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Commentary :: Peace
Hot Pink Democracy Alert Current rating: 0
20 Feb 2003
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Re: Hot Pink Democracy Alert
Current rating: 1
20 Feb 2003

Is this Liberal Humor? Wow, making fun of a Great Black Man. Great response your getting, my man.
Assume And You Make An ASS Of U And ME!
Current rating: 4
20 Feb 2003
Modified: 10:13:23 PM
Just because Colin Powell is Black does not make him a trustworthy person. There were black people who collaberated as slave owners too! Certainly all forms of Racism are bad but that doesn't give a person a specific moral privledge just because of the colour of their skin.

I don't understand why anybody would think Colin Powell is less of a nazi than George Bush is? He is right now the at the head of the biggest military machine ever. He is there to justify War. He belives in War - that is why he's the head of the Machine. Why should we trust him or not make fun of stupid things he says? Because of the colour of his skin? That is irrelevant to this except as a PR symbol in their propaganda fight on the home front - to justify militarism!
Rusl You Mis-guided Little Racist
Current rating: 5
21 Feb 2003
Modified: 02:46:10 AM
Interesting that leftist always resort to calling people who disagree with them NAZIS. Colin Powell is a man who rose from ROTC to lead the military. He became National Security Advisor under Reagan, and was G Bush the first's Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. Now he is The Secretary of State of the most powerful nation on earth. All this during Republican Administrations. do not know how well read you are (I assume not much), but he was the last person on board for fighting Iraq. He is a man of honor regardless of skin color. People who have been in combat tend not to want to repeat the experience. Trust me.

As for the term NAZI. I think it shallow of the Pro Abortion Libs to throw out this term. You and your policies have racked up 44 million deaths while Roe is the law of the land. These are statistics that would humble both Stalin, Hitler, Mao and your boy Sadaam.

Rusl, why not admit, that this administration has given more opportunity to blacks and hispanics, based not on their race but rather their ability. We select people based not on the color of their skin, but rather the content of their character. That's why we did not select Bill Clinton to help us out. That and because his policies decimated the military, which invited 9-11. You can't stand it can you, because we walk the walk and you talk the talk. So strap on your earth shoes, and throw on the tie dye shirt and go an burn a flag or something.

I did not make an ass of myself and I suspect you needed no help in achieving that objective.By the way, who is in the majority now, you historically challenged loser?

Hey, on another note, when we kick Sadaam's ass and liberate these poor people, will you be sad? I suspect you are hoping we lose or we suffer terrible casualties. I would rather you simply say thank you and be on your way or better still pick up a weapon and stand a post.

I predict the people of Iraq will cheer when we march down the streets of Bagdad. You will probably be as sad as when the Berlin Wall fell. I hope you take your medication.

Take Care Rusl and Remember Peace through Strentgh,


Re: Hot Pink Democracy Alert
Current rating: 4
21 Feb 2003
Modified: 08:13:17 AM
hey JACK,
what do you think you know about colin powell?i can say without a doubt that Mr. Powell was put in the main party so as to bethe token black guy. its clear that for most of his term he seems the most left wing and moderate of the party. but all that changed a few months ago. Bush must have come down hard on him. now he seems like the one who came up with the idea of bombing Iraq. Jack , you seem to be a sad individual who thinks proud uncle sam travels the world to save the poor people and the abused. thats bullshit. for the last century the US has been raping and pillaging the world. in WW2 how long did it take you 2 participate? only after three years when ye saw that the russians were actually going to do something. ye saw an oppurtunity to carve up europe. so jack i dont want to hear your bull about brave heroic america. heres a list of countries ye have invaded and the reasons;
Cuba because batista(cruel puppet dictator)was ousted
Panama because ye wanted a canal through there
Chile because of aluminium and Pepsi
Brazil because of the wrong person being elected
Colombia (at the moment) because its your last southern stronghold.
im not too sure why u invaded Guatamala
do i even have to mention Nicaragua?
and thats only south and central america. will i start on asia now? your government is a joke. democracy doesnt exist in the US. ye have a two party race while ye ride thew same horse. P.S i predict the people of Iraq will spit on yalls
Current rating: -2
21 Feb 2003
Modified: 09:40:48 AM
Good Morning Cru,

Pretty impressive won-lost record. I did not realize that we kicked the shit out of so many countries and unlike you, I am intelligent.

You did not mention which country you may be from although, by the looks of your writing ability, I would sware that you are a product of our public school system.

Your country would be lucky to be invaded by us as we are clearly as compasionate as we are strong. If by chance you happen to be from the Middle East, don't look up, because we are coming.

Your attacks on Colin Powell show how little you know of the man. You say he is the token black, how about Ms. Rice the National Security Advisor. Interesting how you liberals, who claim to be so hip to race would use such a racist accusation. He got the job because he earned it.

You mentioned that I am sad. Actually Cru, I am having a wonderful time ripping you to shreds in this comment. Keep working on the grammar and don't worry, you are not the first, nor will you be the last, to fail against Jack.

Take Care,

An Appeal
Current rating: 2
21 Feb 2003

Andrew P. Jones

This appeal for justice written by the only Black American in Baghdad is aimed at all Americans. Although I must admit the thought that Black Americans, the Red Indians, and the Spanish population are most likely to take it to heart.

