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News :: Civil & Human Rights
IMC Radio News Jan, 31 2005 Current rating: 0
31 Jan 2005
Radio News Jan 31, 2004
(Follow this link to the UC IMC Radio Archive)
Headlines Jan 31, 2005

Deadline the movie screens at Boardman's Art Theater
Domestic Parter Benefits in Urbana
CU School Support Personnel strike for a new contract
Condoleeza Rice confirmed inspite of war record
Low Power Latino Radio Service 1660 am kicks off
WOW2 free mobile health unit provides access to Champaign Students
Immokalee Workers act to eliminate sweat shop labor in fast food restaurant


Ricky Baldwin speaks with Clint Popetz about his run for the Urbana City Council in ward 5. Sarah Lazare visits TAG the Teen Awareness Group to find out what local teens are doing to promote healthy sex education.
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Re: IMC Radio News Jan, 31 2005
Current rating: 0
02 Feb 2005
Since I did the piece on Ricky Baldwin, I'll respond to the comments with regard to the airing of that piece.

You need to understand the IMC doesn't "support" candidates. In fact, the IMC can't legally do that, given its 501c(3) status. The IMC as a group doesn't direct what airs on IMC Radio News. The IMC Radio News group, which officially consists of whoever shows up for the meetings (you included), make that decision by consensus.

Now, as to why Ricky has air time and Dennis doesn''s a question of the absence of someone volunteering to do the interview. I know Dennis, and I like him, and I think he'd be a good City Council Person (he already _is_, as the interim person replacing Laura.) I just happen to think Ricky is a better candidate, for reasons I won't get into here, because it's beside the point.

If someone interviewed Dennis, I am sure the IMC Radio News group would agree to air it. There is usually a _lack_ of content to air, so any content that is coherent and informative usually makes it on the air. I am not choosing to interview Dennis because I don't have the time to do the work; it takes a lot of work to edit radio pieces!

Your assumption is that our agenda is to push certain political causes. Our agenda is rather to allow _anyone_ to make media, and each individual might push their political agendas with that oppurtunity, and we think that's great, because it's empowering. If you knew the folks at the IMC you'd know that getting them to agree to one set of ideas or support one candidate is pretty unlikely. They are a bunch of passionate, independent, and opinionated people, but they don't share the same idealogy or political bent.
Re: IMC Radio News Jan, 31 2005
Current rating: 0
03 Feb 2005
Hello, This is Dennis Roberts, who of course is running for City Council in Ward 5. It is common knowledge that I was appointed by Tod Satterthwaite to fill Laura Huth's place on City Council. Perhaps you remember that I was approached by Laura Huth herself (in October) to apply for her post on City Council and to finish her term. How this evolved and why I was asked to apply could be an interesting conversation if any one wanted to ask about it. Laura stated that I had the background, the proven commitment in my neighborhood, and the balance to be a good City Council representative. She was speaking about the interim position because she did not know if I would want to run for a political office. At that time I myself had not really considered it. However I am smart enough to realize that when something comes to you, you have to acknowledge it. We are sometimes asked to take the next step. In this case, in public service.
To do this was an interesting process. In my official statement before Council, I expressed the frustration neighbors in our area had over the manner the City handled the conflict of interest situation and the concern that perhaps more could have been done to work out a solution, apply for a variance, to retain Laura Huth on Council. My comments on this came back to me several times during my subsequent interview processs. I was asked to three different meetings with the mayor before I even had my official interview, and I would have to say that this was not so easy. Tod had a lot of doubt about my sincerity and honest intent. Also, the mayor delayed announcing his selection until the week after the official filing time to place one's name on the ballot. It was a case of "in for a penny, in for a pound", and after taking the brunt of the mayor's skepticism and the questions of the media (two TV teams arrived at my home within 30 minutes of Laura Huth's press release announcing her resignation), I felt I had already earned the right to represent both myself and my Ward for a full term on City Council. At this time I had not yet met Ricky Baldwin. Laura Huth had told me that due to personal or family reasons Ricky was not ready (or did not wish to) to run for the interim position. That is why she approached me. I felt "What is the difference of 4 months?" One night in late November, it was the 5th week of the month and the City Council did not meet, and only two people did not know that: I and Ricky Baldwin. I had attended every Council meeting after my formal announcement of interest in the interim position - that was back in October. I met Ricky that night for the first time, except I realized I had checked in with him when my wife and I had protested the War in Iraq along North Prospect. In our subsequent conversation I asked Ricky why he had not decided to run for the interim seat himself, and told him he ought to apply for it anyway, if he really wanted to represent the Ward. I said if you express an interest in something, you should back it with your actions. And not worry about how this will be approved upon by other people. I believe our conversation actually convinced Ricky Baldwin to start his campaign, and I supported him in being a little braver about it. His conversation that night had had a pretty tenuous feel. Ricky did apply for the Council seat. In choosing me the mayor explained his reasons why he did not choose Ricky, and I felt some of them were inappropriate, but these were not my opinions, they were the mayor's.
Oddly, during these meetings I think Tod and I had reached some sort of acceptance with each other. I have not had direct dealings with the mayor to this point. He was always professional and showed due respect to me as an applicant while having some pretty sharp questions. I always answered honestly and directly back. I had nothing to hide. I think we engaged in some pretty direct "straight talk". I believe he came to trust that I was exactly what I said I was, interested in service to the community based in my strengths of service in my neighborhood. It has all lead to today, and I am running FOR Council service and not AGAINST any one.

