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Bush Daddy Scourge |
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by Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenge Email: na (unverified!) Phone: na Address: 402 North Geneva St. #4 Ithaca NY 14851 |
27 Mar 2002
Bush Daddy Tribe seems intent on taking everyone with them when they go. |
Bush Daddy Tribe has apparently been broadcasting Anthrax since Saturday in reaction to "Report on Bush Daddy Tribe" Id=151866.
My Daddy said that since Saturday that has been a low concentration of weapons grade Anthrax that I have been detecting in the air, and I suspect that it just blew out to sea in the New York City - New Jersey areas. As I made clear in "Anthrax; An Ancient Scourge" Id=82672, this has been going on for thousands of years, and epidemics of it used to sweep through southern Europe with every modern flu epidemic being caused the same way. I am particularly hard pressed up here because they have been trying to get it into my house all this time too. A overall debilitating feeling comes from the general broadcast, but if they are moving on someone like they are on me, it produces a cough that you won't forget in addition to fever and sweats. I suspect that this is weapons grade Anthrax because the sick feeling like one is coming down with a common cold appears quite subliminally. If you can believe your eyes, the "A" on the weather maps, represents the dumping of Anthrax. If you are a controversial character, they will probably throw some on you in addition to what is in the air, resulting in an extended sickness. Learn to recognize it immediately in order to avoid it. It would be nice to catch the Storm Troopers broadcasting it too. When I wrote my article on Anthrax, I left note that it was probably being broadcasted north from Hawaii, and this probably resulted in the slaughtering of a lot of livestock in British Colombia.When you read this article on Anthrax, be sure to read the comment, "And Some".
In light of the universal suppression of "Anthrax: An Ancient Scourge" Id=82672, I am including it here with pertinent comments:
Anthrax: An Ancient Scourge
by Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger 2:54pm Fri Nov 2 '01
If you've been tempted to snort Anthrax, be smart, don't start.
My Daddy said that Bush Daddy's kid is using the Anthrax scare to make like he is the "knight in shining armor" who can put an end to a threat that is probably as old as the earth itself. Meanwhile Bush Daddy has been bragging about his Storm Troopers dumping Anthrax on Ithaca yesterday, saying that they were supposed to appear as the "saviours" who would tackle the problem. They didn't seem to remember that I had been exposed to it in DC in 1995 and 1996. The attempt of this administration to make it appear like this is a new biological agent of mysterious origins is probably further proof of the manifestations of "Morons America Style" Id=46750. If the Post Office is using it as part of a chemicalmonging death trip to cull mailmen (Id=80050), you can be sure that everyone should proceed cautiously, especially if Bush Daddy's kid says, "I care!".
Let me give you a summary of what I have found on Anthrax in the 1998 Britannica, the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, and on the computer from Center for Disease Control. Anthrax is one of the oldest recorded diseases of man and animal, mentioned by Moses in Exodus 9:9: "a boil breaking forth with ulcers upon man and beast". This is the cutaneous form of Anthrax, and there is also a pulmonary and an intestinal form of Anthrax. In the 18th and 19th centuries Anthrax sometimes spread like a plague over the southern part of Europe; i.e. a "death trip", if you will (Id=80050). Anthrax is the first disease attributed to a specific causative agent, the microrganism, Bacillus anthracis, which forms highly resistant spores capable of persisting and retaining their virulence for many years.
Anthrax is commonly known to infect cattle, sheep, goats, horses, and mules that have been exposed to the spores. It produces a rise in body temperature, depression, spasms, respiratory or cardiac distress, trembling, staggering, convulsions, and death. The pulmonary form of anthrax in humans is known as the "woolsorters disease". I suspect that this disease probably resulted in the adoption of sterile procedures in a lot of animal-related occupations.
It appears that the study of Anthrax in humans has been suppressed to some extent, for they claim that they are not certain how it causes rapid death in some cases; plus they claim that inhalation Anthrax is usually fatal. This probably comes from their being prone to making any hospital visit fatal if they don't like the patient. This bacteria produces toxins, and the spores themselves are toxic; yet exposure to a low concentration of it can be survived. Localized infections of the skin in the form of a carbuncle, that usually develops into a malignant pustule, arises from handling infected material. Infected blood can arise from skin contact, oral, intestinal, or aerial exposure to the spores. Anthrax bacilli evade the immune system via toxin-mediated inhibition of immune cell function. The contention that this disease is usually fatal as a result of aerial infection probably arises because the exposure continues until death or until a fatal level of exposure has occurred. It is probably possible to prevent the blood from becoming infected by avoiding further exposure like the plague.
The Center for Disease Control reveals that the initial symptoms of inhaling Anthrax may resemble a common cold. I agree with this, for I believe that it produces a debilitating condition instantly. In fact sometimes the flu season may actually be jumpstarted by the release of Anthrax spores into the atmosphere. I suspect that the baking soda-soaked sheet and filters that I use as part of my makeshift air filter, described in Ids=24988 & 60292 might help kill and/or collect Anthrax if you feel that some chemicalmonger is throwing it at you. Whatever the case, this alleged new threat has been around for ages, and it has probably been used as a form of chemical warfare for thousands of years. The instantaneous toxicological manifestations of exposure are what one needs to be aware of in order to survive. To live a long time, don't go sniffing any mailboxes. Hasta luego, adios.
