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Join the Virtual Sit-In against the MinuteMen |
Current rating: 0 |
by SWARM the Minutemen (No verified email address) |
24 May 2005
SWARM the Minuntemen invites people from all over the world who oppose racist violence to join the Electronic Disturbance Theatre action on May 27th, 28th and 29th, 2005 to engage in a virtual sit-in on the MinuteMen website during their "Unite to Fight" Summit. // SWARM the Minutemen Invita gente desde todo el mundo quien estan contra la violencia racista a una el accion de Electronic Disturbance Theatre en el 27, 28 y 29 de Mayo, 2005 para un "virtual sit-in" el el sitio de web de los MinuteMen durante sus conferencia de "Unate para Pelear". |
SWARM the Minuntemen invites people from all over the world who oppose racist violence to
join the Electronic Disturbance Theatre action on May 27th, 28th and
29th, 2005 to engage in a virtual sit-in on the MinuteMen website during
their "Unite to Fight" Summit.
Read on for the Electronic Disturbance Theatre call to action.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
- “The New Colossus,” by the nineteenth-century American poet Emma
Lazarus inscribed on a plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty.
Dear sisters and brothers,
Electronic Disturbance Theater (EDT) in solidarity with Swarm The
MinuteMen action will hold a 3 Day Virtual Sit-In starting on May 27th
to May 29th (2005) on the MinuteMen Project. We call on all you to join
us and let the MinuteMen Project know that hard borders are alien in an
age of global interdependence and to the ideals of liberty as a “golden
door” that is open to all. An ideal that so many have died trying to reach.
To Join The Virtual Sit-In On Starting on May 27th Click:
Why we must swarm the MinuteMen:
For VĂctor Nicolás Sánchez, Adolfo PĂ©rez Hernández, Daniel Barrientos,
Santos Orozco Aguilar, Raúl Hernández Soria, Sandra Edna Durán, Jesús
Medina Contreras, Edgar Venegas Brambila, JosĂ© GutiĂ©rrez, MelquĂades
GĂłmez Baca, Martha Rivera
Myth Number 1: Immigrants take jobs away from Americans.
Myth Number 2: Most immigrants are a drain on the U.S. economy or treasury
Myth Number 3: America is being overrun by immigrants.
Myth Number 4: Immigrants aren’t really interested in becoming part of
American society.
Myth Number 5: Immigrants contribute little to American society.
Facts to dispel to these myths from the American Immigration Lawyers
We call on you sisters and brothers from all over the world who oppose
the MinuteMen Project and in the name of the 3,500 women, men and
children who have died crossing into “The Land of Liberty” since 1994 to
join the Electronic Disturbance Theatre action on May 27th, 28th and
29th, 2005 to engage in a Virtual Sit-In on the MinuteMen website during
their "Unite to Fight" Summit.
Who are the MinuteMen:
The MinuteMen are a non-governmental group of people vowing to patrol
the US/Mexico border with guns in order to stop migrant people from
crossing the border. They represent an intensification of the trend of
violence towards migrant people and people of color that has increased
since 9/11/2001. While they claim that they are not violent, their very
use and display of deadly weapons is a violent act in itself. How can
guns be used to detain people without being violent? Already there have
been numerous reports of people being forced to lie on the ground by the
MinuteMen and being forced to have their pictures taken with MinuteMen
volunteers, recalling Abu Ghraib style dehumanization.
SWARM the MinuteMen Group Statement:
While the MinuteMen publicly claim to be non-violent, we here at SWARM
know a different face of the MinuteMen. We've received numerous death
threats and threats of violence filled with racial slurs. We plan to
publicly release these soon to let everyone know the exact kind of
hatred the MinuteMen are acting as a lightning rod for, attracting it
and focusing it towards migrant people.
Just as important though, the MinuteMen are a clear result of the
violent, us-versus-them mentality promoted by the Bush administration.
