents of practitioners
being attacked, including two in Chicago. Also in
Chicago a practitioner's car was torched. Since July
1999, there have been several mysterious break-ins
into practitioners' apartments in which the only thing
taken was information about Falun Gong. Practitioners
have come home to find on their answering machines
tape recordings of private conversations they had
earlier in the day with other practitioners in homes,
in public places, and on cell phones. The intent of
the government is to intimidate the practitioners
by letting them know that they are being spied upon.
There have been death threats. E-mail accounts are
regularly attacked.
The Chinese language media in the
U.S., much of which is owned by the Chinese government,
regularly carry government propaganda slandering Falun
In response to this campaign, fifty-one
Falun Gong practitioners from every region of the
country in April of this year filed a R.I.C.O. suit
in the federal district court in D.C. alleging that
two Chinese ministries, the China Star media corporation,
and the staff of the embassy and several consulates
in the United States were engaged in a conspiracy
to deny Falun Gong practitioners their constitutional
Outside the United States, there
have been similar activities. For instance, in Canada
a federal court found a Chinese newspaper in contempt
for repeatedly slandering Falun Gong in spite of a
court order to stop. During a visit by Jiang Zemin
to Germany this spring, the German government, under
pressure from the Chinese, forced Falun Gong practitioners
out of hotels, and actually tried to prevent people
from wearing the colors of blue or yellow, colors
associated with Falun Gong. In Hong Kong, the government
recently conducted a trial against sixteen practitioners,
arrested simply for having a peaceful demonstration
on a public sidewalk - in spite of numerous precedents
that supported the practitioners right to be where
they were. In Auckland, New Zealand, the government,
under pressure from the Chinese, refused to allow
Falun Gong practitioners to rent a billboard in the
airport. In Cambodia, a few weeks ago the government
violated its treaty agreements by forcibly returning
to China two practitioners who had been granted refugee
status by the United Nations.
Given this pattern of behavior in
and out of the United States, what happened to Hubert
Zhou and his fellow practitioners from Chicago and
St. Louis is not hard to understand. The blacklist
was compiled by spying conducted by the People's Republic
of China here in Illinois and the rest of the United
States on our citizens and residents, and is now being
used as yet one more tool in the Chinese government's
attempt to suppress Falun Gong.
The significance of the blacklist
is simply this: Jiang Zemin fears Hubert Zhou and
all of the other practitioners outside China. He fears
them because he does not want them telling the truth
about the infamy happening in China. He does not want
them telling the truth to the Chinese population,
who are subjected to daily propaganda meant to delude
them about Falun Gong. And he does not want them telling
the truth to governments and peoples outside of China,
who are beginning to understand what a human rights
catastrophe is taking place there.
For three years now the practitioners of Falun Gong
in China have heroically resisted Jiang's campaign
to eradicate them. They have done so by using every
peaceful and non-violent means available to convey
to the Chinese people and the Chinese government:
the truth about Falun Gong; the fact that the government
should obey the law and honor its constitution and
treaty obligations that guarantee fundamental human
rights; and the fact that the people of China do have
such rights. The world should stand firmly at the
side of the Falun Gong practitioners in China. When
the most populous nation and the world's next great
power stops persecuting Falun Gong and begins to guarantee
the human rights of its population, the whole world
will enter a new era of respect for human decency.
In order to learn more about Falun
Gong, please visit
In order to learn more about the persecution of Falun
Gong, please visit
Stephen Gregory is an Administrator at
the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. student there
with the Committee on Social Thought. He began practicing
Falun Gong in November, 1998.
Dongdong Zhang came to the U.S. in 1997. She moved
to Champaign two and a half years ago to obtain her
Ph.D. in special education from the U of I. She has
been practicing Falun Gong since May 1994.