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News :: Protest Activity |
Photo Documentary of the Anti-War Protests in Washington DC which Drew Hundreds of Thousands from Around the US |
Current rating: 0 |
by Ida (No verified email address) |
25 Sep 2005
I was one of the hundred or so who travelled from Chambana to D.C. to say "bring the troops home now!" Here is a photo documentary. |
A string of the names and faces of some of the 1900 U.S. soldiers who have died since the war officially began; it was a half block long.
Women Peacemakers of the World Unite: I will not raise my child to kill your child.
A Working Assets Billboard reminding demonstrators of any early quote from Bush.
Katrina Survivor; FEMA victim. Money for Relief not for War.
Miss Liberty has taken up arms and a cowgirl standing up for peace
Reality Bites
Happy marchers.
"Rich People's War, Poor People's Blood"
Poor, Black, and Left Behind
"Don't Worry Gulf Coast, I'll Save You Like I Saved Iraq" |
See also: |
Related stories on this site: Anti-War Demonstrators March on Washington Photos from Washington
 This work licensed under a Creative Commons license. |
More of the Anti-war Photo Documentary |
by Ida (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2005
"War is not the Answer"
As we marched around the White House, we passed a number of statues celebrating past wars. This one featured large horse testicles and a canon.
A majestic man with a woman at his feet.
Peace on a stick.
A man chalks out "Give Peace a Chance" and mosaic of peace signs in front of the White House.
The streets were blocked from cars with city dump trucks. This one got "decorated." A man played a sweet horn in from of hand painted banners held by teens.
70 students from a college in Florida chartered a bus to the protest. They received $1500 in student fees to help offset the cost of the trip.
The signs danced dramatically in front of D.C.'s stunning architecture.
Mixing meanings: "Tortured India" |
More Photo Documentary |
by Ida (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2005
This shy woman was very pleased with her simple sign: "No to Chickenhawks"
The flag of the Buddhist delegation.
Black Voices for Peace
A latina radical cheerleading squad.
Independent Media - yea!!
A twelve foot tall woman explains to a little drummer boy "you gonna just keep moving from one foot to the other"
A sign in the style of Kathe Kollwitz.
Bread and Puppet: "Freedom End Democrazy" |
More of the Anti-war Photo Documentary |
by Ida (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2005
Bread and Puppet
I tried to access the World Bank and International Monetary Fund offices where protests were to occur outside their meetings. The streets were barricaded off several blocks from these offices and police allowed people with badges past the barracade. I assume these were delegates.
Friday night, I went to the Code Pink ( vigil to support wounded soldiers outside the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in D.C. On one side of the street were about 100 women and men mostly dressed in pink singing songs like "Amazing Grace" and "Give Peace a Chance." On the other side were equal numbers of pro-war demonstrators holding signs saying things like "God Bless our Soldiers Liberating the World One Tyrant at a Time" and "We support our troops AND the war." |
Re: Photo Documentary of the Anti-War Protests in Washington DC which Drew Hundreds of Thousands from Around the US |
by Arial Vew (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2005
I don't want to complain.....but
why is it that both in the alternate press and in the main press it's always photos of isolated individuals and never a pix from on high of the crowd as a mass.
again, not to complain...but I was there...and the crowd in the parade was massive...huge....people and signs as far as the eye could see....
and never once have I seen a photo of that....
from these and the mainline could have been a demonstration of 50,
not the quarter of a million folks who rode buses all night to be there. |
Two Explanations |
by Dose of Reality (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2005
The dominant media is adverse to showing how dramatically opposition has grown to the war. There was absolutely _nothing_ on this protest in the Sunday edition of the local monopoly daily, the News-Gazette. I'm sure the dominant media could both afford and/or arrange a helicopter ride over this security-sensitive area of the capital, if they really wanted to properly document things for their readers.
As for the alternative media, I'm sure they would like to be able to get such pictures, but are unlikley to be able to persuade the authorities to give them a helo ride over the protest.
If there is someplace where you can get a good view of such a crowd without a helo ride, like say going up in the Washington Monument, then all I can say is why didn't you do that yourself? After all, this is Indymedia and the only reason your picture of the crowd is not here is because you didn't think like a citizen-journalist when you had the chance when you were there. |
S24 DC Anti-War Crowd Photos Available |
by Paul Kotheimer herringb (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2005
In response to "Arial View":
I found some good crowd photos from yesterday's DC action at this site:
They're on-the-ground views, not arial views as you requested, but they do give a sense of the magnitude of the crowd. |
Re: Photo Documentary of the Anti-War Protests in Washington DC which Drew Hundreds of Thousands from Around the US |
by 5 (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2005
Here's an aerial shot:,5538,PB64-SUQ9MTExMjAmbnI9Mw_3_3,00.html |
Re: Photo Documentary of the Anti-War Protests in Washington DC which Drew Hundreds of Thousands from Around the US |
by wayward (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2005
Nick Mann got some nice crowd shots too.
Echoing "Dose of Reality," getting aerial shots isn't always easy since there's no official Indy Media helicopter. (Heck, I'm not convinced that even mainstream media would be allowed in the air that close to the White House and Capitol.) In fact, getting shots from above always depends on your ability to get yourself and your camera into a position to take them. |
Re: Photo Documentary of the Anti-War Protests in Washington DC which Drew Hundreds of Thousands from Around the US |
by Peter Miller (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 28 Sep 2005
Thanks for the pix, Ida and everyone else. Congrautlations on your main-stream media mention, too. The Daily Show had a great shot of your banner! |