Santa Claus
Conquers the Longshoremen
By Ricky Baldwin
The mainstream media have buried
the biggest labor story in decades, far bigger than
the Reagan Administrations decision to fire
the air traffic controllers. The Bush Administration
has used the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act, not to break a
strike, but to slap down a union already locked out
by employers. Never before has the government used
this power in a lockout.
After months of hostile negotiations,
mainly over outsourcing, the International Longshore
and Warehouse Union resisted striking despite all
media predictions. The business press had been whipping
importers into a frenzy all summer, and shipping through
West Coast docks had increased dramatically in anticipation.
This created more jobs than people to fill them,
(SF Chronicle), and the ILWU said the speedup
was unsafe. Five workers had been killed on the docks
in the last five years, the union noted, and called
on workers to work to rule.
Break the Rules, or Else
Work to rule means that workers follow
all safety and other rules strictly, depriving the
employer of the unpaid or unsafe work - during breaks,
lunch, or when safety procedures demand extra time
- that workers normally provide. The Longshoremen
also began refusing overtime and rotating shipping
clerks so that no one clerk had to handle the busiest
ports all the time. The most careful reader would
have found virtually none of this information in the
mainstream media.
Instead, press reports were full
of employer condemnations and accusations that workers
were engaging in a slowdown, a legally
unprotected activity that involves workers intentionally
dragging their feet, now apparently also known as
a strike with pay, (NYT). I have
said it before and I will say it again, says
Pacific Maritime Association president Joseph Miniace,
I will not pay workers to strike, (SF
The summer news of the speedup,
sparse as it was before, was completely forgotten
by the second day of the PMAs lockout. And the
workers perspective appeared as a kind of footnote,
if at all: The union denied that it had orchestrated
slowdowns, saying it merely urged members to refuse
overtime and to strictly follow safety rules.
But such radical suggestions were quickly balanced
by the PMAs plaintive explanations: We
just talked to the unions international officers
and asked them not to do these things
If they
do not give us labor, then that's a strike. And if
there's a strike, the gates would be locked,
(LA Times). The workers refused to call a strike,
so the bosses did it for them.
Blaming the Workers
Owners closed the ports Sept. 27 and again Sept. 30,
at a cost to the national economy estimated at $1
billion a day. Still the media blamed the workers.
In an article titled, Labors muscle on
Pacific docks, the Christian Science Monitor
opined, Few unions can cause this kind of ruckus
any more. The article recounted past strikes
by coalminers, threatening Americas ability
to heat their homes, and steelworkers, roiling
President Kennedy and national inflation, before
telling us that the waterfront dispute would
seem to hold the holiday season hostage, with millions
of Christmas toys and televisions from Asia trapped
on a conga line of ships left bobbing in untended
For added authority, we had chief
economist for Merrill Lynch, Bruce Steinberg: I
don't think the government will let the economy be
held hostage by some longshoremen. Then the
article compared the lockout to a violent
1934 strike, when police had killed several dockworkers.
Backed by media cheerleading, the
Bush Administration set the Taft-Hartley wheels in
motion Oct. 7, ordering a one-day investigation. The
President appeared to have his mind made up, reported
the Associated Press, as of course he likely had well
before the contract expired July 1. Business lobbyists
had reported a sympathetic ear in the
Oval Office all summer, citing post-September
11 national security concerns, (AP). Labor Secretary
Elaine Chao warned the ILWU early in negotiations
that the White House would intervene, possibly with
federal troops.
No national media explained the
history of the Taft-Hartley Acts passage after
World War II, with FDR dead, amid a national backlash
against organized labor, much less the history of
the acts usage. Taft-Hartley has always weakened
the union and often failed to settle the conflict,
concluded one study in 2000 (Arizona Law Review).
But in the media, federal intervention was neutral
and imminently necessary.
All the News That Fits (Our
After all, Christmas was coming, and probably a war
on Iraq. Gifts and military supplies had to flow freely.
A long shutdown would completely cut off Hawaii and
Alaska. This was such an exciting story that most
media seemingly could not bear to include the facts.
When the lockout came, the Longshoremen volunteered
to handle shipments for Alaska, Hawaii, the US military
and all cruise ships - without pay. With the help
of a federal mediator, ILWU convinced the owners to
allow this work, but the national media never reported
this, or the dock owners weeklong opposition.
Here and there in the national media,
the careful reader might find a more revealing tidbit,
such as the dock owners bragging that they would keep
the ports closed until the longshoremen agree to extend
the expired contract, (AP). But this was rare.
Even when the union did agree to a 30-day extension,
as demanded by Labor Secretary Chao - and the owners
refused - the President invoked Taft-Hartley anyway,
moving up his announcement 15 minutes to coincide
with the ILWUs announcement that the union had
agreed (AP). Not to be upstaged by agreement when
employing force, is of course vintage Bush.
By then, it really should not have
been surprising that the big media failed to report
the historical significance of Bushs decision.
To do so would require focusing on the fact that the
waterfront walkoff (CNN) did not exist,
but a lockout did, and on why that difference is everything.
Undisciplined minds might have wondered why the White
House was so clearly and disingenuously siding with
the bosses who created a phony crisis,
as AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Richard Trumka put
President Bush saves Christmas,
was the preferred theme. Jubilant reports almost always
reminded audiences of the enormous cost of the port
shutdown and, of course, how well paid those nasty
Longshoremen are anyway - the ten percent whose jobs
havent already been eliminated, that is. Nowhere
does the press mention how much the bosses make.
Negotiations during the Taft-Hartley
cooling off period are likely to be ugly.
Negotiators for the companies have already turned
up at the bargaining table with armed guards, an outrageous
breach of protocol and attempt at intimidation,
as noted by the head of the Federal Mediation and
Conciliation Service (FMCS press release). Nowhere
in the national press is this story to be found, much
less the suggestion that it might have been the bosses
holding the holidays hostage - with the
help of the White House.