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Commentary :: Peace
Cities For Peace - On The Road From DC To NYC Current rating: 0
14 Feb 2003

I am a city council member from Urbana, Illinois, an Indymedia activist, and this weekend I found my peeps!

"My peeps" are councilmembers from Chicago, Seattle, Kalamazoo, Providence, Des Moines, Santa Fe and several dozen others from the 93 cities, counties, and states (Maine and Hawaii!) who have passed anti-war resolutions.

With the support of peace groups, we brought forward anti-war resolutions. We worked the phones, lined up our votes, battled with our mayors. Facing budget crises, we argued the local costs of war. We were slammed in the papers - called Alice in Wonderlands, delusional doves, ego-maniacs. And we won. It is lonely business - being progressive policymakers - even when we do win.


I am a city council member from Urbana, Illinois, an Indymedia activist, and this weekend I found my peeps!

"My peeps" are councilmembers from Chicago, Seattle, Kalamazoo, Providence, Des Moines, Santa Fe and several dozen others from the 93 cities, counties, and states (Maine and Hawaii!) who have passed anti-war resolutions.

With the support of peace groups, we brought forward anti-war resolutions. We worked the phones, lined up our votes, battled with our mayors. Facing budget crises, we argued the local costs of war. We were slammed in the papers - called Alice in Wonderlands, delusional doves, ego-maniacs. And we won. It is lonely business - being progressive policymakers - even when we do win.

We are now traveling from D.C., where we lobbied Congress to restrain the warmongering, to New York City where we will join hundreds of thousands of anti-war protestors tomorrow morning. I write this from NYC-IMC where I received a warm reception from friends I've never met in the Global Indymedia network.

But before I go further, I must tell you what it feel like to be on the East coast, because I know you are wondering, and I am interested in telling. Yesterday I was adjacent from the Capitol which is surrounded by humvees equipped with surface to air missiles. Yesterday, during a coffee with Dick Durbin, he told us "I hate to tell you this, but you are not in a safe building right now." When I was in Urbana, it was easier for me to argue "they are just jerking our chains." "But what if they aren't lying?" I thought every time I heard sirens outside. I didn't sleep well in my hotel room on the eleventh room one block from the White House.

But I thought of the words of my Iraqi neighbor in Urbana: "my mother is in Baghdad. I can't tell you how frightened I am." Later in the day I learned about one of the Administration's proposals for a first strike - called "Operation Shock and Awe." This plan calls for 400-600 cruise missiles to saturate Baghdad, a city much like L.A. What would our country do if we were being forced to disarm at the same time we were threatened with saturation bombing? The U.S. wants to punish Iraq for the short range missiles that inspectors recently found. (Read somewhat hopeful news about Hans Blixes recent report).

Think about it. Can disarmament ever work under the threat of war?

This afternoon, I arrived in Penn Station in the heart of New York. As I made my way to take a final toilet stop on the train, I was ushered off the train into roaring sirens. "The fire department is asking people to leave the station." For a moment, I thought of Tokyo, wondered how long the gas would take to cripple me, gauged how many feet to the surface. I could hear the aspirations of my body as the rubble fell. My anxiety did not lift when I hit the street. Overhead, half a dozen helicopters loomed above the craziness of rush hour. There were two solid blocks of police cars. I asked a guy selling newspapers what was going on, he just shook his head "We are all afraid. I don't listen to the news anymore." (More on fear).

But wait. I don't want to bring you to NYC yet. Let's rewind back through the fear, back onto the train, back to D.C.

Two nights ago I got four hours of sleep rehearsing my arguments for the Senators. How can I cram six hours of public input into a two minute statement? What should I - what should Urbana - request of them? Senator Durbin voted against giving Bush war powers. Senator Fitzgerald visited Champaign last week and told the audience he supported making Bush go back to Congress to approve a war. I decided to thank them for taking these stands, tell them that Americans don't want this war, and provide the story of Urbana as an example - two townhall-like meetings, six hours of public input, 468/26 in support of the anti-war resolution, how our city and state needs the money that would pay for this war.

