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Announcement :: Government Secrecy
Foundation Essay for a New American Revolution (please share) Current rating: 0
12 Nov 2004
Please post comments if any of these facts or quotes can be disputed. This is the core of all the woes this world has been facing - all of them except natural disasters. Learn to strike at the root people and never stop until the beast is slain!
True and FAR; Yet Another Essay Hoping to Ignite a True and Full American Revolution
{ A brief examination (written for *all* Americans) of the apparent psychopathy of today's
world civilization and the source of conflict that is surfacing for the third time, now
being conducted as perpetual global warfare and forceful physical suppression of dissent,
today. If you wish to experience a world of lasting harmony, please consider the following
high-level, yet objective, analysis of our world situation. If we ALL can agree to together
identify and root out the source of conflict/control will we not enjoy peace again? }

" Few of us can easily surrender our belief that society must somehow make sense. The
thought that the state has lost its mind and is punishing so many innocent people is
intolerable. And so the evidence has to be internally denied. "
- Arthur Miller, Playwright [we "must not" succomb to apathy brothers and sisters of the world.]

" No matter what political reasons are given for war, the underlying reason is always ECONOMIC." - A.J. Taylor, British Historian

This short essay is not written to clearly and painstakingly prove in detail that monstrously
sized government operated conspiracies against otherwise peaceful cultures and peoples, foreign
and domestic, have and do currently exist. Nor is the focus here to list hundreds of specific
names, such as the many elite Rockefeller and Rothschild family members, or their assortment of
owned and enslaved banking, media, and political minions who have been operating in front and
behind the curtains of mainstream perception. This previous statement being in reference to the
constant rewriting of our true history and the many deliberate white-washings of major events,
from political assassinations to large scale acts of terrorism to full blown world wars.

We have each grown over generations to know this through the various, yet highly consolidated,
corporate factions of the world's print and televised media. There are hundreds of publications
on the internet and in actual bookstores that already prove this point to the fearlessly
observant who believe in absolute and not relative truths ( deception, disinformation, lies,
and propaganda ).

Everything most people have ever been taught about America has at least been based on a partial
lie controlled by the press - going back to the country's beginning. It is bizarre to read this
for the first time, but true. It represents the truth of the hierarchy of the powers-that-currently-be in this world.

" There are a thousand who are hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root. " - Henry David Thoreau

" A people that wants to be free must arm itself with a free press." - George Seldes, journalist

For the sake of a generalized view and analysis, our world civilization is much like one giant
mind, a collective mass of billions of individuals, resembling neurons, with a major left brain
(Eastern hemisphere) and a major right brain (Western hemisphere). If we can view the world in
this manner as one collective mind we can then attempt to self-diagnose and treat our current
world situation together. If we are not rich, each of us generally does not wish for war, so
we then can begin to ask: What is the problem? Why does it exist? Where does it come from?
How does it occur?

To begin our analysis using this model, we have the conscious level, that would be what the
mainstream media reports to all of us through perceived sights and sounds. Together with the
conscious, we also have a subconscious level, where thought processes are continuosly
orchestrated "behind the scenes" and control us at a fundamental, hardly perceivable level.

" Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government
which is the true ruling power of our country. Our minds are molded... largely by men we
have never heard of. " - Walter Bernais, Quoted from his book Propaganda

We have already observed the symptoms and conditon of our global problem; it must be some sort
of re-occuring, yet evolved, distributed social and mental disease - a collosal subconsciously
controlled suicide mission. Simply, World War. Apparently misled by a few highly dominant
neurons of the subconscious world 'mind' many misguided neurons have pre-enlisted and readily
conform to the establishment directives stemming from both hemispheres of the global
subconscious mind.