Here in Baghdad, as one storyteller might have put it, the rosy fingered dawn caresses the gold minarets with her painted nails. With her comes the heat of day to the hottest capital in the world. Children arise this morning, sleepy after a night on their flat roofs where they slept with their parents, cousins, uncles and aunts under a fine blanket of desert dust and soothing Arabian night breezes.

It is a troubled place this city in the centre of the Middle East. Winter was a time of war. Spring saw an unjust peace. Shortages of food, water and electricity plagued the people like locusts. For a while civil war in the north and south blotted out relief from suffering, although none of the parties involved now seem to want more killing.

The quality of life in Iraq has taken a turn towards the dismal. True, a few of the rich get richer off the war, but many more went broke. An entire middle class has become an underclass and the poor have become a sub class, if such a class can be imagined.

Visiting hospitals in the south, I have seen case after case of infant malnutrition, the mothers themselves suffering, from the same. In many areas due to a mixture of stress, poor diet, bad sanitation and contaminated water, mothers find themselves unable to produce breast milk for their children. Instead they feed their children contaminated sugar water. The babies get gastroenteritis and become even more malnourished. Those who make it to hospitals soon enough get dedicated treatment. Those who do not just die.

A severely malnourished child looks like a tiny old person. The worst cases, and there are plenty, have wrinkles, baggy skin and distended bellies. They have to be cleaned constantly because as soon as they eat they defecate and the flies come around. Pediatric ward windows must be left open because more often than not there is no air conditioning.

Most hospitals are using small back up generators. Engineers make do by cannibalizing main generators for the spare parts they cannot import due to sanctions. Even so, the smaller generators cannot produce enough voltage to supply roomy wards with cool air. So mothers fan their children continuously and try to keep their own spirits up by kidding and joking around.

Playfulness tends to be a major part of most Iraqi households. I remember lots of kidding in my own household growing up in the projects of Richmond, Virginia. My mother used to play jokes on us and we played jokes on her and each other all the time. Later, as I entered white society and acquired white friends, I found them to be taken aback at the extent to which I joked about seemingly serious situations. They didn't understand that I had learned to minimalize a problem first by laughing at it and later dealing with it seriously. Perhaps it is a coping mechanism, a kind of kill switch for sadness. If we cry hard enough, we laugh and if we laugh hard enough, we cry. Such is true all over the world.

It is early evening in Baghdad and I sit interviewing an Iraqi woman who tells me a story that begins with laughter but ends tragically The day was 19 January 1991. The time was approximately two o'clock in the afternoon in the Karada section of Baghdad. She says she was in her kitchen preparing to go to her sister's house where the family was gathering for lunch. Big lunches are a tradition in Iraq.

All of a sudden she heard the roar of what seemed to be a low flying jet airplane. She looked up just as a cruise missile was passing right in front of the window. Laughing hysterically she ran into the living room ready to tell everyone about the slapstick sight she had just seen. Imagine, she says, standing in your kitchen in the middle of the afternoon and a cruise comes zooming by right in front of you. Unfortunately, there was no one in the living room. Everyone was outside already.

The missile had struck the home of her sister and brother-in-law, located a couple of streets away. They had been married thirty-three years. Both were killed instantly. Two of their daughters and the older daughter's 18-month-old boy were also in the house. The three of them were dead.

Up in the north of Iraq, in the city of Mosul, children play in the now familiar post
War ruins: rows of houses destroyed by army projectiles. They use cardboard to slide down what used to be concrete roofs of homes. Laughing and playing in front of the camera, oblivious to the smell of raw sewage rivulets, they eagerly show me their bombed school. Some of the children weren't so lucky as the ones now playing in the debris. I ask the names of dead children and their surviving peers shout out an honor roll. Sometimes they pause to remember. The adults say nothing.

A surgeon in the general hospital in Mosul tells me that during the war he decided to allow staff volunteers to video the immediate aftermath of the air strikes. He says he did so because of his belief that the hospital should have its own record of the bombing.

The videos include some shots taken in the hospital morgue. The shots show dead children and adults with no visible injuries, looking as though they died in their sleep
He says they died when their internal organs imploded. Often, he says, the force of a nearby explosion will simply push all air out of the body and cause it to collapse on itself suffocating the victim.

I write this appeal from the Diwan hotel here on Saadon street in central Baghdad. Before the war this was the city's center of social and retail activity, sort of like Columbus circle in New York or the Latin Quarter in Paris. One block west are the world-famous fish restaurants situated along the Tigris River. Tourists used to frequent these establishments to eat the fish caught fresh from the Tigris river. Tourists used to frequent these establishments to eat the fish caught fresh from the Tigris river, now badly polluted due to sewage run-off.

Sewage treatment facilities, once the envy of other third world countries, were shut down when the power plants were struck during the war. Winter rains clogged drains and sewage backed in the streets. The only place to put it was in the river. Water sanitation experts estimate that it will take years for the great Tigris to recover.