The next morning Joe Moore, Alderman from Chicago, eloquently made the same points. He then introduced me and Galen Gockel, Trustee from Oak Park, and we presented the Senators with our resolutions.

Fitzgerald responded: "I celebrate your push for peace. You are absolutely right to raise this issue in your town. When I was in Champaign, I became aware of the urgency for peace there." He went on "But, Saddam is a murderer. This war will be fast. We will prevail. It won't cost too much because once we take over, we will use the revenues from the oil reserves to rebuild the country. Then we will address North Korea." Utter cowboyism. As Jan Schakowsky, D-IL urged later in the day, "Yes, we DO need vaccines - to withstand this assault of testosterone poisoning!"

Durbin told us: "At this point, I believe this war is inevitable." My brain shouted - "He gave up! God dammit, why did he give up!" He went on to talk about how the war will not be fast nor easy and will set a bad precedent. He criticized Bush for destroying years of diplomatic work with North Korea.

After our breakfast, those of us from Illinois joined our sistren and breathren at the National Press Club where we were met by the AP, Reuters, Voice of America, CSPAN. Cities as small as Arcada, CA (150 people) to Chicago (millions) were represented. Our delegation, Cities for Peace, represented tens of millions of constituents. (Hear audio).

After the orderly question and answer session at the Press Club, we hit the streets with our signs - one for each city - and approached the White House gates. We had contacted the President for a meeting. The only message we got back: "the President is out of town." Of course he is. And Saddam ain't in Baghdad either.

"Can you take these?" we asked the guards "They are resolutions from across the country asking Bush to let the inspections work." The guard, the police, had no idea what to do with us. When Joe told the Post reporter who he was, he asked Joe for photo ID because he couldn't understand why the Alderman from Chicago would be standing out in the cold knocking on the gates of the White House. It was a Michael Moore moment. (photo and story)

The cops decided not to do anything. They knew that if we actually were city council members, they would be in deep doo doo for roughing us up. (For an extensive investigate report on D.C. police brutality of protestors read "Boss Hogtie" from Washington City Paper).

After our jaunt to the White House, I met more peeps: Barbara Lee, Dennis Kucinich, Jan Schakowsky, Jim McDermott, Sharon Brown, John Conyers - all members of the Progressive Caucus.

The air was filled with mutual gratitude. We are a few people, divided by so many miles, observing each others work from afar, now in the same room.

Jim McDermott: "Without you we are dead. We are so glad to have you out there working with your constituents on this issue while we are here in the trenches of Congress."

Jan Schakowsky: "They are spinning the message hard: It's all out war or nothing. Bush has made a mess of this small planet. Thank you peace maker patriots for all that you do."

Dennis Kucinich: "Your presence here is representative of the unity for peace in your communities. You are the closest representatives to the people. You must stand up in your cities - gather people into ward meetings - help stop this call for war."

Who out there knows the work of the small but brave Progressive Caucus? They are the ones who mobilized 60 Democrats to vote against giving Bush war powers, amongst their other numerous acts for social justice.

When Progressives give up on the electoral process, or defacto reject anything capital D Demorat, they leave lots of Progressives in the cold. I have realized this myself as a council member. My work is two fold - work against the administration who subverts my efforts, and work against the anti-system biases of the progressive base of support I so badly need to do my work. Recently I was pointed this same dilemma borne by the radical Congressman, now retired, Ron Dellums.

After being pumped with hope by Congressional Progressives, I called on Tim Johnson (R-IL). He kept one eye on me, one on the TV where a vote in the House was being called. He needed to make sure he made it back to the chambers to vote for a welfare bill that "will compel poor parents to work more, give states money to promote marriage and sexual abstinence, and continue a ban on cash assistance for many legal immigrants." (read more. As Americans rush to buy duct tape to protect them from chemical weapons attacks, the Republicans are taking advantage of the cover of a looming war to pass ruthless legislation.

I asked Tim a series of questions - Will a pre-emptive strike make us safer? Does he agree with plans to bomb Baghdad? His litany: "I don't have enough information do answer that. Only the President does. I trust his judgment." In response, I told him that some members of Congress had just filed a lawsuit contesting the Constitutionality of Congress abrogating their responsibility to decide whether to go to war. He shrugged, thanked me for coming, and rushed off to vote.

I lingered to appeal to his staff on two issues: 1) If Bush cuts taxes, we at the city level will have to raise taxes to fill the gap of services cut from the federal budget. This will hurt our ability to develop economically. 2) The Democrats budget includes billions in aid to the states. I urged Johnson's office to support state aid so that the state is not forced to reduce the portion of taxes given back to the city. They seemed more receptive to these messages.

So that was my day on Capitol Hill. I met will every one of my representatives and did a little direct action inbetween.

Now I'm here in NYC, wondering where I am going to sleep tonight, drinking Tecate, and hoping the terrorists understand that hundreds of thousands of anti-war protestors will be in NYC tomorrow trying to make the world a better place.

We councilmembers will be in City Hall first thing in the morning, trying to bolster the political will of alderfolk here in NYC who support the anti-war resolution before them, but are afraid New Yorkans will burn their houses down in they vote for it. I don't know what I would do if I were them. They hold in their hands the power to stop this war. Imagine the victim-city of terrorism passing a resolution against the war? Might as well declare the war is over.

Stay tuned to NY IMC for tomorrow's news!

Danielle Chynoweth
Urbana City Council Member

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Re: Cities For Peace - On The Road From DC To NYC
Current rating: 0
15 Feb 2003
Modified: 07:09:48 AM
Thanks for your report! As a fellow Illinoisan, I'm happy to hear of your story. More so tho to see how it may have opened your eyes, than to vicariously hope that anything you may do or express in a traditional constituent-to-representative fashion can have any real effect.

I fear, rather, that your emphasis on the supportive comments from some Democrats betrays a need on your part to feel legitimized by them; to seek their approval. Remember that they too are politicians; tho noteably on the more radical side of the Democratic Party. Still, every Democratic Presidential Candidate for 2004 has expressed steadfast support for this war, and Colin Powell's recent presentation to the UN.

I would ask you to consider investigating the Green Party, or another "3rd" party; you may find that their goals are more closely inline with yours. If you are want to dismiss this suggestion because of the idea that you would be weakening the power of a Political Party which is the most likely to be able to take out the Republicans in 2004, I would say this: The lesser of two evils is still evil.

An entry-level political science text should examine electoral systems and problems; you might seek out that information to help clarify your position.

Thank you for your work on behalf of Illinois, and in the best interests of all life on Earth! May you find the streets safe tomorrow!

Re: Cities For Peace - On The Road From DC To NYC
Current rating: 11
15 Feb 2003
Modified: 09:00:51 AM

There are some gaps in your information.

You wrote:" I would ask you to consider investigating the Green Party, or another "3rd" party."

Alderwoman Chynoweth considered running as a Green and was endorsed by the Green Party during her successful campaign to defeat the Democratic incumbent.

It is obvious from your email that you have no concept of the skill and time required to run for and win political office or to be a good progressive politician. No idea of the hours involved to understand the issues, to do the research and then on top of that, to bring an original resolution, such as the anti-war resolution that Alderwoman Chynoweth introduced, before City Council.

If your mind isn't already closed, you might consider reading the Ron Dellums' article linked in Ms. Chynoweth's post. Mr. Dellums served as a Democrat in the House for many years. He served on the Armed Services Committee and was successful at blocking funding of weapons of mass destruction (bombers), holding hearings on Bush 1 for war crimes, and putting pressure on So. African to dismantle apartheid through successful economic sanctions. He was a progressive and an activist and he writes about this balance:

"I was a pretty good, jumping-up-and-down community activist. Well, did people just send me to Washington to change the venue of my jumping up and down? Or did they send me to Washington to become the best progressive representative that I could possibly be? And I said, they put me in the national legislature; I've got to try to learn how to become the best legislator I can. I could have kept carrying protest signs back in Berkeley, but they sent me twenty-five hundred miles away to do something different. So I sat there hour after hour to listen, to learn how to handle myself on the floor, to take note about what members of Congress, when they stepped into the well, could command the attention of my colleagues, what were their characteristics, what made them be able to command attention? How did this process really work on a formal level and on an informal level? I became both a participant and a student."

