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News :: Miscellaneous
THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM Current rating: 0
08 Oct 2001
Modified: 11 Oct 2001
ML is indirectly resposible for flooding.
U-C IMC was flooded with posts yesterday as a retaliation to ML harassing other alternative articles being posted at many indymedia sites. ML has been flooding many alternative articles with rude comments and name calling etc. He follows from site to site cutting down the same articles again and again, and then has the audacity to call others spammers. The Hypocracy! This is the root of the problem for those who want to know.
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Current rating: 0
08 Oct 2001
My presence was tracking down those who abused the system. Some people expect their obvious violations of IMC spam policy to be ignored so that they can continue to violate the policy. If the spam didn't exist in the first place, my comments would not be attached to all the spam out there. You will not find my comments anywhere there was not already spam.

The fact is, the spammers are upset, because someone is finally calling them on their irresponsible and juvenile behavior. How did these slimeballs of the internet respond? With the only thing they are really competent at, putting out more spam. They have no more excuse than when they made the first of their many, multiple posts of the same generally irrelevant crap to IMCs everywhere.

Robby, your comments make it appear as though you are one of them. Quit trying to blame others for your own behavior.

Should we interpret this post as a threat to repeat such despicable behavior? Only you know for sure.
ML- self appointed Keystone Kop
Current rating: 0
08 Oct 2001
You are just a verbally abusive self appointed Keystone Kop.
Sure, buddy
Current rating: 0
08 Oct 2001
Hey robbie -

Is "look what you made me do!" the best excuse you can come up with, dude? Weak, very weak. Personally, when I shoot my mouth off, I prefer to be on solid ground.

Let's face it, your posts read like an Aryan Nations member on crack. It may be that a little editing (and care in what you say) could reduce the level of alarm you generate in the community.

Then there's the issue of posting frequency. How about, say, one a week like everyone else?

Nobody likes censorship, but nobody likes being walked on, either, especially when they're trying to supply a free service. If you have a specific argument to put forth, you're just hurting your cause.

And if you don't, I'm sure folks won't mind if you take a break and drop back by when you do. Until then, it's real hard not to support the removal of your access. -- CMB
Robby, lay off
Current rating: 0
08 Oct 2001
Robby-- the indymedia collectives are trying to keep the newswire open for activists with important information to report. We don't want to read hateful, antisemeitic, antigay spam. I for one am glad that ML and whoever else at the IMC are finally calling Bobby et al on their crap.
Current rating: 0
08 Oct 2001
Hey Robby,
Be sure you say hi to Bobby when you see him.

Like in the mirror.
Support "ML" Go to Hell
Current rating: 0
09 Oct 2001
Dear "ML"; You are a pompous windbag. An endless stream of self-righteousness. There is no substance to anything that you say. You are defending a Zionist pro-gay agenda very similar to the mainstream media. You are commenting on articles that you obviously havent read. Take your hidden article game and shove it. Just post the article numbers by author on the front page and let people access them by article number. They don't want to deal with a perverted twisted person like you. Hasta luego, adios. Bob
I didn't know what spamming meant
Current rating: 0
09 Oct 2001
My wife showed me how to post articles a few weeks back. I observed others would post one article on several sites. I thought this was the way it was done. Suddenly my articles are bombarded with rude comments accusing me of spamming. I didn't know what the problem was or what spamming meant. It would have been infanately more productive to simply kindly expain to me not to do multiple posts. I would have understood this and respected it.
to "a mild mannered guy"
Current rating: 0
09 Oct 2001
You don't identify yourself and you don't leave e-mail on your post here, so it would be pretty hard to contact you to explain the nettiquette at work, no?

That said, one of the risks of an open forum--aside from it being deluged with off-topic spam--is being publicly chided for inappropriate behavior. I've not seen anyone on the U-C IMC site chided for this before last week besides "Bobby Deaf Messenger" (an aside--I hear Rush Limbaugh's going deaf too--is this a trend?).

Here at U-C IMC our first step to encouraging cooperative posting behavior is to ask for it... politely. Unfortunately our polite requests have met with hostile responses lately. That's the way it goes, I guess.

I'll note that you and many others have chosen to post anonymously, and that's fine. But when you go anonymous you give up being able to be contacted or dealt with personally, which means you also risk being dealt with more harshly. That's the trade off.

The IMC is a developing system, and we're all learning together. If you'll read this article ( you'll see that we are working to clarify things.

But since you posted your response to this thread it appears that you're still alive and able to post, only now you're more aware of how to be a good citizen of the IMC world. In the end, no harm done.
I Whole-Heartedly Support ML
Current rating: 0
09 Oct 2001
Speaking as an IMC volunteer (i.e. someone who WORKS hours per week, donating time and expertise to my local IMC), I have to side with ML, against spam, and in favor of an IMC frontpage which is edited any way people who want to WORK ON IT see fit.

Speaking as an archivist and an opponent of censorship, I am against deleting texts from the IMC submissions record.

I think the work of the Urbana IMC contains the best solutions when these two principles contradict one another.

Kudos to you, IMC-stas! And don't let the spam-heads rile you up.
Twisted Perverts! Devils in Disguise!
Current rating: 0
09 Oct 2001
Dear "Robbie" and "ML"; These posts are public property. You are trying to turn it into a Zionist pro-gay newswire akin to the mainstream media. As I said in the article you removed, "spam" comes from Monty Python's spam commercial, and you guys are spamming this place with Zionist pro-gay crap that suits your agenda. Leave the damn articles alone and let anyone who wants to post comments. You and your countless hours of professed service are a delusion, for you are exercising your perversities and forcing your own twisted logic on people. You don't want me here because I get more readers than the rest of you combined. Give your real names and addresses if you are so confident that you are in the right. Hasta luego, adios. Bob
Liars, Thieves, and More
Current rating: 0
10 Oct 2001
Dear Criminal Ones; ": You are trying to justify lying, stealing, and more by professing that your goal of establishing a Zionist pro-gay newswire overrides any other use of this site. Lets review my experience on this site. "Love and Foolishness", which contains some of the funniest and most serious writing that I have done was stolen from this site twice at Ids=1566 & 1609. "Modus Operandi of Lawlessness" Id=1608 was stolen probably so your tribe could continue to murder innocent people who are not opposing them. I was able to make post with "Chemical Modus II" Id=1630; but only by posting the text of the article in the comment section. I was then able to make post with "Love and Foolishness" under the title, "How Foolish Are You?" Id=1855, which was 200 spaces higher than the current numbers at the time; and that may be a trap for those who tried to access it. Then "Songs for Mental Health" Id=1650 was stolen. Then I was able to make post with "Bush Daddy Delusions" Id=1664; but only by posting the text in the comment section. I then posted "Israel, A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken" Id=1730 and "Asbestoes, Asthma, and Your Rattling Last Breaths" Id=1770. In September I started with the "Messiah.." Id=1887 article and the "Columbine Lives" Id=1927 article. When the WTC disaster happened, I immediately moved with "Do Something! Quick!" Id=2026 and "Delusions of War" Id=2098, which were followed by "Trapped in the Devil's Bargain" Id=2169, the "Head of a Terrorist" Id=2240, and "Letter from Heaven" Id=2339. When I posted "Wipe That #$%&-eating Look Off Your Face" Id=2380, your compatriot "ML", who had continually been badgering me on U-C IMC, started a direct attempt to discredit me on all sites. This resulted in my posting "ML": Messiah of Losers" Id=2420, a "Poem for "ML"" Id=2446, and "Destiny of IMC's "Closeted" Collectives" Id=2471. I don't care how sweet and caring you profess to be, you and "ML" are engaged in criminal activity, stealing public property, so that people can be trifled with by you or others. Your hiding articles is actually a trap whereby people can be targetted for trying to access these articles. Although they can access them by Id#s by accessing any article, changing the Id=# in the address bar, and pressing "Enter"; you want them to contact you so that you can identify them. My writings are probably the best to ever be posted on IMC, and that is why you are targetting me. If you believe that you are in the right, print your name and address along with "ML"s and any others who support your lawlessness. "This can't go on! Lord knows you gotta change, baby!" Bob
Are You Just Confused?
Current rating: 0
11 Oct 2001
Here's the facts.

The U-C IMC collective took down exactly ONE of your posts—temporarily--while we were in the process of deciding what to do about your atrocious behavior. ONE post, for about four days, until we had a meeting and decided we weren't quite to the point of making a final decision about this issue. That post was restored at that time.

After last weekend's decision, we did, in fact hide all of your articles. Anyone, including you, can still access them; they have NOT been "stolen." However, they are no longer on the Newswire.

Do you know what tipped the scales against you? Your whiny, gay-bashing poem that you spammed out, once again. Do you realize what you did? I don't think so, but I'll tell you right now. The person who was MOST reluctant and who had been holding out to allow you to keep posting happened to be GAY. That last one seemed to have cahnged his mind for some reason.

Yes, YOU shot yourself right in the foot on that one, Bobby. YOU have no one to blame but your own ridiculous behavior. You shoved your last defender to the ground with your hate-filled missive about how evil you think gays are. You have NO ONE but yourself to blame for your situation.

Your posts have NOT been stolen, but placed where they will no longer embarrass and drag down the reputation of this website. You can still look at them anytime you want. So can anyone else. They can make up their own minds about whether we did you wrong or not. If you're afraid they will conclude exactly what we did, then YOU should have used more discretion in spewing your hateful messages. WE do NOT discredit you. YOU discredit yourself by the abusive, preachy, self-important, delusional, crap-filled posts that YOU make. We do NOT write this shit-YOU DO.

ABSOLUTELY NONE of your posts was ever altered in anyway, with the one, temporary exception I mentioned above, until YOU forced this decision on the U-C IMC.

If YOU can't keep track of what you are doing, do NOT blame us. Maybe you should try taking your meds or whatever you can do to bring a little clarity inside your head, at least enough to keep track of what you are doing, instead of blaming ever one on Earth, except the one who is really responsible for your problems...YOURSELF.
comments are not spam
Current rating: 0
11 Oct 2001
Well making comments is not spamming

starting new threads IS, especially when they push other articles off the page.

Take me for example - I've yet to post an article, and only comment on them.

Therefore any editing would not effect me (very little, plus I archive everything including the original HTML) but the person who posted the thread.

Give example URL's where you feel ML is out of hand - from what *I've* seen he's perfectly reasonable (note that I've only seen a few comments here so far)

There are a few IMC people that tend to get "gung ho" about thier responsibility - even to the point of unfairness - I had such a situation with someone who will go un-named, but we worked it out in chat one night and have nothing further to argue about. People tend to go overboard in posting but act more human when directly chatting.

I suggest the parties involved work it out likewise in chat (this means you bobby) - it worked quite well for us.

somehow I doubt bobby will be willing to do so - he seems to have an agenda all his own, the only interaction being abusive (he was abusive with me as well when I *kindly* explained the technical reasons for the main IMC's delays and other details)

Just remember that we're all human and humans are never perfect - including the ones that help out IMC.

They don't suddenly aquire god-like attributes the minute they accept the role of editor/babysitter.

Many people seem to expect this though - they forget there's just regular people on the other end.

Just as dangerous as the image IMC has is the *burnout* people who help risk - spammers like bobby greatly add to this aspect of the problem. I was unintentionally doing so myself for awhile before we ironed things out in chat (not by spamming but by making mean/nasty comments on the imperfections of a certain person who is helping IMC having been "stung" by them)

We have to look at the larger issue of what's best for IMC, and getting along (even if we don't want to) is a part of that

Oh - almost missed the comments below again !

> Personally, when I shoot my mouth off, I prefer to be on solid ground.

To this I'd add that even when I'm not on solid ground I'm man enough to say so and to acknowledge that yes I do/have

Spammers I see never take this step...

> I'll note that you and many others have chosen to post anonymously, and that's fine. But when you go anonymous you give up being able to be contacted or dealt with personally, which means you also risk being dealt with more harshly. That's the trade off.

Being anonymous is extremely important to me - I operate pirate stations and the FCC is targeting them by tracing internet posts, etc..

I can take the extra harshness, and suggest all people with issues go to chat to work things out (I'm triple anon on here but only double anon in chat)

That way you have the best of both worlds - remaining anon plus keeping the peace..

> You and your countless hours of professed service are a delusion, for you are exercising your perversities and forcing your own twisted logic on people. You don't want me here because I get more readers than the rest of you combined. Give your real names and addresses if you are so confident that you are in the right.

What BS !

first of all I am anonymous and will remain anonymous - nothing you can say - no insult or abusive name calling you can come up with will ever change that, because I am for my own reasons that have nothing to do with you and outweigh any values/opinions you have on the matter

As for "forcing" YOUR the one who's forcing - trying to cram your BS spamming hate down peoples throats, then as for "more readers" - not on here - I can't imagine where either, I can say *my* listener base is 50,000 and this is without internet access (FM radio), so unless you have a radio show that contention isn't going to wash with me..

Lastly this whole paragraph comes off as agent drivel, downplaying to goad, insulting to obtain response and daring to expose...

So much for being "news" !

> abusive, preachy, self-important, delusional, crap-filled posts

hahahaa that about covers it !

better than I could say it - exactly my thoughts though

oh yeah - hate filled too..