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Announcement :: Government Secrecy
11/9 terror prediction (essay) based off some revealing facts. Current rating: 0
07 Nov 2004
This researcher from Austin Texas, Eric Rainbowlt, is predicting another wave of government sponsored "New World Order" terrorism on the people likley to occur on 11/9 - a perfect masonic number/date like 9-11. Please read to understand why and please share the .doc file attachment or just the text below with many others.
11-9terrorprediction.doc (30 k)
Dear Patriot friends,

Our country is accelerating into a period of increasingly dire straits.

I found your email addresses on some interesting webpages while researching government sponsored terrorism. This recent essay contains a prediction for two days from this afternoon, 11/9 for staged terror in multiple US cities. The reasoning for the prediction is outlined in the attached essay. Please be encouraged to pass this on to our fellow countrymen/women in these tough times while we expose and hopefully disable the government terror they are sponsoring on us the people.

They do these horrible acts so they can serve their international banking masters, create war, and profit themselves. Perhaps only through a prediction that came true as expressed will the masses come to believe what at least one researcher has learned to be true and stand up to the tyrants once fully exposed. Right now America is living under a great deception and a constant barrage of lies, disinformation, and war propaganda through the controlled mass media. There are millions already worldwide that know that this government helped stage the events of 9-11-01 with the help of other conspiring governments pushing for the New World Order. They wish to further develop this new World War. Only through increased awareness can we ever expect to overcome. We have all witnessed the farce election of late, which of course is only a prelude to more government tyranny.

Yours in Liberty and Truth,
Eric Rainbowlt
Austin, Texas
info (at)

( please publish at large across the internet; especially if the prediction comes true )

Dear Reader, there were also some draft working titles for this essay, worthy of mention:

"Predicting the coming date of 10 times more horrendous than 9-11 on 11/9 - a perfect masonic date."
"The Case For the Return of Jesus on May 8th, 2005"
"On throwing the beast system back straight into Hell this spring 2005."
"Shining light and sprinkling the poison of truth into the roach motel known as Washington, DC."
"WHO's behind this spring's abominable and deadly flu pandemic." (That is: the United Nation's (W)orld (H)ealth (O)rganization)
"This essayist may be hunted down, tortured, and killed by the American CIA or Israeli Mossad/ADL and he accepts a role of a martyr if it happens."

This essay was not written to prove the whole case that the governments are the collective terrorists against the billions of people around the world in this modern era. There are hundreds of publications on the internet and in actual bookstores that already prove this point to the fearlessly observant who believe in absolute and not relative truths ( deception, disinformation, lies, and propaganda ). This point of this essay is make a prediction and present the foundation for the justification of the prediction. Just look up "New World Order" or "freemasonry" on for a good start. Surely most people can recognize the gradual attempt to create a one world government or a "New World Order" nicknamed "globalism" in the press by the hyenas and jackals who rule over us financially from their ivory banking and political towers and the military powers of the prideful elite family bloodline dynasties. To name the two most prominent elite families: Rothschilds of the East and Rockefellers of the West. You can also think of this as BP (British Petroleum and Standard Oil as they are the primary shareholders: , , ) The fact that the non-elected ruling elite actually exist behind the scenes is a very important concept to keep in mind when trying to examine anything or everything about this world. See the same perception from a European resourse site as well:

The elite command over all secret societies in the world, the largest sect in their control is "masonry". Masonry is a monstrously large semi-secret organization. Its members profit from their association within it; they are usually favored by the establishment/governments. Who are masons? Most police chiefs, judges, and congressmen are masons. The Supreme Court often appoints "33rd" degree masons. Most American presidents have been masons going all the way back to freemason George Washington. Yes, George Washington was quite aware of the 'illuminati' powers in Europe at that time and even received instructions from them. Everything most people have ever been taught about America has at least been based on a partial lie controlled by the press - going back to the country's beginning. It is bizarre to read this for the first time, but true. It represents the truth of all the existing powers-that-be in this world.

