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News :: Government Secrecy
Deception Election Flyer and the coming release of Spanish Flu.
Current rating: 0
by Eric Rainbowlt Email: ama (nospam) (verified) Phone: 512-656-0521 Address: 3001 South Lamar Suite 100
04 Oct 2004
Modified: 09:24:16 PM
The Governments are the terrorists and when the Deadly Spanish Flu (Influenza-A) variant is released this October on America, it will kill possibly tens of miliions. They will spray lots of chemtrails as well during this period. Please tell others so that people can finally all agree that the government(s) are the terrorists in these prophectic times. Best advice: Pray to Jesus.
Click on image for a larger version
Click on image for a larger version
Click on image for a larger version
On this site you will discover that truth is indeed more alarming than fiction, the fiction being otherwise known as the "boob-tube" or "television".
Does everyone want world peace? Sadly, the answer is no. Yet the majority does want world peace, but the minority of war mongers are apparently ruling the earth. By not being wary or "concerned enough", ordinary Americans are being painted as the enemy to the rest of the world. Should we allow this government who has influence with the mass media to intentionally allow for and encourage this effect? We all know the truth of the matter is that this should not be allowed, for it is morally wrong.
The author does agree with the lyrics of this song found on this
website by By Susi A. Meredith.
It rained today and though the earth was thirsty
We complained anyway. When will we learn?
To those in need we shake our heads and say, "Oh what a shame!"
Then turn them away, Oh when will we learn?
To be thankful for His goodness and the mercy He has shown us
When will we learn? Oh, when will we learn?
America, America, God shed His grace on thee
And still you turn and follow other gods
Oh, when will we see?
America the beautiful His judgement's drawing near
It won't be long before your song will fade and disappear
In our own land there's hungry children dying
While the stranger is well fed. When will we learn?
And here we sit in cozy kitchens
Just taking it for granted He'll supply our daily bread.
Oh, when will we learn?
To be thankful for His goodness and the mercy He has shown us
When will we learn? Oh, when will we learn?
America, America, He'll shed His wrath on thee
If you refuse to hear and keep His Laws
His grace you will not see
America the beautiful you'll reap what you have sown
But if you'll turn your heart towards Him, His mercy will be shown
For He has paid, with His own blood He paid
Your penalty for sin
If you'd obey, if you'd obey His Word
He'd bless you once again
So won't you turn, oh, won't you turn back?
And open up your ears
You would learn, you would learn that
He's loved you all these years
That's why He's blessed you all these years
But He has warned you all these years
"I have unwittingly ruined my country!" - Former president Woodrow Wilson stated this in 1913 after signing the Federal Reserve Act , giving the power of America's national credit and currency over to private for-profit international investment banks and partnerships.
"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous (so pervasive throughout the whole world's society) he/she cannot believe it exists." Former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover.
Dear visitor, if you already know that the long-held, slow but sure, New World Order war on the American people by its own government, media, and military is true then please copy this 8.5 x 11 inch printable paper flyer image to your desktop so you can attach it and send to your friends across the internet for mass posting to forums, sites, and various other places; also to print out to pass out to those who do not use the internet/email. What other hope is there than mass awareness beyond the tens of thousands of people who have found out already? Perhaps if 100+ million Americans on the internet suddenly become aware of it before the (staged) election period there might be a relief within the populous experienced. (we should note the number "11" is a favorite of the terrorists; 9+1+1=11, 911 days later the Madrid Spain blast on 3-11-03, etc... - so we should be concerned about the upcoming 11/11/04 date) Maybe after some mainstream awareness they will back off and reconsider their plans to slaughter ordinary Americans through blatant lies, through biological warfare (a soon coming pandemic release of military grade Spanish Flu/H1N1-Influenza-A), and a UN takeover! They are poisoning you right now with flouride in the public water systems, mercury in dental work/vaccines, aspartame (aspartic acid combined with formaldyhyde), chemtrails poured out in the skies above, and a 24/7 toxic dose of mind controlling televised theatre - (and you have to admit the Jews controlling hollywood do a pretty good job at keeping everyone entertained - they are entertainers for sure, and now they are entertaining our society so much with death, such as the "Resident Evil - Apocolypse" movie currently out during the writing of this) - to perpetually distract us all by design; and this war's propaganda is also delivered through the controlled and non free speech oriented nationwide cable spectrum as well. People like Jay Leno, and his replacement in 5!!(give me a break)! years Conan O'Brien know this to the degree they want to deny it in any public fashion, and they are both playing right along with the script handed down to them from above. Thank you for doing what you can do to defend America, because pure satanic evil and deceptive forces have infiltrated within and they are currently in full control! { To the New World Order conspirators/power-freaks coming to and examining this website, I have faith than my Heavenly Father will not allow me to be handed over and imprisoned, interrogated, tortured, murdered for compiling this information and posting it for others to read until the timing of it is His own. Yours truly, Eric Rainbowlt of Austin Texas }
There are several key entry points for this website.
