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May4KSU March& Wabashed Back to an Ohio Palestine in Perennial Despotism Current rating: 0
06 May 2002
Modified: 08 May 2002
Bioregional, indeginous, and green politic critque of Anti-war Mvt. Palestine Issue and US War Machine. Remote-view predictions. See comment for Bruchimdomis article.
Bruchimdomis, another sideways psychic journalist at liberation report @;.!<

Prediction 1
Prediction of International Revoluntionary Communist Party and remote-reviewed by Bruchimdomis at two or three times in this remote viewer?s life as a more than likely the political issue of the 2030?s. How rebellion is funneled is in two versions: nurtured into direct democracy or ignored into terrorism out of necessity by repression. Green Party real democracy or added terrorism and not just from Islamic Infinata, but from several billion pissed human beings living in slums across the globe.

Prediction 2
A ?US Pharmacological and related psychic crimes? bill and ?US Anti-cultic Manipulation/ Anti-Corruption in Government and Social Institutions? bill will be enacted by US national leadership in solidarity with new 31st and 32nd articles added to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by member nation majority or unanimous vote. Agencies will be created to: sue for repression of direct democracy, facilitate citizen actions and exposures of cultic manipulation and corruption in government and social institutions, test for pharmacological poisoning at wide availability for free and nominal cost, scientifically investigate and provide forensics for pharmacological astro-projection body energy transfers than 15,000 years of shamanistic healing and harming have been based upon and now used for family-based rape, repression of reporting, and social controls inciting democracide.

Prediction 3
A Green Party President will be elected before 2032 building plans for the more social justice and sociological addresses to longevity extension issues from medical and genetic advances by 2030.

Setting Stage
The Perennials Are Out Again This Spring: Bioregional political analysis of Free Palestine/ Free Ohio.

Nine Wounded in Ohio: 32nd May 4 Commemoration: 4 Dead

Games of ?Quit-pt-(ref: pteradyacal)-age? hide and seek a acculturated ?democracide? among all the American people in a ?United States of Amnesia.? You are targeted for intelligence surveillance.? ?Axis of Hope and Peace.? Paraphrased from event speaker Professor Teeters, Institute of American Indian Arts-Santa Fe at Commemoration 2002.

Report of Remote View And Lived It Psi-Repression Symbolism From The State Crime
Ecclesia on May4, 1970 Repression

Numerology Rhodes
Why ?9? and why ?4?. Read and see why ?911? in that odd nash-esque beautiful politic we been experiencing by secular meme code to replace bible code, perhaps. Neither is beautiful. Neither is ?mind?. All is temporal amygdule. Like the psychic legend of Whitehouse Gingko Tree Prophesy planted to remind future generations that psi-drugs require detoxification and teleological advances in ontology of democracy, our modern selves could use some enlightenment. We have a place for revolution by psi-drugs and a place for the once pinnacle of enlightened government. Circa 1802, restoration after burning by British in 1812, yet the conquering, broken human rights, slavery, ?unindentured? economic servitude, and cleansing by genocide and acculturation continued. We as the US electorate are acculturated to except corruption, culting, democracide, crimes-against-humanity violating psi-herdism ecclesia, and many forms of genocide by our own nation?s hands as necessary for national survival and security. This is abhorrently wrong, and could be lessened in supporting a stronger United Nations and national direct democracy. Communism, not Marx should be thrashed as any kind of liberator of humanity (personal opinion).

Why do the main political parties and several third parties hate the green party? The Green Party is the only party of true direct democracy. Argue in comments section if you disagree. Add to activism agenda the abolition of scapegoating, psi-drug corruption, martyr-making, political corruption, political repression, Caesar -hood, representative-only indirect democracy for the 33rd May 4 Commemoration in response to the corrupt political numerology thrust upon us by the 1970?s Gov. Rhodes administration and higher cronies, including US President Nixon and future national leaders awanting/abiding/awaiting predatory criminal political greed and favor. Pedaling child prostitution from the Whitehouse has been a Great White Dadism tradition even before Tricky Dick. That statement on more than one occasion almost cost me my life by pharmacokinetic transfer of body-energy angina and pressure point pain from the political corrupt elect and their supporters. Psychics walk a line between aid to politicians and media-style exposure of politician corruption. Remote-viewing activists may at times do the same.