We are intervening into and dancing with the communication systems of
the MinuteMen because along with the physical violence they are
creating, they are extremely conscious of the violent power their
messages have and they had any measure of success thanks to the
complicity the corporate media. Their communications are a critical part
of their mission to send a message to legislators that more
militarization of the border is necessary. Their images and words can't
be separated from the violence of their guns, and both must be stopped.
We refuse to support the United States government's attempts to find a
scapegoat to blame this country's problems on while it bankrupts our
social services, wages wars on the world, sends our brothers, sisters,
friends and neighbors to die and profits off of the whole plan. Who
stands to profit from a more militarized border? Will the same
corporations that made billions in government contracts off of the war
in Iraq like Halliburton and CACI be the same ones to profit from the
war on the border?
We must stand together now to say that this country is made up of
millions of people of many different ethnicities and cultures and that
is due to migration. Migrant people have human rights, regardless of the
government's and the racist's attempts to deny that fact. Until the
United States has a sane immigration policy that allows people to move
as freely as capital and goods do, we will continue to struggle.
Why should you join the Virtual Sit-In On May 27th 2005:
For Benito González Cruz, Benito González Serrano, Javier Rojas
Bracamonte, Juan José Romo Zetina, José Luis Garza, Roberto Acegueda
López, Román Robles Rojas, Reynaldo González Corona and the thousands of
other people who have been murdered for simply trying to cross the
border into what is now the United States and which was once Mexico.
For any questions on the Electronic Disturbance Theater’s action in
solidarity with SWARM the MinuteMen contact
Ricardo Dominguez (co-founder of the Electronic Disturbance Theater) at
rdom (at)
Electronic Disturbance Theater
See our site for more info:
or our mirror:
See our mirror sites to read our original content which our domain
registrar forced us to remove:
SWARM the Minutemen Invita gente desde todo el mundo quien estan contra la violencia
racista a una el accion de Electronic Disturbance Theatre en el 27, 28 y
29 de Mayo, 2005 para un "virtual sit-in" el el sitio de web de los
MinuteMen durante sus conferencia de "Unate para Pelear".
Leer la llamada de accion de Electronic Disturbance Theatre:
Dadme vuestros exhaustos, vuestros pobres,
Vuestras muchedumbres que ansĂan respirar en libertad,
Los miserables deshechos de vuestras rebosantes orillas.
Mandadlos a todos, a los desamparados, encomendádmelos a mĂ.
Que yo levanto mi antorcha junto a la puerta dorada
"The New Colossus," de Emma Lazarus, poetisa norteamericana del siglo
XIX, inscrito en una placa en la base de la Estatua de la Libertad.
Queridos hermanas y hermanos,
Electronic Disturbance Theater (EDT), en solidaridad con la acciĂłn
Swarm The MinuteMen, realizará una sentada virtual de 3 dĂas los
prĂłximos 27 al 29 de mayo (2005) contra el sitio de MinuteMen Project.
Convocamos a todos los interesados a unirse a nosotros para hacer saber
al MinuteMen Project que las fronteras infranqueables no pertenecen a la
era de la interdependencia global, ni a los ideales de libertad vista
como "puerta dorada" que está abierta a todos. Un ideal por cuya
consecuciĂłn muchos han muerto.
Para unirse a la sentada virtual que comienza el 27 de mayo, clicar aquĂ:
Por qué debemos bloquear MinuteMen:
Por VĂctor Nicolás Sánchez, Adolfo PĂ©rez Hernández, Daniel Barrientos,
Santos Orozco Aguilar, Raúl Hernández Soria, Sandra Edna Durán, Jesús Medina
Contreras, Edgar Venegas Brambila, JosĂ© GutiĂ©rrez, MelquĂades GĂłmez
Baca, Martha Rivera GarcĂa...
