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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Feb 15, 2003: Millions Protesting Iraq War Worldwide Current rating: 0
15 Feb 2003
Millions of peace activists are rallying against the Bush administration's policies of war. Estimates continue to flood in from London, Rome, Tokyo, Sidney, and hundreds of places in-between. Local Champaign-Urbana rally is scheduled for 2p.m. on prospect street near the North Prospect shopping area. PLEASE POST BREAKING NEWS on the UCIMC Newswire and help cover these historic events.

Extensive coverage of millions protesting against a war on Iraq is available from the Indymedia Global Newswire:

Millions of peace activists are rallying against the Bush administration's policies of war. Estimates continue to flood in from London, Rome, Tokyo, Sidney, and hundreds of places in-between. Local Champaign-Urbana rally is scheduled for 2p.m. on prospect street near the North Prospect shopping area. PLEASE POST BREAKING NEWS on the UCIMC Newswire and help cover these historic events.

Extensive coverage of millions protesting against a war on Iraq is available from the Indymedia Global Newswire:

Numbers: 3,000 Madison, WI (Indymedia); 800,000 Athens, Greece (BBC News); 1.5-2 million in London, England(BBC News); 5,000 Bordeaux, France (BBC News); 100,000+ Paris, France (Washington Post); 100,000 New York City (Washington Post); 500,000 Berlin (Washington Post); 60,000 Oslo, Norway (Washington Post); also from Washington Post: About 80,000 marched in Dublin, Irish police said. Crowds were estimated at 60,000 in Seville, Spain; 40,000 in Bern, Switzerland; 30,000 in Glasgow, Scotland; 25,000 in Copenhagen; 15,000 in Vienna; 10,000 in Amsterdam; 5,000 in Cape Town and 4,000 in Johannesburg in South Africa; 5,000 in Tokyo; and 2,000 in Dhaka, Bangladesh...About 80,000 marched in Dublin, Irish police said. Crowds were estimated at 60,000 in Seville, Spain; 40,000 in Bern, Switzerland; 30,000 in Glasgow, Scotland; 25,000 in Copenhagen; 15,000 in Vienna; 10,000 in Amsterdam; 5,000 in Cape Town and 4,000 in Johannesburg in South Africa; 5,000 in Tokyo; and 2,000 in Dhaka, Bangladesh...In Ukraine, some 2,000 people rallied in snowy Kiev's central square. Anti-globalists led a peaceful "Rock Against War" protest joined by communists, socialists, Kurds and pacifists. In the Bosnian city of Mostar, about 100 Muslims and Croats united for an anti-war protest - the first such cross-community action in seven years in a place where ethnic divisions remain tense, despite the 1995 Bosnian peace agreement.

Related stories on this site:
Worldwide Peace Demos: Stories On Indymedia
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Re: TODAY: Millions Protesting Iraq War Worldwide
Current rating: 1
15 Feb 2003
Those of us coming from the suburbs north of NYC
into the NYC today, had our first shot of adeniline
by getting the the Peace Trains. The 10 am train I was
on was packed! This is very unsual for a Saturday morning.
There were young, old, middle age, kids with their parents and their hand made signs. People wearing funny hats and lots of great banners and slogans.
In NYC we were diverted on 2nd ave and told to stay on the side walk, by the time we got to 60th street, the marchers
had taken over the street. Too many people more than the police anticipated. No one could get to first ave, and second ave and third ave were full of people.
But spirits were high, lots of chanting, "whose streets our street", "serve and protect", "let us through". The police were not allowing marchers to cross over to first ave and diverting thousands north.
It was great! I would say at least 500,000 people in NYC.
Re: TODAY: Millions Protesting Iraq War Worldwide
Current rating: 4
15 Feb 2003
I was out in the streets in Vancouver, Canada, I estimate 30,000, but it was hard to tell, the march was stretching for so many blocks it could have been double that. Lots of kids, lots of everyone...bagpipers, hare krishnas, white folks in Gore tex, people of colour, the glorious people of Canada! We will make our country a country of peace!
Re: TODAY: Millions Protesting Iraq War Worldwide
Current rating: 0
15 Feb 2003
Modified: 07:56:21 PM
These are only the big cities .... In Australia, according to the corporate press there were 15,000 in Newscastle (police estimate), 3000 in Bellingen, 5000 in Lismore, and 3000 in Byron Bay where I was (those last two numbers are around 12% of the county population, in adjacent counties so that's probably an accurate percentage). Elsewhere in Australia 15,000 in Hobart, 10,000 in Perth.
Re: Feb 15, 2003: Millions Protesting Iraq War Worldwide
Current rating: 0
16 Feb 2003

