Earth Day These Days
by Jennifer Walling
"[O]n April 22, 1970, Earth
Day was held, one of the most remarkable happenings in
the history of democracy..."
American Heritage Magazine, October 1993
Earth Day, April 22, 1970. A beautiful
spring day. Twenty million Americans converge on a Wednesday,
a day chosen so as not to conflict with studentsí
weekend plans or final exams. Pete Seeger performs at
the Washington Monument. Traffic is routed around New
Yorkís Fifth Avenue so that Earth Day events
can be held. Protests, rallies, marches, and parades
take place across the country. In Urbana-Champaign,
Students for Environmental Controls (SECS) -later renamed
Students for Environmental Concerns coordinates an Environmental
Crisis Week.
Nobody planned for Earth Day to become a recurring event.
For SECS, regular annual Earth Day celebrations didn't
begin until 1982.
Harry S. Dent, in his book The Roaring 2000s, uses the
environmental movement to illustrate what he calls the
economic "S-curve". In this paradigm, a new
idea or product first gains support slowly, then suddenly
surges upward in momentum until it eventually becomes
"mainstream", at which time its support levels
off. In his charts, support for the environmental movement
climbed gradually upward in the 1960s and 1970s, surged
in the 1980s, and leveled off in the 1990s. If Dent's
paradigm is true, many environmentalists would be dismayed
to learn that their cause has reached that "mainstream"
level, since there still seems to be a lot of progress
that needs to be made.
The way Earth Day is currently celebrated is a great
indicator of the changes that have happened to the environmental
movement in the last 32 years. Perhaps some of these
changes have occurred because many people have forgotten
the original purpose of Earth Day. For example, in his
Earth Day speech last year, President Bush declared,
"On April 22 each year for more than three decades,
Americans have paused on Earth Day to celebrate the
rich blessings of our nationís natural resources
and to take stock of our stewardship of nature's gifts."
That seems a strange way to describe what Earth Dayís
founder, Gaylord Nelson, described as "a nationwide
grassroots demonstration on behalf of the environment",
or as many have called it, the first environmental protest.
Earth Day was arguably the birth of the modern environmental
movement. At the very least it marked a significant
change in environmentalism, from "conservationists"
endeavoring to protect natural areas to protesters rallying
to protect people and the environment from unseen dangers
such as DDT, lead, and other pollutants.
The original purpose of Earth Day was certainly not
to celebrate the blessings of our natural resources
(environmentalists do that every day), but to join together
in demonstrating to those in power that they were doing
a poor job of protecting and maintaining the clean environment
that many people value so dearly, and that ultimately
is essential to life itself. As Christine Todd Whitman,
the current administrator of the US Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), has stated, "That first Earth Day
launched an unprecedented national movement to correct
decades of environmental degradation, destruction, and
Mr. Nelson, who "organized" the first Earth
Day celebration, came up with the vision of "a
huge grassroots protest over what was happening to our
environment." According to him, "Earth Day
worked because of the spontaneous response at the grassroots
level. We had neither the time nor the resources to
organize 20 million demonstrators, and the thousands
of schools and local communities that participated.
That was the remarkable thing about Earth Day. It organized
Many of the focal issues at the first Earth Day were
those that were life-threatening. Citizens demanded
laws regulating such things as pesticides, radioactive
and other hazardous wastes, and air and water pollution
in order to prevent human death. Some also called for
recycling programs and bottle bills. In the 1970s, almost
everyone wanted environmental changes.
Republicans and Democrats agreed that environmental
reforms were needed. Richard Nixon created the EPA in
1970; in the same year, lead was banned from paint.
The 1970s saw the passing of the Clean Water Act, the
Safe Drinking Water Act, the first fuel economy standards,
hazardous waste regulations, and the Clean Air Act.
Other events in the decade were environmental emergencies
such as the OPEC oil embargo, the Three Mile Island
nuclear power plant accident, and the discovery of severe
dioxin contamination at Love Canal, New York.
Today, more than 200 million people in 140 countries
celebrate Earth Day. National and international organizations,
local school and community groups, governmental bodies,
and even some businesses and corporations celebrate
the day on which the first major environmental protest
was held. Yet actual progress on environmental issues
is glacially slower than it was in the 1970s. The US
government''s commitment to positive environmental policy
initiatives seems to have been virtually abandoned -especially
under the current administration. Very few major environmental
laws have been enacted in the past few years.
Plenty of environmental concerns still exist, but environmental
problems are often less tangible and seemingly more
intractable than they have been in the past. An example
would be the proposed drilling for oil in the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge. Environmentalists have to
convince the public to care about this precious natural
place that most will never see. The same is true for
global warming. People must be persuaded to change their
behavior in order to prevent something whose consequences
may be far in the future. On the one hand, a number
of environmental issues are international in scope and
require cooperative international solutions. At the
opposite extreme, certain environmental problems require
for their solution personal behavioral changes as well
as changes in government policy. These changes are often
difficult to achieve, and success is uncertain.
There's still much work to be done to repair the degradation
done to our environment. Many corporations continue
to employ abysmal environmental practices, polluting
throughout the world. A number of the regulations passed
in the 1970s and 1980s need to be strengthened, broadened,
and enforced more consistently.
Still, one of the best places to achieve an environmental
victory is in your own back yard. Locally, environmentalists
are working to expand the City of Champaign's recycling
ordinance, to restore prairie areas, to encourage the
use of renewable energy, to combat sprawl, and to increase
environmental education.
This year's local Earth Day celebration, hosted by Students
for Environmental Concerns, will be held on the Quad
at the University of Illinois on Sunday, April 21 from
12 to 6 pm. For more information, you can contact Jennifer
Walling at or Joanne Messerges at
Local Environmental
This web site has a listing of many of the local environmental
Students for Environmental Concerns,
; contact
Earth Doctors,
; contact
Environmental Resources,
; contact
Red Bison,
; contact
Community Heartland Pathways,
; contact
Sierra Club Champaign
County Audubon Society,
; contact
Prairie Greens,
; contact
Illinois Student Environmental Network,
; contact
Grand Prairie Friends,
; contact