Here is a convenient index to 3 key entry points:
A link to information about the recently invented PLEASE party. (Peace, Love, Equality, Accountibility, Sensibility , and Emancipation party - another last minute choice before America goes along with putting the Skull & Bones secret society into the White House (Again!). Both Kerry and Bush will not willingly and publically admit it during this period - but they each belong to the same secret and satanic fraternity from Yale university called "Skull & Bones", of two different annual classes of "15". David Rockefeller, the wealthliest and most powerful American banking magnate headmasters the Skull & Bones lifelong secret society! The relationships in that secret society indeed last their whole earthly lives. They were each placed as candidates because of their relationship with the secret and satanic Skull & Bones Order of "322" secret society.
A link to the online and downloadable version of a book entitled, "Ruled By Deception " that details the historical and deceptive power struggle and formation of the New World Order Conspiracy against mankind.
A link to a 4 page essay that puts the conspiracy in perspective for the lay-person (the ordinary American or international brother/sister)
A link to the former frontpage of
And here is a well deserved link to , , , , , What Really , Ken Adachi's Educate Yourself , and the gcnlive internet radio network .
Final notes and warnings:
It seems like the recent Larry Silverstein's, former owner of the World Trade Center who just bought Chicago's Sears Tower with all his illuminati financed phoney insurance money, purchase identifies Chicago as a potential upcoming target as to not inevitably upset the big-named Japanese investers who were formerly the majority owners previously - perhaps. This goes in line with... John Aschroft himself, not Tom Ridge - the appointed Homeland Security Director, recently stating that al-caida (that is, al-cia-duh!), is about to trigger a series of cataclysmic terror events in the US's most populated cities as an attempt to disrupt this (staged) election! Look out for the special masonic "11"/"11"/04 date! Of course the conspirators will be involved in releasing dirty bombs and biologicals in those cities to do just that! Then they will tell you on television how difficult it is to stop dirty-nuclear-bomb-style terrorism and biological warfare in general. They have their friendliest appearing FBI, CIA, or Homeland Security agent on FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN all on one big simultaneuous tour trying desperately to sell you on the idea of total enslavement! How about instead we attempt to make up with the Islamic and Muslim people right now - like helping them with something, maybe by helping them develop their cities with the new inexhaustible energy technology breakthrough, for all the oil we have borrowed in the West before to get to this modern "inexaustible energy available" period in time. We should be doing this instead of trying to incite them as to appear potentially guilty for such horrible acts of terror; when the deceptively guilty are actually the intelligence agencies working for the big international banks, the white house, and the illuminati families such as the "House of Rothschild" based in Europe and the Rockefeller financial imperialistic dynasty based here in the West. Their aristocratical "pride" is the same sin of Satan/Lucifer.Moral Treason against Humanity - Read all about it!!!
Do you think the government and many of the new world order conspirators at the university level
know about this website and other new world order tyranny exposing sites?
The answer is yes . University level world government conspiratorial minds likely have been drawn in droves to Congressman Ron Paul's admission that such minds "believe in one world government" - and "those plans are there".
Please see the short video clip (file size: 733Kb) hosted at Propaganda Matrix and available for download
here .