A strategy of support between progressives inside and outside the political system is necessary and so is mutual cooperation. Outsiders, such as myself, can and do put direct pressure on lawmakers to move an issue closer to passage. Insiders need my direct pressure tactics to seem less radical and to get more things done.

Without this understanding and care, words, critiques and advice mean nothing.

Have you demonstrated in the streets for your causes? Have you written letters and talked to your politicians? Have you gotten arrested for nonviolence civil disobedience? Have you voted and registered your friends to vote? Have you reached out to progressives already in power? Those are some of the constructive measures you can choose to take.

Kimberlie Kranich
Re: Cities For Peace - On The Road From DC To NYC
Current rating: 0
15 Feb 2003
At Fort Drum, N.Y., where many members of the Massachusetts National Guard are drilling before their deployment, one regular Army soldier voiced his opposition to action against Iraq and said he would attend today's protest in New York.
''I love the Army, and I love the lifestyle,'' said Specialist Travis Burnham, 23, of West Palm Beach, Fla. ''But I can't see the justification in this. I really believe it's something the UN can resolve.''
Re: Cities For Peace - On The Road From DC To NYC
Current rating: 0
16 Feb 2003

I would ask you to consider investigating the republican party, as you may find their goals more closely in line with yours.

Without people like Ms. Chynoweth, and the 'more radical' democratic congress members (as you call them--I call them actually somewhat democratic), the democratic party looks more and more like the republican party. Weakening of the democratic party can be directly attributed to centrist to right views dominating democratic party rhetoric, making it difficult for them to offer alternative positions. That so many democrats back war is a perfect example, as they have become so entwined with right-wing and centrist views, that they can't justify a progressive position (as most of the world does) without contradicting their previous positions.

The democratic party will never regain power by leaning more and more towards the right. If one supports the republican point of view, why would they vote in democrats to champion it when they can have their pick of genuine republicans?

Oh, and check your facts. Howard Dean, democratic presidential hopeful for '04, was unconvinced by Powell's 'evidence' to the U.N. in his recent speech, and has been consistently unsupportive of unilateral action towards Iraq. Frankly, that Dean supports any action towards Iraq at all is indicative of the unhealthy pressure that one-party politics plays in this country.

Progressive Democrats And Greens Can Join Forces.
Current rating: 0
16 Feb 2003
Modified: 03:09:41 PM
First thanks Danielle, you're doing awsome work!

In responce to Josh's comment.

I believe that progressives can support Greens when they are the best candidate and support genuine progressive Democrats when they are the best candidates. This empowers progressives regardless of their party identification. Furthermore, both progressive Deomcrats and Greens might benefite from thinking toward building a coalition government, or coalition opposition, similar to the coalition Governments in many European countries. Greens supporting progressive Democrats would increase the likelyhood of this happening, add representatives supporting Green causes, and debunk the myth of Greens being "spoilers". When we insist on progressives only voting Green, are we not putting parties before issues? Are we not weakening Democrat progressives and harming the causes we are interested in? Are we not insisting that there be only 2 parties Republican and Green. (Granted most Democrats are acting more and more like Republicans, but we should make the distinction between Conservative Democrats and the Progressive Coalition.) As much as progressives, both Green and Democrat, hate the 2 party system we seem to have difficulty thinking beyond it.

Re: Cities For Peace - On The Road From DC To NYC
Current rating: 0
18 Feb 2003
Modified: 11:02:49 PM
Danielle rocks.

