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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Economy : Education : Elections & Legislation : Environment : Housing : Labor : Urban Development
Urbana: Time for a Change of Mayor Current rating: 0
16 Jan 2005
Modified: 06:51:16 PM
After finding out that Laurel Prussing has the website of her campaign for mayor online now, I thought I would call attention to it. Laurel is a well qualified Democratic candidate for mayor of Urbana, with extensive experience in effectively serving the public interest without fear or favor.
Photo courtesy

After finding out that Laurel Prussing has the website of her campaign for mayor online now, I thought I would call attention to it. Laurel is a well qualified Democratic candidate for mayor of Urbana, with extensive experience in effectively serving the public interest without fear or favor.

In refering to fear, I mean not just the fearless nature of Laurel's character, but also to her governance style. She will NOT rely on threats and secrecy, like her opponent, the present mayor of Urbana, Tod Satterthwaite.

I've heard too many tales of the petty and ridiculous behavior of Tod's from too many people I trust, many of whom don't even know each other. Tod has cozied up to Republicans while getting nothing in return and betrayed the public interest in his lackadaisical approach to economic development ("Gee, all we need is a Walmart and things will be great!"), all while spending more time attacking his fellow Democrats than on representing the values and aspirations of those who elected him.

It's time to move on from Tod's autocratic management style. It's time to really build Urbana, without politically motivated giveaways. It's time to put someone in the mayor's office who can collaborateively work with others in an open atmosphere of respect. In the Democratic primary on Feb. 22, vote for a welcome change -- Laurel Prussing for mayor.
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Re: Urbana: Time for a Change of Mayor
Current rating: 0
17 Jan 2005
Thanks for the head's-up SOTT. Getting rid of Satterthwaite can only be good for Urbana!
Re: Urbana: Time for a Change of Mayor
Current rating: 0
17 Jan 2005
OK guys, this is the second time I'm asking this...

What's your beef with the IMC and WEFT? Or are you just trying to be Jack Ryan-like trolls?

I'm waiting for an answer...
Re: Urbana: Time for a Change of Mayor
Current rating: 0
18 Jan 2005
The comments by "IMC Supporter" and "Urbana Citizen" seem out of context. Were some other comments before or after deleted?
Re: Urbana: Time for a Change of Mayor
Current rating: 0
18 Jan 2005
Since when does IMC have a president? Heck, it doesn't even have a mayor, Tod or otherwise.
Off Topic Stuff
Current rating: 0
18 Jan 2005
Yes, several off topic comments were hidden and/or deleted. Hidden comments can be found at the Hidden Comments link at the bottom of the Newswires. Deleted comments are unavailable.

It is not a big deal, but questions about website editing are generally off topic, in and of themselves. If you have a question about website editing, you can inquire at imc-web (at) or at any Steering group meeting (first and third Thursdays of the month at 8 pm).
Re: Urbana: Time for a Change of Mayor
Current rating: 0
18 Jan 2005
I've read some of the earlier accounts of encounters with hizhoner, and those alone are worth a major effort to retire him.

On another level, I think his recent behavior demonstrates the effects of staying too long in office (I believe it's been 12 years). Power corrupts, arrogance and egomania filter in until, finally, there is utter contempt for opposing viewpoints or agendas.

Term limits? Not sure about that. I tend to think the voters should be the arbiter each election. At the same time, hizhoner's actions point to the populist notion that elected officials should rise up from the populace, serve their term or two, and fade back into the populace. He has become a professional politician, and he's reached his level of incompetence a al the Peter Principle.

Vote him out.
Just One Example of the Mayor's Temper, Lack of Tolerance
Current rating: 0
18 Jan 2005
There's a very interesting letter to the editor in tonight's (Tuesday, Jan. 18) News-Gazette from Belden Fields. It is about an incident when Councilmember Danielle Chynoweth was running against Tod's hand-picked candidate, Carolyn Kearns, back in 2001. The mayor spoke intemperately to Danielle in front of the College Dems at a candidate forum, angrily waving his finger in her face for daring to run against his candidate. Then the boy mayor red-baited Belden, who said that is the only time in living in Urbana in 40 years that had ever happened to him from any quarter.

We all know that Danielle was elected. And that the mayor has been unhappy with the choice of the people ever since in the way he has continued to abusively treat Ms. Chynoweth. This is just the tip of the iceberg of other tales of the mayor's inability to control his temper and failure to communicate and cooperate with members of his own party.

I agree. It's time for a change. If the mayor wants to pander to Republicans, while not officially being a Republican candidate, he should move to Champaign, where such "non-partisan" BS is tolerated. The mayor's chickens are about to come home to roost and he has no one, least of all his political opponents, to blame -- except for himself.
What's Odd about Tod
Current rating: 0
18 Jan 2005
What is really strange about Tod as the ostensibly Democratic mayor is the way the Republican-dominated local media, such as the News-Gazette and WDWS, loves him. For the most part, they have given him a free pass and rarely print or say anything critical of him.

The only time they have ever failed to render him their support is when he has taken his several failed passes at higher office. Why is that?

#1 -- He was running against Republicans.

#2 -- (and more importantly) If they can't have a Republican in the Urbana's mayor's office, which is just the way it is here, they certainly prefer Tod to any of the alternatives. He's the most reactionary candidate they are likely to ever get in Urbana. So they want him to stay the mayor here. (again, see reason #1)

Fortunately, the citizens of Urbana have increasingly turned to alternative sources of news and information, so the media blackout on Tod's abusive tantrums is no longer the ugly secret that it used to be. Leading the efforts to get the voters all the facts is the IMC, which has done a good job at exposing Tod for the fraud that he is.

For those who came in late, here's some background from the IMC's archives.

Satterthwaite v. Prussing

Urbana City Council to consider RESOLUTION on "Democracy Now!"

Urbana Progressives Crush Satterthwaite Proposal to Add At-Large Seats to Council

Campaign Sign Theft Rampant -- Tod's Police Shrug Crime Off

GEO Joins NAACP, College Democrats, and Many Other Organizations that Endorse Voting "NO" on At-Large in Urbana

Press Conference Launches Campaign Against At-Large Seats in Urbana

"Mannequins for Satterthwaite" mp3

Urbana Resident Calls for Mayor's Resignation

Satterthwaite's Smokescreen: Charge Others With What You Actually Are Up To

Looming Censorship of “Democracy Now!” by Urbana Mayor and How You Can Stop It (audio clips included)

Urbana Council Tables Pop Motion to Change City Government

Mayor Mobilizes for At-Large Urbana Seats to Weaken Progressive Power

Urbana Public TV Presented with 500 Person Petition for Democracy Now - Vote of Support Gets Interrupted

Urbana Election Results In- Dems Win All Contested Races

Tod Satterthwaite Sees Red -- Again

Full Story
Re: Urbana: Time for a Change of Mayor
Current rating: 0
19 Jan 2005
OK BobbyLee, Adam or whatever you trolls are calling yourself now...

I've taken the liberty of calling the Mayo Clinic.

Your heart transplant is set for next week.

Have a nice day boys.

(yeah, yeah, I know, don't feed the trolls. But I've had it up to here with idiots. Maybe it's time to throw it back in their face and see how they like it.

(ML, feel free to hide this if you see fit. But know this - even from Charleston, I've got your backs.)
Re: Urbana: Time for a Change of Mayor
Current rating: 0
19 Jan 2005
IMC supporter, Bobby Lee/Jack Ryan is actually in the psych unit, but thanks for the thought.
Re: Urbana: Time for a Change of Mayor
Current rating: 0
20 Jan 2005
Not everybody at WDWS is in love with Tod.
Re: Urbana: Time for a Change of Mayor
Current rating: 0
21 Jan 2005
I'm told Jim Turpin of WDWS does a hilarious imitation of Tod.
Re: Urbana: Time for a Change of Mayor
Current rating: 0
22 Jan 2005
Yeah, I plan to vote for Prussing.
Re: Urbana: Time for a Change of Mayor
Current rating: 0
23 Jan 2005
I'll be interested to hear what the mayoral candidates plan to do about the increase in crime in East and Southeast Urbana. Women have been the victims of robberies twice in the past week alone in the Sunnycrest area, one at the Osco on Philo Rd. around 5 pm and the other about a block west of there, on Colorado Ave, around midnight. Another area of great concern is Lierman Ave, off Washington St.
I'm very happy that city officials are finally paying some attention to the Philo Rd. business corridor; but, they also need to deal with the deterioriation of the nearby neighborhood, the litter and vandalism of some of the rental properties,especially along Colorado Ave. and the public safety issues.
Re: Urbana: Time for a Change of Mayor
Current rating: 0
25 Jan 2005
And today's paper reports another armed robbery on Monday at the dry cleaner's by County Market on Philo Rd.
A female clerk was robbed at gunpoint at 5:40 pm. That's three in one week at the same place. The Osco attack occurred across the street from County Market. The robbery occurred around the corner from County Market. These brazen attacks are taking place at some of the busiest times of the day at the most public places.

I watched the city council meeting last night. If they can spend an hour talking about a brick sign as a public safety hazard (which it is), surely they can act to protect people shopping and living in East Urbana. This is beyond the scope of the neighborhood watch groups.
Is It Really All About You?
Current rating: 0
25 Jan 2005
Hmm, I would hardly say that a recent string of robberies warrants direct council intervention. Isn't that what the police are supposed to deal with? I would say give them a chance to catch whoever it is that seems to have an MO that will see them likely quickly headed to the Big House.

Besides, isn't the mayor next in the chain of command to deal with this if the police are fumbling because of some systemic problem? If you are really sincere in your concern, and simply not trolling here, I would say that this is yet another reason why we need a change in the mayor's office.

Finally, with the exception of Danielle Chynoweth, the entire council will be replaced in the upcoming spring elections. I sure would not want a new council to micromanage things like you suggest. The reason why the county's view-blocking sign came up is because the problem worked its way through city offices without getting an appropriate resolution. That is when the council should properly get involved with a problem.

Are you trying to tell me the police have given up on the crimes you cite or have otherwise failed to address it according to policy? Once again, unless it has reached that point, your specious complaint is both bogus and a distraction from important issues in the campaign. Crime seems to be well under control in Urbana, but this doesn't mean that no crimes will ever happen. A look in the paper at crime reports does not indicate any great surge in crime in Urbana or, more specifically, in the Sunnycrest area.
Re: Urbana: Time for a Change of Mayor
Current rating: 0
25 Jan 2005
To Dose:

Yes, crime does seem to be well under control in the CRIMINALS! What reality are you living in???? There HAS been a surge in crime in the Sunnycrest area, particularly if you compare activity today with years past. I would call three attacks on women in parking lots and small businesses in one week a surge.

I have spoken with a police officer and a firefighter in the past week. Both agree that the situation is much worse than ever before. The police officer noted that there is ONE officer on patrol in all of south and east Urbana, and that officer spends much of his/her time responding to calls on east Washington/Lierman Ave.

Elected officials control the budgets. They decide how and where money gets spent. They can make budget amendments. They can put more resources into public safety, if necessary. So, yes, this should be an issue in the mayoral campaign. Keeping neighborhoods and businesses safe is an important issue and I surely don't understand how you can label it a "distraction" and "bogus".
If Your Molehill Really Is A Mountain...
Current rating: 0
25 Jan 2005
I still don't see you substantiating a crime wave in the Sunnycrest area.

Even assuming there is a crime wave as you allege, the responsibility for dealing with the police -- assuming they have failed to deal with this -- again slowly so you do not miss my point, is that of the mayor's office. You might have a good argument for why the mayor needs to go (which would be only one among MANY) if you can present evidence for it, but this is simply not something that the council is directly reponsible for in the way you originally claimed.

Has the (present) mayor proposed a budget amendment to deal with the "crime wave"? No.

You started off attacking the present council, when they are mostly irrelevant to the discussion of who we should elect to it and are certainly not the next in line to take responsibility for this. You now admit that it is the mayor's responsibility. Yet you have hardly noticed my critique of your off base criticism is entirely accurate. Come back later when you can make some coherent sense. I get the feeling you are only trolling here, based on your off target criticisms and lack of sunstantive data to support your claim. The police always want more money and will come up with any excuse to panhandle the public and you failed to explain the relevance of whatever it was the fireman said.

And let's not forget the long history of conservative curmudgeons claiming that "law and order" is the big issue in every election. Your views, as vaporous as the are, simply echo tired old distractions that have been repeatedly used to baselessly attack progressives. Nice try, but I think you're going in my ignore file at this point.
Re: Urbana: Time for a Change of Mayor
Current rating: 0
25 Jan 2005
dose, you evidently are not a woman- I will reiterate- it is not safe to go out at night
Re: Urbana: Time for a Change of Mayor
Current rating: 0
25 Jan 2005
I'm not attacking the council. I'm expressing concern about the recent increase in crime in East and SE Urbana. While no one expects a council member or mayor to respond to 9-1-1 calls, elected officials do need to respond to citizens' concerns about safety and neighborhood stability. So, therefore, this is an important issue in the upcoming elections.

PS: I'm grateful to be going in your "ignore" file. Thank you.
^^^If It Sounds Like a Troll, It Probably Is^^^
Current rating: 0
25 Jan 2005
I think you hit the nail on the head. The whole idea of a crime wave in Urbana -- somehow mysteriously unreported in the all crime, all the time News-Gazette -- is just more tripe from the authors of the politics of fear. It might win a presidential election, but it won't work in Urbana.

Troll sighted, crew -- set your phasers to IGNORE.
Who Would Have Thought
Current rating: 0
25 Jan 2005
Golly, Joe Whelan seems to have completely missed the crime wave in his ward. The only thing he seemed worried about last night was the "threat" of gay marriage because the city is setting up a long overdue domestic partners registry.
Re: Urbana: Time for a Change of Mayor
Current rating: 0
25 Jan 2005
The only reason he was "worried", was because the subject was brought up. Otherwise he wouldn't have given it a second thought. Joe is harmless and there is nothing wrong with the opposite view being expressed. Sounds like they will be able to put together an appropriate policy that will meet the needs of all people.
Re: Urbana: Time for a Change of Mayor
Current rating: 0
26 Jan 2005
Talk about a timely column: Tom Kacich reports in today's The News-Gazette (1/26/05) that in 2003, serious crime in Urbana was up 18 percent compared to the previous year. He cites Illinois State Police records. Furthermore, according to Kacich, the Urbana Police Chief is compiling the crime statistics for 2004 and he expects another increase.

Kacich interviewed the victim of the robbery at Osco. She plans to make crime and crime prevention "an election issue." She is also organizing a neighborhood watch and is meeting with the community policing officer..all good things. But, the effort shouldn't stop there. It should involve elected officials as well.

The late June Mank of Champaign comes to mind. She served on the Champaign City Council for many years; she worked with residents in some of Champaign's most crime-plagued neighborhoods. She advocated tirelessly for neighborhood safety. She walked with the residents on neighborhood watches. She insisted that building codes be enforced.

Maybe East Urbana isn't as far gone as some of June's neighborhoods were but it seems to be headed in that direction and it's time to turn it around.

A good place to start would be for public officials, including the mayoral and city council candidates, to start talking about the problem.
Re: Urbana: Time for a Change of Mayor
Current rating: 0
26 Jan 2005

County Market on Philo Road (and the entire Sunnycrest shopping center) is NOT in Ward 6 under the current ward map and is NOT in Ward 6 under the new ward map.

Don't blame Joe Whalen - look at the map - it's Milton Otto, Chris Alix, Lynn Barnes and Durl Kruse's problem, not Joe's.

Crime IS up in our neighborhoods, due to the policy of the majority on council allowing for low income housing to take hold on the southeast area of Urbana.

I agree, Tod hasn't fixed the problem, but Laurel is not the face I put with law and order either.

Maybe the safest thing would be conceal and carry for those shopping Sunnycrest . . .