Mito NÂş1: Los inmigrantes quitan los puestos de trabajo a los
Mito NÂş2: Tantos inmigrantes consumen la economĂa de los Estados Unidos
Mito Nº3: Estados Unidos está saturado de inmigrantes
Mito Nº4: Los inmigrantes no están interesados de verdad en formar parte
de la sociedad estadounidense
Mito NÂş5: Los inmigrantes apenas contribuyen a la sociedad estadounidense
-American Immigration Lawyers Association, leé aqui para ver porque
esos Mitos no estan verdad:,142
Convocamos a todos los hermanos y hermanas del mundo que se oponen al
Proyecto MinuteMen, y en nombre de los 3500 hombres, mujeres y niños que
han muerto, desde 1994, tratando de alcanzar "La Tierra de la Libertad",
a que os unáis a la acciĂłn del Electronic Disturbance Theatre los dĂas
27, 28 y 29 de mayo de 2005, realizando una sentada virtual al web site
del proyecto MinuteMen durante la convocatoria "Unite to Fight"
Quiénes son MinuteMen:
MinuteMen es un grupo no gubernamental cuyos miembros patrullan armados
la frontera MĂ©xico/Estados Unidos impidiendo el paso de inmigrantes.
Representan la intensificaciĂłn de reacciones violentas contra los
inmigrantes y la gente de color que se ha producido después del 11 de
septiembre de 2001. Aunque proclaman no ser violentos, el mero hecho de
llevar y exhibir armas es un acto violento en sĂ mismo. CĂłmo no va a ser
violento detener a la gente a punta de pistola? De hecho se han
reportado numerosos casos de personas obligadas por los miembros de
MinuteMen a tumbarse en el suelo y a ser fotografiadas por los
voluntarios de MinuteMen, en el más puro estilo deshumanizante de Abu
Informe de SWARM:
Mientras MinuteMen proclama pĂşblicamente no ser violentos, nosotros en
SWARM conocemos su otra cara. Hemos recibido numerosas amenazas de
muerte y amenazas de violencia llenas de insultos racistas. Pensamos
publicar en breve estas amenazas para que todo el mundo sepa exactamente
cuánto odio están generando, atrayendo y difundiendo en MinuteMen
contra los inmigrantes.
Aunque sĂłlo sea por eso, MinuteMen son el claro resultado de la
mentalidad violenta, de "nosotros -contra-ellos", que promueve la
administraciĂłn Bush.
Vamos a intervenir en los sistemas de comunicaciĂłn de MinuteMen porque
además de la violencia fĂsica que realizan, son extremadamente
conscientes del violento poder de sus mensajes, y saben hasta qué punto
tienen Ă©xito gracias a la complicidad de los medios corporativos. Sus
comunicaciones son una parte crĂtica de su misiĂłn, el mensaje que envĂan
a los legisladores reclamando la necesidad de militarizar las fronteras.
No se pueden separar sus imágenes y sus palabras de la violencia de sus
armas de fuego, y ambas deben detenerse.
Nos negamos a apoyar los intentos del gobierno de los Estados Unidos de
encontrar un chivo expiatorio al que culpar de los problemas de este
paĂs mientras lleva a la bancarrota nuestros servicios sociales,
emprende guerras por el mundo, envĂa a nuestros hermanos, hermanas,
amigos y vecinos a morir y se beneficia del plan al completo. ¿Quién
obtiene provecho de militarizar las fronteras? ¿Serán las mismas
corporaciones que obtienen billones en contratos con el gobierno gracias
a la guerra en Irak, como Halliburton y CACI.
Ahora debemos permanecer unidos para proclamar que este paĂs se compone
de millones de personas de distintas etnias y culturas y que ello es
gracias a la inmigraciĂłn. Los inmigrantes tienen derechos humanos, sean
cuales sean los del gobierno y los intentos racistas por negarlo. Hasta
que los Estados Unidos tengan una polĂtica de inmigraciĂłn sana que
permita la movilidad de las personas igual que permite el libre
movimiento de bienes y capital, continuaremos luchando.
Por quĂ© deberĂas unirte a la sentada virtual del 27 de mayo de 2005?
Por Benito González Cruz, Benito González Serrano, Javier Rojas
Bracamonte, Juan José Romo Zetina, José Luis Garza, Roberto Acegueda López,
Román Robles Rojas, Reynaldo González Coronav y los miles de personas
que han
sido asesinados por intentar cruzar la frontera de lo que ahora son los
Estados Unidos, pero que antes fue MĂ©xico.
Para cualquier pregunta sobre la acciĂłn del Electronic Disturbance
Theatre en solidaridad con SWARM the MinuteMen contacta con:
Ricardo Dominguez (cofundador del Electronic Disturbance Theater) a
través del e-amil: rdom (at) rdom (at)>
Electronic Disturbance Theater
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o nos espejo:
Ve nos espejos para leer nos palabras originales cual nuestra compania
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Re: Join the Virtual Sit-In against the MinuteMen |
by Kevin Quail byas (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 20 Jul 2005
This project seems to have been quite successful. A CNN story stated “ The Border Patrol has acknowledged receiving 317 calls from Naco and Douglas, resulting in 846 arrests, but the agency will not say whether any of those calls came from project volunteers.” From the Washington Times quoting one of the Minutemen organizers: “ Mr. Gilchrist noted that fewer than 5,000 illegal aliens will be apprehended this month by the U.S. Border Patrol in the Minuteman Project's 20-mile patrol area compared with 64,000 in April 2004 and 73,000 in April 2003.” and “ The U.S. Border Patrol has acknowledged making hundreds of arrests after receiving calls from the area being patrolled by the Minuteman volunteers, but has not confirmed whether any of those calls came from the volunteers.” The San Francisco Chronicle wrote “And, according to the Border Patrol, the Mexican military is now actively helping illegal immigrants, including known drug runners, reach safer border-crossing points in order to avoid the Minutemen. No doubt this little citizen uprising didn't figure into the handbook on how to enter the U.S. illegally the Mexican government distributed to citizens last year.”
So they proved it can be done. Yet our government tells us we can’t secure our borders but plans to spend another 81 billion in Iraq and Afghanistan. Its primary job is to protect us and it is failing to do this both physically and economically. It is supposed to regulate business, not act as an accessory in flooding the country with cheap labor to drive down wages for higher profits. If a neighboring country is encouraging and abetting its citizens to break our laws, and those same citizens are sending home more money than that nation makes selling oil, its motives are plain. Yet our president agrees with Vicente Fox that the Minutemen are “vigilantes” and wants to implement a thinly-disguised amnesty program. Some state legislatures have voted to give illegal aliens in-state college tuition while denying that right to American citizens from other states. Others have passed laws allowing them to obtain driver’s licenses. The matricula consular visa, an ID issued by the Mexican government, is starting to be accepted by banks as a form of identification necessary to open an account and obtain a mortgage loan, a direct violation of federal law. Meanwhile, over 3 million people around the world are on the waiting list for US visas.
Our elected officials are acting in violation of their oath to uphold the laws of the country and are themselves encouraging and abetting illegal immigration by granting these privileges. There are three obvious benefits the federal government reaps from this.
1) The influx of people will drive the housing market, one of the few industries that can’t be completely outsourced. The federal government owns 42% of America’s land, most of that in the western states. For example, they own 87% of Nevada. Las Vegas is expanding onto government land that was auctioned off to consortiums of homebuilders. The same thing is happening near Mesquite, NV, about 90 miles northeast of Vegas. Here's a specific example.
At this government site, , it shows land and other property the government is selling or has sold. Recently, lots A thru J just north of Mesquite were auctioned off. Lot J was 1250 acres. The government assigned a pre-auction fair market value of $335,000 to this parcel. The winning bid was $4.1 million. There are many other parcels around Vegas that have been sold with similar results, where the sales price was substantially more than the fair market value. There is currently another federal auction of land near Laughlin. Once that land gets sold for exorbitant amounts, it immediately inflates the value of that land and the surrounding land, etc., etc. The government will continue to sell off America to the highest bidder to help finance its overseas war on terror. Accepting the matricula visa as required identification to get loans will encourage this process.
2) The special interests that fill campaign coffers are well served. Since labor costs make up on average 70% of the total cost of doing business, cheap labor makes for better profits. This means more independent contractors, less benefits for workers and more money for executives and shareholders. Of course lobbyists will then have more cash to spread around in Washington which will send more congressmen on free golf trips overseas.
3) This flood of workers drives down wages and raises unemployment to create more poverty. More poverty brings more crime which helps to fill up the increasingly privatized prisons. This also creates a slave labor class that performs tasks for a fraction of the cost in free society. The joke of a drug war contributes even more inmates. And you can’t have an all-volunteer army with full employment. The US birthrate alone can’t provide enough cannon fodder for the new crusades in the Middle East.
The government, therefore, is just unwilling to change what benefits them. Corporations run the world and national borders have become nothing more than public relations. Many on the left take a generic liberal stance that it is racism driving those who would control our borders since the majority of illegal aliens come from Mexico. This issue is now beyond politics- it’s a matter of survival of this country. We cannot continue to absorb Mexico’s poverty at this alarming rate. Our leaders should have taken Vicente Fox and others to task long ago for their feeble efforts to improve the lives of poor Mexicans. Otherwise they will continue to use the US as the safety valve for the discontent of the impoverished. Mexico wins both ways - immigrants remit billions back home and as our population grows we import more of their oil. The current situation cannot stand.
Do something- e-mail or call your congressmen and senators, both on the federal and state levels. E-mail the White House; it’s easy, just type in White House in any search engine and that home page will come up. If elected officials become afraid that they won’t get re-elected, maybe they will get off their collective ass and do something. |
Re: Join the Virtual Sit-In against the MinuteMen |
by Kevin Quail byas (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 26 Oct 2005
Further Proof Of My Previous Statement
by Kevin Quail
Here's an excerpt from a Chicago Tribune editorial, 10/9/05, entitled "Back To Immigration Reform", concerning some rules of the guest worker program legislation currently before Congress:
After the first six years of work here- and proof of some English proficiency, additional security and criminal record checks, medical exam and registration in the armed forces- temporary workers could apply for permanent residency.
The average age of the current American population is 36. Mexico's is 24.93, Honduras-19.15, Dominican Republic-23.88, Nicaragua-20.56, etc. The average ages of the populations in Middle Eastern countries, where most terrorists come from, are even lower. The young people sucked across the border from Latin America will find themselves legitimized alright- legitimized to the point where they can serve in the US armed forces and participate in a prolonged ground war in the Middle East. |
Re: Join the Virtual Sit-In against the MinuteMen |
by Glenn Disney commonwrites (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 01 May 2006
by Glenn Disney - P.O. Box 958171 - Hoffman Estates, Illinois - 60195-8171 Tel: 608-213-8448
In light of illegal immigrant solidarity, a new national anthem, and two southwest governors declaring 'states of emergencies,' months ago, a plea for more federal money is the solution by those wanting a cut of it.
Congressman wanna-be Jim Gilchrist and others drawn to the big-government, big-money magnet, campaigning for a triple wall costing billions, are setting this nation up for the proverbial straw to break our economic backs. The recently floated idea of building a border wall with private funds is token; a publicity hoot to gain public support and keep the concept alive until Congress cough's up the real money which Minutemen leaders Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox count upon.
Already, plans on the south side of the U.S. border are being drawn up to counter the exorbiant 'Great Wall' of the U.S.. Expect multiple explosions against the wall spaced miles apart in one night even while under construction. Expect more elaborate tunnels to join the two countries. Expect the black transport market, headed by sophisticated contrabandistas de la gente and coyotes, to circumvent the "Great Wall" and prosper the same way drug cartels have thrived in the midst of our crack (no pun intended) federal war on drugs campaign, begun a trillion dollars ago.We'll spend hundreds of millions repairing the wall before it's even completed! And before we get spellbound on the advice of so-called experts affirming that such a wall will work, lets find one single soul with experience building and maintaining 2000 or 700 miles of a wall like the one proposed.
