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The CD review that isn't |
Current rating: 0 |
by Butch A. Nihm Email: buchanim73 (nospam) (verified) |
26 Dec 2004
The day that John Kerry conceded, I sat in a coffee shop, savoring the taste of espresso and the warmth of a sofa chair. Two tables away a college student ended a rather loud cell phone conversation (is there any other kind?) with a laugh, and then "Yeah, sore losers is what they are." He was, I surmised, referring to the demands for a recount in Ohio, the cries of foul play in our electoral system. It would have been very easy for me to dismiss him as too young to understand, duped by the corporate media, an indoctrinated sheep among sheep. But as I watched him sip his latte, I tried to imagine him as a friend, or a relative, or a co-worker. It was easy to despise him as a stranger, and much harder to imagine dismissing his words if they came from someone close to me. |
The day that John Kerry conceded, I sat in a coffee shop, savoring the
taste of espresso and the warmth of a sofa chair. Two tables away a
college student ended a rather loud cell phone conversation (is there
any other kind?) with a laugh, and then "Yeah, sore losers is what they
are." He was, I surmised, referring to the demands for a recount in
Ohio, the cries of foul play in our electoral system. It would have
been very easy for me to dismiss him as too young to understand, duped
by the corporate media, an indoctrinated sheep among sheep. But as I
watched him sip his latte, I tried to imagine him as a friend, or a
relative, or a co-worker. It was easy to despise him as a stranger, and
much harder to imagine dismissing his words if they came from someone
close to me.
Over half of the people that voted in the 2004 presidential election
cast their ballot for George W. Bush. Despondent in the aftermath,
mourning the life that has and will be lost in the plant and animal
kingdoms due to the policies of this administration, I spent the next
few days seeking comfort and instead encountering an outpouring of anger
in the progressive community. Insults flung, insinuations of
conspiracy, fight fight fight! I felt isolated, because my overwhelming
emotion was that of sadness. Even if mass corruption occurred, it would
still be true that at least half the people of this nation voted for
four more years of Bush. I don't subscribe to the notion that they are
all stupid, misinformed, malicious, or greedy. I think they trust
George Bush. I've talked to some people that voted for him, and they
describe a feeling that he's "one of them," a "people's man," "down to
earth," and a "strong leader." I'm reminded of the disparity between
the popular approval of Reagan and the approval of his reprehensible
policies. Why did these millions of people choose to disregard a four
year history of poor judgment, corporate corruption, and lies? I think
they want, very badly, to believe that our culture is on the right
track. Perhaps it's comforting to have a rough-and-ready cowboy in
charge of a country at war, because it provides the illusion of a united
country, a connection to something bigger than one's self, a sense
The bonds that connect me to my community are absent for most people in
our culture. I am friends with the people that grow the food I eat, and
I even grow some of it myself. When I buy things, I buy them from
locally-owned stores, and the people often recognize me. I know my
neighbors; I walk or bike wherever I go, and often have conversations on
the way. I volunteer at my food co-op, and at my radio station. When
I'm celebrating my friends celebrate with me, and when I mourn they
offer support. This sense of connectedness is not the canvas on which
my life's story is rendered; these connections _are_ my life story.
Where would I be without them? I don't have to guess, because I haven't
always had them. Before becoming involved in a community, I lived a
life that had more in common with the majority of the people in our
country. I watched a lot of TV. I didn't have very many friends. I
lived in a house too big for my needs in the suburbs, bought a steady
accumulation of things that I didn't use, worked too much, and was
increasingly unhappy and disillusioned. But I held tightly to the myth
that this was the way, and I even occasionally voted Republican. Why?
Because it seemed like they were driven no-nonsense hard workers, and
that was part of my self image. I was afraid, and when we are afraid,
we act to comfort ourselves. I'm guessing it's comforting to have John
Wayne in office when you grew up watching his movies. Maybe he reminds
you of your Dad. Maybe he just makes you pine for better days.
The point is that in order to vote for people that are going to
implement compassionate policies that value life and don't marginalize
people, one has to be in a pretty strong place personally. It's hard to
think of the world as an interconnected diverse network of valuable
creative creatures struggling to be meaningful, and to vote for someone
that will respect that network, when you're lonely and scared. And
people without connections to a community of other people are, I
believe, lonely and scared, particularly when they are seemingly trapped
in a system that disregards their creativity and individual worth and
instead asks them to swallow 50 years of meaningless toil in order to
spend their remaining 20 years wondering what happened to their life.
The common thread composing these missing connections is love. A
spiritual energy (and yes, I know many progressives stop reading when
either of those words is used, let alone juxtaposed, but please bear
with me) that creates life. We are born to feel it, to create it, to
nurture it. And in order to really do that, we have to recognize that
it exists in all humans. As much as I wish Bush was not our president,
I won't march holding angry or clever signs about the opposition. I
don't believe there is an opposition. For those that saw Fahrenheit
9/11, do you remember the scene where Bush is informed of the attack,
sitting reading a children's book to a classroom? I disagree with
Michael Moore's commentary in that scene. I don't think George was
thinking "Who screwed me over." I think he was very, very afraid.
Scared, lonely, intimidated, horrified. These emotions played across
his face so visibly that I felt a flood of compassion for him. I wish
he wasn't president, but I don't hate him.
The polarization of activism, even in my beloved community, has led me
to seek ways to work towards positive change that hold compassion and
love at their core. I don't judge those that protest, that write
detailed diatribes on public policy, or deliver lengthy litanies at
meandering meetings, but I cannot devote myself to those pursuits.
Instead, I try to find ways to build bridges. I like potlucks,
elementary school after school playground gatherings, and other places
where I encounter people in a warm setting that puts them at ease, where
we can talk. Have you had many conversations with people of a different
mindset while holding a sign at a protest and watching people flip you
off out their window? Me neither, and I've held those signs.
So today is Christmas. I'm not Christian. Although I have a lot of
respect for the actual teachings of Christ, I find the dogma surrounding
the church since his death to be smothering, and the image of a male
bearded omnipotent father just doesn't resonate with my spiritual side.
But Christmas does give me the opportunity to visit with people outside
of my community, and maybe to exchange gifts. I treat this as a chance
to expose people to the idea of community, and to give them a taste of
mine. I prepare food from local ingredients, I give away things knitted
by friends, books written by people in our community, and...CDs.
Ahh, my title is exposed. The "CD review that isn't", sort of.
Give the gift of local art! Our community is filled with talented
people pouring their souls into their canvases, their pottery, and their
instruments. Most people in our culture never meet the people who write
and perform the music they love, and that is tremendously sad. To know
an artist and to here their music live is to witness an intense
expression of an energy that could make the choice of president
irrelevant if enough people listened.
That day after the election I went home and listened to a CD by Paul Kotheimer, his latest, entitled
"Home Grown Roses." Here's a guy who lives right here in town, creating
beautiful music and not making much money doing it. "Home Grown Roses" is
intensely personal, lyrical, and shows that although Moxy Fruvous assures us
that "Everyone's a novelist, and everyone can sing," some people work hard at
doing both really well, and Paul's one of them. No two ways about it, Paul's
songwriting is enchanting, and he's a talented multi-instrumentalist to boot.
But most importantly, at least for this article, he lives here in Urbana, works
in his yard, and takes care of his kid. He's part of our community; you can
even get your CD from his hand to yours. You can hear him live, both on his
own an as a part of another stellar group, Darrin Drda's Theory of Everything (but that's
another "review.") So I encourage you to do your part to build connections in
your community and beyond. Eat local. Buy local. Listen local. And talk
about it! |
See also: |
 This work is in the public domain. |
Re: The CD review that isn't |
by Darrin (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 27 Dec 2004
This is a really goddamn excellent article. Not because it speaks favorably of certain local musicians (cough), but because it's honest, articulate, and most importantly right on target. The biggest challenge we all face is how to build bridges rather than walls, and it does seem as though all those "C" words – community, connection, creativity and ultimately compassion – all play heavily into one's ability to transcend the obvious political boundaries. My suggestion would be to expand these ideas into a book. I'll be working on the CD.
Peace! |
Re: The CD review that isn't |
by Local Yocal (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 27 Dec 2004
I feel your dilemma of not hating Bush nor the people who vote for him. I find myself often behind "enemy lines" too, and discover I really don't hate the humans. I can become frustrated with injustice and the arrogance of power at times, but it's not enough to be angry, never does it satisfy to be right. Nor does any victory create the bigger solutions. I watched John Piland over the months in debate for his job and I hated what he said, the deception on his lips, the confounding contradictions he would utter one after another. And as I watched him sit there waiting to answer the next question, what I realized was the thing I hated about him was not a person at all. What Christianity teaches, including to have compassion even for enemies, is also an awareness that what people do, what people say may not be them at all. Christ told one of his best friends, Peter, "Get behind me, satan." It's not that Peter was satan, himself, but that Peter had come under the influence of dark forces. Same with Piland. His head cocked back and forth like a rooster, his nose shot skyward like a selfish king, indignant that anyone would question his authority and the facts he presented.
And as I sat there seeing all this, I felt the same sadness described in this post, that deep sadness that hating and fighting is not the way this is all supposed to go. That inside this tall, dark suit was still the eager young law student who wanted to do well, the simple family man living in Mahomet. That his skills were ill-suited for the state's attorney's office, that he was overwhelmed, and scared and under pressure would no doubt lead to taking short cuts, cheating and explaining away poor decisions. And where he failed the most was admitting when he was wrong.
