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by Anna V. Epelbaum Email: aepelbaum (nospam) (unverified!) Phone: (217) 389-3619 Address: 302 S. Second St., #711, Champaign, IL 61820 |
08 Dec 2004
The âhappy endingâ of the story of Patrick Thompson inspired me again to try to attract the attention of this community to the fact that a exceptional inventor Wayne D. Pickette is currently obligated to work two jobs, as his permanent employment in Solo Cup company ($7.68 per hour) neither allows him to continue his final stage of the work on his special engine, nor even to have ends fully met. I want again to attract attention of numerous local government representatives, who are affiliated with IMC and its media channel, to help Wayne Pickette to get better financial and/or employmentâs accommodation.
Stop wearing out and practically killing the hen, which is proven to lay golden eggs, would ya?
Below is in the very condensed shape the chapter from my novel âMoscow-Chicago, Further - Everywhereâ, the main part of which is devoted to Wayne Pickette. The content of the chapter presents the truthful account of reality. Though the entire novel is slightly fictional, as I didnât want to violate the privacy of some people from former Soviet Union, and, therefore, names and some descriptions are changed, all facts and circumstances of American part of this novel are documentary.
I use hereby this opportunity to apologize for the delay of the English version of this novel to everyone, who was intending to purchase this version. Financial problems and connected with them difficulties were the main reason of this delay. I promise that it would be available in full on my web site- in the nearest future.
âGoodridancegripperâ, âwaywardâ (if they are two different persons), and other autocratic representatives of âleftist eliteâ (or what else you use to call yourself) this book can give you truthful and intelligent description of how looked the real life in the country, which was build on the principals of social equality, when in reality people are not created equal, as some have much more gifts from nature, and some much less. Besides, human souls were always âthe darkest spots of the creationâ. So, purchase it on your own political futureâs behalf. When Clintons just transferred a lot of approaches directly from political structure of freshly collapsed USSR, it looked very ridiculous, try to avoid it and to understand what exactly you are going to preach in the future.
Currently, however, the novel is available in both shapes, bound copy and electronic copy, only in the Russian version of it, and can be purchased either through our web site or through me directly. |
Chicago And The First Meeting With Wayne
âI pray to meet on lucky day somewhere Aelite
And to ask to take away me of this timeâs Paleolite.
As people tell - I am smart and not mean even in rage,
Should belong I then by now to advanced Bronze age.â
V. Vysotsky âPoemsâ
Anya arrived to New York, she immediately received her luggage, being pleasantly surprised by the absence of the so popular in Soviet Union delays, and two hours later was already sitting in the plane of direct flight from New York to Chicago, which also arrived to its destination in time.
At the very beginning Chicago struck Anya with its contrasts, where downtown of the city was full of skyscrapers (Sears building - the highest in the world), and only few miles from the center of the city buildings become smaller and reminded the Moscowâs suburban neighborhood of Anyaâs youth - Otduch
However, the city was strikingly beautiful, and its nightâs panorama looked truly magnificent. Anya thought then that she was so easily impressed because she was still accustomed to the shy Soviet and East European night streets, but later she found out that âChicago At Nightâ was probably the most beautiful thing (or one of a few most beautiful things) she ever saw all over the USA and Canada.
At first Anya wasnât able to understand the American version of English, but later with the help of TV and a free two months long course of American English for newcomers she adjusted her ears and tongue and since that time on didnât have serious communication problems.
Nevertheless, she started instead with full understanding to deal with the most difficult problem of her life, and this was the search for an employment.
Anya regularly sent her resumes everywhere, she was also trying to deliver them personally wherever it was possible, but the negative influence of an already seriously increased recession was much stronger in her case than anything, what she, herself, might have done to get a reasonable employment.
Naturally, if people, who had been born in Chicago and around, or, at least had there relatives and friends, wanted the job she had applied for, the choice was always done on their behalf, not on hers.
Anya often got letters with the information that her resume âis placed on fileâ, but didnât get any invitations for interviews.
Finally, Anya got the phone call from a man, who told her over the phone that he found her resume on the computer programmer bulletin board, which then in 1991 wasnât yet so popular as it became later. The man introduced himself and told her that he was looking
for a person with good (or fair) Russian and with sufficient background of computer languages (this background was supposed to include problem oriented computer languages and machine oriented as well). The man explained her that he was expecting a contract with the built by the Italian company FIAT in Gorky (Russian industrial city on Volga river) car manufacturing factory, and that was the reason for him to look for such specialist. Anyaâs background certainly fit all these requirements. Because she didnât have a car, Wayne Pickette in response to Anyaâs request agreed to come and to pick her up for the interview.
The voice over the phone spoke a good version of literary English. He told about himself over the phone that he had spent a long period in California before he arrived to Chicago. It explained to Anya his slight Western accent. Two months long courses of American English for newcomers gave her, among other knowledge, the very slight though still practical ability to orientize in different types of American accents and even dialects, which helped sometimes to predict behaviors of different conversees.
In short, when Anya opened the door of her apartment and saw a tall and slightly stocky Black man, she was very surprised. Of course, she was trying not to reveal her shock, utilizing all her diplomatic abilities. She, certainly, didnât have enough of them, as the man immediately noticed her reaction, and, as being obviously accustomed to such behavior, just after the introductory âHelloâ explained her without her requests that he was graduated from Berkeley university in California, that he never lived and never studied in the ghetto, and, therefore, his manners and way of talking had no âghetto sealsâ, which Anya had noticed almost on all colored people in Chicago.
As it was already mentioned in the novel, Anya actively hated all kinds of discrimination. The position of the author of âPeople, Years, Lifeâ , the famous Russian writer - I. Ehrenburg when he compared the discrimination , the victim of which was the famous American singer - Paul Robeson, with the anti -Semitism in Russia, was, naturally, her position also. But back in Moscow the treatment of Black people could have been for her only the reason for some irritation and envy.
For example, the entire staff of Burea where Anya had worked for a number of years, as it has been already described in this novel, tried to dine not in the cafeteria of the Burea, but in the nearby located university named after Patrice Lumumba, as dinners there were much better at any point of view, and even cheaper than in Burea. 90% of students (and also faculty) of this university were from Africa or the Middle East. The same difference was obvious for any kinds of Moscowâs services.