Face it, the Gran pared de los Estados Unidos will not stop illegal immigration from Mexico or anywhere else. The only thing that such a fantasy will produce is time for Gilchrist and other politicians to ride the contrived political platform to election. The Mexican illegal immigration problem won't be solved by deducting more money from your gross income to pay for another failed federal project. But what do they care? It's your money. Their wallets will be bulging with cash from the windfall of such a long-term federal project right on into their stately retirement. Politicians realize that stirring the public's emotions with patriotic jingoism shakes a lot of money out of pockets, a necessary thing to keep the government pork payroll and the Minutemen alive. Certainly, the Minutemen have their core followers who sincerely believe that they're protecting the U.S., but they're really puppets for making the politicians of the organization, rich. It's time for U.S. voters to get wise to lucrative tactics of politicians. The Mexican illegal immigration problem is deeper than the tossing billions toward it will solve.
The solution involves a certain humility on our part going back to the 1800's, a story for another time but with the same relevancy of restitution that we gave Japanese ancestry for internment and other injustices. We've acknowledged similar restitutions to other ancestries for civil rights hardships. Arguably, Affirmative Action is a continuation of the same sentiment, including even more peoples. But, unlike these guilt-ridding actions atoned for in dollars, the U.S.-Mexican problem poses a different scenario requiring a different remedy.
The U.S. Mexican War was a blatantly manipulated war of aggression to the extent that we quickly paid the capitulated 15 million for California and New Mexico and acquired vast territories, later to become states. "We take nothing by conquest" was our pompous conclusion. The facts are voluminous supporting the case that the U.S., marauding on the 1800's spirit of 'Manifest Destiny', essentially stole several states from a newly independent Mexico. Even Ulysses S. Grant called it "the most unjust war ever undertaken by a stronger nation against a weaker one." And therein lies the dirty secret that schoolhouse history books omit. Mexico really never recovered economically or politically, experimenting with revolutions and monarchies thereafter. And so, standing proudly as Americans, thinking that we owe them nothing, is to stand on backs. To think that the average, uneducated border-crosser is ignorant of his Mexican history, is to be ignorant. The stories of Miguel Hidalgo to Antonio LĂłpez de Santa Anna are written on their hearts and in their version.
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago in February 1848, was not the end of the US-Mexican War, and until we finally address that historical fact, we'll continue to suffer as a nation, and wonder why?
True commerce with Mexico is the only solid beginning in creating incentive for Mexicans to work in Mexico.
Open trade, not 'name-only' NAFTA, but the really deregulated kind, is like a restaurant of sorts, conducive to peaceful mingling and common interests in an otherwise myriad of conflicting opinion and culture. Illegal immigration's solution, to the dismay of labyrinth-law making politicians, is simple. Open the border both ways with minimal restrictions and see commerce explode providing more jobs than people to fill them. In other words governments, get out of our way and let business' natural course solve the problems with immigration and labor simultaneously. Mexico will undoubtedly favor the concept. Then, Uncle Sam, rally your experts and organize your resources in accomodating the resultant economic boom on both sides of the river.
"But what about sovereignty and patriotism?" some will whine.
Is it not patriotic to replace bureaucratically created problems with working solutions? And is not sovereignty better served when people trade with one another free from government-sanctioned tax and regulation racketeering?
Beware of so-called Minutemen with no historical or even ideological connection with the original 18 Minutemen of Natick, nameless to this day. Beware of the flag-waving patriot-politician! He may be closer to Benito Mussolini that to Patrick Henry or Thomas Paine.
by Glenn Disney -
Tel: 608-213-8448 |