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News :: Miscellaneous
IRS Raids Anti-Income Taxer's Home and Office Current rating: 0
21 Jan 2002
Modified: 05:13:01 PM
The time has come to give old uncle sam a good kick in the balls!


IRS Raids Anti-Income
Taxer's Home and Office
For Immediate Release
Contact: Steven A. Swan
P.O. Box 453, Auburn, NH 03032
603 483-0550

AUBURN, NH - On Wednesday, January 9th, 15-20 armed IRS Special Agents executed a search warrant at the home and office of anti-Income Taxer Steven A. Swan in Auburn, New Hampshire. Swan is being investigated by a federal grand jury to determine whether or not he has committed any crimes regarding the federal Income Tax. Swan believes that the federal Income Tax has been fraudulently imposed upon the American people and he has been attempting to expose this fraud since 1996 by conducting seminars in person and on videotape and through the use of his Web site at Swan has hundreds of clients all over the country who have used his information to stop paying federal Income Taxes.

Swan first learned of the fraud of the Federal Income Tax in 1995 from Libertarian Presidential candidate and Income Tax expert Irwin Schiff of Las Vegas, Nevada. Schiff has written 3 books exposing the fraud of the Federal Income Tax--"How Anyone Can Legally Stop Paying Income Taxes"; "The Great Income Tax Hoax"; and "The Federal Mafia: How It Illegally Imposes and Unlawfully Collects Income Taxes." Schiff's business is called Freedom Books and his Web site is His telephone number is 1 (800) PAY-NOMO(RE).

About a year ago, Swan also initiated a petition drive exposing the fraud of the Federal Income Tax. The basis for the petition drive is the fact that in the late 1800's and early 1900's (subsequent to the Industrial Revolution in this country), there were many wealthy industrialists who were earning massive amounts of money, but because there was no Income Tax at that time, they were paying very little in taxes to the federal government. So there was a huge groundswell in this country to amend the Constitution in order to allow the Government to impose an Income Tax on the earnings of these wealthy industrialists.

On his Web site, Swan has documented a tremendous amount of testimony from the Congressional Record of U.S. Senators and Congressmen who were in favor of amending the Constitution in order to impose an Income Tax on these wealthy industrialists. And it is clearly evident from this testimony that the wealthy were the only Americans who would be subject to the tax.

It is Swan's contention that, if the evidence clearly shows that the original intent of the Sixteenth Amendment was only to authorize the federal government to impose an Income Tax on the earnings of the wealthy, and that the Sixteenth Amendment has never been modified since it was first adopted in 1913, then the earnings of the wealthy are still the only items which should be subject to the Federal Income Tax today. However, it is Swan's belief that over time Congress has fraudulently expanded the Federal Income Tax so that it is now imposed on virtually every American person and business in this country.

Think about it. No matter what stage of history you examine, most people have probably felt as though they paid too much in taxes to the Government as it was. It is inconceivable that the people of the United States would want to impose a new tax upon themselves, this time upon their income. And it is even more inconceivable that these people would rise up and expend the time and effort to amend the Constitution in order to do so. But what is conceivable is that the people would rise up and amend the Constitution in order to impose an Income Tax on the earnings of the wealthy. And if the testimony in the Congression Record from the U.S. Senators and Congressmen can be believed, this is exactly what the people did.

A few months ago, Swan filed a federal lawsuit against the Government citing this fraudulent expansion of the Federal Income Tax. His lawsuit may have led to the raid of his home and office. Swan's lawsuit was dismissed by the U.S. District Court in Concord, New Hampshire and is now on appeal at the First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston. One of the items seized by the IRS was all of Swan's records concerning his current lawsuit against the Government. Swan doesn't believe that it is fair for the Government to seize all of his records concerning his current litigation against the Government and he will be asking the IRS to return those records to him.

During the search of his home and office, Swan was given a letter from the Justice Department stating that he was being investigated by a federal grand jury to determine whether or not he had committed any crimes. The letter also invited Swan to testify before the grand jury if he so desired. Swan is extremely pleased that he will be able to present his evidence to the grand jury showing that the Federal Income Tax has been fraudulently expanded beyond the original intent of the Sixteenth Amendment.

Swan estimates that there are approximately 1 million Americans who have stopped paying Federal Income Taxes using Irwin Schiff's material. And these people do file tax returns, which includes an attachment explaining why the Federal Income Tax is a fraud. Some of these people have been filing these "Zero Returns" for up to 10 years and not one person who has been filing them has been prosecuted. And many of them have even received refunds from the IRS.