By the way, Josh, Danielle has an MA in political science and doesn't need to read an "entry-level political science text" as you so patronizingly suggest.
Current rating: -2
19 Feb 2003
Modified: 01:58:11 PM
Danielle, "My Peeps!" who do you think you are Shaggy? Anyway, please do the citizens of Urbana a favor and go become a human shield in Baghdad. For some reason you trust a tyrant who continues to break international law over the President of the United States. You endanger the lives of this city by fostering distrust in the leaders of our nation and leave the safety of it in the hands of those who have, at best, devious interests. You have changed my mind in one respect thought. I will do everything I can to see you don't get re-elected. -THE MAJORITY IN URBANA
Trouble Counting?
Current rating: 0
19 Feb 2003
MJ, If you actually are part of some putative majority, you obviously don't actually live in Urbana. Either that or you seem to have trouble counting.
Re: Cities For Peace - On The Road From DC To NYC
Current rating: -2
20 Feb 2003
Modified: 05:07:14 PM
Well Danielle,

Where to begin? First, that fact that Urbana undertook this cowardly vote came as no surprise to me. I remember the councils futile "Nuclear Freeze" vote prior to Reagan winning the cold war and freeing Eastern Europe from the horrors of communist rule.

I would think as a council women, you would be hard at work on city business. Oh I forgot, the city has no business. After years of progressive mismanagement and one party rule, the city now reminds me of East Berlin. Maybe you should propose putting a wall up around this desolate place so you can prevent the flood of refugees and successful businesses fleeing for the greener pastures in Champaign.

By the way, did you pose with the Naked Babes? If so, which one are you? Can you sponsor a bill to just put cute women in the picture? Seriously, some of those babes need to do a sit up or something.

Hey ML you're back. I thought you ran away from my comments on the naked nutbag article. I see you are fighting with a Green party member. That's great, the more divided you leftys are, the greater our majority will be.

Keep up the good work and we will try to keep the sounds of laughter down the next time the Urbana Poliburo meets.

Peace Through Stength,

Green's Vs. Dems
Current rating: -2
20 Feb 2003
Modified: 05:17:38 PM
Kimberlie and Josh,

Can't we all just get along? Kimberlie, you seem to chastise Josh on his commitment to his cause. I am sure that he is as loopy as you are? By the way, did you get naked and lay in the snow? If not, then you should not challenge Josh to do more. If you did, please point out which one you are. If you are the babe at the bottom of the first "E", Perhaps we could go see a movie or something?

Peace through Strength,

Re: Cities For Peace - On The Road From DC To NYC
Current rating: 3
21 Feb 2003

Do you talk to your mother with that mouth?

"Arbeit Macht Frei" right back at ya.

Re: Cities For Peace - On The Road From DC To NYC
Current rating: 0
21 Feb 2003
Modified: 03:19:58 PM
Hey Jack,

Here's a quiz for you.

1. Name the year that communism disintigrated in the Eastern Bloc.

2. Name the US president at that time.

3. Define "sexual harrassment". (Points will be taken off for referring to women with any word other than "woman" or "women", no matter how hard it is for you)

4. Name the author that created the character Jack Ryan.

5. Is it more effective to participate in a democracy by attending a city council meeting and voicing opposition to a resolution you don't like, or bashing people you don't agree with while hiding behind a computer and an unoriginal pseudonym?

6. Write a three-page five paragraph essay, citing at least three sources, on this quote: Ignorance Is Strength.

Re: Cities For Peace - On The Road From DC To NYC
Current rating: 0
21 Feb 2003
Modified: 04:28:04 PM
"Peace Through Stength"? [sic]

Danielle won a decisive 310/69 (82%) in her election. She represents the majority in ward 4. Anyone is welcome to attempt to out-organize her, but they'd better be prepared to lose.

An overwhelming majority of people who spoke at the city council meetings about the anti-war resolution supported the resolution. If supporting the war is important to people in Urbana, they certainly didn't show it when given multiple opportunities to do so.

If people outside of Urbana feel differently, that is hardly Urbana's concern. After all, the city council represents Urbana, not what people in Champaign think Urbana ought to be.

Berating Urbana for not attracting more business is bullshit. Our schools are expanding, our library is expanding, our mass transit is excellent and our parks are wonderful. Our priorities are different. Deal with it.
Protests Reduced To Using Children.
Current rating: -1
22 Feb 2003
Modified: 07:36:53 PM
You do have to admit that it is quite funny that the Urbana anti-war protestors have to go to Champaign to have enough passer bys to gain themselves an audience. It is fun watching you people make fools of yourselves. I feel sorry for the HS kids that I have noticed you are recruiting now to hold the signs.
Bush's Useful Idiots Reduced To Trolling Indymedia.
Current rating: 0
23 Feb 2003
It's even funnier that you have to troll our website to gain an audience. Next you'll be recruiting more pseudonyms, Jack or John or whatever, but we'll know it's just you.

Current rating: -1
24 Feb 2003
Modified: 12:34:38 PM
Good Afternoon F.O.D.

My guess from your comments is that this does not stand for "Free of Dope" does it. You mention Danielle Chynoweth won with 82% of the vote in Urbana. This simply means FOD that that 82% of the people are as loopy as she is. Hey,

did she get naked by the way? I've seen her before, and I hope not. Anyway, you discuss that business is not a priority in Urbana. Well that explains why there is'nt any. Then you brag about your schools, library and your transit. First your schools constantly get there ass kicked by Champaign Schools in every category. People are fleeing them. Your library, big whoop. Your transit, You have no people other than students and a few whacked out protesters so how hard is it to move them? A few Moms with some Mini Vans could do it for a lot less money. And finally, who do think supports all the afore mentioned entities. It is the overburdened Urbana taxpayers who with a little luck will get over the wall and escape to Champaign or St. Joe.

Take Care FOD

Your only friend,

Poor Jack
Current rating: 0
24 Feb 2003
Modified: 01:13:49 PM
Don't judge poor Jack too harshly, folks. Trolling the IMC is what he has instead of a life. Sure, spewing bile on a website is a pathetic way of shoring up his self-esteem, but give the guy a break. He's gotten his education from hacks like Tom Clancy and Rush Limbaugh, and just doesn't know any better.

Enjoy the attention while you can, Jack. Pretty soon, people will get bored with you and stop responding to your asinine posts.
Robert Porter And :P
Current rating: -1
24 Feb 2003
Modified: 01:53:57 PM
Since you did not respond to my comments but rather chose a rather lame attempt at an insult, let me respond by first saying: I thought you guys were about diversity? Oh, I see, it's simply diversity based on race not on opinion.

Yes, I have read Tom Clancy. I am surprised that you read him too as the US always wins. You must find this sad. To be compared to Rush, thanks I'm honored.

Hey, what does P stand for? Let's play a game. If I guess it, then you have to eat shit again. Ok, I am guessing that your few friends in High School gave you this nickname. Was it because you had difficulty making it to the restroom on time? Does it stand for Penis? How about Pussy? No, those are too easy. How about Punk, Puke or Pansy boy? Let me know, I am dying with curiosity.

Your Friend,

It's Not A P,...
Current rating: 0
24 Feb 2003's a face sticking it's tongue out at you.

You are REALLY showing your age and inexperience in life.
F.O.D. = "Friend Of Danielle"
Current rating: 0
24 Feb 2003
Modified: 06:05:53 PM
You can insult Danielle all you want, but you can't win an election against her. Why? Because she's intelligent, principled, hardworking, organized -- and right.

Maybe we're all "loopy" in Urbana, but maybe, just maybe, we know some things you don't.

Like for instance that there is no difference between Champaign and Urbana's transit systems, because -- get this -- the cities *share* the same transit system, the Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District. It sounds crazy, but check it out -- it's the same busses. And at night they all park in the same building, in Urbana. Maybe the Champaign city council is -- gasp -- cooperating with Urbana's?
Tsk, Tsk
Current rating: 0
24 Feb 2003
I’m not sure whether to call my attorney or just ignore you, Jack Ryan, like most of the rest here seem to be doing.

I do know one thing, the guys over at Langley snicker every time your name pops up on their LCDs with your pitiful imitation of the real Jack Ryan. Of course, they really know who you are, you slimy little wannabe. And they laugh at your wasting time here on Indymedia trolling these protestors, which is about as revealing of your real fears as that embarrassing episode the President had last Tuesday, when he made a big deal out of saying the worldwide demonstrations against his Iraq policy were something he was going to ignore. The words were certainly what he hoped to convey from his script, but the mere fact that he had to make a big deal, public statement about it revealed that he was far more worried than he let on. Can’t you see that the street sees right through such chickenshit tactics, looking right into the real fear they see in your eyes. Everyone knows that if the Company really doesn’t like someone, they’ll send a Hellfire calling card down their stack, rather than something as laughable as unleashing the likes of your limited vocabulary and puerile wit on their website.

They really feel sorry for you, though, and they understand. Since that cute Mata Hari-type in Timbuktu Bobbited your member, things just haven’t been the same, have they? She told me the 2” section she took out of Little Willy was more than you could stand to lose. Sorry about us not getting it back for you before the crocs got it, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles – you never should have started beating her. Glad the reattachment seems to have taken, but don’t bust the little feller over something that’s online. You probably only have one good screw left in the damn thing anyway.

But the boys in Langley are at least glad you are no longer downloading the kiddie porn (but, hey, make sure that hard drive gets wiped before you sell it, right?), but they just can’t understand your bizarre fetish for protestors lying in the snow (see: The thought of you fondling yourself while viewing naked snow ladies has them rolling in the aisles at CIA Headquarters. That is why they decided to refer to you as “Jack Off” in the case file they are building for my attorney.

BTW, with the late hours you’ve been keeping recently, please tell us you’re not back to sucking up blow off the mirror again. You’re normally a pretty despicable type anyway and you know how you get truly ugly with a snoot full of Peruvian Marching Powder. Those poor kids in El Salvador sure know – god, it was a bad day in kindergarten, but that’ll teach ‘em the hazards of learning to read from nuns. Don’t forget, as those boys from the Air Guard found out, it’s hard to bomb straight when your head’s not straight.

I created Jack Ryan and he is simply a fictional character. You, sir, are a preposterous, weak-kneed fake, not to mention an embarrassment to all things American. Even Tenet prefers you as the Quiet American, rather than the Ugly American.
Re: Cities For Peace - On The Road From DC To NYC
Current rating: 11
24 Feb 2003
Ah, Jack, what are we going to do with you? You have no life, or you wouldn't be craving the attention from other IMC posters the way you obviously do. This appears to be some sort of cry for help. Have you sought psychological counseling recently? As a former social worker, I would urge you do to so. Having such a hate-filled existence isn't good for you. You appear to have an intense hatred towards everyone that isn’t you, and to harbor a particularly strong hatred of women. This negative attitude will only be a detriment to your person and your relationships with others in the long run (providing, of course, that you still have them). From what I can tell from your posts, the problem is with everyone else, not you. This is a common misconception. Your ability to argue a point has obviously crumbled; resorting to centering your arguments on degrading women, eating feces, or invoking human genitalia shows a distinct deterioration of mental ability on your part. This could mean that you’re immature, or you’re sick, or both. Remember, only you can seek help for you. Conversely, only you can continue to make a complete ass of yourself. It’s your choice.
5 -
Current rating: -1
25 Feb 2003
Sticking your tongue out at me 5? Of all the rotten things that have been directed at me other than my enormous, conservative fan base, that has to hurt the most. :P is so mad at me, that he nearly threatened to take of his bike helmet before he went to bed. We can't have that. Despite my total lack of respect for your beliefs, I do not want to see any harm come to you.

5 relax, I am just fucking with you, just like all the kids used to do to you in grammar school.

Take Care,

Peacenik Next Store
Current rating: -1
25 Feb 2003
Modified: 03:48:26 PM
Dear Peacenik Next Store,

You were a former Social Worker? Really, I am stunned. Did you have to get out it because you were feeling guilty about the $ 11,000/year salary with all the perks. That explains your love of mass transit.

You say that I harbor an intense hatred towards all the libs on these pages. Not at all. I have a great time messing with your whacked out ideas. Seriously would it not be rather boring to simply read that everyone is just as loopy as you are.

