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by Email: socialism2002 (nospam) (unverified!) Phone: 773-583-8665 |
02 May 2002
Modified: 01:29:29 PM |
Another World Is Possible. Fight For Socialism!
Four days of debate, discussion, education and entertainment
June 13-16, 2002 -- Congress Plaza Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
Sponsored by the International Socialist Organization, publisher of Socialist Worker -- -- and the Center for Economic Research and Social Change, publisher of International Socialist Review --
SOCIALISM 2002 provides a forum where activists from today's struggles can come together to debate and discuss how we can fight for a different world.
At last year's conference, the Bolivian trade union leader Oscar Olivera (who will also be at year's event)told participants, "We believe a different
world is possible." Oscar was a leading figure in the struggle against water privatization in Cochabamba, Bolivia in 2000.
At Socialism 2002, you'll find more than 100 meetings on topics ranging from Palestine to Bush's war, from globalization to the ideas of Karl Marx, and much more.
Go to to register and to find a full schedule of topics and speakers.
Some of the featured speakers at Socialism 2002:
Oscar Olivera, Bolivian trade union and social justice leader
Naseer Aruri, editor, Palestinian Refugees: The Right of Return
David Barsamian, director, Alternative Radio
Patrick Bond, South Africa-based economist and
John Bellamy Foster, co-editor, Monthly Review and author of The Vulnerable Planet
Katherine Dwyer, editorial board member, International Socialist Review
Tom Lewis, frequent writer on Latin American issues Marlene Martin, national director, Campaign to End the Death Penalty
Martín Hernández, leading member of the Brazilian Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores (PSTU).
Víctor Ragonese, organizer of Argentina's Asamblea Interbarrial--the coordinating body for the popular assemblies in Buenos Aires--and a leading member of the Socialist Workers Front (FOS)
Leo Panitch, co-editor, Socialist Register
Ahmed Shawki, editor, International Socialist Review
Sharon Smith, columnist, Socialist Worker
Sherry Wolf, author, Stop Sweatshop Labor Here and Abroad
Some of the meetings you can attend at Socialism2002:
They are Enron, We Are Argentina: Globalization from Above and Below
The McDonaldization of Culture
Incarceration Nation: America's
Prison-Industrial Complex
The New Creationism
South Africa After Apartheid
The New Colonialism
The Argentinazo
Islamic Fundamentalism
Are People Too Selfish to Win Socialism?
The Politics of Gay Liberation
Women in the Russian Revolution
America's Unfinished Revolution: The Civil War & Reconstruction
Thinking Like a Marxist: Marx's Method
Bush's New Assault on the Environment
War & the Politics of Pacifism
The Classical Theory of Imperialism
Is China the Next World Power?
The Origins of Racism
The Myth of Humanitarian Intervention:
The Truth About Somalia
US Imperialism in Latin America
Marxist Economics I: Intro to Marx's Capital
Leon Trotsky's Theory of Permanent Revolution: Is it Relevant Today
The Black Panther Party for Self Defense
Rosa Luxemburg's Reform or Revolution
European Social Democracy and American Imperialism
Is There Such A Thing as a Just War?
The Zapatistas
Enronomics: How Capitalism Really Works
Consensus & Affinity Groups: Are they Effective for Organizing a Movement?
The Racist War on Drugs,
and many more!
Go to to get the full schedule.
What else? Workshops and brown-bag lunch discussions on Organizing for Global Justice and Building Workplace Solidarity. A book fair with hundreds of the top titles from the leading progressive and socialist publishers.
Information tables on dozens of local struggles, grassroots organizations, and international solidarity campaigns. Films, poetry readings, plays, and other entertainment, including parties with live music.
"NOW THAT I've escaped from a lifetime of international civil service--servitude--my mind is open to taking on and thinking about some of these things. This has been a fantastic weekend, and I'm glad I made the trip."
--DENIS HALLIDAY, former Untied Nations humanitarian aid coordinator in Iraq, who resigned to protest U.S.-supported sanctions against Iraq
"I'M TOTALLY impressed because I've been to a lot of these and its clear to me how much work went into it and how well planned it was. The high level of energy is not just a credit to the ISO, but it's also reflective of something going on generally in the movement. So I think you're on the surfboard of a wave."
--KEVIN DANAHER, of Global Exchange and author of Globalize This!
"I'VE BEEN coming to this conference for three or four years now. You leave with so much knowledge, so much to think about. It offers a lot of answers to questions that come up at some point during the struggle."
--LAWRENCE HAYES, former death row prisoner and member of the Black Panthers, and campaigner against the death penalty.
"ANYTHING YOU can do to promote solidarity to bring together the rank-and-file union members is important. Your event is one of the most vocal in the efforts to do that. And you're not on the sidelines talking. You're out there doing things."
--BILLY ROBINSON, former president, UAW Local 2036 in Henderson, KY, locked out by Accuride.
"I THOUGHT [the conference] was a blast. I've learned a lot of things...I've met people that I haven't seen since the beginning of our fight for my uncle. It's like one big family because everybody's fighting for the same thing."
--NORMA BROOKS-McROY, anti-death penalty activist and niece of Eugene Colvin-El, who won commutation of his Maryland death sentence in 2000.
Go to to register online.
Accommodations: The Center for Economic Research and Social Change has reserved a block of rooms at reduced rates at the Congress Plaza Hotel, 520 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60605. To reserve a room in the Center room block, please call the Congress directly at 1-800-635-1666. You will be asked to give a credit card number as a guarantee for your reservation.Prices are $99 per night for single and double rooms, plus 14.9 percent tax. Also, a fee of $25 per person will be charged for each additional person in the room. These rooms at these guaranteed prices will be held for the Center until May 13, 2002. So make your reservations early!
Housing Assistance: A limited amount of space in a local youth hostel and in private houses will be available for people who could not otherwise
afford to attend Socialism 2002. Please check the box on the registration form if you would like to be considered for this option. Those seeking
housing assistance will need to bring their own bedding. Please make your request for housing assistance by the deadline of June 1, 2002.
Child Care: On-site child care will be provided free of charge. To help us plan, please make sure to note the number of children and their ages on the registration form. Those requesting child care must let us know by June 1, 2002.
Registration: Registration is $75. Mail in the attached form, or register online. Those who register online before May 24, 2001, will receive a discounted rate of $60. We are making a major effort to invite
Activists from around the world to attend the Summer School. To help us pay for Travel for these activists, we ask that you register at the full solidarity
rate of $75and donate a little extra if you can.
Scholarships: A limited number of scholarships are available for unemployed people or others who might need financial assistance with registration fees. If you would like to request a scholarship, please send us an email at socialism2002 (at)
Travel arrangements: Participants may be able to arrange rides with a local ISO branch. Contact your local branch or e-mail the Socialism 2002 staff at socialism2002 (at)
For more information write Socialism 2002, c/o ISR, P.O. Box 258082,
Chicago, IL 60625, or call 773-583-8665.
E-mail: socialism2002 (at)
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by anti-bob (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 02 May 2002
Now you can be told what to think in a nice, neat forum. Yey!
And I don't think all those people are in defence of socialism. But lets not get in the way of revolution despite the facts...
Consensus & Affinity Groups: Are they Effective for Organizing a Movement?
This one should be fun! ISO's views on people's self-determination. Look for fun references to anarchy.
Don't give them 75$. Money wasted. |