PS: The Postal connection to the Anthrax scenario probably originated back when the Post Office itself did. As I revealed in my copyright infringement case against the P.O. in United States Claims Court #91-1688C, the P.O. was probably interested in stealing my copyrighted heart-shaped design of the earth, containing the sexualized version of 666 because they are a predominantly homosexual organization. After Judge Bohdan A. Futey probably rendered all copyright laws obsolete when he contended that my copyrighted design was not copyrightable because it was in the public domain; Clerk Suter of the U.S. Supreme Court and his tribe upheld this by repeatedly sweeping this case "under the rug". As I made clear in one of my petitions to get this case heard 10/13/95 "Reasons for Granting This Writ": "Strongholds of the gay "System", such as the U.S.P.O., are now finding that their tendency to establish uniform gay workforces has put them "in line for their own deaths"(Prov. 11:19), for their "sins are clearly evident, preceding them to judgment"(1 Tim. 5:24). The granting of the Petitioner's request at this time would not be a matter of opposing the lawless ones, but rather it would ensure their continued survival. Otherwise "their slain will be thrown out, their dead bodies will send up a stench" (Is. 34:3)." As I made clear in "Letter from Heaven" Id=68789, the Post Office probably continued to trifle with me by hindering the delivery of my articles until I stopped using the mail; thus they are discovering that evil always continues to engender evil. They probably think nothing of sacrificing a few of their own to promote the Zionistic pro-gay coprophagic agenda of Bush Daddy's tribe.
PPS: I suspect that the Anthrax that is being released can only be made in a laboratory. If it was naturally occurring bacilli, it would probably be characterized by a smell that would make it possible to identify where it came from; i.e. barnyard odors, something like that. I also suspect that more details of the production of the anthrax described in the ninth Chapter of Exodus might be revealed in those passages in their original languages; i.e. Hebrew or Aramic etc.. I have been trying to locate accounts of an Anthrax-related fiasco at a cigar-making plant that I remember reading about; but I can't find anything. I suspect that it was in Cuba and that it might have happened in the last fifty years. It probably is very pertinent to what is happening today.
Referenced articles on To access via Id#s, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter".
Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
(11/3/01) Bush Daddy reports that Storm Troopers have been "dropping like flies" as a result of handling Anthrax that probably originated at Saddam's captured chemical warfare plants in the PGW. (3/20/02: Bush Daddy claims that this weapons grade Anthrax is coming from a secure laboratory at Cornell.) It's typical that they would be trying to move that stuff inconspicuously without proper safety garb in suitcases like the crack and parriffin of their drug operation (see Id=26851). Bush Daddy also claims that it's okay to shoot these Storm Troopers on sight or site since he says that they are using their stealth aircraft to dump this Anthrax on the populace everywhere. Since the bioterror of Anthrax is probably a perrenial happening that comes every flu season, it's about time that we had some valid research on how the human body eliminates it. Are they giving flu shots for Anthrax? What's a virus got to do with the flu if it originates with Anthrax? How about the antibiotics that they are giving for Anthrax? What antibiotic can deal with a toxin-laden bacteria? Was Anthrax used to dispatch AIDS patients, and is karposi sarcoma another name for Anthrax poisoning? And lastly I wonder if Anthrax was involved in the deaths and/or physical injuries cited in the "Wisconsin Death Trip" Id=80050 and in the drop in meat prices at the supermarket; i.e. are they slaughtering livestock to avoid infection?
Referenced articles on; i.e. Global IMC. To access via Id#s, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter".
Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
FYI:(3/23/02) Diarrhea is probably the most effective way for the body to rid itself of toxins. Any attempt to stop diarrhea will probably result in the body's retention of toxin-laden fluids that it was trying to eliminate. In addition to copious amounts of lemon juice and pure water, I have found that a high fiber diet of fruits and non meat products serves to purge the body of toxins even while the toxins are still incoming. I also suspect that the water here has Anthrax in it, for there is no filtration system, and chlorine does not affect these toxic spores. In other words, the coffee really makes the kidneys hurt. I suspect that the toxic spores of Anthrax are the sole pathological effect of Anthrax in humans. I doubt if these spores multiply or produce additional toxins in the body. The issue is that a small number of spores can impair the immune system so that additional spores can cause severe damage. Unlike the contact Anthrax of the early AIDS epidemic with its karposi sarcoma (124412); this Anthrax has few localized symptoms; thus a fabricated "cause of death" for a victim could be anything from blood infection to cancer. When Bush Daddy Tribe did away with half my family in the mid sixties for doing their own "Report on Bush Daddy Tribe" (151866), BDT would get them coughing, keep them coughing, finish them off, and say smoking killed them. There are many different modes of attack that BDT may use on you; but Anthrax is the most likely one to result in your feeling that your life is in jeopardy, resulting in your seeking the "help" that will be the end of you. Keep your air fresh, your water pure, and your powder dry! |
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