" When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first thing to be bought and
sold are legislators. " - P.J. O'Rourke, author

Back to our real world: our real world is generally dominated by a collectivist mindset,
stimulated and provoked by a handful of elite power magnates, producing a rapidly expanding
specter of socialism and "big brother" surveillance. In effect, using the simplified model,
a small portion of the world subconscious, or hidden mind, is directing a staged hemispheric
mental conflict in the world mind for the sake of growing the power of the subconscious mind

The United States is the most important nation in the history of the planet at this time,
but it is becoming weakened and battered, not so much from burning brightly, but more, from
suffering the slings and arrows of those from former monarchies that it has initially frightened. It is being internally brought to ruin from a powerful yet small financial elite of prideful imperial dynastic family frameworks and fortunes who have sought to domesticate it before it would outgrow their ability to control it. The enemy has crept within the gates and is now conspiring behind the closed doors of the White House in full control our our own military. This is a dreaded situation to ultimately face and it has arrived.

" If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become
indurated down to a fixture, than that Government will furnish its own money without cost.
It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous
without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries
will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy
on the globe! " - Times of London ( during Lincoln's issuing of debt-free United States
Treasury Notes prior to the elite's assassination of him. )

" The bank hath benefit of interest on all moneys which it creates out of nothing. "
- William Paterson, co-founder (with Nathan Rothschild) of the Bank of England, c1694.

" The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled. "
- Money: Whence it came, where it went - 1975, p29 John Kenneth Galbraith.

" Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes its laws. "
- Mayer Amschel Rothschild

" Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce. " - President James Garfield (assassinated shortly after making this statement)

" The real menace of our republic is the invisible government, which, like a giant octopus,
sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation. At the head is a small group of
banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. This little coterie of powerful
international bankers virtually runs our government for their own selfish ends. "
- New York Mayor John F. Hylan, c1922.

" I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
Already they have raised up a money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The
issuing power should be taken from the banks, and restored to the people. " - Thomas Jefferson

" Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the earth; take it away from
them but leave them with the power to create credit; and, with a flick of a pen, they will
create enough money to buy it back again. Take this power away from them and all great fortunes
like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for then this world would be a happier
and better world to live in. But if you want to be slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your
own slavery, then let the bankers control money and control credit. " - Sir Josiah Stamp, Director, Bank of England, c1940.

Without a quick fix now, or a bit of 'brain surgery' using the example of the global mind above,
the western world will only continue in a downward spiral of demoralization and irrationality
that will quite possibly end in the spastic, catastrophic collapse of western civilization,
into a new dark age akin to that which followed the disintegration of the Roman empire.

In the example above, this would be as if a cancer would be allowed to spread and disable
the functioning and creative mind of the West. Freedom would suffer a paralysis world-wide.

" The great masses of people will more easily fall victims to a big lie rather than a small
one, especially if it is repeated over and over. " - Adolph Hitler

In the meantime, America is no longer a functioning republic (a constitutional representative
democracy). Elections are rigged, a free press is little to be found, liberties are being
forcefully removed, corporate price gouging and corruption is growing rampant, the nation is
in a state of perpetual war, together with an assortment of other ills that would make a much
longer list.

Its growing failure is due not to a natural decay of its citizens, but mostly to the
manipulations of the establishment, the subsconsious controlling mind exemplified above.
The outcome of the current world condition today would/will be a paternalistic, feudalistic,
oligarchical, techno-industrial world government on a perpetual path of reckless bloodletting
and self-cannibalism.

" Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the (U.S) media. "
- Noam Chomsky, Political Educator, Author

President George Bush Sr. in a speech to Congress on SEPTEMBER 11, 1990, said this: "[The war in Iraq is] a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times... a New World Order can emerge." - This statement was made on September 11th, 1990. 11 years to the first day of disaster. Please see the all-telling short video clip of this on - Also hear a congressman partially detail the Conspiracy:

Getting back to the basics, here is one:

" The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their
constitutions of government. But the constitution which at any time exists, 'till changed
by an explicit and authentic act of the whole People, is sacredly obligatory upon all. "
- George Washington, in his farewell address

Once again, We must together put on the armor of Our Creator, then we may be able to stand
against the wiles of those who control us from the darkness. For we find ourselves not only
wrestling against principalities but against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of
this world, against spiritual wickedness at high levels, now hiding while evoking themselves
'subconsciously' in our world. They are the architects of war. They exist in the
Pentagon, The White House, and elite palatial estates throughout the world today.

