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You'd better stop posting to my board, or else!!! |
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by by Barbara KKKoe, Grand Wizard of the KKKID. (No verified email address) |
27 May 2001
I'm Barbara KKKoe, Imperial Grand Wizard of the Kalifornia Klansmen's Koalition for Immigration Deform, and I'm getting pretty pissed that all you Mexican-lovers are screwing up my beautiful, ethnically-pure hate board. In fact, I'm getting so desperate that I'm starting to ban people, so whatever you do, don't use various proxy servers and nicknames to confuse me when you post to: |

I'm Barbara KKKoe, Imperial Grand Wizard of the Kalifornia Klansmen's Koalition for Immigration Deform, and I'm getting pretty pissed that all you Mexican-lovers are screwing up my beautiful, ethnically-pure hate board. In fact, I'm getting so desperate that I'm starting to ban people, so whatever you do, don't use various proxy servers and nicknames to confuse me when you post to: |
I'm Barbara KKKoe, Imperial Grand Wizard of the Kalifornia Klansmen's Koalition for Immigration Deform, and I'm getting pretty pissed that all you Mexican-lovers are screwing up what had been a perfectly good, ethnically pure on-line hate board.
It was bad enough when you challenged the racist assumptions of my witless underlings and turned my board into a forum for arguments about stopping FTAA and repealing NAFTA rather than a nice safe little cyber-camp where us gun-toting militia nuts could swap stories about those *savages* who are *invading* the U.S. and work up the courage to engage in more brave acts of vigilantism at the border.
But then you had to go and start exposing my close links with neo-fascists like Glenn Spencer and David Duke! And when I saw that article posted that revealed how I gave a speech at the *Million Militia March* (actually only a couple hundred of my closest neo-Nazi pals) I nearly wet my pants! The arrogance of all you indymedia folks, looking up the truth like that and posting it for all to see.
But then you REALLY went over the top with the recent posting describing how the anti-immigrant movement gets millions of dollars in funding from the Pioneer Fund, a fascist front group out of New York City.
In fact, I'm getting so desperate that I'm starting to ban people, so whatever you do, don't use various proxy servers and nicknames to confuse me, or else...or else I'll get even madder!
(apologies to max gerber, who took the lovely photograph I found on the web, but has nothing to do with this satire. sorry, max, it was the only one I could find) |
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