Vile were the 1960?s and 1970?s, which we transferred to sweeping detiris-humus excusable genocide practice for national advantage in continued Mideast conflict, SOA (School of the Americas), and Central/South America involvement in the 1980?s. No political theory can work true freedom without legal recourse and protection from pharmacokinetic warfare practiced among/against those that from physical safety would speak-out against corruption, crimes-against-humanity, free speech/free assembly repression, and other issues, but do not speak-out (worse: do not ?Think-out?) because of pharmacokinetic crimes of repression via torture and murder body energy transfer by political elite and their psi-networkers. Actual felony drugging by psi-network psi-drug users is done to torture, scare or murder various persons deemed threats, old, ill, ugly, or useless by physical poisoning of the victims absolutely anywhere. This goes without critique of this as an instrument of democracide, making of fundamentalist terrorists, and unprotected threats that fueled the support of the original American Revolution.

?9 wounded: 4 dead? is a declaration of the corrupt to/against you as a citizen, activist, victim/repression survivor. Whether it is rape or shut your mouth political repression, It must be a 21st century political issue solved. It comes down to poached ass ecclesia or protected direct democracy of all electorate.

Bioregional Political Perennial Of Human Rights Despotism: Ohio Amazon to Ohio Palestine. Can-A-Ton of Recurrent Genocide.

Schoenbroen/ Gnaddenhautten Moravian Pan-Indian Mission members were executed by cattle style thwacks on the head over a chopping stump in an ethnic cleansing genocide in Ohio history. They went willingly to the block as lambs of the lord in faith that justice would be theirs in the everlasting spirit world against their and all humanities oppressors. Cultic allegory genocide/martyr victims like suicide-bombers meet refusniks in non-violent historical attention splash as consciousness workers in imitation of Jesus, Lamb of God. Why go so willingly? Defensive tribes saw them as executable moles to the American enemy by political symbol, enemy connected psi-network (they keep their herbs and missionaries had their ether inhalant mysticism ploys guised as medical supply). Mission victims likely were in a no-escape cultic belief and psi-reception mayhem experience and also body energy transfer annealed to be passive. This psi-drug annealing is experienced by victims in 2002 and modern past as family values ecclesia and domestic-abuse ecclesia controls held in common, both at human rights loss. Annealing to activist perpetrators is excused like well-intended commune missionaries. Annealing by political power elites is excused in conquest patriarchy pedagogy required to garnish support from cross-extortion of known and remote-viewed acts of psi-crime ecclesia in campaigning for election support.

A very happy Ohio Bicentennial to follow Ohioans. Psi-espionage killed the pan-Indian liberation movement, war, messianic revivals and fueled removal and genocide on the four plus Ohio reservations until 1842 removal of the last fiduciary holding of Wyandots/Hurons in our state. Ohio?s American Indian People experienced first the genocides/ecocides of the Amazon tribes and then the Occupation/Zionistic Manifest Destiny against Palestine. Our Canton and Israel?s cantons are eerily similar in occupation situations historically. China?s town and cuisine style meme?ed to equate punishment by pounding upon, obsession in greed and ?discovery? in the often cartooned digging scenes to Canton, China and by equating Canton, China with repression by psychotic episodes by psi-attack/heavenly-or-demonic entity attack is also a historical joke-threat to activists against conqueror mentality of political elite. The serve on that dead poets society was by Israel in two ways. First, in selecting cross-identification with both Ohio American Indian Revival Wars of the late 1700?s to early 1800?s. Second by the manifest destiny of misappropriated religious conquest zeal by Enoch-Metatron?s patroned US manifest destiny in ?can a ton? of weird evil and more severe theocratic peoples shared by both Israel and USA. Israel has charged elder abuse from a super power son, USA, toward a less than super-power dad, Israel. This genealogy of despotism is fuel for harnessing the American Mind on the drug Armageddon fear. Israel becomes colonial Imperialistic Great Britain and American policy becomes Tories under and over an old patriarchy of national subliminal multi-millennium culting of the populaces. Same are the rationales in Ohio Indian policy as are used by the US in Palestine policy. Thank you Albertus Magnus for ether discovery as an Arab, math was a great contribution also. Thank you, American Indian Nations for democracy input, new foods/herbs, land of course. ?But it is time you all faded into history or blended with dominating/conquering nations or genocide/econocide/ personhood assassination of collective human dignity in personhood is now enacted against you. All sovereignty issues are null and void, apologetic, feared in demonized takeover revivals, and lost to manifest destiny?s detiris-humus theory of excusable genocide, if we the survivors are just as naive/passive as the newest version of Norman-Rockwell art?ed citizens.

We Are All The Squawbegs Against Political Corruption and UDHR Desoptism

Squawbeg Union by my membership definition are psychoactive-drugged scapegoated workers of certain American Indian Ethnic Language Groups aware/unaware that are psi-drug-controlled/PK-dumped upon/raped for the good of healing the sick and protecting the vulnerable: BTL= this is why republicans/conservatives are favored on Rez?es; reality is democrats/liberals aren?t to far off this critique either.

Professor Teeters definition of squaw refers to ?whore, female genitals in derogatory?.
?-Beg? translates many as in a defined people or segment of people. ?Squawbeg? translates as helper usually to sweat lodge leader, spiritist, healer, psi-conjourer, PK-scryther, sucking doctor, ect? in Algonquin/ Algonkin nation?s alternative healing cultures. A sad joke sometimes true which is why mystic-fire types have so many warriors around their lodges instead of squawbegs. Trust traditional culture in total; ?No?!; and neither does American Indian/ Native American youth, young adults, and most all populace. Baby/bathwater critiques are equally useful here. Anti-cultic fraud/frame is equally necessary to apply to any culture/religion/historic time period.

By metaphor extension, Squawbeg Union has becomes a messianic universal.

Sweat for the Demonization of Human Rights. Sweat for the Patriotism of ripped apart Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Sweat for the dadism lording (posturing as anal-sex recipient) pushed upon us from the political right?s and left?s apparent belief in our weakness in use of green party collective consensus democracy. Sweat for the profiling of dead communism student takeovers in the 21st millennium. Sweat to include Poncho Via with Geronimo and both with us as liberation democracy politicos. Sweat for the Nation of Innocence as a denial of the United States of Amnesia?s enacted acts of conquest that shapes our current conquests of World Order/ NAFTA. Sweat for pathetic political sonism rituals of food/clothing/housing/transportation/ect? political symbolism publicly and privately expressed for others to see and awake from repression slavery and economic servitude. Sweat to restore honor to dehumanization that causes the ability to wound nine/ kill 4, genocide whole peoples.

See See See See 9. Legal recourse/fines/psychic holiness of social justice 9 in anthropology of mixed/blended cultures and meme repression psi. Then Govern Rhodes wounded nine to extract the social justice out of it. He ritualized the wounded nine for all political elite for their political and personal dramaturgy recoveries and excused excesses of human rights and social justice for the detirus-humus theory of excusable genocide and democracide.

See See See See See See See See See 4 means ?for dead? to those that threaten corruption of any and all kinds. Seeee the elephant herd whispers. Seeee the donkeys deliver up to cezar. See political scapegoating and 15,000 years of political culting via human malice/avarice on psychoactives against/among the people/peoples.
??It?s a terrible thing to distrust your government.?

Revolution Red: Future Relevance

Revolution red, color us 21st millennium by declaration of a May 4 speaker this year, for global revolution, global liberation, and/or global revoluntionary communism.

