Parent Article: The Corruption of Justice: The Aryans have won |
Editor's Note |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 01 Sep 2002
Modified: 02 Sep 2002 |
I have linked this entire mishmash together. Except for my comments, all the posts made here were from the same IP address, so don't be deceived by the fact that different authorships are claimed by them (including one from "IMC" which is clearly NOT from an IMC in any official capacity.)
There seems to be some seriously confused politics going on in the head of whoever is posting this material. The initial complaint seemed to be about the fact that racists are taking over at Jerusalem IMC. But then this same person posts a number of links to obviously racist material, such as the infamous "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" (sic), which anyone can find on their own if they really want to see such crap. I wonder if they are really genuine in their complaint or are really part of an effort to further confuse the complicated issues going on right now at Jerusalem IMC?
To say the least, the reposting of such material in such an obviously confused fashion is not helpful for anyone seeking some clarity on this situation. Those seeking to really understand what is going on are advised to check out the appropriate global IMC e-mail lists at: rather than relying soley on the opinions of the person who is posting these confused and rambling inflamatory screeds. |