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Rachel Corrie a waisted life |
Current rating: 0 |
by Angie AKA DAN "A Troll Stirring the Pot of Hate" Disinfo (No verified email address) |
16 Aug 2004
what a stupid girl |
Rachel Corrie a waisted life
Rachel Corrie used money from her parents and many American taxpayers to go into the disputed territories to stand up for terrorists who pride themselves for their hyper murder and massacre productivity. She showed a blatant disregard for the real values of human rights which encompass Jews too and spat at the collective face of her homeland and all her fellow Americans, and instead of using her money to become a real peace activist, she chose to go out into the supposed real world and try to make it a better place for Palestinian child murderers at the expense of the most basic human rights. She showed biased human rights values instead of the popaganda that is preferable to her pro murder agenda. . Rachel Corrie abandoned the concept of truth and liberty which our world leaders encourage us to cherish, and decided that there was something more important in life than making money, namely to support Palestinian terrorists in their endeavor of massacring Israeli Jews.
Yes, Rachel Corrie is a traitor to the real concepts of peace and human rights. She wasted her life and the money she got also from American taxpayers, fighting for human rights of murderers at the expense of fundamental human rights of the group they murder |
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Re: Rachel Corrie a waisted life |
by NRA4Freedom (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 16 Aug 2004
I don't know, I would imagine that the publicity of her tragic death might go some way in Israel attempting to not have a repeat of it with someone else. So, "wasted" may be a matter of opinion depending on how idealistic one happens to be.
My opinion is that she was probably a lot like many other idealists who are concerned by a world, gone seemingly mad, but unable to recognize the real evil behind the events taking place within it. She viewed the Palestinian people as an underdog in a seemingly unfair fight, never understanding that the vast majority of their plight has more to do with their being used by other Arab Nations, Nations that have no use or compassion for them at all other than as disposable pawns in their "Israel must die" lust, than with Israel treating them poorly. And that Israel's seemingly unfair actions against them is the result of a "reaction" on their part, rather than an "action" initiated on their end..."reactions" sometimes being far more reactionary in nature than logically necessary.
And since Israel does appear to have little or no compassion for their plight either, probably because when they look at them they see nothing but the suicide bombers sent to murder innocent civilians by other foreign Arab Nations that are actually behind the strife in the first place, it just adds to the idealists confusion and causes them to react sometimes in non logical ways also.
Were it not for this strife, purposely created by other Islamic Nations against Israel using the Palestinians as their "bad guys in the field" so to speak", I believe that it would be a whole different story and we would not see what we are seeing. But, it isn't a whole different story because the Palestinian leadership are willing accomplices who are also more than willing to sacrifice their own people on the alter of "We hate Israel", and so, Islamic fanatics continue to bring strife, chaos, and war, to a weary world. |