The director of Burea, by the way, watching Anyaâs almost every dayâs visits to universityâs cafeteria, told her ironically that she would, probably, marry in a very exotical way. These were only jokes, of course.
Here, in Chicago, Jewish Federation, which placed newcomers in the cheapest districts not far from traditional ghetto neighborhoods, strongly warned its subjects to stay away from the Black population. There were numerous warnings about HIV and AIDS, etc..
Starting with the first conversation with Wayne, and through others to follow, Anya always felt that he came straight from her youth of seventieth, and his color of skin and sometimes still not fully understandable language were simply the kind of make up, under which all fans can easily recognize their favorites.
Wayne Pickette hired her, but she worked for his company only for a short while of time, as FIAT re-purchased this built by it Gorkyâs car manufacturing factory shortly before the collapse of Soviet Union, and didnât want to follow through the plans of its previous administration.
Wayne Pickette was not able to save his company because of this failure and mostly due to the continuing recession.
He also didnât get the promised subsistence from banks, that is why he was obligated to close his company. It was more than unfair, as he was highly qualified and very well working with people person, but the traditional approach to colored people, âfirst to fire, last to hireâ gave in this case its another application. Anya watched how the government helped to establish and promote enterprises of newcomers, and found the treatment of Wayne Pickette especially unfair. But the real depth of this unfair treatment became clear for her only later.
Having all mentioned above problems with her employment, Anya decided to become a school teacher, as the great shortage of teachers of mathematics and physics was widely advertised all over the city of Chicago. She applied for the required temporary
teaching certificateâs tests and passed them successfully. A short while after she received the letter from Illinois State Board of Education, which congratulated her as a certified for the next six years teacher of the State of Illinois. This certificate, however, was valid only for schools with the sufficient number of Russian speaking students. There were only three of such schools in Chicago, but it was still a start.
Anya was obligated to get the final evaluation of the level of her degrees in one of the neighboring universities, prior to the submission of this letter to Chicago Public School Building, where Anya had been already a number of times, finding out all formalities to receive this temporary certificate. This requirement was imposed on her by the evaluation agency, where Anya submitted copies of all of her credentials and their verified translations into English. This agency actually didnât have any rights to transfer their duties to the universities, but Anya didnât know that then.
The director of the graduate college of mathematical faculty of UIC looked over Anyaâs credentials with the noticeable pleasure. He was a specialist in functional analysis, which was Anyaâs major in Moscow State University. He easily understood Anyaâs results in her Ph.D. research and became interested in them. He perfectly knew how exceptional the training provided by Moscow State University was and even produced a long speech on the subject.
After this introduction the director talked again about Anyaâs results and invited her for one year on a fellowship to UIC to implement her results and to receive the Ph.D. of UIC in exchange. This proposition was made also in writing and was the part of her required educational status' evaluation.
Anya presented this comparatively high evaluation together with her temporary certificate at the Chicago Public School Board Building.
As it is mentioned above, Anya was there a number of times before, but this time was different. Anya thought that this evaluation increased her chances, but it was fully vice versa. She really is a specialist, and that is why she was not allowed to work as a teacher in the Chicago Public School System, at least at the area of her competence.
After this visit a man, named Rafael Miranda, became her permanent shadow. He was always around when Anya visited any Chicago District Building, and, as Anya later understood, he prevented her from the sought by her employment.
Anya could and can find only one explanation for this behavior-students of Chicago Public Schools were children of ghetto or children of newly arrived emigrants. They were not supposed to have a qualified education under the default standards.
This approach seemed to Anya to be very unreasonable and over all very destructive, as she perfectly remembered how many talented boys and girls were brought to active participation in science and arts development from not advanced areas of the former Soviet Union under the slogan , âHello, we are looking for talents!â, when she was an active teacher of Moscow State University school âby correspondenceâ.
It seems to be the very obvious waste of human resources-the most valuable resources any country possessed, but it was the reality of Anyaâs new environment.
The relation between Anya and Wayne meanwhile went to the other stage. First of all they were obligated to share the same apartment. When Wayne lost his company, he wasnât able to continue to pay the bank and was forced to give up his house in the pretty distinguished suburb of Chicago. Anya, on the other hand, had difficulties. paying her rent.
So, they joined their forces and resources. Wayne had a family, and there was his own three years old son in this family, and a son of his wife from another man who didnât want to recognize this child. Being married to the mother of his son because she was expecting this child, Wayne also adopted her older son, but it was obvious that they were not able to stay together. His wife lived in California, in LA, in her own house, and Wayne had bought his house in the suburb of Chicago. And even now when this house was lost, and his company was lost also, he didnât want to go to live in LA, better preferring the perspective to live under the open sky.
In a month after they joined their resources and forces to withstand maybe not very hostile but, for sure, very indifferent surrounding, Anya and Wayne became lovers.
Anya started to find out striking things about Wayne since they became roommates. There were things of such nature, which forced her hair, pretty long at the tame, to stay on ends because of the horror and the inability to understand everything he was sent through.
Wayne was born in the little town of Harvey on the South Side of Chicago, but when he was only six months old his family moved to California.
Wayne was graduated from high school in California, where he was the only Black kid. Though there were many Japanese and Chinese kids in this school and a few Mexicans also, the majority of other students were White. The school certainly wasnât a ghetto school, and, therefore, teachers were very concerned with kids successes in science, technology and arts not less than with their successes in sports.
Wayne was the youngest child in his family and the only son. Because of it all his sisters, the youngest of whom was thirteen years older than him, and the oldest -nineteen, the same way as his parents, loved him dearly and even spoiled him.
His father ran some constructionâs contracts, and had a small but pretty profitable farm, with cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, and a generous slot of fruitful soil in the yard.
The profit of the yardâs vegetables and livestock was remarkably high, as in the blessed climate of California, hard working farmers were (and are) prosperous.
Wayneâs family tree was pretty complicated but simultaneously pretty ordinary under American circumstances.
