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Old Arrest Could Silence Iraq Arms Expert |
Current rating: 5 |
by Cathy Gibbs posted by DAN Disinfo (No verified email address) |
23 Jan 2003
ALBANY, N.Y., Jan. 23 -- Former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter confirmed media reports on Wednesday that he had appeared in an Albany, N.Y. court concerning an arrest in an Internet sex sting. |
Ritter said he had been scheduled to be in Baghdad, Iraq to advise the Iraqis on how to avert war but instead he stayed in Albany talking about his old arrest.
"The case was dismissed. Therefore, it never happened," Ritter told WNYT-TV. "I stood in a court of law, before a judge and an assistant district attorney with my wife at my side, and they dismissed it. I am deeply saddened. Not by anything I've done, though."
Media reports earlier this week about Ritter's arrest in June 2001 have drowned out his comments about a possible war with Iraq.
Ritter told WTEN-TV that all the media attention stinks and that the individual who had leaked the arrest was far more guilty than he was. He added that he had a lot of credibility and was the leading voice of opposition to a possible war with Iraq -- but that he didn't know if the reports of the arrest would mean he would be silenced.
The arrest occurred in June 2001 in the Albany suburb of Colonie, after Ritter allegedly arranged to meet with someone he thought was a 16-year-old girl he'd met in an Internet chat room. The person was actually an undercover police officer.
Ritter was arrested for attempted child endangerment, a class B misdemeanor, but his attorney and a Colonie Court judge agreed "to adjourn the matter in contemplation of a dismissal," according to the Schenectady Gazette.
Generally, if there are no further allegations against the defendant for the next six months, the case is dismissed and the record sealed. According to WTEN-TV, Ritter underwent court-ordered sex offender counseling from an Albany psychologist.
Although the court records are sealed, WNYT-TV reported that in 2001, the television station had reported that a 39-year-old William Ritter of Delmar had been arrested on charges he attempted to lure an underage girl he met on the Internet to a fast-food restaurant.
Ritter, a 41-year-old native of Gainesville, Fla., whose full name is William Scott Ritter Jr., has lived in the Albany suburb of Delmar with his wife and their twin daughters for two years. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Gulf War. After the war, he left the Marines and became a U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991 to 1998.
The Colonie arrest was under the name William Ritter. Norah Murphy, Ritter's attorney, confirmed her client was arrested in June 2001, but refused further comment.
According to a report in the Albany Times Union, the June 2001 arrest was not William Ritter's first brush with the law. In April 2001, William Ritter attempted to meet someone he thought was a 14-year-old girl he met online but who in reality was an undercover police officer posing as an underage minor.
He was met at the meeting place by police officers but released without being charged.
During the administration of former President Bill Clinton, Ritter was an outspoken critic because "Iraq was winning its bid to retain its prohibited weapons."
A CNN report in 1998 said that Iraqi officials blocked Ritter's team from conducting searches of possible Iraqi weapons sites, claiming he was a spy for the CIA, a charge the United Nations and the United States denied.
At the time, the U.N. Security Council approved a statement "deploring" the Iraqi move to block Ritter's team and Clinton said Iraqi officials would not be allowed to decide the make-up of inspection teams.
Ritter resigned from the United Nations in 1998 because he felt that "Iraq remained insufficiently disarmed and ready to restart its nuclear and biological weapons programs."
The 6-foot, 4-inch former Marine subsequently changed his view on Iraq and has become a regular on network and cable news programs criticizing President George W. Bush and calling for his impeachment for putting members of the American military in a war he considers "illegal and based on a foundation of lies."
He says that Iraq's chemical, biological and nuclear weapons program must either accounted for or destroyed.
Ritter explained his reasons for his change of heart in the documentary "In Shifting Sands," which he wrote and directed. A wealthy Iraqi-American businessman, Shakir al Khafaji, reportedly contributed $400,000 towards the 91-minute account of the U.N. weapons inspection team in Iraq, known as UNSCOM.
The former inspector also spoke before the Iraq National Assembly last September urging Iraq to allow weapons inspectors to return.
Ritter called the U.N. weapons inspector's recent discovery of empty warheads in Iraq "an accounting problem" and an indication that the weapons inspectors were doing their job.