In Spain, the authorities reported a total of more than a million people marching in Madrid and Barcelona, with hundreds of thousands more protesting in other cities. So dense were the crowds in Madrid that they were unable to actually march. In Italy, the police said 600,000 people poured into Rome, and in London 750,000. The organizers of the rallies claimed much higher turnouts and even less partisan estimates put the number of marchers across Europe at between four and six million.

Re: Feb 15, 2003: Carbondale Protest: Millions Protesting Iraq War Worldwide
Current rating: 0
17 Feb 2003
Just to let you know there were 350 (according to protest organizers), 200 (according to Carbondale police) protesters in Carbondale on Saturday. The rally began at Town Square and marched down Illinois Avenue to the Newman Center where former Senator Paul Simon gave the keynote address. The protest included a huge puppet of George Bush with fake money stuffed in his mouth. The protest also included poetry readings, anti-war music and many speakers from the clergy and SIU faculty. It was a great success on a bitterly cold day. Pat King.
Re: Feb 15, 2003: Millions Protesting Iraq War Worldwide
Current rating: 0
17 Feb 2003
The San Francisco demonstration against the war brought out on Market Street 200,000 (acording to the police) and 200,000 to 250,000 accordin to the protest organizing groups. One of the most noticeable images of this demonstration, among others, was the many parents pushing strollers with their babies in protest of a possible U.S. war in Iraq. One mother was pushing a special stroller that was carrying her triplets--it was very moving and empowering testomony against such a possible war that I have ever seen.

I will try to e-mail some fotos of the demonstration later on.

Peace is so much sweeter than war, and it is what defines humanity's best attribute. Let's not let our misinformod and myopic political leaders redefine who we are by taking away from us our very essence for existence!!!!!

May Peace prevail!

Peace Observer
Iraq Dictator Thank Peace Protestors For Supporting Him
Current rating: 2
19 Feb 2003
"Iraq on Sunday gloated over the global outpouring of opposition to the U.S. threat of attack, saying anti-war demonstrations in dozens of countries signaled an Iraqi victory and 'the defeat and isolation of America,' " the Associated Press reports. "Iraq'stightly controlled news
media gave prominent coverage to anti-war demonstrations staged around the world on Saturday. Iraqi television showed footage of millions marching in the world's cities--under the logo 'International Day of Confronting the Aggression.' " We know we're going to get complaints about that headline."Antiwar" is pro-sadaam. Remeber "Evil thrieves when good men do nothing."

Want some truth go here~
Get Some Truth! - Please Read!! It May Just Save You.
Current rating: 0
19 Feb 2003
Modified: 01:00:48 PM
Just thought you all would like diversity of opinion on your not so INDEPENDENTLY THINKING web site.

Mark Steyn
National Post

Monday, February 17, 2003
The curtain will come down on the peaceniks

The "peace" marches? Oh, I've nothing to say. Can't improve on Tony Blair, looking out of his window and observing:

"If there are 500,000 on that march, that is still less than the number of people whose deaths Saddam has been responsible for.

"If there are one million, that is still less than the number of people who died in the wars he started."

In other words, if it's a numbers game, those are the ones that matter. I'm tempted to leave it there and go skiing, but let me come back to it in a roundabout sort of way. The other day I got a copy of Andrew Roberts' new book, Hitler And Churchill: Secrets Of Leadership, which sounds like some lame-o management techniques cash-in, but is, in fact, a very useful take on very familiar material. Most of us have read a gazillion books about the Second World War (when I say "most of us," I exclude the fellow in Hyde Park on Saturday holding a placard with the words "PEACE IN OUR TIME," and even then I kind of hope he was some waggish saboteur, since the notion that the peaceniks, though deluded, are that ignorant is a little mind-boggling). But, comparing Britain's and Germany's wartime leaders directly, you can't help feeling that victory and defeat were predetermined: As Philip Hensher neatly put it in his review of Roberts' essay, "Churchill knew very well what Hitler was like, but Hitler had no idea what sort of man Churchill was."