Let's see, you say I need some therapy. I am sure you know a few, perhaps you could refer a group session for :P, 5, and I Heart Trolls. They have some pent up frustration in dealing with anyone who disagrees with them. That and they are confused, yet, curious about each other.

I find it most interesting that you think I am crazy when it was the naked ladies laying in the snow attempting to make some sort of point. I am still laughing about that one.

You say I have a strong hatred towards women. Let me say this, If they decide to get naked again, particularly the cute ones, I will be behind them 100%.

Finally, the one thing I do hate, is a bunch of self righteous, pansy, commie libs, expressing hatred for a the greatest country in the world. I hate the fact that while you sit on your fat protesting asses, while someone out there in an American Uniform is out risking his life for you, all the while you are rooting for our enemies.

What you do is not courageous, it's pathetic. If you can't find it in your black heart to thank them for their tremendous sacrifice, at least have the common manners to shut the hell up.

As for genitalia, I can not help it that you have a tiny one. I was blessed, what can I say. Remember, Only you can prevent forest fires.

Take Care,

Peacenik Next Store
Current rating: -1
25 Feb 2003
Hey, I am sorry, I forgot to take your pop quiz the other day. You asked me to define Sexual Harrassment. How about some examples: Pulling your pants down in front of a state employee as asking her to kiss it. Raping a lady named Juanita Broderick. Grabbing a women's breast who has come to you for help shortly after your husband just died. Or, my favorite, jamming a cigar up the vagina of a naive, hero worshiping, young overweight liberal and then soiling her dress with semen.

Would you say that about covers it? How did I do on your test?

Anxiously awaiting your reply,

Re: Cities For Peace - On The Road From DC To NYC
Current rating: 11
25 Feb 2003
Modified: 07:10:43 PM
Jack, I'm sorry to say that you failed the quiz. First, you completely ignored questions 1, 2, 4, and 5. You can't answer questions selectively and expect to get credit. Second, you gave examples of what I agree is truly awful behavior, but you didn't give a definition of sexual harrassment. As a result, you have recieved zero points.

As I said, only you can make a complete ass of yourself, and I have no doubt that you will continue to do so. However, you will have to do it on other people's time. Good day.
Re: Jack And John R.
Current rating: 0
25 Feb 2003
Modified: 11:33:32 PM
JR, it seems that you have stopped taking your neuroleptic meds or at least decreased the dosages again. Let me know what pharmacy you are using these days and I'll call in another script of Haldol for you. Remember, you can always stop by the office for the decanoate injection (remember, it lasts a month and you can skip the daily doses that you appear to be missing lately). Call me or your whistleblower, who could bring you in for the IM. I think it's time.
Peacenik Next Store
Current rating: -1
26 Feb 2003
Modified: 01:03:11 AM
Dear Peacenik Next Store,

Well now we are making some progress. You agree that the behavior described in my historical examples was abhorent, yet you fail to condemn Mr. Clinton for these actions. I happen to be a complete gentlemen. My comments were directed at the ladies, who in my view, are simply misguided traitors who take every benefit from this great country and yet find fault in everything it does.

BTW, Bush was President during the fall of Berlin Wall. However it was Reagan and Pope John Paul II who brought the defeat of the Soviet Union without a shot being fired. Who was it that was wetting their collective pants when Reagan deployed the Pershing II missiles. It was the same protesters who we saw last weekend that Saddam was so greatful too.

Here is a question for you? What country ended the Holocaust? What country stood against the Soviet Expansionism in the 80's. What country brought us to our knees during the Carter Administration? Who was Kennedy sleeping with? Who was'nt Kennedy sleeping with? Who was the last Democratic President with balls? Answer: Truman

What was the only war in the prior century that America was prepared? Why do Democrats always shrink are military and invite attack? Wilson, WWI Roosevelt, WWII, Kennedy-Johnson, Vietnam. Please be brief.


Urbana News
Current rating: 2
04 Mar 2003
Several Weeks after the Historic Urbana Vote, still virtually no one cares. By the way, as of printing time, there was still now sign of the private sector in Urbana. Police are still investigating.