"Iraq should take a more proactive action and send military officers to every ammunition depot and open up every box to ensure this never again happens and give a full accounting," Ritter said on CNN last Friday.
However, Ritter has said that if the inspectors find evidence that Iraq is attempting to procure or manufacture or has manufactured and is hiding an active chemical agent, "Then we have a right to presume ill intent on the part of Saddam Hussein and hold them to account."
Israeli Forces Beat AFP, AP Photographers In Nablus |
by Bill Cliton AKA DAN Disinfo (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 3 23 Jan 2003
Jaafar Ashtiyeh of Agence France-Presse (AFP) and Nasser Ashtiyeh of the Associated Press (AP) were punched by the policemen, one of whom threatened to shoot them if the photos were published, said the two men, both from the same family.
The photographers, who were not seriously hurt, did not manage to get a shot of the jeep in the West Bank town of Nablus as it was moving too fast, they were quoted on Wednesday, January 22, as saying.
The AP photographer was not seriously injured, but suffered bruises on one ear and side of his face and visited a local clinic for examination, the news agency said.
AP said it complained to the Israeli army and demanded the incident be investigated and the soldiers punished.
The Israeli military said it was looking into the incident.
The two photographers had headed out to check out a report that youths were throwing stones at Israeli forces during a curfew. Nasser and Jaafar Ishtayeh are distant relatives.
Not far from the scene, the two saw a jeep driven by four Israeli paramilitary border policemen speeding down the road with two teenage Palestinian boys hanging from the hood of the vehicle, grabbing onto a protective metal grate in front of the windshield to keep from falling off.
The boys were not tied to the jeep in any way, the AP quoted its photographer as saying.
He said it appeared the policemen were using the boys as human shields against a group of about 20 stone-hurling youths about 550 yards down the road — which is a violation of Israeli military orders and a Supreme Court ban of the practice.
The two journalists pulled to the side of the road, and standing beside an armored car clearly marked with “TV” signs in thick tape, they tried to photograph the jeep.
The policemen sped up to them, got out and aimed their rifles at them before they could take any pictures. The Israelis beat the two men’s faces with their fists, Nasser Ishtayeh said, and demanded to know if the two had taken any pictures of them.
One policeman tightened the camera strap around Ishtayeh’s neck.
“We are here in Nablus, and we see you all the time,” the policeman said, according to Ishtayeh’s account. “If we see a picture of us published anywhere, we’re going to kill you like this,” the soldier said, gesturing with his hand as if running a knife across his neck.
Anne Gwynne, 65, a British woman spending three months in the West Bank with a pro-Palestinian activist group called the International Solidarity Movement, said she tried to help the two men.
“I saw the soldiers kicking the photographers and beating them and shouting at them,” she said. “I tried to stop that. A soldier kicked and beat me with a rifle butt on my back. He was shouting, cursing.”
Jaafar Ashtiyeh said one of the policemen had already beaten him and threatened his life on December 19 when he was stopped just outside Nablus.
The French news agency numbered some attacks targetting its staff in the occupied Palestinian territories.
Last year, an AFP photographer in the southern West Bank city of Hebron, Hossam Abu Alan, was held for six months in an Israeli jail and released on October 23 without trial or explanation.
In August, a photographer of the same agency in the northern West Bank town of Jenin, Seif Shauki Dahlah, charged that Israeli soldiers stole 2,000 dollars worth of jewelery and three mobile phones during a search of his house.
He was also advised to change jobs because he was running the risk of “ending up like Imad Abu Zahra,” another Palestinian photographer in Jenin who was killed in June 2002.
The incident comes to add up to several others where reporters and photographers working for local and foreign press are shot injured or even dead. The assaults have increased during the two-year Palestinian uprising against the ruthles Israeli occupation.
Re: Old Arrest Could Silence Iraq Arms Expert |
by Pissed!!!! AKA DAN Disinfo (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 23 Jan 2003
Modified: 08:47:06 PM |
Can you believe that guy! tryng to have sex with a young girl like that! its just horable! what a evil guy!!! |
Interesting Timing |
by get real (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 23 Jan 2003
It's interesting how a sealed court case resurfaces just when the Bushites see their case for war down on its knees.