Just so. When you read Hitler's private assessments of the man who stood between him and world domination, they're just silly: Churchill was "that puppet of Jewry." OK, that's fine as a bit of red meat tossed to the crowd when you're foaming at Nuremberg, but as a serious evaluation of your opponent made in the quiet of your study it's simply ... inadequate. This failure to engage with reality is particularly telling when you look at how each leader dealt with setbacks: During the Blitz, Churchill would stand on the roof and watch the Luftwaffe bombing London; in the morning, he would walk through the ruins. Hitler, by contrast, never visited bombed-out areas and, just in case the driver should take a wrong turn, he drove the streets with his car windows curtained. His final days were spent in a bunker -- the perfect ending for a man whose worldview depended on keeping reality at bay no matter how relentlessly it closed in on him.

Hitler's problem was that he was over-invested in ideology. He'd invented a universal theory -- the wickedness of the international Jewish conspiracy -- and he persisted in fitting every square peg of cold hard reality into that theory's round hole. Thus, Churchill must be a "puppet of Jewry." As a general rule, when it's reality versus delusion, bet on reality. That held true in the Cold War. Moral equivalists like Harold Pinter insisted that America and the Soviet Union were both equally bad. But the traffic across the Berlin Wall was all one way. East German guards were not unduly overworked trying to keep people from getting in. The Eastern bloc collapsed because it was a lie, and the alternative wasn't.

Well, the Soviet Union's gone now so Pinter no longer has to observe the pox-on-both-their-houses niceties. Addressing the demonstrators on Saturday, he declared that the U.S. is "a country run by a bunch of criminals ... with Tony Blair as a hired Christian thug."

Got that? It's not Saddam who's the thug, it's Tony. It's not the Baathist killers from Tikrit who are the bunch of criminals, it's the Republican Party. It's not the million-man murderer of Baghdad who's the new Hitler, it's George W. Bush. It's not the Iraqi one-party state with its government-controlled media that "crushes dissent," it's the White House. It's not the Wahhabis who are the fundamentalists, it's Bush, Blair and the other Christians. It's not Osama bin Laden who's the terrorist, it's American foreign policy. Supporting the continued enslavement of the Iraqi people is "pacifist," but it's "racist" for America to disagree with the UN, even though it's Colin Powell and Condi Rice doing the disagreeing and the fellows they're disagreeing with are a bunch of white guys from Europe.

The new Universal Theory, to which 99% of Saturday's speakers and placards enthusiastically subscribed, is that, whatever the problem, American imperialist cowboy aggression is to blame. In fact, it's not so different from the old Universal Theory, in that the international Zionist conspiracy is assumed to be behind the scenes controlling the cowboys: Bush is a "puppet of Jewry," just like Churchill was -- notwithstanding the fact that America's Jews voted overwhelmingly for Gore. But, if you believe that the first non-imperialist great power in modern history is the source of all the world's woes, then logic is irrelevant. "It's all about oil"? Yes, for the French, whose stake in Iraqi oil is far more of a determining factor than America's ever has been or will be. "America created Saddam"? No, not really, the French and Germans and Russians have sold him far more stuff, and Paris built him that reactor which would have made him a nuclear power by now, if the Israelis hadn't destroyed it in the Eighties.

But, as Colin Powell and Jack Straw have surely learned by now, there's no real point doing the patient line-by-line rebuttal: Nobody's interested in French oil contracts or German arms sales or even Saddamite corpse tallies because it doesn't fit into the Universal Theory which insists that everything can be explained by the Evil of America. On the other hand, the indestructible belief that "over 4,000" civilians were killed by U.S. bombs in Afghanistan is impervious to scientific evidence because it accords perfectly with the Universal Theory.

How far are the "peace" crowd prepared to go? Well, they've stopped talking about their little pet cause of the Nineties, East Timor, ever since the guys who blew up that Bali nightclub and whoever's putting together those "Osama" audio tapes started listing support for East Timor's independence as one of the Islamist grievances against the West. But why be surprised? In fall 2001, being pro-gay and pro-feminist didn't stop the left defending an Afghan regime that disenfranchised women and executed homosexuals. Yet these are the same fellows who insist that a secular regime like Iraq's would never make common cause with Islamic fundamentalists, apparently requiring a higher degree of intellectual coherence of Saddam than of themselves.

