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"Bush Daddy Delusions" |
Current rating: 0 |
by Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger Email: notavailable (unverified!) Phone: na Address: 402 North Geneva ST. #4 Ithaca NY 14851 |
14 Aug 2001
Read the probable truth about why the Persian Gulf War came out the way that it did, and remember that if Bush Daddy is my friend, by God I pay back my friend. If this article is stolen, talk to your friend, "ML". |
See also:
notavailable |
stolen again |
by bob na (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 14 Aug 2001
nn |
See also:
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missing article. |
by bob na (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 14 Aug 2001
Just as Bush Daddy probably never gave a speech when he
was in the White House, he probably didn't have anything to
do with what happened in the Persian Gulf War; but he covers
that up by acting like he is too modest to talk about it.
"Persian Gulf War Delusions: "One for Bush!""
The author has revealed in Comments the circumstances that
produced the PGW and made it come out the way it did; but it
has never been addressed in a major article. Thus in this
piece you will find the author's version of the matter and an
editted version of a '98 song that brought the lawless ones out
of the woodwork.
My Daddy said that the Persian Gulf War was the
fulfillment of prophecy in respect to the eighth Chapter of the
Book of Daniel, Daniel's dream of the Ram and Goat.
Saddam Hussein was the Ram over there, doing as he
pleased, walking all over everyone. Although he didn't seem
to be all there and still doesn't, President George Herbert
Walker Bush was the Goat that moved on the Ram. The
following is an account of what happened in that war as I
revealed in "And the Beat Goes On!" 11/1/00; plus some
added comments inserted: "If the Israelis had taken a clue
from the Persian Gulf War, they would have understood that
was the way to fight a war, for I set that war off. When troop
buildup started, I began writing to every single D.C. official
who had anything to do with the military, warning them, among
other things, not to dig in over there but to move on Saddam
Hussein relentlessly. (I even wrote to Saddam Hussein,
berating him for behaving the way he was, asking him what
his problem was, couldn't he "get any good drugs over
there?", and offering to send him Marion Barry to help solve
this problem; but they apparently never did send the letter
even if they did tell him to expect Marion Barry.) When they
started to dig in after troop buildup was complete, I went to
Lafayette Park across from the White House, wearing a sign
depicting the "Heart of Israel", and descended on a group of
peace protesters. In the loudest voice that has probably ever
been heard in DC, I let them know that "I come to fight a Holy
Holy Holy War! I'm fighting in a Holy Holy Holy Land! That
makes me a Holy Holy Holy Man!" I sang that twice, and even
all the way to Capitol Hill, they probably said; "You hear that!
There must be a crowd of people calling for a Holy War over
at the White House!" (In my letters to DC officials I had told
them that I was going to let them know when to move on
Saddam Hussein, and I must have unconsciously sensed that
this was the only way that I was ever going to get through to
them again. I told the peace protesters: "There is no war! Get
out of here!"; and they left; but I bet they were surprised when
they got home.) The media recorded this (me in Lafayette
Park), it went to the ends of the earth, and the planes were in
the air within minutes. The war was over within days, and
never on earth has such a thing happened, for nobody died! (If
they had kept pursuing Saddam, they probably could have
chased him all the way to Iraq with minimal losses; but when
they stopped, I said that was enough, for their power over
Saddam had been broken. They should cherish those empty
body bags always. I've heard that they are condsidered holy
items in Kuwait. The Iraquis who died were probably shot or
run over by their own men, but I doubt if Saddam would admit
that.) Deaths did occur in what were probably creative
nonviolent "accidents" after the War (i.e. among the allies,
handling what they were told was not live ammunition).
President Bush wanted nothing to do with it until he saw how it
came out, then he started bragging about it even though he
never stood up for it (Bible says he was putting "on great
airs") 11/1/00" Israel, the Holy Nation was probably born at
Lafayette Park that night. Billy Graham was sitting there with
the President when it happened. Since then the lawless ones
have continuously been persecuting and murdering those who
acknowledge Israel, the Holy Nation or those who reveal what
really happened to make that war come out the way it did.
Since I wrote the above article, note the attempts to try to
publicize that someone died in that war, even going so far as
to go lay a wreath for them. I even wrote to the military
regarding the Persian Gulf War Syndrome, explaining that it
was probably primarily caused by petroleum poisoning from
the burning oil wells and that immediate vigorous exercise
along with copious water and lemon juice was probably the
best remedy. If they didn't do that, the poison probably caused
permanent damage throughout the body. So that War was
probably an act of God with Him using me as a conduit for His
voice, for I was extremely distressed about those soldiers
digging in over there. I knew that Saddam could have
slaughtered them like insects. The former President Bush
used my 15 months of unlawful hospitalization as an occasion
to portray himself as a "mover and a shaker" in that War in
order to help get his son in the White House.
See also:
na |
Part Two Missing Article |
by bob na (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 14 Aug 2001
Sensing how sick this former President was, I wrote a song
about niggardly people in '97. By the time I wrote "One for
Bush" in May 1998; I found that in addition to being
suppressed almost completely, the lawless ones had went
and banned the "n" word. This is a common practice of theirs
by which they foment unrest among minorities to make the
majority feel guilty and help cover up their own lawlessness.
(see "The Concealed Holocaust" Id=35206) Let me just say
that Huck Finn called Jim a ---ger; and Huck Finn loved Jim.
Huck Finn was an American classic, and they had no
business ever messing with it. Also whatever happened to
"---gazs with an Attitude"?
The following is from "Catch the King" 5/15/98: "A Great
Dead King is a terrible thing to waste, and as Israel's alien
olive tree, I will do my best to assure that Bethel is nothing to
be ashamed of (Amos 5:5; Jer. 7:6; Zech. 4:14; Is. 14:12;
Mic. 1:5-3:12; Is. 14:1-23). Thus I give you a new song, a
hymn of praise to our God:
"One for Bush"
I will catch the Bush---ga, how about you? (Prov. 2:12-15)
My friend the Bush---ga, he told you what to do! (Jer. 7:7)
Sly king, the Bush---ga, he sold you to the zoo! (Jer. 7:7)
The dreadful dreaming Bush---ga, he dreamed that he could
fly! (Jer. 23:2; Is. 14:13)
Bright one! The Bush---ga, he said he would not die! (Is.
14:11; 28:15; Prov. 18:12)
Our wishy-washy Bush---ga, forget to heed his lies! (Dan. 8:8;
Jer. 27:15)
I will catch the Bush---ga, how about you? (Prov. 1:26)
Son of Dawn the Bush---ga, will see what he can do! (Is.
14:12; Hosea 10:3)
God bless the Bush---ga, there's sulphur on his shoe! (Rev.
I will catch the Bush---ga, his Bible make him fly! (Jer. 8:8;
Prov. 14:12)
The Postman's Bush---ga, they dropped him from the sky!
(Hosea 10:15)
They dressed and stood the Bush---ga, our king is riding high!
(Dan. 7:4)
You can catch the Bush---ga, be sure to say goodbye! Be
sure to bow good guy! (Prov. 4:14-15; 24:17-18; Amos 4:4;
Good song! The louder you sing it, the better. For those who
object, let it be known that as Elizabeth made known to Mary,
the mother of Jesus in Luke 1:45, the belief in the fulfillment of
prophecy is cause for great celebration. That's what my
Daddy said.
UNTIL 12/25/2002 copyright 5/15/98 "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Bobby Meade Thats all for today. Respectfully yours, Robert
Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
This is taken from Id=36001 on To
access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the
address bar, and press "Enter".
PS: I am writing you here on 8/13 to let you know that my
Daddy says that Bush Daddy is still giving ---gas a bad name,
trying to set people up to badmouth him by revealing sordid
details about himself. Be careful and God bless.
See also:
na |
to the readers |
by bob na (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 14 Aug 2001
Dear Readers: You have to work to keep the hands of interlopers off this stuff. I have had hundreds of thousands of words of typrewritten text stolen. This material was all published on; but it was never available. Call this critic of mine, "ml" to account to review his professed intelligence; or he will just continue his game. Hasta luego, adios. Respectfully, Bob |
See also:
na |
front page or bust |
by bob na (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 14 Aug 2001
nn |
See also:
na |
front page or bust |
by bob na (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 14 Aug 2001
nn |
See also:
na |