So a good start would be for us, to admit where we might be wrong and press forward to really make peace, not war- and peace with even those who seem detestable. Thanks for expressing the dilemma of this side-taking we are forced to engage in. In the course of standing in the way of injustice and advancing generosity- we cannot hate those that are but temporary obstacles. |
Re: The CD review that isn't |
by --- (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 28 Dec 2004
> It would have been very easy for me to dismiss
> him as too young to understand, duped by the
> corporate media, an indoctrinated sheep
> among sheep. But as I watched him sip his
> latte, I tried to imagine him as a friend, or a
> relative, or a co-worker.
> It was easy to despise
> him as a stranger, and much harder to imagine
> dismissing his words if they came from
> someone close to me.
Many people in the world who rarely do anything personally despicable nevertheless say ridiculous, foolish things that should be, and are, regularly dismissed by sensible listeners. Whether speaker and listener are strangers, relatives, friends or co-workers is hardly relevant. |
Re: The CD review that isn't |
by Butch A. Nihm (verified) |
Current rating: 0 28 Dec 2004
Many people in the world who rarely do anything personally despicable nevertheless say ridiculous, foolish things that should be, and are, regularly dismissed by sensible listeners. Whether speaker and listener are strangers, relatives, friends or co-workers is hardly relevant.
I guess it depends on what you mean by "dismissed." Certainly it's true that some comments should be pondered more than others, but I think everyone should be listened to, and the word "dismissed" signifies (to me) a refusal to listen. My intent in that part of my rather rambling article was that the student's "sore losers" comment triggered my knee-jerk "that person is not progressive, and therefore not worth a conversation" reaction, and more and more I see that as part of our (the progressive community's) problem with regard to being heard and effecting change. It also inhibits our ability to learn from people that think differently. |
Gee Whiz, Am I Ever Flattered |
by Paul Kotheimer (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 28 Dec 2004
Thanks for this "CD review that isn't," Butch. It totally makes my day to see a writer make this connection between my humble strum-scribblings and the personal, political, and permacultural convictions of progressive Urbana.
Thanks, too, for your design for activism. |
Re: The CD review that isn't |
by Joe Futrelle futrelle (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: 0 28 Dec 2004
This is a great article. I had similar feelings after the election, and I've been much more active in the Green party now, because the Greens don't just criticize the other parties but actively offer a positive alternative to them.
I would like to plug my locally-produced music. Please excuse me for the self-promotion but I do not perform or release CD's so the only way people can hear it is to download it for free from this link: |
Re: The CD review that isn't |
by OK kid (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 29 Dec 2004
I can only admire the ability for someone to convey a message as persuasive as the one in this article. I find myself however, feeling nothing but contempt for the rationality of it all. I reject this type of quiescence and hope that community can be formed not through a relentless attempt to affect everyone else's perspective but an actual acceptance of a different cultural value. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. |
Re: The CD review that isn't |
by Joe Futrelle futrelle (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: 0 30 Dec 2004
> I can only admire the ability for someone to convey a message as persuasive as the one in this article. I find myself however, feeling nothing but contempt for the rationality of it all. I reject this type of quiescence and hope that community can be formed not through a relentless attempt to affect everyone else's perspective but an actual acceptance of a different cultural value.
It is hard to reconcile your call for acceptance with your heartfelt expressions of contempt and rejection.
I think this exchange underscores the point of the original post. Focusing on divisive issues is such a staple of our discourse that we do it even when we are talking about how to stop doing it. |
Re: The CD review that isn't |
by wayward (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 30 Dec 2004
Bobby Lee, if you decided to start one, I'd even subsidize a keyboard with a working caps lock key. |
Re: The CD review that isn't |
by Ok kid (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 30 Dec 2004
>It is hard to reconcile your call for acceptance with your heartfelt expressions of contempt and rejection.
>I think this exchange underscores the point of the original post. Focusing on divisive issues is such a staple of our discourse that we do it even when we are talking about how to stop doing it.
Is this the argument clinic? |
Re: The CD review that isn't |
by Butch A. Nihm buchanim73 (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 30 Dec 2004
...I find myself however, feeling nothing but contempt for the rationality of it all. I reject this type of quiescence and hope that community can be formed not through a relentless attempt to affect everyone else's perspective but an actual acceptance of a different cultural value. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I think that you are right, my article had elements in it that were a little pushy. I wasn't trying to alter other's perspective, but rather to offer my own.
I'm curious as to which cultural values you are referring.. I think understanding each others values is a critical step toward building bridges, but we hardly ever really talk about them, and I sometimes wonder what values lead to the decisions that I oppose. |
Re: The CD review that isn't |
by Joe Futrelle futrelle (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: 0 30 Dec 2004
I value environmental justice, equality, participatory democracy and nonviolence. If you work to help make those happen, you're my ally, regardless of what values motivate you. |
Re: The CD review that isn't |
by Ok kid (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 31 Dec 2004
I value your honesty and I'm glad Butch started this thread. I hope that more stuff can be writen like this over the new year holliday instead of all the drunk driving. |