You can believe all this if you want, just as Harold Pinter believed that the Iron Curtain was only there to prevent fleeing Westerners from swamping Warsaw Pact social services. But it depends on keeping reality at arm's length or beyond: You're metaphorically driving around with the curtains drawn. Perhaps that's why so many of the "peace" crowd get ever so touchy if you question their slogans. If you ask a guy with an "It's All About Oil" sign what he thinks of the recent contracts signed between Iraq and France's Total Fina Elf, he looks blank for a moment and then accuses you of wanting to crush dissent. It's not fair, you're trying to pull back his curtain.

I bet on reality. The defining difference between Hitler and Churchill is that, while the former presided over a court of sycophants, the latter thrived on argument and antagonism. (Lord Alanbrooke's diaries are especially recommended in this regard.) He had a not untypical background for an Englishman of his time and class -- an unexceptional public school education, a bit of colonial adventuring. It's what the multiculturalists would have us believe was a narrow and blinkered upbringing. Yet an English public-school debating-society approach to life served him in good stead: He was utterly at ease with disagreement, quite happy to have any assertion tested. In Saturday's demonstrations, the heirs to Churchill's Harrow schoolmasters were well represented -- lots of teachers and professors. Yet the difference between now and then is their reluctance to expose their assertions to debate -- these days few institutions are as aggressively protective of their fragile little pieties as the academy.

Well, so be it. If everybody thought like Saturday's marchers, it would be curtains for all of us. But we're not quite there yet, and reality will be breaking in very soon. Saying that Bush is the real "weapon of mass destruction" is awful cute the first nine or ten thousand times, but only if you live in Toronto or Paris or Madrid. Viewed by an Iraqi from the reality of Basra, it's pathetic

Re: Some Truth
Current rating: 0
20 Feb 2003
Modified: 10:02:16 PM
A.J. reminded me of this. Keep up the good work Protesters!

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."
-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials
The Real Truth
Current rating: 0
21 Feb 2003

I think it was Joseph Stalin who said " And we will be helped by Useful Idiots". Sadaam took the trouble to thank you for your protesting efforts. By the way, Goering did not have two of the worlds tallest buildings attacked and 3000 lives snuffed out to bolster his argument. You sir have become one of the "Useful Idiots" to whom Stalin refers.

Jack, Bush's Useful Idiot
Current rating: 0
21 Feb 2003
Modified: 12:55:31 PM
New Yorkers Seen as Cool to War
Friday, February 21, 2003
by Leslie Eaton

The prospect of invading Iraq is significantly less popular in New York State than in the nation as a whole, and New Yorkers are more critical of the Bush administration's Iraq policy, according to a survey released yesterday by the Siena Research Institute in Loudonville, N.Y.

While a recent Gallup poll for CNN and USA Today found that 63 percent of Americans favor invading Iraq, only 49 percent of New Yorkers do, according to the Siena poll of 620 state residents.

The Siena poll was conducted from Feb. 12 to Feb. 14, and has a margin of sampling error of four percentage points. The eight questions asked were also asked in the Gallup poll conducted from Feb. 7 to Feb. 9, though that poll included more questions.

Only 42 percent of New Yorkers agreed that the Bush administration had a well-thought-out policy on Iraq, compared with 59 percent nationally. Close to half of the New Yorkers polled — 48 percent — did not agree, while nationally only 35 percent took that position. A difference of five percentage points is considered significant.

Douglas Lonnstrom, the director of the Siena Institute, said he was surprised by the magnitude of the difference between New York and the rest of the country, though not surprised that there was a difference. New Yorkers tend to be more liberal than many other Americans, he said, "so it's not surprising that the rest of the nation is more hawkish."

Residents of the New York City metropolitan area were less likely to favor an invasion than people upstate, and more likely to think that the United States has not done all it could to solve its problems with Iraq through diplomatic means.

Only 43 percent of all New Yorkers agreed that the government has exhausted its diplomatic options, compared with 54 percent of the respondents to the national Gallup poll.

Despite their doubts about the Bush administration's policies, large majorities of the New Yorkers surveyed by Siena said they believed Iraq has biological or chemical weapons and the facilities to create weapons of mass destruction.

But they were less sure than most Americans about Iraq's links with Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda. While 86 percent of the respondents to the Gallup poll said they thought it was likely or certain that such ties exist, only 66 percent of New Yorkers agreed. Twenty percent of them had no opinion, which was true of only 2 percent of the respondents to the national poll.

Copyright 2003 The New York Times Company
Re: Feb 15, 2003: Millions Protesting Iraq War Worldwide
Current rating: 0
23 Feb 2003
Modified: 05:59:38 PM

Of couce Saddam is happy there is opposition to the war on Iraq. But:

What about the Urbana resident that has a 74 year old grandmother living in Baghdad facing 1000's of cruise missles in "Shock and Awe" bombing?

What about the tens of thousands of borthers, sisters, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers that will die in the "Shock and Awe Bombing" of Baghdad?

What about the CIA report that indicated that the only way Saddam would use so-called weapons of mass distruction was if we were to attack him and back him into a corner?

What of the vast recruiting advantage our attack of Iraq will give anti-US terrorists?

What of the fact that we are willing to give Turkey more money for permission to base our military there than we are willing to spend on "homeland security"?

What of our claims that we stand for democracy while we support and have even "liberated" repressive monarchies in the region?

What of our insistance that Iraq follow UN resolutions while we incourage Israel and Turkey to ignore UN resolutions?

Yes, I guess I am a fool because I can't answer these questions to understand why killing thousands of people is a good idea to put a different man in control of Iraq. It wouldn't have something to do with the control of oil would it?
Re: Feb 15, 2003: Millions Protesting Iraq War Worldwide
Current rating: 0
24 Feb 2003
Modified: 10:36:34 AM
Dear * and RDR:

I have limited time this morning so I must dispatch the both of you quickly. * you seem to simply evade the point that these protests simply encourage Sadaam to defy the world community and keep his Weapons of Mass Destruction and therefore make the prospects of war more likely.

We have seen both Sadaam and Osama refer to the protesters in the Vietnam era and Clinton's weak responses to the Embassy attacks and the US Cole as a lack of will on the part of Americans to accept casualties and fight. Indeed the Vietnamese used to show films of the protests in the US as morale boost for there troops to keep fighting.

It is the threat of US Military strikes that has put the Inspectors back on the ground in the first place. Do you seriously believe that UN had any role in achieving this? If so, this would have been done in 1998 when Clinton simply let Sadaam do as he pleased. If you will recall, he was busy getting a "lewinsky".

* you then go on to cite poles by the New York Times, no less, as a reason not to go. These are the same people who elected Illinois native and former Arkansasian, Hillary Clinton to the Senate to represent NY. We know full well the former president would stick his finger in the wind and make a decision but Bush is a leader who determines a course of action, and gets the job done. You may not recogize this from the prior administration, but this is called leadership.

RDR, You seem to really care about the Iraqi people and so do I. You mention the Urbana resident who has an Iraqi grandmother. I agree, this person should flee this represive regime and move from Urbana as fast as her little Iraqi feet can carry her.

Sadaam has killed far more of his own people than our bombs and cruise missiles. No country in the world has gone to more expense to avoid killing innocent cilivians. Sadaam puts his military hardware in cilivian areas so he can gain favorable world opinion. He cares not a wit about his people.

You referred to the CIA, which Clinton nearly ruined as an intelligence gathering organization. Nice to see you leftys actually mention it as a credible organization. I thought you guys thought we did not need the CIA. Do you think Sadaam may sell some WMD to Osama or some other rag- head who hates the US?

You claim, essentially, that our attack will make the terrorists even angrier and might invite further attacks on the US. This may be true. However, doing nothing as Clinton did certainly invited 9-11 as the bastard OBL referred to in his taped message. Put it this way, If there were a rapist in your neighborhood, would you not try to capture him because he might commit more rapes?

Finally, about this being about oil. Do you really think that argument holds any water? We have been on the ground both in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia for 12 years. During the gulf war, our lead tanks were within spitting distance of Bagdad. We could have and could still take that oil anytime we want and there is not a thing anyone could do about it.

I understand your reservations about this attack. I wish, just once, I would see some condemnation of Sadaam instead of attacking our own country. I think this is evidence that you guys have to make a determination of whose side you are actually on.

Grandma, get in your basement your day of liberation in at hand!!!

Peace through Strength,

Tsk, Tsk
Current rating: 0
24 Feb 2003
I’m not sure whether to call my attorney or just ignore you, Jack Ryan, like most of the rest here seem to be doing.

I do know one thing, the guys over at Langley snicker every time your name pops up on their LCDs with your pitiful imitation of the real Jack Ryan. Of course, they really know who you are, you slimy little wannabe. And they laugh at your wasting time here on Indymedia trolling these protestors, which is about as revealing of your real fears as that embarrassing episode the President had last Tuesday, when he made a big deal out of saying the worldwide demonstrations against his Iraq policy were something he was going to ignore. The words were certainly what he hoped to convey from his script, but the mere fact that he had to make a big deal, public statement about it revealed that he was far more worried than he let on. Can’t you see that the street sees right through such chickenshit tactics, looking right into the real fear they see in your eyes. Everyone knows that if the Company really doesn’t like someone, they’ll send a Hellfire calling card down their stack, rather than something as laughable as unleashing the likes of your limited vocabulary and puerile wit on their website.

They really feel sorry for you, though, and they understand. Since that cute Mata Hari-type in Timbuktu Bobbited your member, things just haven’t been the same, have they? She told me the 2” section she took out of Little Willy was more than you could stand to lose. Sorry about us not getting it back for you before the crocs got it, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles – you never should have started beating her. Glad the reattachment seems to have taken, but don’t bust the little feller over something that’s online. You probably only have one good screw left in the damn thing anyway.

But the boys in Langley are at least glad you are no longer downloading the kiddie porn (but, hey, make sure that hard drive gets wiped before you sell it, right?), but they just can’t understand your bizarre fetish for protestors lying in the snow (see: The thought of you fondling yourself while viewing naked snow ladies has them rolling in the aisles at CIA Headquarters. That is why they decided to refer to you as “Jack Off” in the case file they are building for my attorney.

BTW, with the late hours you’ve been keeping recently, please tell us you’re not back to sucking up blow off the mirror again. You’re normally a pretty despicable type anyway and you know how you get truly ugly with a snoot full of Peruvian Marching Powder. Those poor kids in El Salvador sure know – god, it was a bad day in kindergarten, but that’ll teach ‘em the hazards of learning to read from nuns. Don’t forget, as those boys from the Air Guard found out, it’s hard to bomb straight when your head’s not straight.

I created Jack Ryan and he is simply a fictional character. You, sir, are a preposterous, weak-kneed fake, not to mention an embarrassment to all things American. Even Tenet prefers you as the Quiet American, rather than the Ugly American.
Protestors Are Wrong
Current rating: 0
24 Feb 2003
Modified: 12:09:09 PM
I think the protestors are wrong. They have no solution. The UN has failed to disarm Iraq for 12 years. They are still failing now; The point is for Iraq to totally disarm. The UN is very, very, very, very far from that goal. Sadaam is not stupid, he will not give up his weapons, therefore the only solution is to enforce the resolutions with force. If the UN will not then it is a "paper tiger." I can write a resolution telling Sadaam to disarm and it will accomplish just as much as the UN's resolution for a lot less time and money. To trust Sadaam is not peace.

John Rambo
"I am your worst nightmare"
Rambo, With All Due Respect
Current rating: 0
25 Feb 2003
Modified: 02:55:40 PM

Although I admire your attempt to persuade these lefties, one must understand what you are up against. These people do just hate America, they actually support Saddam.

Where do you think these lefties will be after the liberation of Iraq, after the concentration camps and the mass graves are unearthed. Will the admit they were wrong. Hell no, They will simply try to find another way to defeat Bush.

I have seen their Candidates: Wow Dick Gephart, I forgot to thank him and Bill for the majority rule in the house. Dennis Kucinich, great job on the City of Cleveland. He drove them right into default. Al Sharpton-You must be so proud of that guy. Kerry-In the mold of Mass, other favorite son Micheal Dukakis. (How many states did he win again? Lieberman-Oh, he currently supports the war. Does he still favor School Choice, What time is it? Vermont socialist boy-Dean. He won't even win Vermont. Oh and my favorite Carol Mosley Braun - Seriously, which one of you guys was the one who showed up at her announcement?

Face it boys, you have at least 6 more years of us. Enjoy your tax cut, if you have a job, and celebrate the victorious American Military.

Your Fellow Patriot,