Now most of the restaurants along the river are closed. The fish that is sold is too expensive for most Iraqi families and there are no tourists. Couples still stroll along the river. Men still sit outdoors, play dominoes, smoke and play pool. But the old atmosphere, so they say, is now gone.

It is difficult to imagine how quickly prices have skyrocketed here in Iraq. The average Iraqi family makes 150 dinars a month. A family of six people, two parents and four children, now have to spend at least 1000Iraqi dinars a month for food. It is a wonder how people eat. They eat little and work a lot, something for which Iraqis are famous

Nevertheless I have been a frequent dinner guest of Iraqis rich and poor. Even during brief visits they never fail to offer me tea or coffee. I have been treated to meals, the leftovers of which will be used for days, I am sure. I have never been asked to pay.

There lives in Iraq a strong tradition of hospitality that Iraqis lavish on foreigners and each other. The tradition is so strong that the majority of the Arabs here would probably rather die than suffer in the shame of being inhospitable hosts. Graciousness is in their blood but their blood may be shed for oil.


It is not my aim to base this appeal on a picture of a perfect or even heroic people. Indeed, the Iraqi people have the same foibles that any other people share and in some ways more so. There is racism here, sexism and what some might call arrogance among the educated classes. Yet what I have not found here, even in the most minute amount, is the blind hatred of the "enemy", historically so prevalent in the United States during the times of war.

Throughout this entire Gulf crisis, there has yet to be reported one incident wherein an Iraqi citizen threatened, abused or insulted a visitor from any of the countries participating in the war against Iraq. All journalists and relief workers in Iraq have been treated with a collective courtesy and discipline that makes the more ignorant visitor suspicious. Not even the children call us names and children are generally the real barometers of the feelings of any household.

Little Jack Horner, Sit In Your Corner...
Current rating: 0
21 Feb 2003
Modified: 06:01:05 PM
To correct Rusl, who said of Colin Powell:

"He is there to justify War. He belives in War - that is why he's the head of the Machine."

Actually, he didn't believe that war was the right thing either. Not until recently. That is why his flip-flop shows his ass. Because he and other military KNOW that attacking another country---without immediate or imminent danger---is not what America is supposed to be about nor is it a very good idea. But then again, this whole thing shows America's ass, now doesn't it?

Another little thing that I, personally would like to point out to you, Jack, is that:

1. We currently have soldiers/"personnel" (on U.S. bases or otherwise) to Germany, Japan (from WWII), South Korea (from Korean War---which I think we are STILL fighting), Columbia, Afghanistan, Persian Gulf, to name the obvious. We now longer have enough regular enlisted troops that we have to call in reserves and use them on a basis that is unheard of. Stories on 60 Minutes II, Frontline, Fox News, etc., have "experts" citing a long and bloody urban warfare.

How is that any different from the jungles of SE Asia?

And if I can count right, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan are THREE fronts. That is lot of ground to cover with limited resources. Am I missing any front? OH YEAH, the home front. HA! We only need duct tape to save the home front, right? Cuz, we check every bag, every ship, every plane, every person, EVERY THING that enters this country. Like drugs, right?

2. If we attack Iraq to remove the leader---in essence invade and conquer---how is that different from Hitler marching into Munich? Granted, we have put leaders into power before by less overt and just as horrible manners. Let's see,...Chile, Cambodia, Haiti, Indonesia...just a few suggestions.

3. But, of course, I am sure pResident Shrub's military service leads HIM to the CORRECT conclusion. Right? He was he Jack? Can you fill us in on the Shrubbery's military accomplishments?

Screeching just encourages folks who don't normally post comments to post support for anti-war folks.
Response To 5 Inches
Current rating: 0
24 Feb 2003
Modified: 12:21:04 PM
Dear 5 inches:

First, let me say that 5 inches is nothing to brag about dude. Secondly, I see by the title of your column, that you get most of your factual information from Nursury Rhyhmes. This explains a hell of lot about you and your misguided friends.

Nonetheless, let's address your points: First, you seem to express a great deal of interest in Sec. Powell's ass. This concerns me and I have no wish for a relationship as I am a hetero sexual. Second, you ask how this is different from SE Asia and go on to cite experts who say we will suffer an Urban Bloodbath. Since when have you ever been concerned about our troops? Are these the same experts who predicted we would be bogged down in the first gulf war with 10,000 body bags? This is vastly different than SE Asia. There is no Soviet Union (thanks to Reagan) to keep us from using every weapon at our disposal to defeat these bastards.

Secondly,you point out the impossibility of assuring these terrorists will not hit us at home again. By the way, Just say not to drugs, dude, it makes you write incoherently. I agree, we cannot possibly stop them at our borders. This is precisely why we need to take the fight to them and pin them down where they live until there weapons are eliminated and their evil leaders all reach room temp.

You go on to say that if we attack Iraq, how will this make us different than Hitler? In 1991 Sadaam agreed to a cease fire. A requirement was that he disarm. He has failed to comply. Now he is going to pay. This is not a preemptive strike, it is to enforce the original cease fire agreement.

Then you try to inject Liberal humor by referring to Bush as "President Shrub" and question his military service. Wow, this is clever. I could not get enough oxygen, I was laughing so hard. (Seriously, leave the humor to the professionals) Kids please do try this at home. As for his military service, just how many super sonic military aircraft have you piloted? At least he was not hiding under his desk like the most famous draft evader of them all.

Finally, you say that you do not normally post comments. You should, you really need the practice.


Ryan Kicks Your Asses Again!
Current rating: -1
24 Feb 2003
Modified: 12:41:51 PM
Well, I guess Jack kicked your ass again. It must be tough being a liberal these days when your world view is shown to be totally wrong. You know, all the multicultural, every other country's culture is better than mine, bullshit. Just remember, Sadaam always needs good quality human shields so I suggest you hurry and put your "ass in the grass" for what you feel so strongly about.

John Rambo
"I am your worst nightmare"
Trolling For Columbine
Current rating: 0
24 Feb 2003
Modified: 02:43:17 PM
I hear an echo in here. You're not fooling anyone, John Ramb{o,!} AKA Jack Ryan AKA troll. Maybe if you weren't just a troll, you wouldn't have to write fake responses to yourself to legitimize your one-man crusade for lies, injustice, and the Shrubbian way.

Current rating: 0
24 Feb 2003

Actually, I have no idea who John Rambo is? I assumed that he is just one of the legions of Jack Ryan converts to have been rescued from the anti-American site. As for the Echo, perhaps if you remove your head from the dark reaches of your own colon, that echo would go away.

Now, why not deflate your sex partner and get out and find the truth.

Good Luck,

The Troll Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks
Current rating: 0
24 Feb 2003
Modified: 05:03:39 PM
> Actually, I have no idea who John Rambo is?

Yeah, right. A troll is a troll.
Current rating: 0
24 Feb 2003
1) You ASSUME I am a man.

2) You ASSUME I am homosexual. (little freudian slip on your part, i believe)

3) You ASSUME that our strength will win a war---that IS what it will be. Like how England was NOT stronger than the colonists and French? Or N. Vietnamese were NOT stronger than us? or al-Queda is not stronger than us?

During colonial times, when English troops fought, they lined up rows of three. 1st row fires, kneels, and reloads, then 2nd row, then 3rd row. This "3-part" harmony allowed a constant volley of fire to come from this group. The enemy, Native Americans, hid behind trees and ambushed troops. Wow. They didn't play by the "rules of engagement". If you think Iraq and whoever else is in Iraq doesn't know our rules of engagement, you are kidding yourself.

Invading another country for selfish and greedy reasons, to kill and gain control, to install puppet leadership,...that is a VERY Hitler-esque move.

Course, if you were older than 16, you might know a little history. Guess the high school computer labs ain't open on the weekends, huh.

BTW, I know many, many, many vets that are AGAINST invading another sovereign country for the profit margins of the elite.

O p e n y o u r e y e s.
Tsk, Tsk
Current rating: 0
24 Feb 2003
I’m not sure whether to call my attorney or just ignore you, Jack Ryan, like most of the rest here seem to be doing.

I do know one thing, the guys over at Langley snicker every time your name pops up on their LCDs with your pitiful imitation of the real Jack Ryan. Of course, they really know who you are, you slimy little wannabe. And they laugh at your wasting time here on Indymedia trolling these protestors, which is about as revealing of your real fears as that embarrassing episode the President had last Tuesday, when he made a big deal out of saying the worldwide demonstrations against his Iraq policy were something he was going to ignore. The words were certainly what he hoped to convey from his script, but the mere fact that he had to make a big deal, public statement about it revealed that he was far more worried than he let on. Can’t you see that the street sees right through such chickenshit tactics, looking right into the real fear they see in your eyes. Everyone knows that if the Company really doesn’t like someone, they’ll send a Hellfire calling card down their stack, rather than something as laughable as unleashing the likes of your limited vocabulary and puerile wit on their website.

They really feel sorry for you, though, and they understand. Since that cute Mata Hari-type in Timbuktu Bobbited your member, things just haven’t been the same, have they? She told me the 2” section she took out of Little Willy was more than you could stand to lose. Sorry about us not getting it back for you before the crocs got it, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles – you never should have started beating her. Glad the reattachment seems to have taken, but don’t bust the little feller over something that’s online. You probably only have one good screw left in the damn thing anyway.

But the boys in Langley are at least glad you are no longer downloading the kiddie porn (but, hey, make sure that hard drive gets wiped before you sell it, right?), but they just can’t understand your bizarre fetish for protestors lying in the snow (see: The thought of you fondling yourself while viewing naked snow ladies has them rolling in the aisles at CIA Headquarters. That is why they decided to refer to you as “Jack Off” in the case file they are building for my attorney.

BTW, with the late hours you’ve been keeping recently, please tell us you’re not back to sucking up blow off the mirror again. You’re normally a pretty despicable type anyway and you know how you get truly ugly with a snoot full of Peruvian Marching Powder. Those poor kids in El Salvador sure know – god, it was a bad day in kindergarten, but that’ll teach ‘em the hazards of learning to read from nuns. Don’t forget, as those boys from the Air Guard found out, it’s hard to bomb straight when your head’s not straight.