This author of this essay highly recommends Fritz Springmeier's Bloodlines of the Illuminati,
Revision III available through and The names of the 13 elite
'royal' bloodlines are listed on; where there is also a free-to-
download 222 page book detailing their rise to power, entirely through economic deception
and fostering world wars. Amazing revelations to behold! The biggest untold American story
- ever!

" Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past. "
- George Orwell, author of '1984'

“ The few who understand the system, will either be so interested in its profits, or so
dependent on its favors that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the
other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous
advantages...will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without suspecting that
the system is inimical to their best interests. ” - Rothschild Brothers of London communiqué
to associates in New York June 25, 1863

" Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense
of everybody else. " - Frederic Bastiat, French Economist (1801-1850)

" We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and
the nations will accept the New World Order. " - David Rockefeller (Stated before September
11th, 2001), Former Owner and Chairman of Chase-Manhattan Bank and Conspiring Master Globalist

There are solutions: 1) Love The Father and His Son Jesus by keeping The Holy Laws
2) A New *Publically* Commissioned Monetary System 3)
(greater than fire/oil)

There is plenty of room for all. In fact, all 7 billion of us can fit into the state of
Texas and still have room to stretch out arms out without touching anybody else. We have
alot more room to build "up". Enough food can be produced. With inexaustible energy solutions
being unleashed/unsuppressed, anything is possible, even the effect of global warming can be
overcome. What is so bad about a slightly warmer world and about a bit more water in the oceans?
We can build new beaches if we have to! The answer is simply not killing billions of innocent men women and children off just to spare them from living under totalitarian communist rule!

Did you know that the 6 billion dollar "Project Bioshield" Bush signed into to law in 2004 is
a plan for biological warfare and 'recovery' from it, first on the American people? Flu and
Anthrax vaccines are big business, actually bigger than just 'business'. This is the hub of
the New World Order's depopulation plan. The United Nation's WHO (World Health Organization)
has just met on 11/11/04 to discuss how they are going to prepare their workers worldwide for
the planned pandemic plagues. Besides that, are you just not sick of the 'chemtrails' already?
Please see or Regarding dates, always
beware of dates that contain "11" or multiples of the number. The globalists are known to make
their biggest moves on "11" dates as it ties into their Luciferian religion they have planned
for all the survivors. 9-11, or 9+1+1="11". "11" is the perfect number to conspiring freemasons.

" War is caused by elites acting in what they take to be their own interests, institutional
violence promulgated by ruling groups for personal gain. " - The Nation magazine, May 15,
2000, p20

" The rich will always strive to establish their dominion and enslave the rest. They always
did. They always will. They will have the same effect here as elsewhere, if we do not, by the
power of government, keep them in their proper spheres... " - Governor Morris, Constitutional Author

" There is a systematic plan to use the concepts of war to rearrange the chess pieces on
the world playing board. It has to do with the New World Order, Globalism, and the attack
on national sovereignty that we are seeing. Occasionally, the globalists who want One World
Government have turned to war to accelerate things. " - Joel Skousen, Potical Analyst, Author

" The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times
of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish
than bureaucracy. " - Abraham Lincoln, Attaining an Early and Clear Glimpse of the New World Order

" It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder. "
- Albert Einstein, Scientist

" Once a government resorts to terror against its own population to get what it wants, it must
keep using terror against its own population to get what it wants. A government that terrorizes
its own people can never stop. If such a government ever lets the fear subside and rational
thought return to the populace, that government is finished. " - Michael Rivero, of

" The rules of the world economy serve the interests of the multinational companies; they do not serve the interests of the vast majority of the people on this planet. " - The Progressive magazine, January 2000, p10

" Some call you 'the elite'. I just like to call you my bankers. {sneer}" - George W. Bush, quoted from the film Fahrenheit 9-11 {note: Michael Moore only delivers half the truth in that film release to the public)

" There seems to be nothing to prevent the transnational corporations taking possession of
the planet and subjecting humanity to the dictatorship of capital.... In order to crush any
thought of organized resistance to the supporters of the new world order, tremendous police
and military forces are being used to establish a doctrine of repression.... "
- Christian la Brie, Le Monde Diplomatique (Paris) May 1999

" We can have a democratic society or we can have the concentration of great wealth in the hands of a few. We cannot have both. " - Louis Brandeis, Supreme Court Justice from 1916-1939

" Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment nothing can fail. Without it nothing can succeed. He who molds opinion is greater than he who enacts laws. " - Abraham Lincoln

" The only thing worth globalizing is dissent. " - Arundhati Roy, The Progressive magazine, April 2001, p38

" If we love this country, we'd better change it. "
- Ramsey Clark, former United States Attorney General and human rights activist

" History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition
was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people. "
- Martin Luther King, Jr., also assassinated by the dark forces of the New World Order

" Let us not be mind-controlled any longer! Rebuke the beast, greed, and the lust for power
itself! Help stop the killing and arrest the illuminati, ruling elite, their puppet
governments, and the paid liars in the media instead. We must all first rise up in awareness
of it! Now, who wants to be listed on the side of the executioners? Who wants to
be listed on the side of peace, freedom lovers, and keepers of the Commandments? "
- Eric James Rainbowlt, author of this essay, The Dawn of New Kings, The UNtruth of the World

links: See the same perception from a European resourse site as well:,,,,,,,

Alert your countrymen and countrywomen and local police and fire departments! Turn on the TV,
we can already see the whites of their eyes! Martial Law will be needed, to have our servicemen
arrest those trading innocent blood for oil, money, and power today. Already there have been
1000's of dead servicemen and over 100,000 murdered Iraqi citizens/nationals/so-called "rebels".

Men, Women, and Children! - when will you again unite through love of the truth and when will you each help the madness end?

Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force - You know you are more powerful than the lying corrupt executive, judiciary, congress, and media. Revolution has always the answer to tyranny.
Decide to Unite, stop endangering the innocent, and Protect your everyone's families!

This author suggests all non-violent offenders be released from prisons, and the hundreds of
thousands knowingly working for this conspiracy replace them until a restructuring can be made.
We have the knoweldge, we have the ability, but do we now have the unity?

We should leave their fate and rest of their lives of the fascist world conspirators up to the
Creator. Informing your countrymen is action, and an act of brotherly and sisterly love, because
what is true for some will always be true for all.

This isn't just how this author know things to be, it is how all of us better realize how things actually are!
See also:

This work is in the public domain
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Re: Foundation Essay for a New American Revolution (please share)
Current rating: 0
12 Nov 2004
True and FAR; Yet Another Essay Hoping to Ignite a True and Full American Revolution

{ A brief examination (written for *all* Americans) of the apparent psychopathy of today's
world civilization and the source of conflict that is surfacing for the third time, now
being conducted as perpetual global warfare and forceful physical suppression of dissent,
today. If you wish to experience a world of lasting harmony, please consider the following
high-level, yet objective, analysis of our world situation. If we ALL can agree to together
identify and root out the source of conflict/control will we not enjoy peace again? }

" Few of us can easily surrender our belief that society must somehow make sense. The
thought that the state has lost its mind and is punishing so many innocent people is
intolerable. And so the evidence has to be internally denied. "
- Arthur Miller, Playwright [we "must not" succomb to apathy brothers and sisters of the world.]

" No matter what political reasons are given for war, the underlying reason is always ECONOMIC." - A.J. Taylor, British Historian

This short essay is not written to clearly and painstakingly prove in detail that monstrously
sized government operated conspiracies against otherwise peaceful cultures and peoples, foreign
and domestic, have and do currently exist. Nor is the focus here to list hundreds of specific
names, such as the many elite Rockefeller and Rothschild family members, or their assortment of
owned and enslaved banking, media, and political minions who have been operating in front and
behind the curtains of mainstream perception. This previous statement being in reference to the
constant rewriting of our true history and the many deliberate white-washings of major events,
from political assassinations to large scale acts of terrorism to full blown world wars.

We have each grown over generations to know this through the various, yet highly consolidated,
corporate factions of the world's print and televised media. There are hundreds of publications
on the internet and in actual bookstores that already prove this point to the fearlessly
observant who believe in absolute and not relative truths ( deception, disinformation, lies,
and propaganda ).

Everything most people have ever been taught about America has at least been based on a partial
lie controlled by the press - going back to the country's beginning. It is bizarre to read this
for the first time, but true. It represents the truth of the hierarchy of the powers-that-currently-be in this world.

" There are a thousand who are hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root. " - Henry David Thoreau

" A people that wants to be free must arm itself with a free press." - George Seldes, journalist

For the sake of a generalized view and analysis, our world civilization is much like one giant
mind, a collective mass of billions of individuals, resembling neurons, with a major left brain
(Eastern hemisphere) and a major right brain (Western hemisphere). If we can view the world in
this manner as one collective mind we can then attempt to self-diagnose and treat our current
world situation together. If we are not rich, each of us generally does not wish for war, so
we then can begin to ask: What is the problem? Why does it exist? Where does it come from?
How does it occur?

To begin our analysis using this model, we have the conscious level, that would be what the
mainstream media reports to all of us through perceived sights and sounds. Together with the
conscious, we also have a subconscious level, where thought processes are continuosly
orchestrated "behind the scenes" and control us at a fundamental, hardly perceivable level.

" Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government
which is the true ruling power of our country. Our minds are molded... largely by men we
have never heard of. " - Walter Bernais, Quoted from his book Propaganda

We have already observed the symptoms and conditon of our global problem; it must be some sort
of re-occuring, yet evolved, distributed social and mental disease - a collosal subconsciously
controlled suicide mission. Simply, World War. Apparently misled by a few highly dominant
neurons of the subconscious world 'mind' many misguided neurons have pre-enlisted and readily
conform to the establishment directives stemming from both hemispheres of the global
subconscious mind.

" When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first thing to be bought and
sold are legislators. " - P.J. O'Rourke, author

Back to our real world: our real world is generally dominated by a collectivist mindset,
stimulated and provoked by a handful of elite power magnates, producing a rapidly expanding
specter of socialism and "big brother" surveillance. In effect, using the simplified model,
a small portion of the world subconscious, or hidden mind, is directing a staged hemispheric
mental conflict in the world mind for the sake of growing the power of the subconscious mind

The United States is the most important nation in the history of the planet at this time,
but it is becoming weakened and battered, not so much from burning brightly, but more, from
suffering the slings and arrows of those from former monarchies that it has initially frightened. It is being internally brought to ruin from a powerful yet small financial elite of prideful imperial dynastic family frameworks and fortunes who have sought to domesticate it before it would outgrow their ability to control it. The enemy has crept within the gates and is now conspiring behind the closed doors of the White House in full control our our own military. This is a dreaded situation to ultimately face and it has arrived.

" If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become
indurated down to a fixture, than that Government will furnish its own money without cost.
It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous
without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries
will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy
on the globe! " - Times of London ( during Lincoln's issuing of debt-free United States
Treasury Notes prior to the elite's assassination of him. )

" The bank hath benefit of interest on all moneys which it creates out of nothing. "
- William Paterson, co-founder (with Nathan Rothschild) of the Bank of England, c1694.

" The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled. "
- Money: Whence it came, where it went - 1975, p29 John Kenneth Galbraith.

" Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes its laws. "
- Mayer Amschel Rothschild

" Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce. " - President James Garfield (assassinated shortly after making this statement)

" The real menace of our republic is the invisible government, which, like a giant octopus,
sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation. At the head is a small group of
banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. This little coterie of powerful
international bankers virtually runs our government for their own selfish ends. "
- New York Mayor John F. Hylan, c1922.

" I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
Already they have raised up a money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The
issuing power should be taken from the banks, and restored to the people. " - Thomas Jefferson

" Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the earth; take it away from
them but leave them with the power to create credit; and, with a flick of a pen, they will
create enough money to buy it back again. Take this power away from them and all great fortunes
like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for then this world would be a happier
and better world to live in. But if you want to be slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your
own slavery, then let the bankers control money and control credit. " - Sir Josiah Stamp, Director, Bank of England, c1940.

Without a quick fix now, or a bit of 'brain surgery' using the example of the global mind above,
the western world will only continue in a downward spiral of demoralization and irrationality
that will quite possibly end in the spastic, catastrophic collapse of western civilization,
into a new dark age akin to that which followed the disintegration of the Roman empire.

In the example above, this would be as if a cancer would be allowed to spread and disable
the functioning and creative mind of the West. Freedom would suffer a paralysis world-wide.

" The great masses of people will more easily fall victims to a big lie rather than a small
one, especially if it is repeated over and over. " - Adolph Hitler

In the meantime, America is no longer a functioning republic (a constitutional representative
democracy). Elections are rigged, a free press is little to be found, liberties are being
forcefully removed, corporate price gouging and corruption is growing rampant, the nation is
in a state of perpetual war, together with an assortment of other ills that would make a much
longer list.

Its growing failure is due not to a natural decay of its citizens, but mostly to the
manipulations of the establishment, the subsconsious controlling mind exemplified above.
The outcome of the current world condition today would/will be a paternalistic, feudalistic,
oligarchical, techno-industrial world government on a perpetual path of reckless bloodletting
and self-cannibalism.

" Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the (U.S) media. "
- Noam Chomsky, Political Educator, Author

President George Bush Sr. in a speech to Congress on SEPTEMBER 11, 1990, said this: "[The war in Iraq is] a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times... a New World Order can emerge." - This statement was made on September 11th, 1990. 11 years to the first day of disaster. Please see the all-telling short video clip of this on - Also hear a congressman partially detail the Conspiracy:

Getting back to the basics, here is one:

" The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their
constitutions of government. But the constitution which at any time exists, 'till changed
by an explicit and authentic act of the whole People, is sacredly obligatory upon all. "
- George Washington, in his farewell address

Once again, We must together put on the armor of Our Creator, then we may be able to stand
against the wiles of those who control us from the darkness. For we find ourselves not only
wrestling against principalities but against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of
this world, against spiritual wickedness at high levels, now hiding while evoking themselves
'subconsciously' in our world. They are the architects of war. They exist in the
Pentagon, The White House, and elite palatial estates throughout the world today.

This author of this essay highly recommends Fritz Springmeier's Bloodlines of the Illuminati,
Revision III available through and The names of the 13 elite
'royal' bloodlines are listed on; where there is also a free-to-
download 222 page book detailing their rise to power, entirely through economic deception
and fostering world wars. Amazing revelations to behold! The biggest untold American story
- ever!

" Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past. "
- George Orwell, author of '1984'

“ The few who understand the system, will either be so interested in its profits, or so
dependent on its favors that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the
other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous
advantages...will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without suspecting that
the system is inimical to their best interests. ” - Rothschild Brothers of London communiqué
to associates in New York June 25, 1863

" Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense
of everybody else. " - Frederic Bastiat, French Economist (1801-1850)

" We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and
the nations will accept the New World Order. " - David Rockefeller (Stated before September
11th, 2001), Former Owner and Chairman of Chase-Manhattan Bank and Conspiring Master Globalist

There are solutions: 1) Love The Father and His Son Jesus by keeping The Holy Laws
2) A New *Publically* Commissioned Monetary System 3)
(greater than fire/oil)

There is plenty of room for all. In fact, all 7 billion of us can fit into the state of
Texas and still have room to stretch out arms out without touching anybody else. We have
alot more room to build "up". Enough food can be produced. With inexaustible energy solutions
being unleashed/unsuppressed, anything is possible, even the effect of global warming can be
overcome. What is so bad about a slightly warmer world and about a bit more water in the oceans?
We can build new beaches if we have to! The answer is simply not killing billions of innocent men women and children off just to spare them from living under totalitarian communist rule!

Did you know that the 6 billion dollar "Project Bioshield" Bush signed into to law in 2004 is
a plan for biological warfare and 'recovery' from it, first on the American people? Flu and
Anthrax vaccines are big business, actually bigger than just 'business'. This is the hub of
the New World Order's depopulation plan. The United Nation's WHO (World Health Organization)
has just met on 11/11/04 to discuss how they are going to prepare their workers worldwide for
the planned pandemic plagues. Besides that, are you just not sick of the 'chemtrails' already?
Please see or Regarding dates, always
beware of dates that contain "11" or multiples of the number. The globalists are known to make
their biggest moves on "11" dates as it ties into their Luciferian religion they have planned
for all the survivors. 9-11, or 9+1+1="11". "11" is the perfect number to conspiring freemasons.

" War is caused by elites acting in what they take to be their own interests, institutional
violence promulgated by ruling groups for personal gain. " - The Nation magazine, May 15,
2000, p20

" The rich will always strive to establish their dominion and enslave the rest. They always
did. They always will. They will have the same effect here as elsewhere, if we do not, by the
power of government, keep them in their proper spheres... " - Governor Morris, Constitutional Author

" There is a systematic plan to use the concepts of war to rearrange the chess pieces on
the world playing board. It has to do with the New World Order, Globalism, and the attack
on national sovereignty that we are seeing. Occasionally, the globalists who want One World
Government have turned to war to accelerate things. " - Joel Skousen, Potical Analyst, Author

" The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times
of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish
than bureaucracy. " - Abraham Lincoln, Attaining an Early and Clear Glimpse of the New World Order

" It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder. "
- Albert Einstein, Scientist

" Once a government resorts to terror against its own population to get what it wants, it must
keep using terror against its own population to get what it wants. A government that terrorizes
its own people can never stop. If such a government ever lets the fear subside and rational
thought return to the populace, that government is finished. " - Michael Rivero, of

" The rules of the world economy serve the interests of the multinational companies; they do not serve the interests of the vast majority of the people on this planet. " - The Progressive magazine, January 2000, p10

" Some call you 'the elite'. I just like to call you my bankers. {sneer}" - George W. Bush, quoted from the film Fahrenheit 9-11 {note: Michael Moore only delivers half the truth in that film release to the public)

" There seems to be nothing to prevent the transnational corporations taking possession of
the planet and subjecting humanity to the dictatorship of capital.... In order to crush any
thought of organized resistance to the supporters of the new world order, tremendous police
and military forces are being used to establish a doctrine of repression.... "
- Christian la Brie, Le Monde Diplomatique (Paris) May 1999

" We can have a democratic society or we can have the concentration of great wealth in the hands of a few. We cannot have both. " - Louis Brandeis, Supreme Court Justice from 1916-1939

" Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment nothing can fail. Without it nothing can succeed. He who molds opinion is greater than he who enacts laws. " - Abraham Lincoln

" The only thing worth globalizing is dissent. " - Arundhati Roy, The Progressive magazine, April 2001, p38

" If we love this country, we'd better change it. "
- Ramsey Clark, former United States Attorney General and human rights activist

" History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition
was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people. "
- Martin Luther King, Jr., also assassinated by the dark forces of the New World Order

" Let us not be mind-controlled any longer! Rebuke the beast, greed, and the lust for power
itself! Help stop the killing and arrest the illuminati, ruling elite, their puppet
governments, and the paid liars in the media instead. We must all first rise up in awareness
of it! Now, who wants to be listed on the side of the executioners? Who wants to
be listed on the side of peace, freedom lovers, and keepers of the Commandments? "
- Eric James Rainbowlt, author of this essay, The Dawn of New Kings, The UNtruth of the World

links: See the same perception from a European resourse site as well:,,,,,,,

Alert your countrymen and countrywomen and local police and fire departments! Turn on the TV,
we can already see the whites of their eyes! Martial Law will be needed, to have our servicemen
arrest those trading innocent blood for oil, money, and power today. Already there have been
1000's of dead servicemen and over 100,000 murdered Iraqi citizens/nationals/so-called "rebels".

Men, Women, and Children! - when will you again unite through love of the truth and when will you each help the madness end?

Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force - You know you are more powerful than the lying corrupt executive, judiciary, congress, and media. Revolution has always the answer to tyranny.
Decide to Unite, stop endangering the innocent, and Protect your everyone's families!

This author suggests all non-violent offenders be released from prisons, and the hundreds of
thousands knowingly working for
this conspiracy replace them until a restructuring can be made.
We have the knoweldge, we have the ability, but do we now have the unity?

We should leave their fate and rest of their lives of the fascist world conspirators up to the
Creator. Informing your countrymen is action, and an act of brotherly and sisterly love, because
what is true for some will always be true for all.

See also: