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Current rating: -1 |
by MARTIN (No verified email address) |
28 Jun 2002
Modified: 30 Jun 2002 |
The jewish culture is about thievery and back-stabbing evilness that teaches to steal thru usury |
Why do you think so many different people thru history dislike jews? Maybe cause their culture teaches them to treat the people around them like shit. The jews do nothing but scheme on how to steal from others around them. In the past they would kill children according to "jewish rites" if you look close this is still part of their behavior. jews culture teaches them not to value others lifeonly their own they behave like snakes. Basically the jews are the children of the devil Just look how they sneak around and plot how to steal from the Palestinian people They will kill millions to get their sticky little fingers on what they want. |
Related stories on this site: Hamas history tied to Israel Roots of Hamas Are Being Exposed Sharon and the Likud Party
We don't care for this Nazi horseshit on our wire... |
by Michael Feltes mfeltes (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 28 Jun 2002
We're fighting for a world without any form of intolerance, and anti-Jewish bile like this is one of the oldest strands of that prejudice and vileness. Your hatred is not welcome here. |
It's DAN |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 28 Jun 2002
And DAN, you should remember that you have already been warned about this sort of behavior this week. The meeting is coming up Sunday to evaluate whether your presence will be tolerated on this Newswire. More crap like this is not helping your case.
Just to refresh your memory of the issue:
This is notice that you need to quit abusing the UCIMC website for you little games involving abusive comments and other violations of the UC IMC Website Use Policy. See this link if you don't already know what I'm talking about:
The particular violation in this case is the use of language "whose purpose seems clearly to be other than informing, educating or adding to a public discourse." [Once again for the fifth or sixth time, this week alone]
Your pattern of abusive behavior here has resulted in this being your warning to cease and desist said abuse, per the decision of the UCIMC Steering group. Further violations will result in your banning from any use of this website. |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 28 Jun 2002
The list of your violations of UCIMC policy reached four pages two weeks ago. Since then, you've probably added another page.
For those who aren't up on the latest on DAN, he's a troll. He has been responsible for these specific UCIMC website use violations:
Abuse of long, unbroken lines of text to make the stories of others difficult to read.
Posting fake stories, including that "Larry is dead":
and the one about a woman from Urbana supposedly being injured in the Middle East, which was reposted to many IMC websites with the hometown of the woman being changed to whatever the closest IMC was:
Repeated use of insulting and abusive language with others commenters
Reposting of comments as articles.
Repeated use of all caps in conjunction with inappropriate comments
Imitated the identities of other posters with the intent create a disruptive atmosphere.
Posting links to file downloads of a questionable nature.
And it's not that this person really cares about politics at all. He just enjoys irritating people and engaging in trolling behavior. He can both compose and post the fake story about Ahmed's death and repeatedly post graphics displaying the worst excesses of anti-semitism like this:
I think his response to the numerous warnings just this week about this sort of purely disruptive conduct gives the Steering group a strong indication of the direction they should take in deciding DAN's future on this Newswire, whatever identity he chooses to assume. |
by ABRHAM (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 28 Jun 2002
"JEWISH RITES" look it up !
they have killed over 500 children in just the past few months |
What an empty life |
by gehrig (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 29 Jun 2002
What an empty life that guy must have, if spamming antisemitica is what he does for entertainment on a Friday night...
@%< |
this post is very informative |
by missy (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 29 Jun 2002
gehrig whats your problem are you a jew wad mossad agent !!
This is exactly the kind of FACTS that NEED brought OUT to show the root cause of the slautgher in the middle east. It is these kinds of facts the jews work to cover up. This is truly a step forward, in seeinng the how evil the jewish demons are. Cease the disease all jewish aid it is giving power to the devil |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 29 Jun 2002
Go away. You incoherence shows right through all the name changes. We know it's you. |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 30 Jun 2002