I have not "hung out" at the Independent Media Center. I have gone in several times but as a "walk in" did not really feel especially welcome. I am not personally engaged in creating or tracking media since moving to Illinois, so this was not very important to me. Actually I am enjoying the process of slowly building roots. Some of this is shown in my committment to my neighborhood and the founding of HUNA, the Historic East Urbana Neighborhood Association.
I am a quiet activist and my protest days are not over - I have some pretty strong opinions on certain local topics. I'm just putting my energies into projects that are more centered around where I am at this point of my life, knowing that there are many younger people putting in their time and energy on the issues at the IMC. That base is well covered. I don't need to do that was well. I have my own areas to focus on. I thinlk there is a perception that I have ignored the IMC. I do not feel I have to be active in that organization to prove I am an activist.
Rather than to ramble on, I think I will just close by saying that maybe this election is all about being progressive enough for some voters, who think this is mainly a battle between the progressives and the reactionaries on Council (or on a national level). If individuals want to support Ricky as the activist candidate, there is nothing wrong with that.
I've lived through the Vietnam Anti War Movement, had the KKK threaten a peace rally I organized at the County Court House in a small rural area in Michigan, protested racial stereotyping embodied by The Chief, and stood with other concerned citizens on North Prospect to protest the invasion of Iraq. I have lived through the Reagan years, the Nixon years, and the Bush years and we are all still here. It is an ongoing event, and all our wishes will not be met. We have to make peace with that and still be effective. My own answer now is to dialogue. I have learned as much by listening in all these years as by speaking. I need to listen more. And then to act.
I have been invloved in media, but not here. I moved from Tucson, where I acted as the director of a 45 minute program every other Friday evening for over a year. I worked with a group of friends to produce a live call in show in the studio of the Public Access TV station serving Tucson. I worked in the control room and ran the Grass Vally switcher. That was about 12 years ago. So I know a little about public access TV and I support it. In a recent conversation with Danielle Chynoweth we talked about her attempts in getting a station set up in this town, and the difficulties she encountered. Maybe more can be done in the future.

As to being on City Council, you are in a position where you have to look at an issue from many perspectives. Mostly I hope that my ideals are the City's ideals. But the City may not be able to reach them yet - for various reasons. You keep your eye on the greatest good, while building bridges with those you are going to work with so they can reach those shores as well. This brings progress in the long run.
Sorry to intrude so long into your space.
Dennis Roberts
507 E. Green Street Urbana
drobertscitycouncil (at)
IMC Offers Equal Access to Candidates
Current rating: 0
03 Feb 2005
Just to follow up on Cint's detailed explanation of how the Baldwin interview came about, I wanted to reiterate his point that the IMC does not endorse or favor one candidate over another.

One thing that candidates should keep in mind is that Indymedia is VERY much a do-it-yourself concept. Those wishing coverage here on the website are welcome to post stories. Everyone is treated equitably, but it is very much a factor of candidate initiative in having Indymedia coverage. It happens because candidates themselves do it, their supporters do it, or someone at the IMC is interested in a particular story.