I created Jack Ryan and he is simply a fictional character. You, sir, are a preposterous, weak-kneed fake, not to mention an embarrassment to all things American. Even Tenet prefers you as the Quiet American, rather than the Ugly American.
Definitely Twins
Current rating: 0
24 Feb 2003
Well, "Jack" oughta get a job. Either that, or when the boss catches him trolling IMC when he should be working all afternoon, he'll be looking for another one.

As for the remarkable resemblance between "Jack" and "Rambo's" diction and phrasing, all I can say is the site logs don't lie.

BTW, I Heart Trolls, you shook him up some. He even signed his rather juvenile reply to you with what he thought (at the time, he's MAYBE learned something today -- imagine that) was your name, in addition to addressing you that way. Do his parents even trust him to ride MTD yet without getting lost?

"Jack," you're playing way out of your league here. But we don't sponsor a junior high version of Indymedia, so you're on your own on that.
Under Your Skin
Current rating: -1
25 Feb 2003
Modified: 02:41:38 PM
Dear *,:P, and I Heart Trolls,

Where's the love? Where's the tolerance? Where's your Crack Pipe,

If you boys are going to attempt to take me on, it may be time for you to bring in some reinforcements. You may want to look outside of your LD Class. How can I get a job since I am myself an employer. I am one of the wealthy republicans that you guys hate so much. I do have a lot of underpaid, complaining liberals, who work for me though, maybe you boys are one of them.

BTW, I hope the time you spend reading my column and fellow Patriot, Rambo, do not keep you from getting your daily government handout of something. A good portion of this is my money so the least you could do is say thank you.

If you can take time out of your busy schedules ( hating America )spitting on servicemen etc. Perhaps you could bring a fact to the next debate. Strap on your bike helmets real tight, put some clothes on, get off the drugs, and lets debate. You can bring the naked chicks with you for support.

Have a Nice Day,

Re: Under Your Skin
Current rating: 8
25 Feb 2003
I'm afraid, Jack, that the reason nobody is debating you is that nobody takes you seriously.

A debate, as I understand it, involves arguing a position and backing it up with facts. It has nothing to do with hurling invective at your opponent. I haven't seen a single one of your posts that didn't rely on crude insults and unfounded assumptions.

if you're serious about wanting to debate the issues, I suggest you stop taking cheap shots at the many people here who disagree with you, and start behaving like a grownup.
For Jr
Current rating: 0
25 Feb 2003
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
John Galt
Current rating: 3
26 Feb 2003
Modified: 12:35:13 AM
Dear John,

OK, let's do it your way. In this particular article, the response to my initial comment was very racist in my view. Essentially, they refer to Colin Powell as an " Uncle Tom ". In my view, he is a man of honor who has scaled great heights despite the many opticles placed before him.
All by the way, under Republican Administrations.

I entered your site, looking at naked women in snow, so excuse me if I have trouble taking you folks seriously. What I would like to know is, if we do go to war, who will you guys be rooting for? I am serious. I have asked this question several times with no response. Secondly, I am troubled by the fact that I see no comdimnation of Saddam or Osama Bin Laden in your posts. To date, Saddam has killed 1.5 million of his own people and had invaded two neighbors over the last two decades. These are facts.

Finally, where were you protesters when Clinton bombed Bosnia? He did not seek authorization from the UN. In my view he was right to take the action that he did. In fact, it was the only thing that he did that I agreed with.

I will humbly await your response,



Answer To 5 With All Due Respect To John Galt
Current rating: 0
26 Feb 2003
Modified: 02:30:44 AM
Dear 5,

I did assume you were a male. My fault. I am guessing that 5 is code for the fifth naked chick starting from left to right. I'll check you out in a minute.

Now about my assumptions: " You assume strength will win a war". Not at all, but it helps. During the Vietnam War, General Diepe, of the the North Vietnamese army, was fond of saying that they were willing to loose 12 soldiers to our 1.

He actually showed the films of our protesters in an effort to boost the morale of his soldiers. This is exactly what you are doing for Saddam and his gang right now. I believe he took the trouble to thank you for it.

Next you go on to give me a lesson on battle tactics. Thanks, but that is what Marine OCS was for. As for the British against the Americans during the Revolution. They actually won more battles, but we were more motivated. We also had General Washington who knew how the British fought. After all, he fought for them in the French and Indian War.

You then speak of rules of engagement. I personally do not believe in them. I think it ties the hands of our men and women who have a job to do. I hope they fry every raghead in their gun sites.

Next you point out that we are invading Iraq for greedy or selfish reasons. Do you really think this war is about Oil? We were within spitting distance of Saddam's oil in 1991. We are now on the ground in Kuwait. We fly missions every day from Saudi Arabia. One third of the known oil reserves in the world are within an 800 mile radius of our troops right now. If this were truly about oil, we could take Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qutar, and whatever oil producing country without breaking a sweat. You seem to have some military knowledge so you know I am right.

An easier way, would be to simply lift the current santions on Iraq and let their full production enter the free market. Oil prices would plummet. However, you would still have Saddam in power which is unacceptable. He has now defied 18 UN resolutions to disarm. He continues to produce weapons of mass destruction. Please give me some facts to prove this war is solely about Oil. I doubt you can.

I find it interesting that you compare Bush to Hilter. Saddam has killed 1.5 million of his own people and yet you do not condemn him. In fact, you protect him. When we liberate Iraq and you see the people crying out with joy, will you be able to face your own beliefs? Would it not have been right for France and England to premptively strike Germany when he entered the Sudetenland with 3 understrength brigades and out bluffed the brave French who had far superior numbers? Had he French attacked him then, war would have been avoided. Do you think for a minute that inspectors would currently be in Iraq without the threat of force right now?

You also say you know many, many, many veterans. I am sorry, but this is an out and out lie. While I am sure there are many Ron Kovic type veterans out there, I am also sure that most Veterans, of which I am one, would prefer you do your protesting at home. Or better yet, jump on website and find some lonely grunt to correspond with in the coming days. He or she is probably pretty scared right now and a little gratitude from the spoiled brats that they are protecting would probably boost there morale right about now.

Finally, thanks for thinking I am 16. Actually I am much older but in very good shape. Anyway, I am taking John Galt's advice and taking you on with facts. I should point out, that if note the responses to my posts, they are filled with nothing more than insults. So, we will see if you folks can stand the scrutiny.

In any case, I am still going to laugh at the naked babes solely because I know what would happen to you if you tried this stunt in the Muslim world.

With as much respect as I can muster,


Scotty And The Rest Of You
Current rating: 0
26 Feb 2003
Sensors confirm a troll dead ahead.

Set your phasers to "Ignore".
Current rating: 10
26 Feb 2003
Modified: 09:55:58 AM
Alright, Jack, if it makes you feel better:

I hereby condemn the brutal tyranny of Saddam Hussein.

I hereby condemn the murderous and cowardly attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

To be honest, I don't think you'll find anyone here who disagrees with those statements. The question is, how should the United States respond to these things? You clearly favor the military option. But the fact of the matter is that force of arms is only one of the foreign policy tools available to us. And despite your optimistic estimate of our military capabilities, deployment of our armed forces is not always the most effective solution, nor is it always successful.

You're right to be concerned about the welfare of our men and women in uniform. I'm concerned about them too. I feel strongly that before we put a single life at risk, we had better be damned sure that we've exhausted all the other possibilities. You may feel that we've reached that point. I respectfully disagree.

Now, a couple of points I'd like to clear up:

1. There were, in fact, protests against the bombing in Bosnia. Many of the same people who opposed that action also oppose a military solution in Iraq. You might be surprised to find this out, but a lot of people on the the left despised Bill Clinton almost as much as you do.

2. I guess I have to give you a little credit for trying, but using phrases like "ragheads" and "naked chicks", just makes you look like a jerk. If you were in the Marine Corps, you were required to comport yourself like a "gentleman", if I remember correctly. I have to repeat myself: if you want to be taken seriously here, you need to lay off the cheap shots.

There is room for diversity of opinion here, Jack. But people have precious little patience with an asshole, no matter which side of the debate he's on.

John Galt
Capt. Kirk
Current rating: -1
26 Feb 2003
Hey Captain,

You are a trekie. I suspect many of you are. Do you attend the conventions with your friends all dressed up as Enterprise Crewman? How do find the time to protest and attempt to demoralize the troops?

John Galt And 5
Current rating: -1
26 Feb 2003
Modified: 09:55:35 AM

It's pretty quiet on the liberal front today. Is it possible some of you are actually doing some research to refute my comments?

By the way, 5, I checked you out on the Naked Protest. You're right, I do not think things would work out between us. I was wondering if you could introduce me to 6. She has the long black hair and a nice ass. Despite our political differences, I believe she can learn to see the truth.


Hope To Disappoint...
Current rating: 8
26 Feb 2003

"I am guessing that 5 is code for the fifth naked chick starting from left to right. I'll check you out in a minute."

insults and derogatory remarks---not debatable

"During the Vietnam War, General Diepe, of the the North Vietnamese army, was fond of saying that they were willing to loose 12 soldiers to our 1."

The Vietnamese also had the home turf, popular (but hidden) support, advantage of DEFENSE positions, excellent camo (you blend in with those of another race sometime), ummmm what else can I point out that is similar between Iraq (and al-Qaeda, I might add) and Vietnam.

"He actually showed the films of our protesters in an effort to boost the morale of his soldiers. This is exactly what you are doing for Saddam and his gang right now. I believe he took the trouble to thank you for it."

I can't help what others pervert for their own agendas. It sickens me when anyone does it. Including right-wing zealots. I like to show Aryans as an example of how Christianity is evil. See? Anyone can pervert anything. Does white power ideology make Christians racists?

I would put forth that what *I* am doing is presenting facts, helping others open their eyes to current events, facilitating others to do the same, pointing out errors, omissions, and outright lies by this administration which is obsessed with attacking and conquering Iraq. (After all, he did try to kill my daddy....)

Basically, I am expressing opinions in a healthy debate PRIOR to any event that the deluded representative of this republic drags me and my family and my loved ones and my country and my "imaginary" military friends into.