And it's also interesting how trolls like DAN seem to be on the same wavelength as the government.
It's all so convenient.
Here's some reading if you haven't already figured this out on your own:
As for DAN, we don't know who's paying him, but it's fairly easy to tell at this point whose interests he operates in.
What's harder to say is why he even bothers to post here when he's been so thoroughly exposed at this IMC? |
Bushs Fascists Bomb Pro Chavez Rally, And Kill One In Venezuela |
by Pascal Fletcher posted by DAN Disinfo (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 3 23 Jan 2003
Cheered by Millions of supporters, the leftist leader threatened to close private television stations controlled by Bushs fascists and to take over banks U.S fascist corporations,
"Let's go on the attack on all fronts," Chavez cried, his face flushed as red as the jacket he wore.
The populist president, who is fighting fascist U.S. corporate elements that are orchestrating terrorist acts to seize power in Venezuela, the explosion, which occurred several blocks away before he started speaking did not deter the anti fascist rally.
Caracas Fire Chief Rodolfo Briceno told me a 45-year-old man was killed on the spot and 15 other people were taken to hospital, most suffering from shrapnel injuries.
"It was apparently an anti personnel explosive device," he said. Bush did not claim responsibility.
Chavez is really pissed off personally I think they should have a boxing match between the two, Bush would get his ass kicked, so we all know why that bastard cheats cuz hes a wimp ass coward.
The blast marred what had been a peaceful demonstration called to show support for Chavez and oppose Bushs Fascists,
Chavez, denouncing his opponents as "Murderous anti-patriotic, privatizing, neoliberal, fascist, coup-plotting, depraved oligarchy of Bush lickers," said he reorganized the state oil giant PDVSA WAS the backbone of the U.S. backed coup operated.
The president, a former paratrooper who was elected in 1998 and survived a coup last year, said that if privatized banks refused to operate normally, they would be taken over.
"If we did it with PDVSA, we can do it to the banks with all the more reason," he said. During the coup, most banks have been operating limited daily hours.
Chavez also threatened to shut the Corporate U.S controlled TV broadcasters if they did not stop transmitting violent, propaganda programming.
Chavez is a champion of the poor trying to stop massive oil wealth from being taken out of the country by Fascist U.S. corporate Robber barons.
Thursday's blast enraged the people of Venezuela. At least six people have been killed in clashes since this U.S. based coup started.
Chanting, "Hey, hey, Chavez is here to stay," his supporters marched in the millions through the city.
The U.S. backed cut in oil exports has helped push up the price on international markets at a time when it is already high because of U.S. created fears of a war in Iraq, another major producer.
But, despite all of the U.S. corporate fascists efforts, Chavez is winning what he called the "oil war."
Following an initial plunge after the U.S. coup began, Venezuela's oil production has been steadily creeping back up as the government slowly restarts oil fields and refineries.
The U.S. Backed fascists put output on Thursday at 812,000 barrels per day, or 25 percent of normal capacity. But Chavez said production was already over 1 million bpd and predicted it could reach 2 million bpd before the first week of February.
Chavez has proved Bush wrong by holding out so long. "I think he's winning this round ... his strategy is to kick the ass of the U.S. backed opposition. It's a war of attrition he will win," Michael Gavin, Head of Latin American Economic Research for UBS Warburg, told me.
The president, who defiantly has the backing of the people, has sent replacements to take over U.S.coup-hit oil sites and raid food plants he alleges are hoarding products.
Former U.S. President Carter has put forward two options: one for an amendment to Venezuela's constitution to trigger early elections and the other for the Aug. 19 referendum.(What a sick joke!)
The shrub, poison nazi-bush, on Thursday endorsed Carter's proposals.
Re: Old Arrest Could Silence Iraq Arms Expert |
by smith AKA DAN Disinfo (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 23 Jan 2003
You dumb ass that’s what i was pointing out! Reverse psychology dam who is this dan character you keep talking a bought?
Re: Old Arrest Could Silence Iraq Arms Expert |
by SMERF AKA DAN Disinfo (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 23 Jan 2003
sex is EVIL!! SHAME ON YOU! |
Bushs Fascists Bomb Pro Chavez Rally, And Kill One In Venezuela |
by Pasal Flecher posted by DAN "I'm a friggin' idiot" Disinfo (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 3 24 Jan 2003
Cheered by Millions of supporters, the leftist leader threatened to close private television stations controlled by Bushs fascists and to take over banks controlled by U.S fascist Robber Baron corporations,
"Let's go on the attack on all fronts," Chavez cried, his face flushed as red as the jacket he wore.
The populist president, who is fighting fascist U.S. corporate elements that are orchestrating terrorist acts to seize power from the people of Venezuela, the explosion, which occurred several blocks away before he started speaking did not deter the anti fascist rally.
Caracas Fire Chief Rodolfo Briceno told me a 45-year-old man was killed on the spot and 15 other people were taken to hospital, most suffering from shrapnel injuries.
"It was apparently an anti personnel explosive device," he said. Bush did not claim responsibility.
Chavez is really pissed off personally I think they should have a boxing match between the two, Bush would get his ass kicked, so we all know why that bastard cheats cuz hes a wimp ass coward.
The blast marred what had been a peaceful demonstration called to show support for Chavez and oppose Bushs corporate Fascists,
Chavez, denouncing his opponents as "Murderous anti-human, privatizing, neoliberal, fascist, coup-plotting, depraved oligarchy of Bush butt lickers," said he reorganized the state oil giant PDVSA WAS the backbone of the U.S. backed coup operated.
The president, a former paratrooper who was elected in 1998 and survived a U.S. backed coup last year, said that if privatized banks refused to operate normally, they would be taken over.
"If we did it with PDVSA, we can do it to the banks with all the more reason," he said. During the coup, most banks have been operating limited daily hours.
Chavez also threatened to shut the Corporate U.S controlled TV broadcasters if they did not stop transmitting violent, propaganda programming.
Chavez is a champion of the poor trying to stop massive oil wealth from being taken out of the country by Fascist U.S. corporate Robber barons.
Thursday's blast enraged the people of Venezuela. At least six people have been killed in clashes since this U.S. based coup started.
Chanting, "Hey, hey, Chavez is here to stay," his supporters marched in the millions through the city.
The U.S. backed cut in oil exports has helped push up the price on international markets at a time when it is already high because of U.S. created fears of a war in Iraq, another major producer.
But, despite all of the U.S. corporate fascists efforts, Chavez is winning what he called the "oil war."
Following an initial plunge after the U.S. coup began, Venezuela's oil production has been steadily creeping back up as the government restarts oil fields and refineries.
The U.S. Backed fascists put output on Thursday at 812,000 barrels per day, or 25 percent of normal capacity. But Chavez said production was already over 1 million bpd and predicted it could reach 2 million bpd before the first week of February.
Chavez has proved Bush wrong by holding out so long. "I think he's winning this round ... his strategy is to kick the ass of the U.S. backed opposition. It's a war of attrition he will win," Michael Gavin, Head of Latin American Economic Research for UBS Warburg, told me.
The president, who defiantly has the backing of the people, has sent replacements to take over U.S.coup-hit oil sites and raid food plants he alleges are hoarding products.
Former U.S. President Carter has put forward two options: one for an amendment to Venezuela's constitution to trigger early elections and the other for the Aug. 19 referendum.(What a sick joke!)
The shrub, poison nazi-bush, on Thursday endorsed Carter's proposals.
Bushs Fascists Bomb Pro Chavez Rally, And Kill One In Venezuela |
by Pasal Flecher posted by DAN "This is what happens when I break my sandbox at IMCP" Disinfo (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 24 Jan 2003
Cheered by Millions of supporters, the leftist leader threatened to close private television stations controlled by Bushs fascists and to take over banks controlled by U.S fascist Robber Baron corporations,
"Let's go on the attack on all fronts," Chavez cried, his face flushed as red as the jacket he wore.
The populist president, who is fighting fascist U.S. corporate elements that are orchestrating terrorist acts to seize power from the people of Venezuela, the explosion, which occurred several blocks away before he started speaking did not deter the anti fascist rally.
Caracas Fire Chief Rodolfo Briceno told me a 45-year-old man was killed on the spot and 15 other people were taken to hospital, most suffering from shrapnel injuries.
"It was apparently an anti personnel explosive device," he said. Bush did not claim responsibility.
Chavez is really pissed off personally I think they should have a boxing match between the two, Bush would get his ass kicked, so we all know why that bastard cheats cuz hes a wimp ass coward.
The blast marred what had been a peaceful demonstration called to show support for Chavez and oppose Bushs corporate Fascists,
Chavez, denouncing his opponents as "Murderous anti-human, privatizing, neoliberal, fascist, coup-plotting, depraved oligarchy of Bush butt lickers," said he reorganized the state oil giant PDVSA WAS the backbone of the U.S. backed coup operated.
The president, a former paratrooper who was elected in 1998 and survived a U.S. backed coup last year, said that if privatized banks refused to operate normally, they would be taken over.
"If we did it with PDVSA, we can do it to the banks with all the more reason," he said. During the coup, most banks have been operating limited daily hours.
Chavez also threatened to shut the Corporate U.S controlled TV broadcasters if they did not stop transmitting violent, propaganda programming.
Chavez is a champion of the poor trying to stop massive oil wealth from being taken out of the country by Fascist U.S. corporate Robber barons.
Thursday's blast enraged the people of Venezuela. At least six people have been killed in clashes since this U.S. based coup started.
Chanting, "Hey, hey, Chavez is here to stay," his supporters marched in the millions through the city.
The U.S. backed cut in oil exports has helped push up the price on international markets at a time when it is already high because of U.S. created fears of a war in Iraq, another major producer.
But, despite all of the U.S. corporate fascists efforts, Chavez is winning what he called the "oil war."
Following an initial plunge after the U.S. coup began, Venezuela's oil production has been steadily creeping back up as the government restarts oil fields and refineries.
The U.S. Backed fascists put output on Thursday at 812,000 barrels per day, or 25 percent of normal capacity. But Chavez said production was already over 1 million bpd and predicted it could reach 2 million bpd before the first week of February.
Chavez has proved Bush wrong by holding out so long. "I think he's winning this round ... his strategy is to kick the ass of the U.S. backed opposition. It's a war of attrition he will win," Michael Gavin, Head of Latin American Economic Research for UBS Warburg, told me.
The president, who defiantly has the backing of 99% of the Venezuelan people, has sent replacements to take over U.S.coup-hit oil sites and raid food plants he alleges are hoarding products.
Former U.S. President Carter has put forward two options: one for an amendment to Venezuela's constitution to trigger early elections and the other for the Aug. 19 referendum.(What a sick joke!)
The shrub, poison nazi-bush, on Thursday endorsed Carter's proposals.
Bushs Fascists Bomb Pro Chavez Rally, And Kill One In Venezuela |
by Pasal Flecher posted by DAN Disinfo (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 24 Jan 2003
Cheered by Millions of supporters, the leftist leader threatened to close private television stations controlled by Bushs fascists and to take over banks controlled by U.S fascist Robber Baron corporations,
"Let's go on the attack on all fronts," Chavez cried, his face flushed as red as the jacket he wore.
The populist president, who is fighting fascist U.S. corporate elements that are orchestrating terrorist acts to seize power from the people of Venezuela, the explosion, which occurred several blocks away before he started speaking did not deter the anti fascist rally.
Caracas Fire Chief Rodolfo Briceno told me a 45-year-old man was killed on the spot and 15 other people were taken to hospital, most suffering from shrapnel injuries.
"It was apparently an anti personnel explosive device," he said. Bush did not claim responsibility.
Chavez is really pissed off personally I think they should have a boxing match between the two, Bush would get his ass kicked, so we all know why that bastard cheats cuz hes a wimp ass coward.
The blast marred what had been a peaceful demonstration called to show support for Chavez and oppose Bushs corporate Fascists,
Chavez, denouncing his opponents as "Murderous anti-human, privatizing, neoliberal, fascist, coup-plotting, depraved oligarchy of Bush butt lickers," said he reorganized the state oil giant PDVSA WAS the backbone of the U.S. backed coup operated.
The president, a former paratrooper who was elected in 1998 and survived a U.S. backed coup last year, said that if privatized banks refused to operate normally, they would be taken over.
"If we did it with PDVSA, we can do it to the banks with all the more reason," he said. During the coup, most banks have been operating limited daily hours.
Chavez also threatened to shut the Corporate U.S controlled TV broadcasters if they did not stop transmitting violent, propaganda programming.
Chavez is a champion of the poor trying to stop massive oil wealth from being taken out of the country by Fascist U.S. corporate Robber barons.
Thursday's blast enraged the people of Venezuela. At least six people have been killed in clashes since this U.S. based coup started.
Chanting, "Hey, hey, Chavez is here to stay," his supporters marched in the millions through the city.
The U.S. backed cut in oil exports has helped push up the price on international markets at a time when it is already high because of U.S. created fears of a war in Iraq, another major producer.
But, despite all of the U.S. corporate fascists efforts, Chavez is winning what he called the "oil war."
Following an initial plunge after the U.S. coup began, Venezuela's oil production has been steadily creeping back up as the government restarts oil fields and refineries.
The U.S. Backed fascists put output on Thursday at 812,000 barrels per day, or 25 percent of normal capacity. But Chavez said production was already over 1 million bpd and predicted it could reach 2 million bpd before the first week of February.
Chavez has proved Bush wrong by holding out so long. "I think he's winning this round ... his strategy is to kick the ass of the U.S. backed opposition. It's a war of attrition he will win," Michael Gavin, Head of Latin American Economic Research for UBS Warburg, told me.
The president, who defiantly has the backing of 99% of the Venezuelan people, has sent replacements to take over U.S.coup-hit oil sites and raid food plants he alleges are hoarding products.
Former U.S. President Carter has put forward two options: one for an amendment to Venezuela's constitution to trigger early elections and the other for the Aug. 19 referendum.(What a sick joke!)
The shrub, poison nazi-bush, on Thursday endorsed Carter's proposals.
Bushs Fascists Bomb Pro Chavez Rally, And Kill One In Venezuela |
by Pasal Flecher (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 3 24 Jan 2003
Cheered by Millions of supporters, the leftist leader threatened to close private television stations controlled by Bushs fascists and to take over banks controlled by U.S fascist Robber Baron corporations,
"Let's go on the attack on all fronts," Chavez cried, his face flushed as red as the jacket he wore.
The populist president, who is fighting fascist U.S. corporate elements that are orchestrating terrorist acts to seize power from the people of Venezuela, the explosion, which occurred several blocks away before he started speaking did not deter the anti fascist rally.
Caracas Fire Chief Rodolfo Briceno told me a 45-year-old man was killed on the spot and 15 other people were taken to hospital, most suffering from shrapnel injuries.
"It was apparently an anti personnel explosive device," he said. Bush did not claim responsibility.
Chavez is really pissed off personally I think they should have a boxing match between the two, Bush would get his ass kicked, so we all know why that bastard cheats cuz hes a wimp ass coward.
The blast marred what had been a peaceful demonstration called to show support for Chavez and oppose Bushs corporate Fascists,
Chavez, denouncing his opponents as "Murderous anti-human, privatizing, neoliberal, fascist, coup-plotting, depraved oligarchy of Bush butt lickers," said he reorganized the state oil giant PDVSA WAS the backbone of the U.S. backed coup operated.
The president, a former paratrooper who was elected in 1998 and survived a U.S. backed coup last year, said that if privatized banks refused to operate normally, they would be taken over.
"If we did it with PDVSA, we can do it to the banks with all the more reason," he said. During the coup, most banks have been operating limited daily hours.
Chavez also threatened to shut the Corporate U.S controlled TV broadcasters if they did not stop transmitting violent, propaganda programming.
Chavez is a champion of the poor trying to stop massive oil wealth from being taken out of the country by Fascist U.S. corporate Robber barons.
Thursday's blast enraged the people of Venezuela. At least six people have been killed in clashes since this U.S. based coup started.
Chanting, "Hey, hey, Chavez is here to stay," his supporters marched in the millions through the city.
The U.S. backed cut in oil exports has helped push up the price on international markets at a time when it is already high because of U.S. created fears of a war in Iraq, another major producer.
But, despite all of the U.S. corporate fascists efforts, Chavez is winning what he called the "oil war."
Following an initial plunge after the U.S. coup began, Venezuela's oil production has been steadily creeping back up as the government restarts oil fields and refineries.
The U.S. Backed fascists put output on Thursday at 812,000 barrels per day, or 25 percent of normal capacity. But Chavez said production was already over 1 million bpd and predicted it could reach 2 million bpd before the first week of February.
Chavez has proved Bush wrong by holding out so long. "I think he's winning this round ... his strategy is to kick the ass of the U.S. backed opposition. It's a war of attrition he will win," Michael Gavin, Head of Latin American Economic Research for UBS Warburg, told me.
The president, who defiantly has the backing of 99% of the Venezuelan people, has sent replacements to take over U.S.coup-hit oil sites and raid food plants he alleges are hoarding products.
Former U.S. President Carter has put forward two options: one for an amendment to Venezuela's constitution to trigger early elections and the other for the Aug. 19 referendum.(What a sick joke!)
The shrub, poison nazi-bush, on Thursday endorsed Carter's proposals.
Bushs Fascists Bomb Pro Chavez Rally, And Kill One In Venezuela |
by Pasal Flecher (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 24 Jan 2003
Cheered by Millions of supporters, the leftist leader threatened to close private television stations controlled by Bushs fascists and to take over banks controlled by U.S fascist Robber Baron corporations,
"Let's go on the attack on all fronts," Chavez cried, his face flushed as red as the jacket he wore.
The populist president, who is fighting fascist U.S. corporate elements that are orchestrating terrorist acts to seize power from the people of Venezuela, the explosion, which occurred several blocks away before he started speaking did not deter the anti fascist rally.
Caracas Fire Chief Rodolfo Briceno told me a 45-year-old man was killed on the spot and 15 other people were taken to hospital, most suffering from shrapnel injuries.
"It was apparently an anti personnel explosive device," he said. Bush did not claim responsibility.
Chavez is really pissed off personally I think they should have a boxing match between the two, Bush would get his ass kicked, so we all know why that bastard cheats cuz hes a wimp ass coward.
The blast marred what had been a peaceful demonstration called to show support for Chavez and oppose Bushs corporate Fascists,
Chavez, denouncing his opponents as "Murderous anti-human, privatizing, neoliberal, fascist, coup-plotting, depraved oligarchy of Bush butt lickers," said he reorganized the state oil giant PDVSA WAS the backbone of the U.S. backed coup operated.
The president, a former paratrooper who was elected in 1998 and survived a U.S. backed coup last year, said that if privatized banks refused to operate normally, they would be taken over.
"If we did it with PDVSA, we can do it to the banks with all the more reason," he said. During the coup, most banks have been operating limited daily hours.
Chavez also threatened to shut the Corporate U.S controlled TV broadcasters if they did not stop transmitting violent, propaganda programming.
Chavez is a champion of the poor trying to stop massive oil wealth from being taken out of the country by Fascist U.S. corporate Robber barons.
Thursday's blast enraged the people of Venezuela. At least six people have been killed in clashes since this U.S. based coup started.
Chanting, "Hey, hey, Chavez is here to stay," his supporters marched in the millions through the city.
The U.S. backed cut in oil exports has helped push up the price on international markets at a time when it is already high because of U.S. created fears of a war in Iraq, another major producer.
But, despite all of the U.S. corporate fascists efforts, Chavez is winning what he called the "oil war."
Following an initial plunge after the U.S. coup began, Venezuela's oil production has been steadily creeping back up as the government restarts oil fields and refineries.
The U.S. Backed fascists put output on Thursday at 812,000 barrels per day, or 25 percent of normal capacity. But Chavez said production was already over 1 million bpd and predicted it could reach 2 million bpd before the first week of February.
Chavez has proved Bush wrong by holding out so long. "I think he's winning this round ... his strategy is to kick the ass of the U.S. backed opposition. It's a war of attrition he will win," Michael Gavin, Head of Latin American Economic Research for UBS Warburg, told me.
The president, who defiantly has the backing of 99% of the Venezuelan people, has sent replacements to take over U.S.coup-hit oil sites and raid food plants he alleges are hoarding products.
Former U.S. President Carter has put forward two options: one for an amendment to Venezuela's constitution to trigger early elections and the other for the Aug. 19 referendum.(What a sick joke!)
The shrub, poison nazi-bush, on Thursday endorsed Carter's proposals.