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Tantra, Zen, and Natural Hygiene: The Cure to War and the Path to Pure Health Current rating: 0
07 May 2002
Modified: 09 May 2002
Tantra, Zen, and Natural Hygiene: The way to end all wars and achieve pure health and joy.
"If society is allowed total freedom about joy, nobody will be destructive. "
Tantra, Zen, and Natural Hygiene: The Evolution of Our Culture and Our Health

(1) Natural Hygiene: , , , , , , ,

This is the science of Health. By following the information provided in the links above, you will be disease and cancer free, and will never be sick again!!!

(2) Tantra and Zen :


This is quoted from

Zen — Sex — Health

Zen has no belief-system about anything, and that includes sex too — Zen says nothing about it. And that should be the ultimate thing. Tantra has an attitude about sex. The reason? — it tries to redress what the society has done. Tantra is medical. The society has repressed sex; Tantra comes as a remedy to help you redress balance. You have leaned too much to the left; Tantra comes and helps you to lean to the right. And to redress the balance sometimes you have to lean too much to the right, only then the balance is gained.

Have you not seen a rope walker, a tightrope walker? He carries a staff in his hand to keep balance. If he feels he is leaning too much to the left, he immediately starts leaning to the right. Then again he feels that now he has leaned too much to the right, he starts leaning towards the left. This is how he keeps in the middle.

Tantra is a remedy.

The society has created a repressive mind, a life-negative mind, an anti-joy mind. The society is very much against sex. Why is the society so much against sex? — because if you allow people sexual pleasure, you cannot transform them into slaves. It is impossible — a joyous person cannot be made a slave. That is the trick. Only sad people can be turned into slaves. A joyous person is a free person; he has a kind of independence to him.

You cannot recruit joyous people for war. Impossible. Why should they go to war? But if a person has repressed his sexuality he is ready to go to war, he is eager to go to war, because he has not been able to enjoy life. He has become incapable of enjoying, hence has become incapable of creativity. Now he can do only one thing — he can destroy. All his energies have become poison and destructive. He is ready to go to war — not only ready, he is hankering for it. He wants to kill, he wants to destroy.

In fact, while destroying human beings he will have a vicarious joy of penetrating. That penetrating could have been in love and would have been beautiful. When you penetrate a woman’s body in love, it is one thing. It is spiritual. But when things go wrong and you penetrate somebody’s body with a sword, with a spear, it is ugly, it is violent, it is destructive. But you are searching for a substitute for penetration.

If society is allowed total freedom about joy, nobody will be destructive.

People who can love beautifully are never destructive. And people who can love beautifully and have the joy of life will not be competitive either. These are the problems.

That’s why primitive people are not so competitive. They are enjoying their life. Who bothers to have a bigger house? Who bothers to have a bigger balance in the bank? For what? You are happy with your woman and with your man and you are having a dance of life. Who wants to sit in the marketplace for hours and hours and hours, day in, day out, year in, year out, hoping that in the end you will have a big bank balance and then you will retire and enjoy? That day never comes. It can’t come, because the whole life you remain an ascetic.

Remember, the business people are ascetic people. They have devoted everything to money.

Now a man who knows love and has known the thrill of love and the ecstasy of it will not be competitive.

He will be happy if he can get his daily bread. That is the meaning of Jesus’ prayer: “Give us our daily bread.” That is more than enough. Now Jesus looks foolish. He should have asked, “Give us a bigger bank balance.” He asks only for the daily bread? A joyous man never asks for more than that. The joy is so fulfilling.

It is only unfulfilled beings who are competitive, because they think life is not here, it is there. “I have to reach to Delhi and become the president,” or to the White House and become this or that. “I have to go there, joy is there” — because they know here there is no joy. So they are always on the go, go, go, go. They are always on the go, and they never reach. And the man who knows the joy, is here. Why should he be going to Delhi? For what? He is utterly happy herenow. His needs are very small. He has no desires. He has needs certainly, but no desires. Needs can be fulfilled, desires never. Needs are natural, desires are perverted.

Now this whole society depends on one thing and that is sex repression. Otherwise the economy will be destroyed, sabotaged. War will disappear and with it the whole war machinery, and the politics will become meaningless and the politician will no longer be important. Money will not have value if people are allowed to love. Because they are not allowed to love, money becomes the substitute, money becomes their love. So there is a subtle strategy.

Sex has to be repressed, otherwise this whole structure of the society will fall immediately.