There is already evidence to lead this essayist to forcast that 11/9/04, "November 9th", may be a day that will forever be remembered in infamy worldwide. This is this author's prediction based on years of study/research into the problems this entire world faces today in this era, regardless of one's location, skin color, culture, or language. What other noticible way would there be to help expose the evil system currently commanding over our world then to attempt to forcast an event correctly and with obvious accuracy? This logically deduced prediction is based on the fact that the date "11/9" respresents a perfect masonic number, such as 9-11.

It is currently little known that high ranking freemasons in the White House, including all the presidents who ever have taken the oath of office, unfortunately on a masonic bible, together hold the number "11" highly. It appears that they think of it as a special or 'magic' number; perhaps a mocking of the number of the original 11 tribes of Israel before the tribe of Joseph was split into Ephraim and Manasseh. There are many explanations describing why "11" is so significant to world government conspirators across the internet.

Masons positioned all through the American society are semi-secretive and think they are superior than the true believer who simply loves God's Son from their heart every day of his/her life and who strives to act in humble accordance with His Holy teachings. They simply have been using Christianity itself as a "front" or "cover" for their endless power mongering activities. When Skull & Bones puppet politician John Kerry once slipped during a campaign speech and stated "John 16:3" instead of John "3:16" it was the most truth this essayist has ever heard a politician openly state.

9/11, "September 11th", also represents a perfect masonic number. The numbers in the date include 9 (which is 3x3 or 3+3+3) and 11, two 'special' numbers to high ranking freemasons. It is a 'perfect' number to masons since the numbers 9+1+1 sum to '11' itself. The tale of terror has started based on this satanic numerology and the key dates have always had an '11' visible. It started about 14 years ago when George Bush, the elder mason in the family and the 1 term president from 1998 to 1992, stated before Congress in the House of Representatives the ruling elite's need to bring about a "New World Order" to hold onto their current power and to expand it.

President George Bush Sr. in a speech to Congress on SEPTEMBER 11, 1990, said this: "[The war in Iraq is] a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times...a New World Order can emerge." This clearly proves the involvement of this freemason and their foreknowledge of how they would begin the events that will ultimately lead into the forging of a New World Order. I say this because exactly 11 years later, to the exact day, the staged "attack on America" was an obvious effort to bring us into this New World thinking. The 9/11 event is nothing more than their showing of their allegience to Satan and his Antichrist. The sacrifice they dedicated to Satan was one of their most horiffic to date and proves they see us as mere ignorants who they believe would never learn of their existence or how they operate behind the thin veil. There are so many inconsistancies and questions that have arisen with "9/11" which have come to light recently; which make even the most introspective sceptic in America wonder if the national government didn't have something to do with the attack. On this broad topic, the most comprehensive portal for truthful information and analysis about 9/11 is Alex Jones'

This vision statement was made on September 11th, 1990. Please see the all-telling short video clip of this on - Also hear a congressman partially detail the Conspiracy. ( )

Then, exactly 11 years to the date, September 11th, 2001, commenced to help bring about this "New World Order" - "order out of chaos" that is. Chris Matthews of NBC's "Hardball" actually slipped and stated this ["New World Order"] live when interviewing/questioning a CIA agent on the day or day after of the attack. Hearing this over the TV, this researcher contacted Rani Brand, his producer, and she admitted the truth of the slip and forthcoming cover-up over the phone [to me]. (this researcher wishes that conversation could have been recorded). Then exactly 911 days past that event came the March 11th, 2003 train blast terror event in Madrid Spain. Now, on Novermber 7th, the junior Bush apparently had his election stolen for him again. About 1 month prior of this writing, threats were openly stated from John Ascroft that al-caida (read: al-c.i.a.-duh) is planning on launching "cataclysmic terror events" in major US cities across the nation. The CIA is likely producing fake Osama clips right now for this as this prediction is being typed, to be presented still from some mysterious cave background setting. This will likely to be identified as somewhere in Iran or Syria this time around, so the draft can be declared and the world war can then progress on a larger scale than just in Afganistan and Iraq. This is how it has been developing so far and will likley continue to do so.

It now appears to this researcher that "11/9" will most likely be the date these masons of terror create more 'order out of chaos' and turn the once free America into a FEDERALIZED NAZI-like police state. Only the people at the top are likely still murmering about this as hardly anybody else would wish to believe this is possible before it actually happens. Then of course it will be too late. Basic 'herd mentality' psychology will again play into the hands of the nazi globalists, as would be expected by them. If Adolph Hitler is able to view this from the depths of hell on the other side past the flames, he would probably be enjoying the show at the moment. "11/9" is the only perfect masonic number/date currently on the horizon and it fits into the picture for Satan's plan of terror. Since 9-11 occured at 9am, 11-9 may likely be triggered at 11am or 11:11am.

Masonry purports a basis in Christianity, but in actuality it perverts it. This is obvious when examining a masonic bible that is pre-loaded with esoteric and extra knowledge of intriguing worldly "logic" and "reason" gifted by Lucifier, who they think of as the "light-bearer" or "great (prideful) architect" of the universe. Of course that is a lie. Freemasons who run our country from police chiefs and judges on the local level to congressmen to Supreme Court [in]Justices on the federal level are currently participating in a plan to reduce America, collapse her, and insert her into their picture of a "New World Order" one world government for their own personal enjoyment and aggrandizement. This is Bible prophecy from Satan's, or "The Beast's" viewpoint; to deceive the world into a one world government through horrible acts of aggression and cover-up deception. This is what Our Father in Heaven has stated from the beginning of biblical Revelation that he would allow for. He knew in advance the world would collectively continue to sin against His 10 Laws and all this would occur before He ultimately puts and end to it. He knew in advance what the lure of Satan would have on mankind. Amazingly, He even knew how long it would take. How truly fascinating! He knows our thoughts and our hearts through his spirit network! How kind! How loving to know His creation and His child! Aren't you glad you have a Great Old Dad in the sky?

Back to the time limited lessee of Earth, Satan, also known as Lucifer, and he has surfaced because he is allowed to reward pride and greed to the extent of what is currently occuring:

Here is some information composed on illuminati/masonic numerolgy by a grandson of a high ranking freemason:

* The ground breaking ceremony of the Pentagon was on September "11", 1941.
* George Junior announced a national state of mourning on Sept. "11" for "11" days.
* Junior presented his Patriot Act before Congress only "11" days after Sept. "11". This was nearly 10,000 pages of unconstitutional legislation. Nobody could write 10,000 pages of legislation in "11" days while the majority of soft-hearted were crying in sadness around the country while glued to their televisions. No congressman could even read it much less find time to debate it. That means it was written before September "11". PRIOR KNOWLEDGE. THINK! KNOW! ACT! Unconstitutional legislation is simply not "Patriotic", it is more "Idiotic" than anything else.
* The Illuminati illuminated the New York sky from the WTC complex up with high intensity beams shot straight up where the buildings were on March "11", 2002 for "33" days. The illumination even made an "11" in the sky. (could they be more arrogant?)
Also, although apparently not based on "11", yet important to point out - how about in the Internal Revenue Code Book: Code # "666" which requires everyone to take social security number. Beyond that, the whole money system is corrupt. It is Not Federal and there is No Reserve. It is elite controlled. False paper money = False media/governments. It has happened. This is already well and widely known. They have progressively used the profits of their money scam to deceive and enslave you and your family and friends. It has been a Win/Lose proposition from the get-go. "I have unwittingly ruined my country!" - Woodrow Wilson days after signing the Federal Reserve into law in 1913. WW I broke out in 1914 after the Lusitania sinking event was staged. Then WW II in 1939. In 1941 Roosevelt helped trick America by letting Pearl Harbor occur like Bush II did in 2001. The elites apparently like to help stage and provoke world wars every generation or so to amass more power for themselves.
The following is excerpted from a paragraph found on the internet after a search for more clues although it goes beyond what the author knows to be factual and therefore it is not claimed here to be "true":
" The number 9 is associated with energy, and is considered to be a powerful number. Since nine is the highest single number, numerologists believe it to be capable of achieving great spiritual and mental results.
Eleven is a Master number that the demons will work lying wonders through:
Eleven has almost unlimited energy. It is one of the Master numbers and possesses more potential than other numbers by resonating a higher vibration and thus more strongly influencing people and events.
(See: Numerology: The Number Eleven <>)
The 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers. It represents illumination; a channel to the subconscious; insight without rational thought; and sensitivity, nervous energy, shyness, and impracticality...It is the psychic's number.
(See: Numerology: Master Numbers from "Key to Your Inner Self") <>
The Master Numbers, which include 11, are supposed to be used only in exceptional situations. "
* Flights "11" and "77" used in the WTC disaster are both multiples of '11'.

This does not represent the complete list of occurances, simply enough to provide a firm foundation for the "11/9" prediction of more government/media staged terrorism in America.
To help provide hope to all believers, Daniel, the old testment end-time prophet, and the apostle John, author of Revelation, provides us with possible dates: 1260, 1290, 1335, and 2300 days past a certain date. Adding these days onto 9-11-01 produces February 22nd, 2005, March 24th, 2005, May 8th, 2005, and December 28th, 2007. Daniel wrote that the reign of the beast will end after a "time, times, and a half a time". This observer deduces this to mean, 1 Millenium, 2 Millenium, and 1/2 of a decade or "2005". March 24th, 2005 stunningly turns out to be "Holy Thursday" (the day celebrating the Last Supper of Jesus Christ). May 8th, 2005 is "Ascencion Sunday" (also mother's day, the 60th anniversary of the end of WW II, VE day, and a full moon). February 22nd, 2005 is 73 days after the WHO (World Health Organization) is convening to discuss how they are going to attack the world with a deadly 'Spanish flu' (h1n1-influenza(type A)) plague on "11"/"11"/2005. More information on the UN sponsored ( United Nations - owned and operated by and for the ruling elite since it was created after their WW II ) flu pandemic convention has been posted on It will likely be removed soon however as is often the case. The "New World Order"/"Novus Ordo Seclorum" wishes to reduce the population world-wide 95%, or to no more than 500 million people - quickly. WHO is apparently going to allow for global genocide, but will YOU?

Rebuke Satan and his armies! Help stop the killing and arrest the illuminati, ruling elite, and their puppet governments and the paid liars in the media instead. Recognize and support Christ. Offer Our Saviour the justice He always has deserved. Love is a solution. The blameless can and will overcome, and the Lord Jesus Christ certainly will do this job for us in full upon his promised return whether we stay alive or die in this battle of evil vs. good. Like He did Himself, His chosen will arise again to reign with him for 1000 years of peace, then the beast will escape to the surface again, but only for a short time - as it is written.
Yours eternally in truth and liberty,
Eric James Rainbowlt
written: Austin Texas on Novermber 7th, 2004, posted to the internet in the early afteroon.
info (at)
"...Masonic orders have contained the most influential men in many governments, and virtually every occult order has many Masonic roots."

- Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Rituals, p. 78.

Some extra notes:

This author may ultimately turn out wrong in this "11/9" prediction and that would be a relief, although temporary. No sane person, including this author, hopes to see terrorism occur or people dying 'in large numbers'. However, it is not wrong for anybody to state any facts about the "New World Order" presented in this essay. That threat upon us certainly currently exists and will persist until the beast is returned and again chained back in the pit of hell. The prophecies that Jesus Christ stated for us all will surely all come true and his words will never pass away.
This author hopes that the truth of these matters will help set the people of the world free of the control of their evil dictates and hopefully turn back to God Our Divine Father through the truth of His Son Jesus and prophecy being fulfilled. The idea presented in the Bible is to repent and stop sinning and hopefully qualify to be chosen for eternal life. Earth will be the only Hell believers and the faithful will have to endure. Love conquers hate. Please read II Chron 7:14, the Gospels of Jesus Christ, Daniel, and Revelation. May The Father Bless eternally the righteous servants of truth and the Lord Eternal, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us all give endless thanks and praise to The One True Father, The Creator of Heaven and Earth, for everything that was, is, and is to come. Without Him, there would only be darkness, no light, and no love at all in the universe. None of us would even have given the opportunity of life, and beyond this temporal life, eternal life through the power of the universal Holy Spirit for those that please the merciful Son Jesus and Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed is His name. He is most merciful as His glory is immense and everlasting.
website recommendations:
Please feel free to contact this writer in the future with your thoughtful contributions and blessings. Please have mercy on me, especially if the prediction turns out wrong; for I am only trying to do good work by helping to expose the workers of iniquity. Each new friend made will be appreciated lastingly. This author will need God's love through His people and the general support of the free-speech supporting community to remain out of the clutches of this evil system for attempting to outsmart the beast's current rule over the world by publishing this "11/9" staged terrorism time-advanced prediction for the sake of the public at large through the shared blessing of the global internet.

[Dan 12:10] Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
[Luke 19:43] For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side,
[Luke 8:17] For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
[Mark 4:22] For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad.
[Mat 24:44] Therefore you also must be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
2 Thessalonians 2: 10-12 The wise will develop a love of the truth. Those that don't believe the truth will be given strong delusions to believe a lie and classed with the wicked.
Jeremiah 25: 31-33 God wants everyone to be part of his government and pleads with all flesh so that they will not end up being slain.

some tips:
* do not accept the mark of the beast, a RFID microchip, or any forced injection as it may be deadly. Do not let the UN trick you into pledging your soul to Lucifer/Satan.
* perhaps avoid downtown areas of major cities of dates which contain perfect masonic "11" numerical combinations.
* resist CERT and FEMA and their 'temporary emergency tent cities' as they are the paid and trained enemy of the people working for the fascist super-state.
* pray in the name of Jesus Christ and you may receive what you asked for.
* go to Ken Adachi's and educate yourself about much of this hidden information about how this world is truly currently being operated.
* realize that congressman and the media and the white house have all the motives to continue to lie to you. they are quite experienced at it. do not be deceived anymore.
* know the truth and know thy enemy. hate what they do, do not hate them, or hurt them, pray that they may be stopped and realize they have massively betrayed Our Father's Laws.
The Father is to judge them all in His time.
* read psalm 37 and psalm 91 especially for comfort during these tribulations that may continue to unfold. The plague may be released globally on Feb 22nd, 2005.
* await patiently yet watchfully for the return of Jesus as a faithful servant would await his master's return from a long trip away.
See also:

This work is in the public domain
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Re: 11/9 terror prediction (essay) based off some revealing facts.
Current rating: 0
08 Nov 2004
Arthur: "This new learning fascinates me, Sir Bedevere. Tell me again how we know the earth to be banana-shaped."

Bedevere: "Count the number of letters in 'banana-shape' -- its that masonic number 11 again. Now pardon me while I go get murdered by the Mossad."

What is Global tyranny? (helpful graphics attached)
Current rating: 0
10 Nov 2004
Modified: 11:38:59 AM
Please see the following graphics:

The billboard graphic was created in December 2001, 3 years later most people still
haven't a clue that they should be informing others of this. The world is controlled
"deceptively". If you don't know what I mean, then please investigate what I and
others have been trying to say to people! It is easier if you forget everything you
have been told through the television! Forget labeling yourself as a party member
just so you don't associate with the one who is more evil in your eyes - THEY ARE
this one at blockbuster yet - but you can check out the films by Alex Jones at Government power is gained through bluffing and deception and staged
terror and lies! Hitler had a nazi congress - and so do we!

I, Eric Rainbowlt, wrote a 222 page online book on in 2003 and I will post another excellent one written by another author here. Can YOU - coutryman/woman - bring this information to others, and so on and so on and so on? That is the question! This guy has strained his resourses to the bitter end to keep bringing this up to the rest of the herd. I guaranttee you no other topic in the whole world is more important to understand and overcome that the New World Order Conpsiracy. Resist tyranny and obey Our Father!
See also: