Letters From Readers
Dear Public I:
During a recent visit, I came across
your publication. My first reaction was that your content
is not particularly independent, but rather predictable
in representing a particular point of view. But that
is not why I write. I write in response to Belden Fields'
piece in the November issue, “Universities and the ‘War
on Terrorism’”.
I agree with everything Fields wrote. And the 1950s
were a particularly odious time for diversity of thought
in higher education. But Fields tells only half the
story. He ignores the fact that the tactics he deplores
also are employed by left-leaning faculty and administrators
against many in the academy who may be deemed, for lack
of a better term, “politically incorrect”, or who may
not share the “appropriate” world view of some colleges
and departments.
My point simply is that diversity of thought on campus
has been a victim of more than one perspective on the
political spectrum, and most likely will continue to
Derry Eynon
Associate Professor Emeritus
Fort Collins, Colorado
Editor’s note: We of the public
i invited Derry Eynon to write an article identifying
instances of university administrations who have engaged
in punitive action against right-wing professors because
of what they have said or written. We felt that if the
rights of such professors to academic freedom and freedom
of speech were being curtailed in a manner similar to
the way in which the speech of left-wing professors
is being censored at present, our readers shouldbe informed
of the specifics. Professor Eynon declined our invitation
to submit an article for publication.
For more info:
War on Campus by David Glenn 12/3/01 http://www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml?i=20011203&s=glenn
This article treats some of the incidents, including
one at City University of New York, which generated
this statement from the faculty organization.
The mother of all attempts to chill dissident views
was issued by the DC based American Council of Trustees
and Alumni. This group was founded by second lady and
novelist Lynne Cheney, who is also known for the chill
she imparted while heading the NEH (National Endowment
for the Humanities).
This is a 67 Mb file.
For an excellent short critique, check out Lynne Cheney's
campus crusade
Bill Berkowitz