It may or may not be the end of the world, a said "time, times, and a half of time", but if it turns out it isn't quite just yet, let us thank Our Great Creator for his mercy and his allowance of what he has already provided for all of us that he created. This website publisher is simply not allowed by the rules to say if the world is currently and definately coming to an end of days as projected in so many hollywood movies in these times - but it seems by those movies that it is definately on track. Regardless, this website author mixes reality with still speaking of a saviour, a Son of God, that will ultimately come and lead the world to 1000 years of Peace under his Reign. Luke 21:9 "When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away. " It may come is 2005 or in 2050 or in 2500 AD - "after a time, times, and half of time", but in any case it is said there will be a war and a revolution before His coming and these are all the known scriptural signs before the time . On a personal note, the person who is writing this is not to judge anyone individually, not even myself , possibly I am allowed to judge the course of history however - and it is right on track with end of world prophecy. God the Father is the only True Judge and only by His Grace alone do we live on with Him, and only He knows the true end of days as He has everlasting mercy and lives forever. Do you think George Bush would allow the anti-christ to take his family out of office, yet the spirit of the antichrist is here already interwoven into society, as it is said in scripture as well. The author hopes you enjoy the rest of the story as it has been presented here, and to have hope in a revolution and a second coming of the world's Messiah to save us ultimately from the anti-christ who will by the end "deceive many" and destroy much. This writer simply hopes to cultivate hope in this world for all time through a general increase in knowledge and awareness.
Good evening, and good night...
See also:
This work is in the public domain
by Eric Rainbowlt ericrainbowlt (nospam) (unverified)
Current rating: 0 06 Oct 2004
The "One Party with a BIG SECRET acting like Two Different Parties" Deception Trick
On this site you will discover that truth is indeed more alarming than fiction, the fiction being otherwise known as the "boob-tube" or "television".
Does everyone want world peace? Sadly, the answer is no. Yet the majority does want world peace, but the minority of war mongers are apparently ruling the earth. By not being wary or "concerned enough", ordinary Americans are being painted as the enemy to the rest of the world. Should we allow this government who has influence with the mass media to intentionally allow for and encourage this effect? We all know the truth of the matter is that this should not be allowed, for it is morally wrong.
The author does agree with the lyrics of this song found on this
website by By Susi A. Meredith.
It rained today and though the earth was thirsty
We complained anyway. When will we learn?
To those in need we shake our heads and say, "Oh what a shame!"
Then turn them away, Oh when will we learn?
To be thankful for His goodness and the mercy He has shown us
When will we learn? Oh, when will we learn?
America, America, God shed His grace on thee
And still you turn and follow other gods
Oh, when will we see?
America the beautiful His judgement's drawing near
It won't be long before your song will fade and disappear
In our own land there's hungry children dying
While the stranger is well fed. When will we learn?
And here we sit in cozy kitchens
Just taking it for granted He'll supply our daily bread.
Oh, when will we learn?
To be thankful for His goodness and the mercy He has shown us
When will we learn? Oh, when will we learn?
America, America, He'll shed His wrath on thee
If you refuse to hear and keep His Laws
His grace you will not see
America the beautiful you'll reap what you have sown
But if you'll turn your heart towards Him, His mercy will be shown
For He has paid, with His own blood He paid
Your penalty for sin
If you'd obey, if you'd obey His Word
He'd bless you once again
So won't you turn, oh, won't you turn back?
And open up your ears
You would learn, you would learn that
He's loved you all these years
That's why He's blessed you all these years
But He has warned you all these years
"I have unwittingly ruined my country!" - Former president Woodrow Wilson stated this in 1913 after signing the Federal Reserve Act , giving the power of America's national credit and currency over to private for-profit international investment banks and partnerships.
"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous (so pervasive throughout the whole world's society) he/she cannot believe it exists." Former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover.
Dear visitor, if you already know that the long-held, slow but sure, New World Order war on the American people by its own government, media, and military is true then please copy this 8.5 x 11 inch printable paper flyer image to your desktop so you can attach it and send to your friends across the internet for mass posting to forums, sites, and various other places; also to print out to pass out to those who do not use the internet/email. What other hope is there than mass awareness beyond the tens of thousands of people who have found out already? Perhaps if 100+ million Americans on the internet suddenly become aware of it before the (staged) election period there might be a relief within the populous experienced. (we should note the number "11" is a favorite of the terrorists; 9+1+1=11, 911 days later the Madrid Spain blast on 3-11-03, etc... - so we should be concerned about the upcoming 11/11/04 date) Maybe after some mainstream awareness they will back off and reconsider their plans to slaughter ordinary Americans through blatant lies, through biological warfare (a soon coming pandemic release of military grade Spanish Flu/H1N1-Influenza-A), and a UN takeover! They are poisoning you right now with flouride in the public water systems, mercury in dental work/vaccines, aspartame (aspartic acid combined with formaldyhyde), chemtrails poured out in the skies above, and a 24/7 toxic dose of mind controlling televised theatre - (and you have to admit the Jews controlling hollywood do a pretty good job at keeping everyone entertained - they are entertainers for sure, and now they are entertaining our society so much with death, such as the "Resident Evil - Apocolypse" movie currently out during the writing of this) - to perpetually distract us all by design; and this war's propaganda is also delivered through the controlled and non free speech oriented nationwide cable spectrum as well. People like Jay Leno, and his replacement in 5!!(give me a break)! years Conan O'Brien know this to the degree they want to deny it in any public fashion, and they are both playing right along with the script handed down to them from above. Thank you for doing what you can do to defend America, because pure satanic evil and deceptive forces have infiltrated within and they are currently in full control! { To the New World Order conspirators/power-freaks coming to and examining this website, I have faith than my Heavenly Father will not allow me to be handed over and imprisoned, interrogated, tortured, murdered for compiling this information and posting it for others to read until the timing of it is His own. Yours truly, Eric Rainbowlt of Austin Texas }
There are several key entry points for this website.
Here is a convenient index to 3 key entry points:
A link to information about the recently invented PLEASE party. (Peace, Love, Equality, Accountibility, Sensibility , and Emancipation party - another last minute choice before America goes along with putting the Skull & Bones secret society into the White House (Again!). Both Kerry and Bush will not willingly and publically admit it during this period - but they each belong to the same secret and satanic fraternity from Yale university called "Skull & Bones", of two different annual classes of "15". David Rockefeller, the wealthliest and most powerful American banking magnate headmasters the Skull & Bones lifelong secret society! The relationships in that secret society indeed last their whole earthly lives. They were each placed as candidates because of their relationship with the secret and satanic Skull & Bones Order of "322" secret society.
A link to the online and downloadable version of a book entitled, "Ruled By Deception " that details the historical and deceptive power struggle and formation of the New World Order Conspiracy against mankind.
A link to a 4 page essay that puts the conspiracy in perspective for the lay-person (the ordinary American or international brother/sister)
A link to the former frontpage of
And here is a well deserved link to , , , , , What Really , Ken Adachi's Educate Yourself , and the gcnlive internet radio network .
Final notes and warnings:
It seems like the recent Larry Silverstein's, former owner of the World Trade Center who just bought Chicago's Sears Tower with all his illuminati financed phoney insurance money, purchase identifies Chicago as a potential upcoming target as to not inevitably upset the big-named Japanese investers who were formerly the majority owners previously - perhaps. This goes in line with... John Aschroft himself, not Tom Ridge - the appointed Homeland Security Director, recently stating that al-caida (that is, al-cia-duh!), is about to trigger a series of cataclysmic terror events in the US's most populated cities as an attempt to disrupt this (staged) election! Look out for the special masonic "11"/"11"/04 date! Of course the conspirators will be involved in releasing dirty bombs and biologicals in those cities to do just that! Then they will tell you on television how difficult it is to stop dirty-nuclear-bomb-style terrorism and biological warfare in general. They have their friendliest appearing FBI, CIA, or Homeland Security agent on FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN all on one big simultaneuous tour trying desperately to sell you on the idea of total enslavement! How about instead we attempt to make up with the Islamic and Muslim people right now - like helping them with something, maybe by helping them develop their cities with the new inexhaustible energy technology breakthrough, for all the oil we have borrowed in the West before to get to this modern "inexaustible energy available" period in time. We should be doing this instead of trying to incite them as to appear potentially guilty for such horrible acts of terror; when the deceptively guilty are actually the intelligence agencies working for the big international banks, the white house, and the illuminati families such as the "House of Rothschild" based in Europe and the Rockefeller financial imperialistic dynasty based here in the West. Their aristocratical "pride" is the same sin of Satan/Lucifer.Moral Treason against Humanity - Read all about it!!!
Do you think the government and many of the new world order conspirators at the university level
know about this website and other new world order tyranny exposing sites?
The answer is yes . University level world government conspiratorial minds likely have been drawn in droves to Congressman Ron Paul's admission that such minds "believe in one world government" - and "those plans are there".
Please see the short video clip (file size: 733Kb) hosted at Propaganda Matrix and available for download
here .
It may or may not be the end of the world, a said "time, times, and a half of time", but if it turns out it isn't quite just yet, let us thank Our Great Creator for his mercy and his allowance of what he has already provided for all of us that he created. This website publisher is simply not allowed by the rules to say if the world is currently and definately coming to an end of days as projected in so many hollywood movies in these times - but it seems by those movies that it is definately on track. Regardless, this website author mixes reality with still speaking of a saviour, a Son of God, that will ultimately come and lead the world to 1000 years of Peace under his Reign. Luke 21:9 "When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away. " It may come is 2005 or in 2050 or in 2500 AD - "after a time, times, and half of time", but in any case it is said there will be a war and a revolution before His coming and these are all the known scriptural signs before the time . On a personal note, the person who is writing this is not to judge anyone individually, not even myself , possibly I am allowed to judge the course of history however - and it is right on track with end of world prophecy. God the Father is the only True Judge and only by His Grace alone do we live on with Him, and only He knows the true end of days as He has everlasting mercy and lives forever. Do you think George Bush would allow the anti-christ to take his family out of office, yet the spirit of the antichrist is here already interwoven into society, as it is said in scripture as well. The author hopes you enjoy the rest of the story as it has been presented here, and to have hope in a revolution and a second coming of the world's Messiah to save us ultimately from the anti-christ who will by the end "deceive many" and destroy much. This writer simply hopes to cultivate hope in this world for all time through a general increase in knowledge and awareness.
Here is a graphic from another website:
Good evening, and good night...
See also:
Paris - What Would You Do Music Video
by Eric Rainbowlt info (nospam) (unverified)
Current rating: 0 07 Apr 2005
Use RealMedia Player
Paris - What Would You Do Music Video...
See also:
Freely distributable MP3 "Chemtrail Spiders in the sky..."
by Eric Rainbolt ejr2005 (nospam) (unverified)
Current rating: 0 17 Apr 2005
Chemtrail Spiders are spidering in the sky - New World Order - Eric Rainbolt 911exposeddotcom.mp3 (1241 k)
Freely distributable MP3 "Chemtrail Spiders in the sky..."
chemtrail spiders are spraying in the sky
chemtrail tanker jets are spidering in the sky.
This is not a test, when they spray they do it
from East North South and West...
This is part of the UN's New World Order,
You can even smell it well if you try...
chemtrail spiders are spraying in the sky
UN Tanker jets are spidering high in the sky.
They are spraying long white lines that fall far and wide...
Molds, bacterium, aluminum, mercury and barium oxide...
Look out your windshield, those contrails just don't go away,
DO you feel like modern day peasant, when they go ahead and spray?
Why airline pilots don't talk about this is still a mystery,
it has something to do with their - job secuity...
chemtrail spiders are spraying in the sky...
UN Tanker jets are spidering high in the sky...
The dust tastes metallic on everyone's tounge...
Chemrtail pilots are not spraying just for fun...
Some say it is just simply for weather control...
some say they do it to help Satan enslave your soul.
This is all so obvious, even to your dad and mom...
if you want more info, please go to prisonplant and
chemtrail spiders are spraying in the sky...
chemtrail tanker jets are spidering in the sky...
Your government is really just a pack of criminals...
When you see these spray lines - doesn't it just make you cry???
See also:
by Eric Rainbolt ejr2005 (nospam) (unverified)
Current rating: 0 14 Jun 2005
NWODepopulationCTs.pdf (1925 k)
SpiritFlyer.pdf (2594 k)
Please view and print these flyers, make double sided masters, and distributes those to others for mass production and distribution. We are at the cross roads of history... electorn police state or being free people again.
See also: