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RELIGION The Evil that Separates good people |
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by Gary Larrabee (No verified email address) |
04 Feb 2002
Modified: 07:40:26 PM |
It is time to do away with all labels of faith and doctrine and recognize each other as believers. Let God and His Holy Spirit Settle the differences of our understanding through revelation as we draw closer to him and receive the corporate anointing of unity, of being of one accord. |
One head One Body
A Good Place for all Sinners to go:
In all of God's creation all is going according to his original plan, there is nothing out of tune. Everything was created for the Son, the body of Christ. Nothing is outside of Christ Jesus. In him are all things created. all things were created for him.
We, His body, His Branch are co-workers with Christ, we are His creation, created for Him, to be His partners, to share all that he has. We are His co-workers, yet we can do nothing. All is being done by the Lord, and He alone will complete it all. As His vessels, we are containers of Christ Jesus.
We are all one in Christ Jesus, all our spiritual life must be lived in a one body consciousness. We must allow the Lord to break us to the point where there is no longer any individualism, no longer and independent thinking or deciding. The Kingdom of God can never be realized individually. It can only be brought about by the Lord; when we allow Him to rule through us, His totally submissive body.
All work done by God is done through us a Branches to form and to build up His body. We as members of His body are partners with Christ to renew all things. To be a co-worker with Christ, we must receive revelation from God. By totally submitting ourselves as His, He is free to reveal to us His plans in establishing His Kingdom. At this point of the death of our-self life, God is able to reveal Himself to us and through us. The treasure within us is the life of Jesus, the new precious life of Christ coming through the death of self.
Today, God is giving great revelation to the body of Christ. None of this revelation is meant to be individual or private, but is given for the purpose of edifying the entire body of Christ. The total corporate body of Christ is to be brought under one head, under one authority and rule of Christ Jesus. This will be accomplished through death of all self nature in the entire body of Christ.
Today the truly rich spiritually are few, because they have not been put to death. Their sufferings have not abounded to the point of total submission where they are qualified to serve God. If we are to ever serve others, we must first become a minister to Christ Jesus. We must enter into our priestly ministry of serving the Lord.
Before the life of Christ can come forth from us there must be pain and suffering, even to the point of total death of self, spiritually and emotionally. The death of self allows the life of Christ Jesus to be manifested in and through us. This is the basis for total life in Christ Jesus. There must be death of self on the cross for the life of Christ to come forth.
Any ministry without a priestly emphasis breaks down and will die. No one is able to serve others with words of God unless he has first gone into the presence of God. Unless we have stood in the presence of God as priests, our ministry will be a ministry to man and not a ministry to the Lord.
We are to be a Kingdom of Priests. Kings and Priests unto God. This is the life of total submission and obedience to serve the Lord. Any ministry coming forth without first being in the presence of the Lord will only end in decay and destruction.
Although it is true that all God's people are Priests, it is also equally true we cannot execute that office without one special qualification. In order to function as Priests, we must first be put through death and rise into resurrected life. All must know the death of the cross before they can minister to the Lord.
This death and resurrection is the basis and only basis for the priestly ministry. We do not serve man, we serve God. We are first ministers of Christ, that He might minister restoration through us. The priestly ministry is the basis of all ministries to the Lord.
Nothing of the old creation can enter into the ministry of the Lord, none of our intelligence, eloquence, or clearness. All these have to be put to death and come forth in newness of resurrected life. The rod must bud before it can be used to serve the Lord. Knowing the blood of Christ is not enough, we must also know the cross. Only after we have submitted to the working of the cross, are we qualified to execute the priestly office. We through death receive new life in which there is no death.
The dead rod of Aarons had to be laid up before God and put to death. The rod had absolutely no life in itself, it was a dead thing. We must acknowledge that we, like the rod are dead, utterly useless without anything to give, without any hope, without anything of value to God. But when God takes this dead rod through death, it blossoms into a living branch. Into earthen vessels He puts His great treasure.
Doing the ministry of the Lord without resurrected life is unacceptable. This is iniquity in the sanctuary. Touching Holy things with unholy hands. Unless our ministry is acceptable to God it meets with death.
It was so with Uzzah when he reached out for the ark of God and took hold of it because the oxen that drew the new cart had stumbled. He touched the Holy thing of God with unholy hands, and it met with immediate death. Although it was a natural reaction, it was not according to God's order. It was a service to God, but contrary to God's way. It was done man's way, out from man's mind and strength.
We must not put our hands to do what only God can do. We must not speak before God's time, we must wait for Him to work things out in His own time and way. It can only be done through the control and direction of the Spirit of God. Any reliance upon our strength is serving the Lord with unclean hands.
Completely yielded and broken, the body of Christ, as a grain of wheat fallen to the ground dead, will bring forth a great new harvest of life. And this will be repeated over and over again. The flesh dying, but the Spirit bringing forth new life.
We must go through a period of death, a period of months or longer. During this period of death, our ministry is gone, all spiritual wealth seems to disappear, all seems to be darkness and death, yet we are in God's hands.
We must not try to examine ourselves or decide which is our flesh and which is our spirit. God is the only one who can show us what is self and what is God. He is the only one able to separate the soul and the Spirit. We must keep our hands off ourselves and let the Lord do His perfect work.
At the entrance to the Kingdom of God stands the cross, on it we are to present ourselves as expressions of Christ Jesus, living His life in our body, under His authority, He as the Head.
We are all members of one body and we belong to one another. All of us are the Lord's and each of us represent a measure of the life and personality of our Lord. We are part of a living organism of life representing Jesus Christ.
If Jesus is not the Head, there is only a dead body, there is no life. We must do away with all sets of doctrines and special teachings. let us no longer be bound by founders who were Godly men. We must let the Lord deliver us from this, this is a dead thing. We must come into the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
As we are divided now, there can only be scattered miscellaneous work for God, but it is only a measure of what will be accomplished when we enter into the unity of faith, totally submitting to the authority of Christ Jesus.
The body of Christ is now building itself, the body is building up the body. No church or body of Christ is to be an individual independent organization, no denominations, no separate missions. We are all in one, and one in all. All work is to be from the total body and to the total body. If there is separation or barriers among us, we are apart from God's order.
Independency, and individualism is the sure sign of unholy hands trying to do a Holy work. If we do not have this total body consciousness, we are not allowing God to be the Head, and our ministries are headed for death. It must be put on the cross before it can enter the Kingdom of God.
The Church on the Outside:
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by anti-spam (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 04 Feb 2002