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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Protest Activity : Regime |
Protesters Plan to Mark Bush Inauguration |
Current rating: 0 |
by Andy Sullivan (No verified email address) |
13 Jan 2005
Bush's inauguration plans have also drawn protest from the District of Columbia government, which says its security costs for the event should not come out of its Homeland Security budget.
"We the people of Washington, D.C., rejected Bush by over 90 percent (in the last election)," said Washington resident Nancy Shia. "Maybe this is our punishment." |
WASHINGTON - Protesters will march through Washington, stage a "die in" across from the White House and turn their backs on President George W. Bush's limousine during his inaugural celebration next week, organizers said on Wednesday.
As U.S. authorities prepared unprecedented security for the Jan. 20 event, organizers said thousands of protesters will stage a noisy counterpoint to the lavish $40 million celebration.
One group of anti-war activists said it would carry 1,000 coffins to the White House and stage a "die in" to protest the lives lost in Iraq.
Another group said it had obtained a permit to protest along a 200-foot (60-metre) section of the parade route but planned to sue for more access to the large sections of Pennsylvania Avenue set aside for Bush supporters.
"The Bush administration, in conjunction with the National Park Service, is trying to stage-manage democracy," said Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, a lawyer for the anti-war group International ANSWER.
A spokeswoman for the U.S. Secret Service, which is overseeing security for the event, declined immediate comment.
U.S. authorities plan to involve thousands of police, troops and bomb-sniffing dogs in the first inaugural event since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. Spectators will pass through metal detectors before attending any inaugural events or watching the parade from the street.
Organizers said the protests were to express opposition to a range of Bush policies, from the war in Iraq to economic programs.
"We're facing a right-wing future that has no sympathy for the concerns of black people and the poor in this country," said Shazza Nzingha, founder of the National Alliance of Black Panthers.
One organization called Turn Your Back on Bush wants people to stake out spots along the parade route and turn their backs on Bush's limousine when it rolls by.
"There are a lot of people who feel Bush has turned his back on them," said field director Sarah Kauffman, who said she is expecting busloads of participants from across the country.
In a separate event, black-clad anarchists will wave puppets and beat drums to protest capitalism and organized government, said Lila Kaye of Anarchist Resistance.
Bush's inauguration plans have also drawn protest from the District of Columbia government, which says its security costs for the event should not come out of its Homeland Security budget.
"We the people of Washington, D.C., rejected Bush by over 90 percent (in the last election)," said Washington resident Nancy Shia. "Maybe this is our punishment."
Copyright © 2005 Reuters Ltd |
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Related stories on this site: Protesters Get Prime Spot for Inauguration
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Big-Money Contributors Line Up for Inauguration |
by Thomas B. Edsall and Jeffrey H. Birnbaum (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 13 Jan 2005
President Bush wants to lower barriers to building nuclear power plants, and the lobby that promotes nuclear energy could not be happier. To show its thanks, the group has given $100,000 to help pay for his inauguration.
"He's a big supporter," said John E. Kane, chief lobbyist for the Nuclear Energy Institute. "Our donation is just a small way of supporting him."
The nuclear energy industry's contribution is part of a record-breaking outpouring of corporate cash for next week's inaugural festivities. At least 88 companies and trade associations, along with 39 top executives -- all with huge stakes in administration policies -- have already donated $18 million toward a $40 million goal for the country's 55th inaugural celebration.
Wall Street investment firms seeking to profit from private Social Security accounts; oil, gas and mining companies pushing the White House to revive a stalled energy-subsidy bill; and hotels and casinos seeking an influx of immigrant labor are among the 44 interests that have each given $250,000 and the 66 that have donated $100,000 to $225,000. And the money keeps pouring in.
Practically all the major donors have benefited from Bush administration policies, especially from corporate and individual tax cuts, deregulation and the new prescription drug benefit that is part of Medicare. Most also stand to boost profits further because of Bush's second-term proposals, which include limiting medical malpractice suits, creating private investment accounts as part of Social Security and making a tax-code revision that is expected to reduce taxes on investments.
Many donors are corporations and executives that are regulated by the federal government, dependent on government tax and spending policies, or both. At least 16 donors are from the finance industry, 14 are from the energy sector, six are real estate developers, and at least five are from both the health and telecommunications industries. The Washington Post Co. has pledged $100,000.
In the era of campaign finance reform, such largesse is all but forbidden. Federal law limits individual donations to $2,000 per election, and corporations cannot give from their own treasuries directly to candidates or parties. But for the inauguration, the law does not apply, and the administration has decided that private interests may contribute as much as $250,000 each. That is a 150 percent increase over the $100,000 maximum accepted during Bush's first inauguration four years ago.
An inaugural committee spokeswoman said the higher ceiling is needed to meet its fundraising goal. The committee plans to raise $35 million to $40 million to help defray the costs of the four-day celebration, including fireworks, the swearing-in, a parade and nine balls. In 2001, the committee raised $40 million.
In 1993, President Bill Clinton's inaugural committee spent $33 million, raised primarily from souvenir and ticket sales, although there were 13 donors who gave $100,000 apiece and one who gave $250,000.
Critics see the high contribution limit as a vehicle for groups with business before government to buy more access to the people who make big-dollar federal decisions.
"Donors are going to say it's civic participation that motivates them, but they also use their contributions to buy access to lawmakers and the administration," said Sheila Krumholz, research director of the Center for Responsive Politics. "The advantage is enormous."
"The donations give executives another chance to rub up to politicians," agreed Bill Allison, managing editor at the Center for Public Integrity, a nonpartisan watchdog group.
For corporations in particular, the benefit is almost unique. With the exception of the presidential nominating conventions, companies do not have legal ways to give significant amounts of cash to assist politicians. Even the now-ubiquitous independent groups, called 527s, that bought millions of dollars of advertisements during the presidential campaign have proved to be ill-suited to company contributions.
As a result, Krumholz said, "The inaugural committee provides opportunities to corporations that are hampered by the 'soft money' ban." Three years ago, Congress passed the McCain-Feingold law barring companies from donating unlimited amounts of money -- also called soft money -- to the political parties.
The only restraint on giving is the voluntary $250,000 limit, but that has been circumvented. In a few instances, both the parent company and its subsidiaries have donated. Marriott International Inc. delivered $250,000 to the committee, as did each of two units: Marriott Vacation Club International and the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Co.
In addition, Ameriquest, a mortgage company specializing in financing housing purchases in heavily minority neighborhoods, gave $250,000, along with $500,000 from two subsidiaries, for a total of $750,000.
Marriott and other hoteliers are pushing hard for the type of liberalized immigration laws favored by the president to gain a larger labor pool. Ameriquest and others in what is known as the sub-prime mortgage industry are seeking legislation that would set national standards preempting tougher laws in a number of states.
Roland and Dawn Arnall of Los Angeles, the chairman and co-chairman, respectively, of Ameriquest, and their companies are more than contributors to the inauguration. They are also the single biggest source of financial support for Bush since 2002. Over the period, they gave and raised at least $12.25 million.
Dawn Arnall gave $1 million to the Republican National Committee in 2002 and $5 million to the pro-Bush 527 group called Progress for America Voter Fund. She served as a co-chairman of the New York Republican Convention Host Committee, with an obligation to raise at least $5 million.
Roland and Dawn Arnall were major fundraisers in 2004, earning the title of "Ranger" for collecting at least $200,000 for the Bush-Cheney ticket and "Super Ranger" for collecting at least $300,000 for the RNC. Roland Arnall hosted a Bush-Cheney fundraiser at his home in August 2004 that produced more than $1 million. Shortly after winning reelection, Bush announced the appointment of the Arnalls as honorary co-chairmen of the inaugural fundraising committee.
A spokeswoman said that "the Arnalls do not grant interviews."
Another $250,000 donor to the inauguration who played a major role in the 2004 election is T. Boone Pickens, a Texas oilman and corporate raider. He gave $2.5 million to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, which attacked John F. Kerry's record in Vietnam, and $2.5 million to the pro-GOP 527 organization Progress for America.
Similarly, the $250,000 inaugural contribution of Alexander G. Spanos, a real estate developer and owner of the National Football League's San Diego Chargers, was a small fraction of the $5 million he gave to Progress for America and the $1 million he gave to the New York City Convention Host Committee, which helped to fund the Republicans' presidential nominating convention last summer.
Many of the inauguration's benefactors are veteran Republican and Bush backers. Thirty-nine of the individual donors were substantial fundraisers in 2004 for the Bush reelection campaign, the Republican National Committee or both. Twenty-one entities or individuals also helped underwrite the Republican National Convention. Nine inaugural contributors funded one or more pro-Bush 527 organization.
Donors offer a range of reasons for participating in the inauguration. One is simply to get good, guaranteed seats and tickets. All donors of $100,000 or more receive benefits keyed to the four-day tribute. These include 38 tickets to 10 balls, receptions, galas and the swearing-in ceremony. Givers of $250,000 get 80 tickets to the 10 events. In addition, big donors' names, or the names of their corporations, will appear on official printed materials.
Edward L. Yingling, incoming president of the American Bankers Association, which gave $25,000, said: "We gave enough to get the sets of tickets we need for bankers, some of our staff and some friends of the industry who want to go to certain events."
Patrick Butler, vice president of The Washington Post Co., said the company, which is the parent of this newspaper, agreed to donate to be sure that it has enough tickets to the Inaugural Ball to cover its major corporate advertisers, which The Post fetes at the event every four years.
A spokesman for the Boeing Co., which gave $100,000, said the money is "to help in celebrating the defining event in the American democratic process." Boeing is dealing with federal probes into the tactics it used to win a contract to lease and sell to the Air Force 100 refueling tankers for $23.5 billion.
A few groups are forthright about their desire to see and be seen. "We want our presence to be known here in Washington and at the inauguration," said Lucien Salvant, spokesman for the National Association of Realtors, which contributed $50,000. "We consider ourselves the chief spokesman for real estate issues and property rights, and we want people to recognize that."
Research database editor Derek Willis contributed to this report.
© 2005 The Washington Post Company |
New Public Citizen Analysis Finds Corporations and Their Executives Have Contributed 96 Percent of Bush’s Inauguration Funds |
by Public Citizen (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 14 Jan 2005
WASHINGTON -- January 13 -- Corporations and corporate executives contributed 96 percent of the $17.8 million collected so far to pay for various inaugural festivities and functions, according to a new analysis by Public Citizen. Of the 127 contributors to Bush’s Presidential Inauguration Committee, 121 are either corporations or their chairmen, CEOs, presidents or owners. Together, their donations amount to $17.1 million, Public Citizen found. The fund has an overall goal of raising $40 million.
“This inauguration is bought and paid for by corporate America,” said Joan Claybrook, president of Public Citizen. “These businesses consider such gifts to be investments, with payback expected. Not surprisingly, many of the corporate givers received huge legislative and regulatory favors from the first Bush term and are looking for even more over the next four years. They also get invited to events, where they can schmooze with Cabinet members and administration officials and lobby on their issues.”
Corporations by law are barred from direct contributions to presidential candidates and campaigns. However, they are under no similar restrictions in attempting to curry favor from the administration by financing the president’s inaugural events.
Although the Bush inaugural committee put a cap of $250,000 on single contributions to its fund, two corporations – Ameriquest and Marriott International – effectively skirted that ceiling by making contributions through their subsidiaries, Public Citizen found.
Among the report’s other findings are:
* Eighty-seven corporations account for $12.7 million, or 71 percent, of the $17.8 million raised as of Jan. 13.
* Thirty-four of 40 total individual contributors are presidents, CEOs, chairmen and owners of corporations. These industry chiefs account for $4.4 million, or 25 percent, of the total raised so far.
* Almost half (59) of the inaugural contributors are Pioneers, Rangers or Super Rangers, or employers of one of those elite Bush fundraisers. These individuals and their corporate employers have raised more than half ($9.1 million) of the $17.8 million raised for the inauguration festivities. Collectively, these contributors raised a minimum of $15.3 million for Bush’s two presidential campaigns.
* The finance and investment industry, with $5 million, was the largest contributor to the fund. That industry bundled more than $21.7 million for Bush’s 2004 campaign and is pushing for new business under Bush’s flawed Social Security privatization proposal.
* The energy industry, with $2.3 million, was the second largest contributor to the fund. That industry bundled more than $5.2 million for Bush’s 2004 campaign.
* Ameriquest and three of its subsidiaries, Town and Country Credit, Argent Mortgage Co. and Long Beach Acceptance Corp., contributed a total of $1 million. Ameriquest Chairman Ronald Arnall and his wife, Dawn, contributed at least $5.5 million to Bush’s re-election campaign, having achieved Ranger and Super Ranger status by bundling a combined total of at least $500,000 for his re-election effort and also having contributed $5 million to the Progress for America 527 group, which ran ads promoting Bush’s re-election.
* Marriott International and its subsidiaries (Marriott Vacation Club and Ritz Carlton) contributed a total of $750,000 to the inaugural fund.
* Industries that have already received many legislative and regulatory favors from the Bush administration, and that stand to get even more in the second term, had the following number of significant contributors to the inauguration fund:
* Finance and investment – 35 corporations and corporate leaders, 28 percent of all contributors
* Energy – 12 corporations and corporate leaders, including nine from the oil and gas sector
* Real estate – 10 corporations and corporate leaders
* Health – five corporations and corporate leaders
Few of the provisions that restrict large contributions by wealthy individuals and corporations to election campaigns apply to fundraising for presidential inauguration ceremonies. Federal election law exempts inaugural fundraising from all campaign finance regulations other than a requirement to disclose contributions of $200 or more and a ban on contributions by foreign nationals.
“The possibility for corruption exists any time a politician accepts a large check from anyone,” said Frank Clemente, director of Public Citizen’s Congress Watch. “Congress should end the double standard for presidential inauguration fundraising. The celebration of an election victory should be viewed as part and parcel of the process of selecting our president. Funds that support inaugural ceremonies should be subject to the same limits and disclosure requirements that apply to federal campaigns, which means no corporate contributions and a maximum individual contribution of $2,000.” |