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Announcement :: Arts |
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by Anna V. Epelbaum Email: aepelbaum (nospam) (unverified!) Phone: (217) 359-3619 Address: 302 S. Second St., #711, Champaign, IL 61820 |
29 Nov 2004
Part I
The web site is again available, and there are also a number of new books available there currently only in electronic copies
The illustration below is the front cover of Anna V. Epelbaum new book of poetry
with the same name-’Trough Times’.
Below is also the text of the poem, which gave this book its name.
Though the author has created portraits of all main characters of her two sets of poems about Alice’s adventures, they are not included in this current version of the book.
‘Wayward’ (Wendy Edwards) or anybody else may not to worry as all illustrations of this current version are made by perfectly legal means (the same way as all other, not included, portraits of main characters), without infringing anybody’s copyrights.
All readers are very welcome to visit this newly renovated web site and to purchase anything there.
Especially welcome are all possible sponsoring publishers.
I have also an offer and/or invitation for someone or people with solid musical background.
I think that our time is providing the very rich material for literature. I am currently working on trilogy of plays with prologue and epilogue. The plays names are ‘Impeachment’, ‘Election of The Year 2000’ and ‘September 11th’.
I am trying to make this trilogy in the best traditions of European literature, as I am inspired by R. Rolland, and A.K. Tolstoy. I hope that these plays would be soon finished and you would be the judges how close (if any) I was and am able to be to these standards.
I am also sure that our time is providing all contemporary satirical writers with such juicy material that J. Swift, J. Joyce, F. Dostoyevsky, N. Saltukov-Shedrin and other should feel themselves very uneasy in their graves envying our contemporaries.
At that point, I have almost created lyrics for the comical opera ’Impeachment’.
Choirs, duets and solos from this projected opera are knocking in my temples and, pertinent to the very poor musical background, I can’t let them out. If there is someone with proper musical background, who is interested in cooperation, I would welcome this cooperation very much |
Click on image for a larger version 
The Ballad About Time
The castle's reliably hidden by time,
Covered by green quilt of brunches and leaves
But all what happened then : celebrations and crimes-
Are still there, not only in books or myths.
You can find them, if you hard try.
The time didn't erase all events,
Only need you to move the top layer:
Time 'd surrender, and lose its defense,
And again would become real tales.
Just fall down then hundreds of old locks,
And all chains would also fall down,
And you'd feel like you are inside of a book
Of crusades and of wars for the crown.
But you'd better be ready to hear beloved tunes,
And to listen about free archers,
Because sun's always sun, and moon's always moon,
Even in your so distant future.
Steel with steel and swords were crashed,
The Death was smiling and showing teeth,
Threatening everyone, and being ready to lash.
Enemies fell in mud, when destroyed was their marsh,
And were praying for winners' mercy.
But not all, who got lives back, as they asked,
Felt then gratitude in their hearts.
Sometimes they hid evil under their smiles, as masks,
Behaved like dummies although were smart!
Good, if horse obeys you even without the bridle.
It's good when you shouldn't cover your track.
It's good when you openly fight steel with steel,
It's bad, if you're stabbed, suddenly, in the back.
What's about the bastards? Do you kill them? All right!
What's about witches? Do you still have them?
Sure, wrong would be wrong, and right would be right
In your future, like in the past or present !
Through the ages : in past, present, and furthermore
Cowards, traitors are always disdained.
Fight 's fight, and war's, unfortunately, war,
And it's always for freedom craves human's core,
And injustice should be always tainted.
The time never erases the meaning.
Only need you to move the top layer,
And these solid eternal feelings
Would pour out like in passion of prayer.
Now, long ago, and during all times
Price is price (you don't need to check),.
And the honor’s still honor, whatever one minds,
And it's good, when the friend holds your back!
Clarity we can always obtain from deep past.
Tales, sages have rules of this etiquette.
Because evil and good would continue to last,
Like they did in the past or present! |
 This work is in the public domain |
by Anna V. Epelbaum aepelbaum (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: 0 29 Nov 2004
Click on image for a larger version 
This book doesn't pretend to change curricula. The main goal of this book to fill out the gap between what is precisely explained during high school period, and what is required by official authorities from high school graduates in the area of mathematics.
This book should be very useful for high schools', as well as, for junior colleges' students. It should be very useful for adults, who want to get their GED. It can be also very useful for high school teachers of mathematics, who want, and need to refresh their teaching skills, and, maybe, even for those professors of mathematics, who, due to some reasons, didn't get solid background in the mathematical foundation, and have, therefore, difficulties in their creative scientific activities.
The book consists of two parts:
Part I covers everything from zero level of mathematical knowledge to the sufficient level of knowledge to pass successfully SAT and ACT tests. This book includes six separate part-courses: 1. Arithmetic, 2. Word Problems, 3. Algebra, 4. Geometry and Trigonometry, 5. Functions and Graphs, 6. Sets, Statistics, and Probability.
Specific emphasis is made in the book on correct usage of calculators (simple calculator, and graphing scientific calculator), and all theoretical knowledge, which students need to possess prior to the beginning of these usage;
Part II covers material from the successful scores in basic ACT and SAT tests up to the entrance's requirements of the most sophisticated colleges and universities. This part includes six courses - the advanced continuation of the courses of the previous part (Part I), and also Appendix, which presents some sophisticated, and very educational problems (with solutions) to illustrate goals of presented by that book (Part II) six courses.
Both books have a lot of examples, many of which are taken from SAT, ACT, SAT I, SAT II, SAT III tests of previous years to illustrate all parts of these books in logical order of its presentation. Subsequently, these books provide all theoretical explanation, and often their precise proofs, which students need in order to understand, and to utilize corresponding areas of mathematics, knowledge and ability to master which are required by official curricula.
The author of this book got her mathematical training, and experience in mathematical school, organized, and supervised by The Mathematical Faculty of The Moscow State University, then was graduated from this Department of Moscow State University, and then taught in this school, prior of her own Ph. D in applied mathematics. So, she intensively used in this book, as well, all generalization and examples, which this part of her training - experience provided.
This is the second book of our courses. It includes corresponding continuation of each of the courses of the previous book, and also include APPENDIX, with brightly educational problems and their solutions.
The author hopes that all readers would find this part of the book not less, but even more useful in every day's life than the previous one.
Thank you for your interest.
Utilizing my extensive experience of chatting on this web, I can truly recommend such people as, for example, ‘wayward’ and/or ‘goodriddancegripper’ to purchase this book.
The reasons are following:
1. Those who are afraid of traditional high school mathematics mostly because it was taught pretty badly, would lose this fear, as the first volume of this book includes maximally condensed KNOWLEDGE, which are required by the high school official curricula;
2. Those, who are interested like ‘goodriddancegripper’ to unify intellectuals under his/her autocratic authority for political purposes can’t do by any other means than to absorb their intellectual abilities from their books. There is still only this old fashioned way to absorb special qualities of some exquisite brains, as one of the qualities or real intellectuals - they can’t be manipulated by different politicians or whoever else JUST BECAUSE THEY HAVE exquisite intellects. So, I would strongly recommend these people to go through the second volume of my book to enhance their ability to logical and analytical thinking.
All sponsoring publishers, who should not miss the opportunity to make good money on this book (especially its first volume) in our time of uncountable standardized tests and the strict requirements to the secondary and lower college education’s accountability, are very welcome to visit the web and to publish the book. |
by anon (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 01 Dec 2004
Pimpin' books... isn't this spam? |
by Anna Epelbaum aepelbaum (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 02 Dec 2004
No, it is not spam or whichever else, which can be prosecuted. 90% of any even slightly serious articles on this web (as on almost all other webs) are referring to the books or articles of the writer(s). The same is done here.
It is not the answer to 'anon', whose comments I am ignoring (until, maybe, I know, for sure, who he/she is), it is information for all possible readers. |