The roots of the family could be traced back to the hero of the American Civil War, general of the confederate-Pickett. This man had an illegitimate child by the kitchen maid in his Virginia house, a girl from the Indian Chipeva tribe. This child, as it often happened in such cases, got from his father nothing, but a last name.
This child became later the great-great grandfather of Wayne and his sisters.
The other legendary ancestor of Wayneâs family was The Black Cowboy-Pickett, who married once (he was married many times and survived all of his wives) to a Chinese girl. That is why the blood in Wayneâs veins was the complicated mixture of blood of Black, White settlers, American Indian, and Chinese immigrants. Yes, a complicated mixture, but, certainly, nothing unusual for the USA in reality.
Traces of other ancestors of Wayneâs family, who were brought in the beginning of 19th century from the mouth of Niger were a number of times mentioned in the familyâs Bible. Other way, it would be too difficult to track them under the conditions of slavery and its consequences.
To read this Bible fluently the bright boy was able already at the age of three, as all these mixtures of blood of different races and nationalities gave (as it often happened) the very successful result.
Segregation and Laws of Jim Crow seriously spoiled the life of Wayneâs older sisters, but Wayne in the very beginning of his life voided them. Nevertheless, he was obligated to face them later.
Wayne started to study electronics back in middle school. He was very fond of science fiction the same way as Anyaâs surrounding in the other hemisphere of the planet at the same time, which partially explained Anyaâs first impression already mentioned in the beginning of this chapter.
In particular, the novel of I. Asimov-âI-Robotâ was for him the source of his lifeâs goal.
When the boy was only seventeen years old his father bought him the minicomputer of PDP company. Wayne, himself, was growing and selling cucumbers to contribute to this purchase.
Since that time on Wayne spent with this computer almost his entire free time, as, pertinent to above average abilities, the required school work didnât take a lot of his time.
The rest of this free time was filled up with electronics. This electronic âself-educationâ was actually much better as those provided at that time by most colleges and universities.
Wayne started in 1966 the preliminary research to patent his idea about a magnetic tape with records on both sides. He sent his request to start this preliminary search to the Patent Department of the USA on 9/9/67. It was about two weeks later when Wayne picked up the ringing phone in his house and introduced himself in response to the callerâs request.
Then the caller, in his turn, introduced himself as the lawyer, whose client was the professor of one of the universities in North Carolina. Then without further prelude, he told Wayne that if he wouldnât have stopped his research immediately then his family would be evicted from their house and town. Wayne knew from the experience, though not his own but his closest relatives, that such threats would have become reality in no time if ignored initially. That is why he didnât argue and withdrew his request.
His idea to place the entire computer on a chip - the necessary first step of a robotâs creation was supported in October of 1967 by the appearance of the new model of silicon chips, which were sent to the market by the company Fairchild -Semiconductor.
The same time Wayne created on his computer the precise imitationâs model of the computer -on-a chip, and proved such way the possibility of his creation.
Anya spent her youth in the surrounding of young 'wunderkinds'. However, she still was more than impressed by the fact that this entire work was accomplished by a secondary school student.
How would have nurtured and pampered such an individual the environment, where she had been brought up !! But her current environment against the very basic common sense was doing just the opposing things.
Wayne called to the Marketing Department of Fairchild - Semiconductor Company in March of 1968, where he was re-addressed to the engineering department. The engineer who talked to Wayne just after Wayneâs initial efforts to explain his proposals, told him, âEverything in computers is already discovered. You are a simple nut !â
The personal computer at that time was âthe thing unheard ofâ, and the article about Wayneâs computer appeared in the leading newspaper of San Jose.
Arthur Rock -venture capitalist, whose name is imbedded in the history of Silicon Valley, the way it is known now by the entire world of science and technology, found Wayne then.
Because of A. Rock's recommendation but mainly because of his own knowledge and achievements Wayne became an engineer of IBM company just after the graduation from high school.
He didnât stay there for a long while of time, hence, in spite of this negative experience, he still wanted to continue his career as a revolutionary inventor, but IBM required him to sign the standard patent agreement , on the basis of which each invention of Wayne during the time of IBM employment should have become automatically the possession of the company not the inventor.
Finally the founder of Intel company, a former employee of Fairchild, Dr. Robert Noyce, found Wayne, allowed him not to sign the patent agreement and hired him in spring of 1970.
Wayne was placed right at the start in the group of Ted (Marcian) Hoff. At that time the main activity of Intel was the development and manufacturing of memory for computers. Wayne had a number of conversations with Dr. Hoff, convincing him to develop the computer on a chip, and to make the development and manufacturing of these devices the main activity of Intel.
Finally, when the contract of Intel with the Japanese company Busicom about the manufacturing of pocket calculators threatened to fail because of high expenses, Wayne convinced Dr. Hoff to exchange a built in calculator into a microcomputer in this project, and Dr. Hoff was able, in his turn, to convince Buisicom to support this proposal.
So, by the fall of 1971 the group of employees of Intel, which included Wayne, Dr. Hoff, Stan Mazur, and Federico Fadgin developed the circuit diagram of Wayne into the world famous 4004.
Wayne personally demonstrated this device in Las Vegas in November of 1971 during so named Comdex conference. He had at that time only the slight support of Dr. Robert Noyce, as all other members of the middle management of Intel wanted to kill this device, as Busicom was out of business, and they didnât have sufficient imagination to predict the overwhelming future of microprocessors. Wayne was the only one who fought against such a crucial decision of Intelâs Marketing department, and the one, who with a light blessing of Dr. Noyce, risking his job, took this device to Las Vegas against the decision of Intel managementâs majority.
Some young visitors of this Las Vegas conference didnât want to believe that Wayne was educated in the USA. The discrimination was something very natural for the majority of visitors. A Black man, who was so fluent and even brilliant in the handling of sophisticated electronic devices, couldnât have been the product of the USA educational system. According to the Russian proverb, which is usually applied to such tragically ridiculous cases, â It couldnât have been, because it couldnât have been ever!â
Wayne, who wanted desperately this device to survive at least under Intelâs name, if it was fully impossible to get it under his own ( including the survival in the Patent Department of the USA) , didnât sign the patent application for the device issued to Intel in 1973, though Dr. Noyce persistently recommended him to do so. Any discrimination is known to mutilate both sides, executioners and victims also, but mostly the welfare of the society where it is flourishing.
The discrimination, which Anya and her Jewish mates were victims of, seems to look like almost nothing in comparison with this really horrible story of stupidity, and self-destruction, which Anya became involved in.
Dr. Hoff and other members of his group became the great creators of the best technological invention of the 20th century. Federico Fadgin and Masutoshi Shima-the representative of Bisicom in the 4004 project got National prizes of their countries, Italy and Japan correspondingly, and the name of the main inventor was gradually becoming obsolete.
However, at the end of 1990, unfortunately already after Dr. Noyceâs death , pertinent to the mishaps of the USA Patent Department, the priority of Intel became questionable, and the only undoubted proof of this priority was the original of the circuit schematic of Wayne from 1967.
Dr. Hoff and Intel chose to lose this priority then to admit that the author and the pioneer of the most influential invention of the 20th century was then a 20 year old youngster, who was and is writing Black in the raceâs graph of his documents..
Dr. Hoff wasnât able or more probable didnât want even before to resist to the pressure of such kind, and Dr. Noyce, whose support, absence of prejudice and scientific premonition made the appearance of computer -on-a chip possible, wasnât alive by that time.
All last scenes of this drama: Dr. Hoffâs invitation for Wayne to testify in the Patent Court, his withdrawal of this invitation, the failure of Intel to prove their priority without Wayneâs participation, etc., were performed in front of Anyaâs eyes, as they were living already together at the time.
By the way, it is necessary to emphasize that the man who finally was rewarded this part of the pioneer in the microprocessor's development, was working together with European company, and that way the USA lost their priority in this invention. Hayatt (this was the name of the winner) was not able, however, to keep this title for a long while, and finally the official version became as it stays by now: the inventor of microprocessor is UNKNOWN.
By the way, a short while after microprocessors became worldwide famous Wayne got into the very serious car accident. He was a very skillful driver, he had driven practically since he was seven years old. He had all kinds of driver licenses, including the license to be a participant of race competitions. In short, it was pretty obvious that this accident was specifically planned for him.
âAuthors of scenario of this accident and its conductorsâ hoped that Wayne wouldnât have survived, but he did, though his left arm got paralyzed then and continued to be paralyzed for five years since this accident.
He continued to work at Intel for a few years more after this accident and got graduated simultaneously from Berkeley university with the diploma of physicist.
However, as some middle management people were still not able to forgive him the fact that Intel owed it's worldwide glory mostly to his creativity and efforts, he left Intel in 1975 with the best recommendations of Dr. Noyce, and moved to the Chicago suburbs, where he met Anya almost fifteen years later. He was still full of revolutionary and simultaneously practical ideas and plans. For example, his âheat motorâ, by which is possible to substitute for the internal combustion engine and to solve a lot of energy resources problems and environmental problems together was already in the final stage.
Anya got another incentive to find a permanent job to give him the financial support to accomplish and implement at least some of his inventions until they would be able to feed their creator on their own. However, the employment was still the very difficult problem for Anya, as she was not able to find permanent and comparatively well paid employment in schools though she had all necessary credentials.
Finally Anya remembered the invitation of the director of the graduate college from UIC. So, she did what she was required to with the paperwork, and was accepted there. The position of graduate student of UIC gave approximately $1,000.00 per month. It was a small amount of money, but still much better than the extremely offensive subsistent from the Public Aid program.
Meanwhile Wayne got his divorce and asked Anya to marry him. Anya agreed and they got married on 6/13/92. She didnât make any secret of her marriage, and once one of other graduate students asked her whether the man who drove her daily to UIC campus is her husband. Anya said , âYes.â Then this student told her that she was too bold an even slightly stupid woman in his opinion, as to throw the glove to the society especially when you were poor and dependent on it greatly was too bold and even too stupid. Anya didnât understand him then.
She got her understanding later when she was called by the chairman of the math department and after the congratulation about her new marital status, which the chairman was informed of , probably, by the same Anya's peer, told that as she was not in need of subsistence because of her new status, the department decided to give her financial support to other students. Anya was shocked and tried to tell that her financial situation didnât get even slightly improved after her marriage.
But the chairman with the blinding smile told her that the decision had been already made, and nobody was going to change it.
The results of Anyaâs thesis were supposed to be implemented in the department of chemistry, so, frightened and confused Anya went to its building. She was lucky, however, as she met the professor from Israel, who in addition to a part time appointment at UIC had a full time appointment at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He liked her results. She and his wife, also the professor of the chemistry department, who immigrated from Leningrad to Israel when she was twelve years old, liked each other from the start. The chairman of the Department of Chemistry -Czech scientist who arrived to Chicago after âPrague Spring of 1968â willingly agreed to finance Anya with the department's money.
As the result, Israeli professor accepted Anya under his âwing and financingâ. It was the generous and friendly but still not reliable gesture. The professor and his wife were leaving for Jerusalem, and since their departure Anya should have withstood alone the fully determine hostility of the department of mathematics, which graduate student she still was, though they revoked her financial subsistence. |
Related stories on this site: Intelâs forgotten past: Wayne D. Pickette, African American father of the microprocessor
|  This work is in the public domain |
by Anna Epelbaum (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 08 Dec 2004
It is more than strange that "leftist elite" . which is editing this web found it possible to place articles about main events of this country technological history, and the real life 's curse of racism and discrimination OUT OF MAINSTREAM PUBLICATIONS. It is very interesting at that point what at this "left elite" opinion the content of left radicalism should be ?!?! |
Would You Rather I Ignored It? |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 08 Dec 2004
I came across this story last evening on the San Francisco Independent Media Center website. Realizing its local significance, I was the one who reposted it here. Would you rather that those of us who you insult with such terms as "leftist elite" have just ignored the story?
There is no citation present with the article to indicate that it has been published in a "mainstream publication." Rather, SF IMC is another part of the Indymedia network that UC IMC is a part of -- I would not call SF IMC "mainstream" media anymore than we here at UC IMC are. However, if it is a repost on SF IMC from a "mainstream publication," I would be happy to add the proper attribution to the story here so that it is correctly cited.
If you had been more willing to work with those here at UC IMC who offered to help you produce your story, a very similar article could have been done a long time ago here when you first brought your story to us. However, your insistence on dictating to our volunteers how they should do this story sunk the whole idea. It's good to see that Mr. Stinard was able to work around the interpersonal difficulties you often present in order to finally write this important story about the injustices done to your husband.
I'll note again that I have already asked you several times to refrain from your nasty habit of trashing other people on this website in nearly everything you write here. There was absolutely no need to do that in the summary of your story above. It was uncalled for and irrelevant to what you are trying to get across. Such behavior tends to present yourself in a manner that causes people to not take you seriously.
Surely, you do want to be taken seriously, right?
Then knock off your self-defeating behavior of insulting others. This is your last warning about this, because in the future, any such comments -- no matter how important the rest of your discourse might be -- will result in the entirety of such material being placed in our hidden files. I cannot edit such comments out, but I can hide the whole story when any part of it is in violation of our website use policy.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation on this. |
by Anna Epelbaum aepelbaum (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 08 Dec 2004
Excuse me, ML, I don't understand why I am "trashing" people in the summary. I am more than 100% seriously sure that what I have written there is correct, as I have spent the big piece of my life in USSR.
I am calling 'mainstream' the left part of your web, where you again refused to place my article, and , probably, Stinardâs also.
Again, don't "turn the table" I am not TRASHING anybody here, but the REFUSING TO ADMIT AND PROPERLY TREAT some of articles on your web, and this current article I am commenting right now, is the best
illustration of it, your editorial staff and its, let us say, "strange" policies in this area, are disgracing and trashing yourself, nobody else but yourself..
Again, my information in the summary is SERIOUSLY addressed to the people who are trying to build political careers on the ideals of social equality, etc., as I AM SURE THAT THEY SHOULD FIRST STUDY the history and reality of similar sociological experiments. USSR is, probably, the best object to study. Once more, Stinard's article on San Francisco IMC web has nothing to do either with this current chapter of mine, or with any of my comments. There is no sense at all to discuss their (San Francisco editors') decisions and/or their policy on this current web, even if I want to, and I donât.
ML, stop threatening me, would ya? Your editorial staff and other authors of comments, not I, are guilty that you are mistreating my (and some other)publications, and me - myself.
And I am, by the way, a bold person, not craven, and you had opportunities to notice it, didn't you?
And , again, the bottom line -you found it possible to place such very eloquent at the point of racism and racial mistreatment material, as this current publication, out of your mainstream - your left column !
Even if you donât like me -the author, it is first of all and most of all the mirror of your editorial staff âs qualities, nothing else. |
Specifically |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 08 Dec 2004
Since you asked, here is exactly what was irrelevant and which I was referring to:
Anna wrote:
"âGoodridancegripperâ, âwaywardâ (if they are two different persons), and other autocratic representatives of âleftist eliteâ (or what else you use to call yourself)..."
Your safest bet at this point is to talk about your own work and to leave your opinions about others out of it since you seem to be unable to deal with them in a constructive fashion. You say that you're ignoring them, but you keep bringing up these irrelevant references to them in a manner that is in violation of our policies when it is done repeatedly, as you have. None of these people are involved with the editing of the website.
I've asked you to stop it several times. Now please do. I am not threatening you, just advising you of the consequences if you continue. It's your choice whether you comply or not. My responsibility is to maintain the website in accord with our policies. You are clearly in violation of them whenever you bring up these other people in the manner that you have been consistently doing.
As for the Stinard article remaining on the Local Newswire, but not being placed in the center column, this is because it is a repost from another site. If it had been locally produced, it would be in the center section. I will remind you that we have Featured at least one article of yours in the past, but you have preented nothing really new since then, which is the main reason you haven't been Featured. As for most of the articles you have written, they generally don't meet the standard of being of wide appeal. This is somewhat of a subjective standard, but I've had no complaints from anyone but you about the placement of your articles. From your attitude, I discern that your expectation is that if you blew your nose on a tissue, you'd think it would qualify for the Feature section everytime. I'm sorry, but this is just not so.
You may think these policies are "strange" but they nonetheless apply to you. Your other alternative is to simply quit posting here. |
An Invitation |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 08 Dec 2004
If there is anything you still don't understand about why several of your comments have been hidden that I haven't already explained repeatedly, please send them via email to:
imc-web (at) |
by 5 (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 08 Dec 2004
I doubt anyone who has read Anna's past comments on the IMC website would bother purchasing her book. I wouldn't. My guess is it is filled with more of the same garbage we see here day after day.
The above post is rambling, incoherent at times, and in desparate need of an editor who has a complete grasp of the English language. I am sure it would be an interesting story...if only she stopped screaming and insulting people and accepted help to get it into a legible and readable form. Perhaps she thinks that it already is readable. And that is unfortunate. If you read this post and then Phil Stinard article, the differences are amazing. I actually can read the facts and Wayne's own words in Phil's article. Anna's is filled with paranoid rambling, poor sentence structure, and wild accusations. I can't even understand what she is accusing people of doing half the time.... |
Clarification on the Stinard article |
by Phil Stinard pstinard (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 08 Dec 2004
I'd like to clarify for the readers how I came to write my article on Wayne, and why I posted it on the San Francisco site.
I'm an Urbana resident, so the article was locally produced. I became interested in Wayne's story because of Anna's writings on the UCIMC web site. I thought to myself that if there was an ounce of truth to it, it's a story of social injustice that needs to be investigated and told. I wrote to Anna, who suggested that I interview Wayne. I interviewed Wayne and Anna for nearly three hours, and transcribed the entire interview. The interview was wide-ranging, but after thinking it over, I focused on the section that I finally ended up publishing. I told Wayne that before I could publish it, I would need to verify the facts. Wayne put me in phone and email contact with a current Intel employee whose name is well-respected and associated with the early days of Intel. I questioned him and submitted the interview to him for his comments, and he told me that it was all true, that he had the greatest respect for Wayne, and that the way Wayne told the story is how things really happened at Intel. He also told me that he couldn't go on record publicly for fear of losing his job and benefits.
I completed the article and decided to submit it to the San Francisco Indymedia site first because that site is closest to Silicon Valley, and maybe there was a chance that some of Wayne's former coworkers would read it and try to make contact with him. I'm planning to repost to the Bay Area, Chicago, and New York sites later. I was going to repost it here, but ML got the jump on me. (Great work, ML! How did you find the article so quickly?)
I'm glad that Anna posted her recollections of Wayne also. Note how the sections that cover the same events are consistent with each other. Anna covers additional events that I didn't have time or space to include in my article, and many things that Wayne didn't have the time to speak to me about. This is a great story, and there's still a lot that hasn't been told! Understand that Anna is frustrated by the slow uptake on Wayne's story, and that she and Wayne are barely making ends meet. Have some patience and understanding, and don't let petty arguments get in the way.
I would really like to see Wayne's story get picked up by the mainstream press, but I'm realistic that it probably won't happen. Wayne's story goes against the fabric of history as it's been handed down by the rich and powerful, and correcting their mistakes and explaining their inconsistencies would require too much effort for most journalists. People at Intel will talk, but getting them to go on public record is an uphill battle. Written records of Wayne's work seem to have been hidden away or destroyed. There are still leads to be followed, though, and more people to be interviewed, but many of the principals involved are getting old or have died. This would make an excellent project for a historian documenting how people's contributions can be erased from history. |
by wayward badadvice (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 08 Dec 2004
âwaywardâ ...., and other autocratic representatives of âleftist eliteâ
Yep, that's me. Constantly elevating UCIMC to new heights of political correctness. :) |
by goodriddancegipper (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 09 Dec 2004
I can safely say that "wayward" and I are two entirely different people. I can also safely say that I find it rather strange that Anna Epelbaum has held for so long onto a brief but rather unpleasant exchange between us that occurred weeks ago. In the meantime, I have slept just fine. Additionally, I find it equally bizarre to have been referred to as an "autocratic representative of the leftist elite." Aside from the fact that I'm not even sure what that means, or that I care to, I like scores of others have posted my opinions here, as I am allowed to do. If any of them have offended Anna, that's unfortunate.
I am inclined to agree with 5 regarding Anna's post. It rambles, and the prose is marginally coherent at times. The sentence structure is repetitious and sometimes cobbled together in crazy-quilt fashion. It is often difficult to discern why certain information is included or how it is relevant to the piece. Basic components such as determiners are often missing. Other items simply make no sense. Particularly near the end of the piece, certain aspects of the story are simply banal. Other than that, it's OK. |
by goodriddancegipper (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 09 Dec 2004
Having read some of Anna's "hidden" comments, I can barely contain my laughter regarding the accusation that I am the editor of this site, especially since one of my own comments was once put in the Hidden bin, probably not without some justification. If I were the editor and hid one of my own comments, that would be more than autocratic; it would be downright schizophrenic. I know ML and am rather fond of ML, but I am neither ML nor wayward. Anna, your search continues. |
by anna epelbaum aepelbaum (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 10 Dec 2004
Goodriddancegripper, the exchange of our opinions I have remembered so perfectly because someone (I think you-yourself) was eliminating during this exchange ALL comments, but yours. It was outrageous!! I don't remember actually what exactly I and couple of other conversees were saying, but the fact that you were removing EVERYTHING, but you own postings and changing your own in process was very eloquent. That is why you fully deserve the label 'autocratic'. This is the same procedure now with comments to this article. Again to the critics of the style and content of the posted chapter. It is the very condensed chapter from the novel. 'Condensed' means that I was throwing away a lot of material from it trying to make it 'acceptable' - not very long one. Besides, I wanted to save everything directly relevant to Wayne's pre-history because a number of African American young men were interested and were trying to purchase the book. The translation was done in a hurry because I wanted to post it simultaneously with Phil Stinard publication -to make the mutual push stronger. This is the chapter #17, and I am accurately done with the translation of only first eight by now.
Maybe, it is banal in this society that White woman who married Black man should become immediately a subject for financial prosecution, but it is terrible, and I, as a newcomer, didn't know it, and didn't expect it. Once more, a lot of other graduate students in that place and at that time were married or were becoming married , and this circumstance was not connected by any means with their graduate subsistence. My husband at that time just lost his company, and nobody asked me to submit any information about the change of my income after the marriage prior to their revocation of my financial support. At all these points of view, if the end of this chapter looks normal, then there is no such thing as abnormal financial pressure at all, isn't it? |
by goodriddancegipper (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 10 Dec 2004
Don't get me wrong, parts of your story are compelling, particularly the racism that you say that you and your husband (wrongfully) suffered. Clearly, that is significant. However, as you seem to realize, the text needs serious revisions and editing. You really ought to post it after, not before, doing this work. Otherwise, you're posting rough drafts that get criticized for basic structural issues that you can and should remedy.
To reiterate, I know and like ML, who is a colleague of mine. ML and I are two different people, with different appearances, interests, tastes, homes, et cetera. Have you ever stopped to consider that there are many people who post on this website who have similar opinions? There is not one central scrutinizer who has multiple user names to hide his or her secret identity, all the while editing everyone else's comments, while pretending to gang up on posters like yourself by entering different names. That's wacky and paranoid, as are with all due respect many of your posts, including one loosely accusing IMC of "anti-Semitism."
Show more class than you currently do, and you'll find that people will likely show you more respect. Stop recklessly flinging around epithets, making wild and frankly delusional accusations, and devote more of your time to editing your work instead of generating turgid, bitter screed in your posts.
Have a nice day. |
by anna epelbaum aepelbaum (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 10 Dec 2004
Dear 'goodriddancegripper', your last comment is not clarifying the issue in question, and that is the fact that ALL other comments except of yours were deleted almost before they were posted, and yours were changed with the same speed. This is the outrages and fully inappropriate way to run FREE PUBLISHING FORUM. That is the point. About my current publication I need to emphasize that from the very beginning IMC HAD RECORDS FROM "the mouth of the horse", which means that they have the same (or very similar) records to those Phil Stinard, practically without changes used for his posting. They were made by Clint Popetz, and the first and main quarrel with IMC I had when they refused to air these records and/or to place them on their web site. Later, as I needed attention of the media, I presented instead my first article here 'The Past. The Present, The Future'.
So, if they are making comparison between Stinard's text and mine, promoting his text advantage, it is only the fault of IMC editorial staff that this information in the practically the same form wasn't presented by this web almost one year ago. That is the very bright illustration to the main attitude of IMC editorial staff and their leading figures. They considered their desire to be by any means "on the top" above the very basic common sense and any cause, which they are officially promoting, and after the failure(or delays) they are blaming those whom they senselessly and stupidly mistreated at the first place. The behavior of Sandra Athens, her position during this meeting in January of 2004, when they refused to air and to put on the web my husband's records, and now her accusation toward my style, etc. is the brightest illustration of what is very terribly wrong with IMC.
And, again, yes, I posted this current text without precise editing. I was in a hurry and I needed to attract more attention to my web site, which I achieved. |
by anna epelbaum aepelbaum (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 10 Dec 2004
'Goodriddancegripper (ma'am or sir, whoever you are), as by now I haven't noticed by this web that IMC has members whom I can productively cooperate with in my creativity, I don't think that their respect or disrespect is essential for me in any dimension. However, if IMC leading persons want to at least reduce the effects of their mistreatment of me and my husband, they can do it, utilizing their connections with leading newspapers. in the area, etc.. In this case, though I have all reasons to be angry at them, I can still accept their attempts to reverse the damage, which they caused. As I have told already, I might even change my mood, and help them with their attempts (pretty awkward currently) to build their political agendas.
Cao, for now. |
by anna epelbaum (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 10 Dec 2004
Casablanca, I am sorry that I can't help you now, but I really can't. You see, this more than strange establishment-"IMC web" has guts even to mistreat my husband, in spite of what he has done, and who he is. It is, probably, better to leave them to their own cannibalism and try to find another better forum for self-expression. At least, I would do it. |
by goodriddancegipper (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 10 Dec 2004
To think that the IMC has mistreated your husband by allowing various people to post your materials and others, if I am understanding correctly, is nothing short of obtuse. While I have no say-so whatsoever over what gets published in this forum, I think you said it best, it would probably be better for you to "try to find another better forum" for your "self-expression." You refract people's attention away from serious issues and debate with most of your posts, not only drawing undue attention to yourself but also making yourself the butt of endless jokes and comments. If IMC has mistreated you and your husband in some way, which I DON'T see as the case, then stop returning here with your vapid, paranoid posts like a dog to its own vomit. Start your own website and control the content as you see fit. |
by anna epelbaum (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 10 Dec 2004
That is true , the high percentage of this web publications look and feel like vomit, because of your efforts, none of this 'vomit', however, is mine. If I and all other contributors to non vomit leave this web, and I am happy to do it (others , I think too), you would achieve 100% of web vomitâs coverage. So, you can achieve it by Christmas, start vomit celebrations already, âgoodriddance ....â and others. Don't forget to save my hidden comments, as other way your curse words would be without doubt qualified as unprovoked "libel"'. |
by goodriddanceannaepelbaum (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 10 Dec 2004
(Raising a motor oil can of Foster's) In the words of the immortal Bugs Bunny, "So long, screwy, see you in St. Louie!" |
Re: All the Hoopla |
by 5 (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 11 Dec 2004
Sorry, I've been out of town and away from the computer since Wednesday.
1. I am not "Sandra Athens". I know Sandra, but I've never met you.
2. If you don't want comments on your articles, don't post them here. This isn't a "free-publishing" site. It's an "open-publishing" site. Meaning open to anyone who follows the rules. Chances are, if you post an article here, you will get comments. If that isn't what you are looking for, perhaps you need a website of your own that doesn't have a comment feature.
3. My point was not to be abusive. I simply suggested that your past behavior towards people (in your posts and in your comments) will make getting your story out that much harder. I would have a hard time listening to you as an author after seeing all the baseless accusations you have flung around. It comes down to credibility for me. When you post something (like I am Sandra), and I know it isn't true, I wonder what else you are wrong about. It makes it hard to take you seriously.
I'm sorry if I set you off, but as an author, you are going to receive criticism. No matter how compelling a story is, if the delivery is lacking, the message suffers. |
by Wayne D. Pickette waynedougpick (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 11 Dec 2004
Iâm EXTREMELY surprised at all the bashing! Anna has received awards for her Poetry and Prosaic writings. Iâve always found that constructive criticism is more productive than negative commenting. Annaâs cause is true, the information she presents in her write-up is not covered in Philâs writing as all these events occurred after August 1975, which is the month I departed from INTEL
The funny thing, after I left, INTEL still called me several times for a copy of the 4004 code reconstruction program which I had written as a %TECO editor macro. |
by someone (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 11 Dec 2004
Yeah, you finally ate Anna alive. Pitiful, I like her postings, they decorated this web fine. She is right about cannibalism, and this web seems to be in the lowest stage of Stone age, as she has written in her epigraph to this posting. Are âMLâand âgoodriddncegripperâ going now to eat each other together with âSâ or what? |
by goodriddancegipper (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 11 Dec 2004
I find it difficult to take Anna's and others' responses seriously, in light of Anna's own semi-maniacal commentary. Wayne himself admits that the content of her posts differed from Phil's, yet Anna's posts routinely accused IMC of posting Phil's article to the detriment of her very similar material. Funny. The idea that the UC-IMC posted other pieces on Wayne's story other than Anna's somehow exhibits leftist elitism is ludicrous. More to the point, her foolish charges of "libel" came closer to actual cases of libel than those who criticized her writing and wild accusations. The idea that Anna was eaten alive ignores that Anna set herself up as a meal, not simply by offering up her posts for comment and criticism, but more importantly by making outlandish accusations, attacks, and other repeatedly nonsensical responses attacking this site, me, and others. Anyone who feels pity for Anna or scorn toward me or others ought to re-read her posts, including those in the "Hidden" bin, an accurate reading of which, I believe, support my points. She was quite insulting to those mentioned above well before people like me responded, and I stress, responded.
I too, as stated in a post, found aspects of Anna's piece compelling. But, frankly, they were not well written and in need of serious re-working. It was a rough rough draft, and she takes criticism, however valid, quite poorly.
Bash away all ye critics, but this site, according to Anna, offered her the chance to get what she wanted with her posting, which is a close paraphrase of her own wording. If you think my and others' treatment of Anna was somehow "cannibalism," you wantonly ignore the content of Anna's own malicious posts, all the while criticizing the medium which you and Anna herself have been allowed to freely use to comment on a variety of issues. Anna freely and recklessly bashed the very site which she used to post her poorly written story, then complained about the feedback. Had the old ratings system been in place, all her materials would no doubt have been relegated to the "Hidden" bin. How, then, was Anna so badly mistreated, cannibalized? This site by no means functions similarly to one of the many close-minded right-wing websites which don't even allow for criticism, but keep looking the gift horse in the mouth. |
by uh-nawn (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 11 Dec 2004
Anna Epelbaum is an unhinged loon.
While her messages may sometimes contain valid content, her ranting, rambling, accusatory, and adversarial style nearly always ruins or discredits whatever underlying value her message may contain.
Anna, in a word, chill. Nobody will listen to you, if you don't learn to present yourself in a new way. This is [b]your[/b] problem to address, not the readers'. |
by goodriddancegipper (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 11 Dec 2004
A closer look at this exchange would show that Anna's venom and vitriol toward IMC and ML started before others, including myself, responded to her baseless diatribes. It is unfair to say that Anna was "kicked off." You're simply ignoring too much to say that.
Also, these messages that you want deleted, mine included, are with all due humility not "badly written." Unsparing at times, sure. In my opinion, rightly so, considering the level of blatantly unfair and unsound criticism heaved toward certain people and the IMC. With all due respect, you're joining the debate a bit late, and seeming to select only certain postings, to make such judgements. I am frankly more than surprised, even aghast, that some have criticized ML for ML's perceived role in all this nonsense, especially since ML was the one who reposted Wayne's story from the Frisco IMC site to bring Wayne's plight to light locally. Put that into proper context when going back through the various posts, including those in the "Hidden" bin, accusing ML and the IMC of outrageous charges to say the very least, and urging for some other comments to be erased. |
by goodriddancegipper (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 12 Dec 2004
Coming from you, I would say that such comments amount to compliments, especially considering your humorous comparison to Anna's screed, your clumsy and inapplicable use of "illiterate," and the frequency of your own grammatical and other structural errors. "It looks like the damage on purpose," for example, seems more applicable to you. And regarding Anna, we're talking about more than the occasional typographical error which we all occasionally have, but serious structural deficiencies that she herself admitted existed. So snivel all you want about my comments about them, but admission about their existence in Anna's post came straight from that horse's mouth. You strike me as a ghost writer for another sloppy author, but that's neither here nor there. I can honestly say that exchanges involving you, Anna, and a few other dullards in here have dragged the state of discourse in this site down severely. Blame it all you want on me or others, but I think it's safe to say that you and your supporters have contributed nothing, at best, to the quality of the content in this site. Unless you have something substantive to say about an issue in here, or unless you send a derogatory comment my way on the wrong day, it's highly unlikely that I'll respond. You drag discourse down in here, rendering your so-called thoughts useless at best.
As far as depriving this site of its best authors, please. Phil's article was rather excellent, and Anna should spend her time profoundly revising her text to complement his by discussing the personal costs of racism in clearer, better detail. Anna received constructive if harsh advice on her post, and if she, you, and others cannot take it, make your own web site. We'll all be better served by it. |
by goodriddancegipper (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 12 Dec 2004
You're funnier than I had previously thought. More compliments, more manna from heaven above. I know, EVERYONE here flashes academic credentials when posting, EVERYONE here links their respective diplomas, cirriculum vitae, and various awards to their posts, because they're SO relevant to intelligent discussion, debate, and sharing ideas about social change. What are your credentials, if any? More importantly, what do they have to do with anything discussed in this site? Sure, I could list mine, but they're irrelevant to what we discuss here. Move on.
someone, thanks again for the belly laughs. Your posts wreak of desperation. |
by goodriddancegipper (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 12 Dec 2004
Goodness, if you spent less time hiding your identity by pretending to be "someone", making outrageous posts under both names, and more time cleaning up your own faulty manuscript, you probably WOULD garner an award for your story. Particularly given ML's comments about how you dictated to the IMC volunteers how they should do the story, I am not surprised by your behavior here, which honestly has done more to trash discourse than anything else I have seen here in the last two years.
By the way, isn't it funny how you did what you have accused others including myself of doing, using multiple user names to hide your identity while commenting on others' posts? Yet here you are proving through your extremely similar writing style that you and Anna are one in the same. Other than the naked hypocrisy of it, I couldn't care less under what name you post.
Isn't it also funny that your behavior has done exactly the opposite of what you allegedly intended to do, which was to highlight Wayne's story to help him? How have you managed to do that, by initiating the conversation on your article with personal attacks? by failing to take the critical but accurate advice of others? by drawing attention to yourself and your bizarre posts? Tell me, other than admitting to using this site for personal gain as well as helping Wayne, how have you alleviated Wayne's plight here? |
Unless There's Something New to Say |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 12 Dec 2004
It looks like this conversation is going over pretty much the same ground at this point. I appreciate goodriddancegipper's support, but I think it's down now to him and the recently banned troll.
And now that goodriddancegipper is the only one staying visible in the conversation, it looks rather tacky for him to be arguing with a non-existent "someone".
I know that it was said by someone that "someone" sounded a lot like Anna when "someone" first appeared. It looked that way to me to. However,, now "someone" is definitely not Anna. And "someone" sounds remarkably like the casablanca/AKB version of the banned troll at this point.
I think it would be useful if we quit feeding the troll at this point. It may take a few minutes, but the troll eats dust pretty quickly around here. Just try to ignore him until I get him hidden. At this point, feeding the troll anything else is pretty pointless. Let me take him to the woodshed -- really it's not a problem for me. Thanks. |
by goodriddancegipper (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 12 Dec 2004
Agreed. |