[A note on my friends. One thing---the poor are overrepresented in the services. In poor, rural areas with absolutely no job prospects, the armed services provide the only option for a teenage with NO money after graduating. I know many classmates---close friends---who went into the service for college money and/or "high-tech job training". Many of those serving now are there for those reasons as well. Don't assume that everyone around you buys into the party line. Don't ask...]

"...As for the British against the Americans during the Revolution. They actually won more battles, but we were more motivated. We also had General Washington who knew how the British fought. After all, he fought for them in the French and Indian War."

Yah...we gave Saddam weapons. He, like Osama, was "ours" at one time. But, I am sure he doesn't know how we fight. And, usually, those defending they homes *are* more motivated. That is one of the drawbacks on invading. And, isn't the number of battles won, it's who wins the war.

"You then speak of rules of engagement. I personally do not believe in them. I think it ties the hands of our men and women who have a job to do. I hope they fry every raghead in their gun sites."

It is difficult to respond to anything with a racial epithet, so...I won't.

You then go on to ask what I think this war is about. I believe this war is about many things. But it is many other things that worry me most.

We bombed Afghanistan and are STILL there. But in the first version of the newly proposed budget, the Bush admin forgot to allocate any money. OOOPS! There is our true level of commitment to any action. We bomb, we move in troops. Then we forget about it. War is the easy way. It takes no brains to enter into war. To attack. The hard way is to swallow your pride and make it work. Saddam ain't goin anywhere. And now inspectors are there. Send in 1,000. 5,000. Blanket the country. Scour it for the next 5 years. Up, down, all around. While we are there, how about we clean up the DU we scattered about last time? That way if Bush gets his way, we won't disturb the cancerous dust with our boots and sicken a new batch of our servicemen. Yah...I know some of them, too. The sick ones. They don't like the idea of war either.

Recently, stories in mainstream media pointed out that Afghanistan farmers were growing poppies again. Right under our noses, huh? It's no wonder we can't find Osama. So we bomb and invade and kill Saddam. We can't afford to move in and do the same here as in Afghanistan. What would happen is a vaccuum on many plains in the Middle East. Iraq. Afghanistan. Pakistan (dictator there suppresses his people and took power in a coup---but he's an ALLY!)

My God! Open your eyes. This is exactly what "they" want us to do. It will be our Waterloo. Our push into Russia. Every empire expands to a breaking point. This is the breaking point.

We never see the maybe's ahead. As in...

We have a surplus. Don't save it for something in the future (Like 9/11 or recession or homeland security).

Who woulda thunk someone would use an airplane as a weapon. Your creator, dear "Jack".

Our lack of foresight is what scares me the most. I see danger ahead.

"I should point out, that if note the responses to my posts, they are filled with nothing more than insults. So, we will see if you folks can stand the scrutiny."

Actually, your posts have contained a fair share of insults as well. Your hands are not clean.

"In any case, I am still going to laugh at the naked babes solely because I know what would happen to you if you tried this stunt in the Muslim world."

Thank God we still have a few freedoms left in this *Christian* country.

"With as much respect as I can muster,"

Gee...thanks. Back atcha. If you didn't insult so much, you would probably get more responses. But then again, much fun would that be? But *fun* doesn't change hearts or minds. And that is why your behavior simply serves your opponents cause. So for that, I thank you.
Another Military *friend*
Current rating: 0
26 Feb 2003¬Found=true

Desert Caution
Once 'Stormin' Norman,' Gen. Schwarzkopf Is Skeptical About U.S. Action in Iraq

..."Candidly, I have gotten somewhat nervous at some of the pronouncements Rumsfeld has made," says Schwarzkopf.

He contrasts Cheney's low profile as defense secretary during the Gulf War with Rumsfeld's frequent television appearances since Sept. 11, 2001. "He almost sometimes seems to be enjoying it." That, Schwarzkopf admonishes, is a sensation to be avoided when engaged in war....

"The Rumsfeld thing . . . that's what comes up," when he calls old Army friends in the Pentagon, he says.

"When he makes his comments, it appears that he disregards the Army," Schwarzkopf says. "He gives the perception when he's on TV that he is the guy driving the train and everybody else better fall in line behind him -- or else."

That dismissive posture bothers Schwarzkopf because he thinks Rumsfeld and the people around him lack the background to make sound military judgments by themselves. He prefers the way Cheney operated during the Gulf War. "He didn't put himself in the position of being the decision-maker as far as tactics were concerned, as far as troop deployments, as far as missions were concerned."

Rumsfeld, by contrast, worries him. "It's scary, okay?" he says. "Let's face it: There are guys at the Pentagon who have been involved in operational planning for their entire lives, okay? . . . And for this wisdom, acquired during many operations, wars, schools, for that just to be ignored, and in its place have somebody who doesn't have any of that training, is of concern."

As a result, Schwarzkopf is skeptical that an invasion of Iraq would be as fast and simple as some seem to think. "I have picked up vibes that . . . you're going to have this massive strike with massed weaponry, and basically that's going to be it, and we just clean up the battlefield after that," he says. But, he adds, he is more comfortable now with what he hears about the war plan than he was several months ago, when there was talk of an assault built around air power and a few thousand Special Operations troops.

He expresses even more concern about the task the U.S. military might face after a victory. "What is postwar Iraq going to look like, with the Kurds and the Sunnis and the Shiites? That's a huge question, to my mind. It really should be part of the overall campaign plan."
John Galt - Respect
Current rating: -1
28 Feb 2003
Modified: 01:54:01 AM
Dear John,

It's me Jack, Sorry I have not been able to respond. I have been out doing the capitalist thing. You know earning money. Allow me to address your points:

"There is room for diversity of opinion here, Jack. But people have precious little patience with an asshole, no matter which side of the debate he's on."

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I entered your site on the naked protest picture. Somewhat ironic that the first thing I saw was a bunch of literal Assholes. I am sorry, but what market were the women trying to target here? 14 to 15 year old boys? I think this form of protest is absolutely nuts and so do many of my readers here.

"To be honest, I don't think you'll find anyone here who disagrees with those statements. The question is, how should the United States respond to these things? You clearly favor the military option. But the fact of the matter is that force of arms is only one of the foreign policy tools available to us. And despite your optimistic estimate of our military capabilities, deployment of our armed forces is not always the most effective solution, nor is it always successful."

You are correct: Deployment of our forces is not always correct. However, you folks seem to favor the perminant inspector option. Do you think for one minute that Saddam would have allowed inspectors back in the country were it not for the real threat of force? He has been under sanction for 12 years. Do you remember the argument from the left in 1990. "Give the sanctions more time to work". They were wrong then and they are wrong now.

"There were, in fact, protests against the bombing in Bosnia. Many of the same people who opposed that action also oppose a military solution in Iraq. You might be surprised to find this out, but a lot of people on the the left despised Bill Clinton almost as much as you do."

Forgive me, I saw Cherle Crow over there singing to our troops with Hillary Clinton, now I see her bagging the same folks who are risking their lives now. I suspect she is more anti-Bush than anti-war. This may surprise you, but I was orginally opposed to the attack on Bosnia. First, I felt that this was a European problem which should have been handled by Europe. However, I never protested the deployment of our troops once they were in the field. I was also worried about liberals running the show as they have proven that they generally do not have the stomach to really take it to them. As is typical, the military, who they loathe, (Bill Clinton's term) saved their bacon by fighting the most brilliant air war the world has ever witnessed. As you may recall, the US did not suffer one combat casualty. Milosovec was arrested and was tried for war crimes and genocide and ethnic cleansing was ended. Thank God.

I guess I have to give you a little credit for trying, but using phrases like "ragheads" and "naked chicks", just makes you look like a jerk. If you were in the Marine Corps, you were required to comport yourself like a "gentleman", if I remember correctly. I have to repeat myself: if you want to be taken seriously here, you need to lay off the cheap shots.

Fair enough, I simply ask you to look at the comments directed at anyone who may disagree with the points of view expressed here. Once again, "brave and courageous" were used to describe the naked protest in the snow. I submit to you, that as a Marine, I have seen brave and I have seen courageous,stuff that would make your head spin to be honest. The only thing that these women risked was frostbite and ridicule. This was not a courageous act, it was simply loopy. Once again try this form of protest in the Muslim world where women are treated as sub human and we will talk.

"I hereby condemn the murderous and cowardly attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon."

John, truthfully, your admission here does make me feel better. It is hard not to read your articles here and not feel that you and your comrades blame America for all of the world's evils. I submit to you, that people who believe as I do, believe that America, although imperfect is one of the few hopes to address the world's evils. Additionally, I would be interested to see any other anti-Saddam or Osama Bin Laden comments encompassed on this site. Also, maybe we should go to the Iraqi opposition site. Oh, I guess there isn't one because they would be killed.

On a final note, I was stunned by your lack of support for Clinton. I was mistaken in calling this a liberal site. When you say on the left, how far left? Ralph Nader left or even further. I realize these most recent protests were organized and led by Marxists. Is this who I am talking too? I hope this is not the case.

In any event, I will be respectful to people who earn it as I trust you will do. As for the raghead comment, I suspect you have not been around Marines very much. This may be wrong from a political correctness point of view but the term does make it easier to rally the cause. You may want to look at history to see other terms such as" Japs, Huns, Gerrys, Gooks, Skinny's (Somalia) etc. Whatever you would prefer to call them, they did attack our country and killed a great number of Americans. If this upsets you, so be it, but the same people who you protect, despise you for keeping them enslaved under a tyranical regime.

Nice Talking too You,


Re: Hot Pink Democracy Alert
Current rating: 0
03 Mar 2003
Henry Belafonte hit it right on the head, and Colin Powell by his own actions, proved him to be correct: Powell is Bush's houseboy. He did a 180.

I used to think rather highly of Powell until this all came down. Then I found out of his record of covering up misconduct (civilian ambushes) in Viet Nam. Sorry, but blindly waving the flag does not a patriot make.
Current rating: 5
04 Mar 2003
Interesting that you have chosen Bull as a name. Is this because of what you spout or your given name based on appearence?

By the way, I think it's "Harry -, one hit wonder, Complete Dipshit, Belafonte. Please make a note of it.