In American history, bodies, body parts, and scalps are ?red skins? traded for prices on the heads of those targeted for genocide and ethnic cleansing. Infinata ethical cleansing?!
Communism takes the protective covering of now vilified individualism in American and global democracy. It is a ?red skin? scalp/scalping I?ve already experienced as a psychic/ remote-viewer exposed to the commonality of the global psi-drug psi-network?s many smaller RICO groups, SOA-type (School of the Americas) thugs, and criminal sociopathic/psychopathic despots and serial killers. They have, can, and will continue to terrorize people exposed to psi-connecting substances. That is a worse ?red scalp? than actual guided imagery of that act toward those that psi-harass others. Psychotherapist could be prouder except these self-defenses against supposed personal demons may at times actual be real people receiving a psi-scalping in mental pictures in their waking minds, body awareness, dreams, and astro-projected out-of-body states. These are the psi-repression techniques that broke souls/spirits of the conquered and acculturated as group and individuals. There is for a $2 can of starter fluid a possible pay-back for their enemies, but at the price of morbidity and early mortality, which likely may happen due the victim?s poisoning anyway. Snowballing of faction fights grows to terrorism and war through simple means such as these. Activists usually don?t get that need for psi and psi-legal recourse and protection due their remote-viewing addiction.

Activists are in a hard spot from social institution repression of mental illness claims of a major source of psi-rumors for social justice investigation. This why both victims and activist don?t complain enough about annealed ?lording? behavior from passivity to paralysis by body-energy and pharmacological poisoning into their bodies and arrestees against their 31st and 32nd articles of the UDHR. Rape lasts less than mental observation in a mental institution where drug-rape of observees and patients is rampant, often causing mental illness parody symptoms by drug-side effect. Hense, observee may become residents from original arrest and observation without charge/cause in Kent and Ohio laws. Rebellion against social institutions and unqualified law officers, most without degrees and many involved in drug-rape networking as family values, law enforcement fraternity, and arm of despotic political and social control. No citizen should experience representatives of the people as lords of conscious, instead of necessarily accountable civil/human rights agents. We in the United States of Amnesia have a Durkheim criteria met and RICO criteria met theocracy of secular drug-rape dadism. This must change and denial must be brought into human rights awareness as an obligation of the US Constitution, UDHR, and all philosophic ethics they are based upon.

What happens when virtual theocracies win at such high costs via fundamentalism anywhere and any historic time? In 2030 AD, billions of slum dwellers globally are in revolutionary rebellion. Republicans won their wasteland ethic without enough ?star trek? compensations and democrats still chide their own innocence and anger while practicing niche-ism in a meant-to-be-broken corruption Iris design for those 2030 slum dwellers. Holy muskrat root, sweet flag of anointing, callamus of promised land liberation; the left wing is, and never will be culpable, to global and domestic corruption even in ostriching away from pharmacological controls upon the populaces inherent in environmental pollution bioaccumulation and criminally willful in dadism?s silent social institution in perpetuating social stratification and human rights injustice. Where is a 2030 liberated revitalized Palestine or maintained Israel in that throng? What are they using for rally and essence of cost lives in 2030? Is pawnism still the rule of our/their future decade via fundamental theocracy or cookie cutter conquest democracy? Where are the evangelists and messianic popularists promulgating ?human rights-only? acts and enactments, demonizings and honorings, solidarity and revitalism? Here on the earth and ether, nothing changes in our proclivity of parties and nations become herds to internally cull and commit crimes-against humanity to other herd members and alien herds. Have you seen the movie Ice Age? The glaciers are the psychoactive psi mayhem mentorship and course steering beyond our investigations and continued denial at the 5 W?s of political maintenance and despotic change through corruption. Naturalistic politicals, like a nature film on PBS, excuse and culpify by ancient argument ?life anew is fresh, innocent, and good; therefore harbor no ill will at cycles of humanity herdism practiced without critique by political elect, dictators, criminals, ostriches, and family unit dadism/momism as religion or ?family values? politics.?

Why be red when you can be green?
The International Revolutionary Communist Party Is Not Liberation For Anyone. How can people still hang on to the defeated political theory of communism by historic, human rights, and economic demonstrated failures? Literature is interesting at marches, especially international peoples news. That is the only reason anyone reads their literature.

This is the same article I wrote and published last May 4. From memory on May 4, 2002, it is a part of who I am by political identity.

See IMC-Cleveland/ Israel/Jerusalem/Ontario find article from same name by search word ?Bruchim?. Note hacking from Whiredhouse on IMC-Cleveland and DC articles. Carnivore requires no detox like psi-drug espionage. Gladd your bagging it. Just don?t peddle unless you?re in Nevada or estoundingly in support of sex-worker union, rights, and legalization.

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A Two Lids Adventure: Kiva State University Finale Exams Week
Current rating: 0
08 May 2002
The Adventures of Two Lids Series, Kiva Stater on IMC
by piqua verde, translated as 'ashes green'

Two Lids and the Communist Chipmunks

Two Lids walked across the quad of the campus feeling the compassion and concerns across the globe. Sunshine, ionic desert sand minerals, cedars and bioregional biophilia from Israel and Jerusalem filled the ampatheater commons. The World came to KSU in the cement commons portal. A fountain flows water over concrete art in image of various pantheons of humanity, perhaps stone hinge. The Kiva is still beaming of conferences, international B-rated films, scans of daily activities about Kiva State University. Here, it is political power by fraud symbolically being washed by water to uncover the pantheon's connection to culting and psychoactive substances used in/by the kivas or representative elitist insider lodges of Oz-ing a populace; godding as social control; crime ecclesia; national and global RICO; suggesting that it's always been this way.

Two Lids eyed in peripheral vision a flash of movement. Track and engage, a Black squirrel extends aura to Two Lids. Both begin to communicate. Black Squirrels: they move, they telepathy, they intraspecie communicate to each other; they have a psychobiology even military dolphins can't compare to in deep covert: Habeas Beanasfield War of revolution and liberation is small talked betwixt. Who acids the squirrels or is it natural DMT? How do chipmunks politico and philosophize about socialism, jobs with justice, ending genocide and sweat bushes, and true communism purer in osmosis absorption at a body cellular level than democracy? Chipmunks come from all over: they protest, chant, rally, build social movements even black squirrels are envious to dialogue. Chipmunks are veritable elves, gnomes, and hobbits of social egalitarianism. They seek nothing less than liberation from tyranny of the whole planet.

Black squirrels wove in and out of green turf and oaks naïve to the imminent chipmunk revolution cooked up at Kiva State Anti War Committee meeting. Chipmunks are residential and global. The Black Squirrel's fame obscures the chipmunk's existence by invisibility; a proletariat species among royal, isolated, peaceful, but more powerful Black Squirrels. Esteem is the term best describing the chipmunks to the black squirrels royal. They organize, play, work, and gossip about underclass red squirrels chewing the testicles off bourgeois fox squirrels. Fox squirrels, being much larger than red squirrels, makes this hilarious to chipmunks, even smaller, chipmunks being solidly rodentia, but definitely above such social stratification strife. Rabbits dart by from time to time like time-cop Nanabozho's reminding Two Lids of origins of trickery. Chipmunks ignore rabbits, black squirrels celebrate them, red squirrels spite their large teeth, and fox squirrels say they do not exist. Only the crow on the roof the bus station shelter and hub knows the answer to your confusion and questions and does not require you to make prayers, but to witness for peace.

Upon sitting under the Buddha oak Siddhartha Two Lids contemplated political anthropology in making non-violence. A Mandela of images and metaphors cascaded as freely as the Parthenon fountain. Squirrel conversations and chipmunk role-modeling filled Two Lids head. The trace lithium apported from the holy land calmed no better than expensive kava from the co-op. Muse and inspiration were made, affinities chosen, and surprises of discourse were on time.