Swan believes that no one who has been filing Zero Returns all of these years has been prosecuted because the Government is very cautious as to who it targets. Over the years the Government has lost some very high-profile Income Tax cases so it doesn't prosecute anyone unless it believes it has a virtually guaranteed win. Remember that a U.S. Attorney is a Presidential appointment and he usually only holds office during the term of that President. Many U.S. Attorneys use their temporary position as a stepping stone to a higher office, either a federal judgeship, election to Congress, a governorship, or for greater recognition after they go into private practice. They are in office to get as many convictions as they can and they will avoid any cases that they might not win.

Even though there are many people who have been filing Zero Returns for many years, Swan says that it has been very difficult disseminating this information to the general public. One of the reasons is because the Government doesn't want this information coming out in open court where a person's guilt or innocence will be decided by a jury of 12 common citizens and in full view of the news media. This is why no one who has been filing Zero Returns for all of these years has been prosecuted.

Another reason why this information is so difficult to disseminate to the general public is because the Income Tax return preparation industry has become so large in this country. Consider how many people make a living preparing tax returns for a tax which virtually no one understands. There are millions of tax attorneys, CPA's, accountants, H&R Block's and regular tax return preparers. Even the IRS itself is wrong 50 percent of the time when asked questions by taxpayers.

And because these Income Tax Return preparers spend a tremendous amount of money advertising their services, the media is reluctant to run advertisments for someone like Swan who has been attempting to expose the Federal Income Tax as a fraud. For the past 4 years, the statewide newspaper in Swan's area has refused to run his ads for his anti-Income Tax seminars, even though they did run his ads when he first started conducting his seminars years ago. The Income Tax return preparers don't want to see ads stating that the Income Tax is a fraud so this information doesn't get out. And because the news media doesn't want to alienate this large industry, it also doesn't print any stories about the many people who are attempting to expose the fraud of the Federal Income Tax.

Another reason why this information is so difficult to disseminate is because of the negligence of the legal profession. Either directly or indirectly, many lawyers earn their living through the Income Tax so they do not want to see it being exposed as a fraud. Some of these lawyers earn their money directly as tax attorneys, but many more earn their money indirectly such as lawyers who assist people in setting up corporations for tax purposes. And if someone cannot pay their Income Taxes, many times they hire a lawyer to assist them in filing for bankruptcy. And many couples who cannot pay their Income Taxes end up getting divorced, which makes more work for divorce attorneys. So the legal profession has a vested interest in keeping the Income Tax around. If lawyers were really doing their job, why have so many people been convicted for Income Tax evasion? If the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution states that a person has a right not to be a witness against himself, why does the legal profession allow a person's tax return go into evidence? Because the legal profession is complicit in the fraud, that's why.

And many federal judges feel as though it is their duty as federal employees to collect taxes for the Government. So they dismiss civil lawsuits against the Government on these grounds as Swan's recent lawsuit was dismissed. And pity the poor lawyer who attempts to go against the Establishment and make these arguments in court. The federal judges rule against them in many of their cases and try to put them out of business. And their fellow attorneys and the Bar Associations advise them that it is not good for business to make waves. It is really the legal profession more than anything else which has allowed the fraudulent Federal Income Tax to proliferate and flourish.

And don't attempt to make these arguments to your U.S. Senators and Congressmen. The Federal Income Tax brings in approximately $1 trillion per year into the federal coffers, which Congress can then allocate to their pet projects in order to get thenselves re-elected. Does anyone really believe that Congress would like to see the fraud of the Federal Income Tax exposed? Not to mention the fact that it is Congress who has allowed the Federal Income Tax to be expanded beyond the original intent of the Sixteenth Amendment in the first place.

At many of his anti-Income Tax seminars and on the 3-hour videotape of his seminar, Swan has bemoaned the fact that this information is so difficult to disseminate to the general public. He has even stated many times that as strange as it might seem, he would really enjoy being indicted by a federal grand jury so that he could get this information out in the open. At long last, it seems as though Swan might get his wish. If the letter from the Justice Department is accurate, at least he will be able to present his evidence to a federal grand jury and put it in their hands. New Hampshire might just be the place where the hated Federal Income Tax meets its much-deserved demise.


From Steve

Dear Jeff,

In the post - IRS Raids Anti-Income Taxer's Home and Office, it is claimed half way down, that the: IRS Search Warrant Used In Raid On Tax Protester Said Bogus - 1-19-2. Yet the story that follows fails to mention HOW the warrant is bogus. The fact that the Agent's may not have Federal authority to carry firearms does not make the warrant bogus! Nowhere does the post say WHY the warrant is invalid. As for the agents being armed, in NH it is perfectly Legal to carry a firearm in the open. And to carry concealed, one only need to pass a background check to get their permit. This is not the first time one of these Tax protesters has taken on the IRS and the Federal Government, and then Cried when the Shi*HitTheFan! What did he expect? The story does go on to say correctly why the Income Tax will never be repealed!

IRS Search Warrant Used In Raid On Tax Protester Said Bogus

AUBURN, NH - On January 8, 2002, U.S. Magistrate Judge James R. Muirhead of the U.S. District Court in Concord, New Hampshire authorized a search warrant to be executed by the Internal Revenue Service of the home and office of Income Tax and Pro Se Legal Consultant Steven A. Swan of Auburn, New Hampshire. The search warrant was executed by 15-20 armed I.R.S. Special Agents on January 9, 2002 and pertained solely to federal Income Tax laws. The carrying of firearms by these I.R.S. agents was a clear violation of 26 U.S.C. 7608, which only authorizes I.R.S. agents to carry firearms while enforcing federal Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms laws, not Income Tax laws.

Swan is an Income Tax consultant to many people in their dealings with the I.R.S., either administratively within the I.R.S. or in federal court or Tax Court. There is no law against a person or business consulting with their clients regarding Income Taxes, as millions of other tax attorneys, C.P.A.'s, Enrolled Agents, accountants, and tax preparers do every day in this country. However, the raid on Swan's home and office which removed all of his client files has effectively put him out of business. All of this without so much as an indictment or any charges having been brought against him and in violation of Swan's Fifth Amendment right to due process. The evidence hasn't even been presented to a grand jury yet to determine if there is enough evidence to even bring an indictment. Meanwhile, Swan is out of business.

Swan also recently filed a federal lawsuit against the federal government on the basis that there is a tremendous amount of evidence in the Congressional Record prior to 1913 that the original intent of the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution only authorized Congress to impose an Income Tax on the earnings of wealthy people and corporations in this country after the Industrial Revolution. It is Swan's contention that since the Sixteenth Amendment has never been changed or modified since its ratification (if, in fact, it was legally ratified), the earnings of the wealthy are still the only items which should be subject to the federal Income Tax and that over time that tax has been fraudulently expanded by Congress to impose an Income Tax on virtually every American.

The same U.S. magistrate judge (Muirhead) who authorized the search warrant against Swan's home and office is the same magistrate judge who recommended that Swan's lawsuit in federal court in New Hampshire be dismissed. U.S. District Judge Steven J. McAuliffe dismissed Swan's lawsuit based upon Magistrate Judge Muirhead's Report and Recommendation. The lawsuit is now on appeal at the First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston and Swan is waiting for the government to respond to his appeal brief. However, the I.R.S. seized all of Swan's files regarding this current lawsuit when it seized all of his other records. Does it seem fair that if the government doesn't like a lawsuit that has been brought against it, it can simply execute a search warrant and seize all of a person's records concerning that lawsuit? I don't believe so.

On Swan's Web site there is a petition that people can sign as a way to exercise their First Amendment right to Petition the Government for Redress of Grievences with respect to the fraudulent expansion of the Income Tax mentioned earlier. The petition is addressed to Congress, the President of the United States, the U.S. Supreme Court and others. During the raid on Swan's home and office, the I.R.S. seized many signed petitions of people who had exercised their First Amendment rights against the Income Tax fraud perpetrated by government. Because the I.R.S. has seized these signed petitions, these people have now been precluded from exercising those rights.

Other items which were authorized by U.S. Magistrate Judge Muirhead to be seized and which were seized by the I.R.S. were "income tax returns, amended returns, schedules, statements, certificates, attachments and other materials for filing with the IRS, or for submitting to employers, which were prepared for others by SWAN, or with his assistance, and all documents, records, correspondence and other materials relating to the preparation of such returns, schedules and other materials, included but not limited to any correspondence or notices from the IRS, dated during, or pertaining to, the period Janiary 1, 196, to the present;". As I stated earlier, there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of Americans and businesses who assist people in their dealings with the I.R.S. every day. Are their records now subject to search and seizure as well?

Other items authorized for seizure which were seized by the I.R.S. were "customer or client lists, mailing lists, 'Rolodexes', address books, 'sign-in sheets' and other documants or databases reflecting the identities of persons who have attended SWAN's seminars or utilized SWAN's tax related services at any time during the period January 1, 1996 to the present;". Now Swan has no way to contact any of his clients. All of this with no charges having even been filed against him. Whatever happened to the notion of "innocent until proven guilty?" It is interesting that the U.S. Attorney for New Hampshire (Thomas Colantuono) who is leading the grand jury investigation into Swan's activities has only been in office for a couple of weeks. Perhaps no one has informed him about Americans' Constitutional rights as of yet. He must have skipped that class in law school. U.S. Magistrate Judge Muirhead must have skipped that class as well.

Other items authorized for seizure which were seized by the I.R.S. were "pleadings, correspondence and other documents relating to lawsuits or administrative claims, whether filed, threatened or merely contemplated," (sounds like the Thought Police are in full force) "against the IRS or its employees or anyone else involved in the IRS collection process, dated during, or pertaining to the period January 1, 1996, to the present;". Again, many Americans all across the United States assist people in their dealings with the I.R.S. every day. Are they next?

Other items authorized for seizure which were seized by the I.R.S. were "books, publications, research, correspondence and other materials relating to the federal income tax laws and regulations;". Does this mean that every law library, law book publisher, bookstore, Internet Web site, etc. which provides these items are now subject to search and seizure? What's next- Big Brother government agents conducting public book burnings like the Fire Men in the movie "Farenheit 451"? The seizure of Swan's law reference material practically guarantees that he will be unable to defend himself against any actions the government might decide to take against him. Does this seem like a fair practice by the United States of America?

Other items authorized for seizure which were seized by the I.R.S. were "audiotapes of audits or other meetings with representatives of the IRS during the period January 1, 1996, to the present;". Obviously, the I.R.S. already had their own copies of "audiotapes of audits or other meetings with representatives of the IRS". Why did they feel the need to seize Swan's copies.

Swan first became aware of the fraudulent nature of the federal Income Tax in 1995 through the writings, audiotapes and videotapes of 1996 Libertarian Presidential candidate and Income Tax expert Irwin Schiff. Schiff has written many books about government corruption including three about the Income Tax-"How Anyone Can Stop Paying Income Taxes"; "The Great Income Tax Hoax"; and "The Federal Mafia: How It Illegally Imposes and Unlawfully Collects Income Taxes." Schiff has a Web site at

To keep his students abreast of the latest research regarding the I.R.S. and the Income Tax, Schiff periodically produces sets of audiotape updates called the Schiff Audio Reports. Swan has been a subscriber to the Schiff Audio Reports since he first met Schiff just prior to the 1996 New Hampshire Presidential Primary. Other items authorized for seizure which were seized by the I.R.S. were "documents relating to Irwin Schiff, dated during, or pertaining to, the period January 1, 1993." This means that Swan will not be able to defend himself against the government using any of Schiff's information if the need arises.

When all was said and done on January 9th, the I.R.S. had removed 22 boxes of material from Swan's home and office pursuant to this bogus search warrant. And in doing so, it seems as if the I.R.S., U.S. Magistrate Judge Muirhead and the U.S. Attorney for the District of New Hampshire Colantuono have violated many of Swan's constitutional, statutory, and civil rights.

Anyone who cares about preserving freedom in this country may wish to let them know how they feel about what these people have done. U.S. District Court Judge McAuliffe's, Magistrate Judge Muirhead's and U.S. Attorney Colantuono's mailing address is 55 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301. McAuliffe and Muirhead are at the U.S. District Court and Colantuono is at the U.S. Attorney's Office.

The court's telephone number is (603) 225-1423 and the U.S. Attorney's is (603) 225-1552. The I.R.S.' number is 1(800) 829-1040. >

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Don't Like The Income Tax?
Current rating: 0
21 Jan 2002
Then repeal the 16th Amendment. Somehow, this never seems to be mentioned as a possible solution to this issue whenever the right-wing wackos get ahold of it. I guess it's just too simple and obvious of a solution for some. Those who resort to spamming IMC seem to not be the sharpest knives in the drawer, so that may account for their ability to believe the stuff they tend to post here.