Whatever the result, it has nothing at all to do with endorsing particular candidates.

I appreciate Dennis' comment and encourage him to post a full article here. I live in Ward 5 and will be voting -- but that is a personal decision that is irrelevant to website editing. I actually have given equal amounts to both campaigns -- $20 -- and welcomed them both to place their signs in my yard. Ricky placed his here first, but I still am hoping that Dennis has enough for me to have one of his also.

I haven't gotten involved actively in either campaign for three reasons. First, I am a busy grad student who is already overcommitted to community service -- I just have no time to aid anyone. I have been willing to speak with and give my personal advice to both candidates.

This leads to my second reason -- both Dennis and Ricky are excellent progressive candidates. Whoever wins, Ward 5 will be served well, as long as both sides run fair campaigns and we unite to move Urbana forward afterwards -- that is my own personal concern as we hopefully come up with a city government that is even more in tune with the populace of Urbana, from the top of the ticket on down.

Finally, taking a public position in favor of a specific candidate in this case would be inappropriate due to my particular role of being involved with the editing of the IMC website. I think it is ethically important that I take no position that is in favor of a particular candidate to avoid a conflict of interest. This is not something that is required of me, but it is the way I feel most comfortable with.

I also feel that Clint's reporting is equally a position he is comfortable with and which I respect, since he did nothing that is inappropriate for any IMC reporter. He is reporting his story the way he wants to without disguising himself as being objective.

Like him, I have my own opinions, but the format here on the website is a bit diffferent than on the Radio news show, so I feel this is a case where I won't be doing any stories on specific candidates in the election, although I am also comfortable talking more broadly about the issues and may do something on that, if I get the time.
But, wait, you still reported on Mr. Baldwin, but not Mr. Roberts!
Current rating: 0
03 Feb 2005
BUT, ML, CLINT did a story on Ricky. Whatever. He did a story.

No story on Dennis.

What does this mean? No matter what side you are on, there is a favoritism.

Me and the mrs. are not sure if we want to IMC members. But, we are both voting for Mr. Dennis. He is a full-time employee of the university, a community activist, and is against a mamoth IMC-network.

We like underdogs, especially ones that are against powerful, like IMC-networked candidates.

New Urbanites
Re: IMC Radio News Jan, 31 2005
Current rating: 0
03 Feb 2005
Well, "New to Ward 5 in Urbana," why don't *you* do a piece on Mr. Roberts and submit it to the IMCRN? Then you can show support for your candidate. That's what the IMC is all about---people in the general public *becoming* the media themselves. Not waiting for the mainstream media to cover stories that you are interested in.
Re: IMC Radio News Jan, 31 2005
Current rating: 0
03 Feb 2005
Sarah/5, WE met at IMC before. You do not understand, do you?

Clint is part of IMCRN. He did a story. Someone from IMCRN _MUST_ do a story on Dennis to show fairness. OR, it shows favoritism. Remember, IMC is all about networks. If IMC looked in the mirror, then it will see problems in its actions.

Lets face it. Mr. Dennis is the up-hill battle. He is against Baldwin, who got a story in WEFT a Dec (for whole hour) then he got a story on IMCRN. He appears before Council on so many reasons that he is constantly doing PR because of his connections.

Mr. Dennis is a true "independent". Mrs. and me have sent a contribution to him already.

New Urbanites
Re: IMC Radio News Jan, 31 2005
Current rating: 0
03 Feb 2005
"New to Ward 5 in Urbana" wrote:

BUT, ML, CLINT did a story on Ricky. Whatever. He did a story.

No story on Dennis.

What does this mean? No matter what side you are on, there is a favoritism.

If by "favoritism" you mean "Clint favors Ricky Baldwin for that seat," then you are correct. If you instead mean "The IMC as an organization" or "The IMC Radio News team as a group" favors Ricky, you are mistaken. If someone walks into the IMC tomorrow (or contacts the Radio group in some way) wanting to do a story on Dennis Roberts, they will receive encouragement, support, and air time. But it's not the job of each radio reporter to say "Well, I'd do a piece on X, but to be fair I have to do a piece on Y and Z too." Note that nothing in my radio piece said "You should vote for Ricky." I simply asked him questions about his campaign. Nor did I even compare him to Dennis; a reference to Dennis didn't even appear.

To be truthful, I don't know why I'm defending myself against someone who won't print their name next to their opinions. But perhaps there are other people reading, and I want them to understand how the IMC works, in the hopes that more people make use of the oppurtunity it provides.

Here's a personal testimonial about Dennis: without hardly knowing me, and with only one meeting to discuss my concerns over a re-zoning in my neighborhood, he showed up at a city meeting with me, and spoke to my concerns. That was before he was even considering running for public office; it was just something he did because he felt it was important, and I was grateful for it. The truth is, we are very lucky in Ward 5, because we have two great candidates, either of which will serve our ward well. And I simply did a story on Ricky in order to introduce him to people who might not know him, because I like what he has to say. As intgriguing as an IMC-network conspiracy of political advocacy might sound, it simply doesn't exist. How I wish we had half the numbers and organization needed to pull something like that off! We would have even more great media in town! But we still wouldn't have a conspiracy. Every meeting is open, every decision is made by consensus. I urge you to come by sometime and verify that yourself.

Re: IMC Radio News Jan, 31 2005
Current rating: 0
03 Feb 2005

Baldwin supporter Clint writes:

As intgriguing as an IMC-network conspiracy of political advocacy might sound, it simply doesn't exist. How I wish we had half the numbers and organization needed to pull something like that off!

Most humble apologies. I cannot by this. My neighbor told me and mrs. all about IMC some weeks ago. It is so networked that you make GOP look like infants when it comes to political strength. Just look at the IMC-supported candidates: Ricky, Brandon, Danielle, Laurel. I mean what is this, if not a network. One for all and all for one. If GOP was as organized as IMC, then we would have a fair election. But, as a democrat, I am not complaining. I plan to vote for Mr. Roberts. For the Mayor, I will vote for the candidate against Laurel and Tod.

New Urbanites
Re: IMC Radio News Jan, 31 2005
Current rating: 0
03 Feb 2005
I guess I can "write a story" about Tod and that would be fair. Tod has grown in his position throughout the last 12 years. He analyzes both sides of a situation before coming to a conclusion. No, he can't please everyone, but who can? Esther, on the other hand, has a lapse in memory. So many times people have gone to advocate for one thing and she does not listen to them - even if they are professionals- and will do the exact opposite because of her beliefs.
This piece is about maintaining Tod as the mayor of Urbana. I believe, as an IMC member, that I have the right to convey my opinion based on what I have read above.
Re: IMC Radio News Jan, 31 2005
Current rating: 0
03 Feb 2005
"Sarah/5, WE met at IMC before."

If you think, like a particular deluded individual, that I am Sarah Lazare, you are mistaken. Sarah is quite a common name.

And I sincerely doubt that we have met since I haven't been in the IMC for over a year if not more. I should correct that. I don't live in Urbana and rarely get over by the IMC much these days.

And, please, do a radio piece on the candidate of your choice. Add to the media. Add to the information.

This is straight from the mission statement of the ucimc:

We are dedicated to addressing issues that the mainstream media neglects and we do not conceal our politics behind a false objectivity. We will empower people to "become the media" by providing democratic access to available technologies and information.

Become the media. Put forth what you think is interesting. The IMC is not some corporate structure with a single-minded purpose. It is a group of individuals who have many different interests and goals. Throw yours into the mix.
issues and non-issues
Current rating: 0
04 Feb 2005
Hi folks-

I am truly sorry for this controversy. I certainly never intended to harm the IMC in any way, as I think it is an important resource for our community. I do think the issue of neutrality is a bit misleading, though. Every reporter makes a choice of subject matter, angle, references and so on that make the story a story. We can see that in every news medium in the world. What makes the IMC different is that it is *open* to a variety of input, from any member of the community, should person x or y decide to take the opportunity. And I certainly hope more people will.

I also want to point out that, to his credit, Dennis did not raise any concern about this non-issue in his note. There is no animosity between us -- let me emphasize: *none* -- and I think we would both prefer that our supporters not antagonize one another, either. (Not that they are. In fact, I suspect the only people being antagonistic here are probably not in the ward and are doing so for antagonism’s sake alone.) We have had numerous conversations, and we agree on a number of issues. There is no reason to fight.

True, we each have our own base of support in the neighborhood. (It’s hilarious that someone thinks Dennis has an uphill battle. I think the election may be very close.) Some of my friends are working for Dennis, and some of his are working for me. But when it’s over, I’m sure we will all work together, whoever wins.

Now in that context, respectfully, I do want to correct the timeline concerning Dennis’s and my campaigns. Several of our neighbors, including our Council member Laura Huth, had approached me back in September and encouraged me to run for this office. I thought it over long and hard, partly due to the family commitments that Dennis mentions, but I had reached a decision by October, when it became clear that Laura would have to resign and we discussed Dennis for the interim position.

I cannot say what Laura said to Dennis, as I was not there, but I know what I told her and Dennis: I am running. Laura and I both expressed the opinion that the Mayor would never appoint me. I had written an article that was openly critical of his behavior during the struggle to get Democracy Now! on UPTV. I had also phoned him more than once about issues he didn’t support (and he never once returned my call). Laura told me explicitly that I still had her full support for the election, offered to be my campaign manager, and said she was supporting Dennis for the interim position for the above reason, and I agreed. She also said she did not know whether he would decide to run in the election, and naturally I understood that he might.

I believe Dennis and I had met earlier on North Prospect, as he says, because I was organizing those protests and have a habit of speaking with everyone who attends. But neither of us recalled this at first. I did call Dennis on the phone to discuss our rather awkward position, and we had a nice chat. At the time, Dennis still wasn’t sure if he would run in the election -- it was happening pretty fast -- and I did not intend to apply for the interim position. As he says, we met again at the Council meeting when neither of us realized it was the fifth Monday of the month, and sat and talked for about an hour.

Perhaps Dennis misremembers this conversation slightly, as I’m sure he doesn’t memorize every word I say to him. Anyway, I’m sure he meant no harm. But I was not undecided at that time, and I recall being quite clear with him that I intended to run for the office. I certainly made no attempt to discourage him, and, as he says, he encouraged me to apply for the interim position. My one reservation about applying for the interim position myself, which I believe I expressed to Dennis somewhat obliquely, was that I had been planning on a few months of campaigning -- talking to hundreds of people about what they would like me to do on the Council, etc. -- before hopefully taking office. (I think I said something like, “I was kind of hoping to be elected rather than appointed, anyway.”)

At any rate, I had already picked up the papers, I believe, and I began collecting signatures with the help of my wonderful volunteers soon after. Many people I met asked me who else was running, and although Dennis had not yet decided, I told them he was thinking about it and that I thought he probably would run. I am sure that Dennis also told anyone who asked that I was running.

When the Mayor appointed Dennis, I issued a press release pointing out that I think he is a good choice, and a good candidate, and that we agree on a number of issues although naturally we have our differences, too. I called Dennis to congratulate him and stopped by his celebration, where I was made to feel very welcome by Dennis and by his supporters. Again, there is no animosity between us -- and I’m sure Dennis joins me in my rhope that we can get back to discussing the importnat issues that concern our community, such as economic development that is *sustainable*, preserving and strengthening our neighborhoods and ensuring that government is open and responsive to our concerns and that authority is exercised as legitimately as possible and that it always has its check, in accordance with democratic principle.

Re: issues and non-issues
Current rating: 0
04 Feb 2005
Me thinks Ricky is avoiding the issue. Back in Dec. he had one-entire hour on WEFT. He basically did not mention Dennis but kept on saying how it was not relevant who his opponents are. He kept saying that people are excited about him. The questionner just fed him questions that he could use to build his candidacy. The same with IMCRN. Clint did the same. In short, Baldwin is a master at PR to build himself. This is what I find unfair. Roberts has done well. But, he is against a master with deep friends in media markets (WEFT/IMC/PublicI, etc.). All me and mrs. can do is contribute, which we have done. Too bad that IMC is not doing a story on Roberts via IMCRN. That would be the fairest thing to do. But, mrs. and me are not sure if fairness is part of IMC actions....

New Urbanites
Re: IMC Radio News Jan, 31 2005
Current rating: 0
04 Feb 2005
OK, I'll chime in here. I've met Ricky and Dennis, and they both seem like reasonable people. So the ward gets to choose between two decent candidates. This is always better than just having to decide who sucks less.
Trolls Are Transparent
Current rating: 0
04 Feb 2005
It is overwhelmingly obvious that the facts do not matter to the troll.

Set your phasers to "Ignore"...