Only love released into the world will bring revolution. Communism has failed, fascism has failed, capitalism has failed. All ‘isms’ have failed because deep down they are all sex repressive. On that point there is no difference — no difference between Washington and Moscow, Beijing and Delhi — there is no difference at all. They all agree upon one thing — that sex has to be controlled, that people are not to be allowed to have innocent joy in sex.

To redress the balance comes Tantra; Tantra is a remedy. So it emphasizes sex too much. The so-called religions say sex is sin and Tantra says sex is the only sacred phenomenon. Tantra is a remedy. Zen is not a remedy. Zen is the state when the illness has disappeared; and of course, with the illness, the remedy too. Once you are cured of your illness you don’t go on carrying the prescription and the bottle and the medicine with you. You throw it. It goes to the dustbin.

Ordinary society is against sex; Tantra comes to help humanity, to give sex back to humanity. And when the sex has been given back, then arises Zen. Zen has no attitude.

Zen is pure health.

- Osho, The Diamond Sutra, #2 -


For Further Reading:

"Natural Hygiene: The Pristine Way of Life" and "Superior Nutrition" by Dr. Herbert Shelton

"The Way of Zen" and "The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Really Are" By Alan Watts

And all of the following books by Osho:

"The Book of Secrets" (about Tantra !!!! ) and:

Live Zen
Zen And The Art Of Enlightenment
Zen And The Art Of Living
Zen and the Art of Meditation
The Zen Manifesto: Freedom From Oneself
Zen: All the Colors of the Rainbow
Zen: Take It Easy
Zen: The Diamond Thunderbolt
Zen: The Mystery and The Poetry of the Beyond
Zen: The Path of Paradox, Vol 1
Zen: The Quantum Leap From Mind to No-Mind
Zen: The Solitary Bird, Cuckoo of the Forest
Zen: The Special Transmission
Zen: Zest, Zip, Zap and Zing


Zen, Tantra, and Natural Hygiene are the foundations of "The Afterculture":

This is Evolution !!!!
See also:
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My Conclusion
Current rating: 0
07 May 2002
Spammed to the IMC network.
Buy all the books.
Pop-up encouraging the reader to become a "member".
Long sidebar on website that leads to "On-Line Catalog".

Various permutations of these Osho promos have periodically made the rounds of the IMC network in the past, all with some sort of commercial intent underlying their alleged concern for your spiritual life.

This smells like advertising to me. What do others think?
This is not Evolution, this is Advertising
Current rating: 0
08 May 2002
By following these links, I can rid myself of all disease? Puh-lease.
Use the Library
Current rating: 0
08 May 2002
The two people who placed the comments above are FOOLS!

Have you ever heard of the Library?

Use it! Don't buy anything. The best things in life are free.

If you practice Natural Hygiene you will never get sick again. Read about it.

Tantra is for real. Read about it for FREE at your library, or read some of the FREE articles on
Current rating: 0
08 May 2002
Neither one of us is a fool, but I bet you're sure hoping that some fools do stop by the on-line shop and drop some cash for some books, a membership, and possibly one of those special vacation getaways that I've seen Osho advertise before here on IMC.
The Best things in life are FREE!!!! :)
Current rating: 0
09 May 2002
Dear ML,

I do not own any of those web sites. I do not sell books or memberships. I am not making money off this post.

This is NOT an advertisement. I never wrote "buy a membership to HTTP://WWW.TANTRA.COM !" I said to check out the site and read some of the FREE articles on there. I said to use your library.

There are many articles on , read them for FREE. I read the articles on there every day. They change each week. I have NEVER bought anything off of or , but I have read ALL the articles on those sites. I have checked out many Osho books and Tantra books from the library.

I do not own Living Nutrition magazine, so I am not selling you a subscription. I have a subscription to the magazine and it is the greatest magazine I have ever read. If you read and follow the articles in the Living Nutrition magazine you will be completely healthy and will almost never get sick again.

I am not Dr. Doug Graham, so I am not selling you the products on his web site. This is NOT an advertisement for . I am informing you that I have bought and read most of the products and books for sale on his web site, and they are all amazing. Dr. Graham is my hero. I am not making money by writing this. Dr. Graham has the greatest understanding of Natural Hygiene in the world. If you want to ask Dr. Doug Graham some questions, he reads and posts messages here:

Go ahead and ask him some questions. He is amazing, funny, and an amazing person.

Tantra, Zen, and Natural Hygiene cannot be sold. They are free.

You must not understand what Tantra is if you think this is an advertisement to sell you Tanta! Tantra is the greatest thing I have ever learned.

I read on average one book a week. Osho books are my favorite. I have never read any books that are more fun to read. I do not own the Osho site
HTTP://WWW.MEDITATE-CELEBRATE.COM , but I read it every day. I encourage you to read it as well.
Rumi and the Afterculture
Current rating: 0
09 May 2002
Dear ML and JF,

I forgot to mention:

I am not Michael Green. I did not illustrate "The Illuminated Rumi" and I did not create "The Afterculture" exhibit. I am not selling you a membership to "The Afterculture" .

I am just informing you that I have read this site and I have read the book on there: "The Illuminated Rumi" and it is the most beautiful book I have ever read in my life. There is nothing to compare it to. Check it out from your library! Rumi is the greatest poet who ever lived.

The reason I wrote "This is Evolution" is because our culture is evolving. I just read an amazing book called "The Culture of Make Believe" by Derrick Jensen, mainly because it is on the author Daniel Quinn's web site on his recommended reading list. He examines why our culture is so destructive and violent. Our culture is changing and evolving away from the violent past. Be aware of the changes, of the evolution that is occuring.
"Derrick Jensen is a man driven to stare without flinching at the baleful design of our culture, which encourages us to honor those who wreak the most havoc on the world (and on human lives) and to scorn those who protest against the havoc as opponents of decency and good order. In fact, "The Culture of Make Believe" so explicitly reveals the intimacy between the murder of the world and "decency and good order" that I'm surprised any author would dare write it and any publisher would dare bring it to print. His analysis of our culture's predilection for hatred and destruction will rattle your bones."

-Daniel Quinn, author of Ishmael
ML is scared of the Kama Sutra
Current rating: 0
09 May 2002
What's wrong ML? Are you scared of Tantra? Are you scared of the Kama Sutra? ;)

I agree with "Bliss and Joy" , "The Book of Secrets" by Osho is the best book ever published on Tantra.

This is found on
Q. Can you please clarify the difference between Tantra and the Kama Sutra?

A. The Sanskrit:
Tantra = A system of spiritual beliefs and practices said to be derived from Sanskrit roots signifying: "body" because of its emphasis on bodily activities; "stretch" because it extends the faculties of humans; "Rope" because it secures the devotee to deity; "Harp" for the music and beauty of its philosophy; "Interiorness" for the secrecy of its doctrine; "Loom" suggesting the 2 cosmic principles, male and female, that make up the warp and woof of the woven fabric of the universe.

Kama = God of erotic love. Lust. Sexuality. Sutra = "Thread, A book of aphorisms."

The Kama Sutras were written by a man named Vatsyayana about 2000 years ago. They are a study of the sensual pleasures, moral attitudes of the times and a description of the arts that one could and should pursue in ones life time to become an accomplished member of society. We in the west often study the "sexual" parts of the texts. To tell the truth, modern women would find some of the text quite patriarchal for today's standards.

The philosophy of Tantra is much older than the Kama Sutras but was honed to its most exquisite level around 1000 years ago. To quote Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger, "Tantra is a philosophy, a science, an art and a way of life whereby sexual energy is consciously and creatively utilized". The tantric philosophy uses sexuality as the vehicle (lessons from the Kama Sutras can be considered fine-tuning of "the vehicle") but not as the destination. The destination is achieving transcendence. The ecstasy potential of the sexual experience can be used to understand the pure nature of being a part of the expanded universe. In the book Sexual Secrets they go on to say: "Tantra is for those who wish to use the sexual bond as a means to liberation and who desire to transcend the limits of the individual self".

Therefore, we understand that the Kama Sutras are but a small, though very important, part of the Tantric philosophy. We eye-gaze not as a part of sexual enhancement but to open our soul to our beloved - that is Tantric. We learn new ways to pleasure our partners- this is the Sutras - so that we can become more capable of understanding, caring and have compassion for our partners (and, ultimately everyone) - this is Tantra.
sional, trained in Reichian or Bioenergetic methods of working with armoring through the breath.
My, You're Sure Going to A Lot of Trouble
Current rating: 0
09 May 2002
You are sure putting a lot of effort into spreading links to a website by spamming it on the IMC network, one that clearly has a highly commercial component. It doesn't matter what YOUR finnacial interst is, but it is clear that whoever put together the websites you reference certainly wishes to make some sales.

And no, I'm not scared of sex. However, I do feel compelled to note that sex sells and it certainly seems to be used for such purposes in your posting and comments, yet another indication of the commercial content of this posting. Sex is very cool indeed, until you commercialize it.
Current rating: 0
09 May 2002
Just in case you are not the same person who has engaged in spamming IMCs previously for Osho and their commercial enterprises, I'll post a link to the specific IMC policy that addreeses this situation:

Perhaps you weren't aware of this policy, but you are now. Please try to avoid this sort of behavior in the future and what posts you do make won't raise so much ire. Ignore it and you will find yourself even less welcome here than currently.
Lighten up ML!!!! :)
Current rating: 0
09 May 2002
ML, you have no idea what Tantra is.

Read the Kama Sutra. Learn about Tantra.

I am NOT "spreading links to a website" , I am teaching people about Tantra, Zen, and Natural Hygiene. There are tons of web sites I posted above, and they are all good.

Why are you scared to let the Truth out? What is it about Tantra that scares you?

I will continue to spam indy media with the Truth, everyone should learn about Tantra. Tantra is very important!

Tantra is not SEX, Tantra is meditation.

Stop being foolish ML

Only a FOOL would think that Osho is a "commercial enterprise"

You have no idea who Osho is, wake up ML.

Osho is the greatest person who lived in the 20th Century, and I will continue to spam his words to IMC whether you like it or not.

Maybe YOU don't want to welcome me on IMC but I am not concerned about you.

I am welcome to all IMC's. I do not need your "welcoming" to post here. I will continue to post Osho's words and no one can stop me from doing it!!!!!! :)

Here is more Osho for you ML, read and enjoy, and...

LIGHTEN UP!!!!!! You are way to serious! Tantra is a celebration of life.

"Love is non-serious, it is alive, it is playful, love makes life fun, a celebration and my whole effort here is to create for the first time in the whole history of humanity a new kind of religious person for whom laughter is far more valuable than prayer, for whom playfulness is far more spiritual than seriousness, who should be closer to a poet than to a philosopher, closer to music than to mathematics, closer to sensitivity rather than being dull, closed, walled from all sides, afraid of lif, escapist, renouncing life."

"What is the beauty of small children? They are playful; they don't know what work is. Work is yet unknown to them; they have not fallen yet, they have not committed the original sin yet. The original sin IS seriuousness. The moment you can regain, recover, reclaim your childhood, you have become a religious person."

- OSHO -


"We have tried all things. We have created ladies and gentlemen, and they didn't prove to be much. We have changed societies, we have tried utopias -- they have all failed. Reform has failed, revolution has failed.
Rebellion has never been tried on a large scale. And whenever it has been tried on a small scale, it has always succeeded. With Buddha it succeeded: thousands of people went through rebellion, became new. With Jesus it succeeded, with Lao Tzu it succeeded, with Krishna it succeeded. success has always been with rebellion, but very few people... It has never been on a large scale. It has never gripped the soul of humanity. And that is where work is needed now.

The greater part of humanity has to be given the vision of awareness, rebellion, only then can man really become human. Man is only human for the name's sake; he is not yet human, because those humane qualities which make a man human are missing, are lacking. They are not there. Compassion is not there, love is not there, meditation is not there. The prayer, the gratitude is not there, the celebration is not there. In short, God is not there.
Man is an empty temple: the God is missing. And God will go on being missing unless your seed dissolves and you start sprouting into God. God is your growth!
Remember, God has not to be found somewhere outside -- not in the Himalayas, not in Jerusalem, not in a monastery; God has to be evolved in you, God has to be your growth. It is not an object outside that you are going to meet some day. Unless you become it you will never meet it. Only by becoming it, you will meet it."

-Osho: I Say Unto You


Osho is the greatest person who lived in the 20th Century.
It's Not Often We Get A Confession
Current rating: 0
09 May 2002
"...I will continue to spam.."

It's not often that we get someone who simply outright says that they are in violation of IMC editorial policy.

This should help with decision-making on this particular subject.
Osho and Spam
Current rating: 0
09 May 2002
Why are you scared of Osho, ML??

Please tell me why you are so afraid to see the words of Osho posted on Indy Media.

Indy Media is FREEDOM. No one owns Indy Media, NO ONE can control Indy Media, Noone can censor Indy Media.

Indy Media = Freedom

This is the first time in the history of the Earth that there has been complete and total FREEDOM of the PRESS. Please do not try and destroy this freedom.