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Channel X: Fear & Hate 9-11 |
Current rating: 0 |
by Darrin Drda (No verified email address) |
24 Jul 2004
This one's been in my head a few too many weeks too long. Sorry. |
Click the first link below to see a better version. |
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Related stories on this site: Right Silly Arguments
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Re: Channel X: Fear & Hate 9-11 |
by chuck chuck (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 24 Jul 2004
What is wrong with the color? |
Technical Difficulties |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 24 Jul 2004
We've been having problems with rendering the color of Darrin's work. Eventually, it will be fixed. In the meantime, if you use the links provided, you can see it in full color. |
Re: Channel X: Fear & Hate 9-11 |
by NRA4Freedom (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 24 Jul 2004
While I do like your cartoons, I would comment on this one that IF the "messenger" is lying, then what good is the message other than to attempt to mislead the people who see it? |
Re: Channel X: Fear & Hate 9-11 |
by Darrin, (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Jul 2004
Dear NRA,
Thanks for the complement. For what it's worth, I don't think the messenger IS lying, rather he's cleverly presenting information that's widely known by progressives in this country and by almost everyone outside of the U.S. The comic (to be pedantic) is about the claim that the movie contains lies, leveled by people who refuse to see it. |
Re: Channel X: Fear & Hate 9-11 |
by NRA4Freedom ooops (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 25 Jul 2004
Fair enough, but from all accounts I have been able to read critiquing the movie, it looks like most of it is either lies, innuendo, or seriously stretched accounts of events edited and arranged to make it look like something it is not. That's not my idea of truth, or a "documentary", so I will not be going to see it.
Keep cartooning though, you have a talent for it. |
'Fahrenheit 9/11' Sets New Documentary Mark, Topping $100 Million |
by David Germain, AP (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 26 Jul 2004
LOS ANGELES - Michael Moore joined the $100 million club as his political assault "Fahrenheit 9/11" became the first documentary ever to top that mark at the domestic box office.
Moore's condemnation of President Bush's actions regarding the Sept. 11 attacks had a weekend haul of $5 million to lift its total to $103.35 million since opening in late June.
"The American people have not been given the whole story about these last three years and they don't feel they've been given the truth from the White House," Moore said Sunday. "So they've gone to the movie theaters to look for the truth and to begin the important discussion and debate that needs to take place in this country."
The previous best domestic gross for a feature-length documentary was $21.6 million for Moore's Academy Award-winning "Bowling for Columbine." That film took nine months to hit that level, while "Fahrenheit 9/11" did more business, $23.9 million, in just its first weekend.
The polarizing effects of Sept. 11 and its aftermath, with Americans bitterly divided over Bush's invasion of Iraq, have boosted the public's appetite for political documentaries such as "Fahrenheit 9/11," "Control Room" and "Outfoxed," Moore said.
"It's really cool now to talk about politics, and this is the first time I've seen this happen in decades, really," Moore said. "Being apathetic right now is very uncool."
"Fahrenheit 9/11" won the top honor at the Cannes Film Festival in May, but the movie lost its original distributor when Disney refused to let subsidiary Miramax release it because of its political content.
Miramax bosses Harvey and Bob Weinstein bought back the film and arranged for independent distribution through Lions Gate Films and IFC Films.
Democrats have embraced "Fahrenheit 9/11," though Moore said his main goal was to create good entertainment, not dabble in politics. Moore said he has not been contacted by the campaign of Democratic candidate John Kerry and that he did not make the movie to boost Democrats' prospects of winning the White House.
The real effect of "Fahrenheit 9/11" will be to encourage Americans normally disinterested in politics to participate this fall, Moore said.
"I believe the film is going to bring hundreds of thousands of people to the polls who otherwise were not going to vote," Moore said. "I think it's going to have a tremendous impact in that way."
Moore said he had hoped to have "Fahrenheit 9/11" out on DVD before the November election, but that the film could continue to play in theaters through year's end and into 2005.
"So I don't know really what that means now in terms of the DVD," Moore said.
© Copyright 2004 Associated Press |
Re: Channel X: Fear & Hate 9-11 |
by gehrig (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 26 Jul 2004
By the way, remember how GKC -- those folks who wouldn't show "Fahrenheit 9/11" because it's un-American -- was advertising their local opening of "America's Heart and Soul"?
Check out a repost of a Guardian (UK) article on how well that battle went:
Let's hear it for GKC, and lets hear it for "Move America Forward."
@%< |
Re: Channel X: Fear & Hate 9-11 |
by Joe Futrelle (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 26 Jul 2004
IMO people who have seen the movie should criticize or praise the movie, and people who haven't seen the movie should choose whether or not to see it based on whatever criteria they want to.
Having seen it, I tend to agree with the criticism that it is tendentious, like any other op-ed piece. It's not simply a collection of factual statements. It's also a series of vignettes about Americans, the most powerful of which shows the disillusionment of a mother who loses her soldier son in Iraq.
Instead of unreasonably demanding that Michael Moore keep his opinions out of his own movies, we should be doing something to restore this woman's faith in America. By demanding that our leaders be honest with the American people, take responsibility for their mistakes, and sacrifice whatever it takes, including their political careers if necessary, to bring the troops home now. |
For the truth |
by Church McMillion Email (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 11 Aug 2004
 | If you have any doubts as to the truth of Moore’s assertions, please visit my site. You just might learn something and change your mind. |
U.S. Army, 'Fahrenheit 9/11' Distributors at War |
by Bob Tourtellotte (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 15 Aug 2004
LOS ANGELES - Just in case anti-Bush documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11" needed any more controversy to fuel its hot box office, a new war of words broke out on Friday over whether the U.S. Army is stonewalling efforts to book the film at military bases.
But the organization that orders films for the 160 base theaters countered that it was the distributors -- Fellowship Adventure Group, IFC Films and Lions Gate Films -- that had the problem and noted they plan to stock base stores with the film's DVDs when they are released.
The movie, made by Oscar-winning director Michael Moore, has grossed over $113 million at domestic box offices and such a blockbuster would be routinely, and quickly, ordered up by the military.
But the movie presents a scathing view of President Bush's drive to war in Iraq, and it paints an unflattering view of the conduct of some U.S. military personnel. Although to be fair, many of the men and women fighting in Iraq are depicted as compassionate and caring.
Moore has made no secret of the fact he wants Bush ousted from office, and the film is undoubtedly anti-war.
"We have made all requested materials available to them, but unfortunately, a commitment to show the film has not been made," a Lions Gate spokeswoman said.
A spokesman for Fellowship Adventure Group claimed the military was stonewalling for obvious reasons.
Judd Anstey, public affairs specialist for the Army and Air Force Exchange Service which books movies for military base theaters, denied any suggestion the decision not to book the film had anything to do with its content and was solely based on business.
The organization, called AAFES, is a non-appropriated government group, meaning that it is almost exclusively funded through its own ability to make money. The time between when "Fahrenheit 9/11" would be played in base theaters and when it would be sold on DVD was too short to allow it to make money, Anstey said.
"This was based on business standards," he told Reuters.
Anstey said it was only about a week ago that AAFES was told "Fahrenheit 9/11" would be available to the bases by Aug. 16.
By that time, AAFES had already booked base theaters with movies through Sept. 3, and with a reported DVD release date of Oct. 5, it simply didn't think enough base personnel would show up to make the movie profitable.
"Historically, for films screened within that type of time frame, the box office is marginal," he said.
Moreover, he said, its audience size was limited because it has played in civilian theaters since June 23.
But sources within the distribution group said AAFES was first contacted in mid-July, given an availability date of Aug. 16, and told 200 to 300 prints would be ready to go by then.
Sources at rival movie studios who asked to remain anonymous said both sides may have their points. Typically the military is fast to order up blockbuster movies that make over $100 million.
Just as typically, independent film distributors have fewer prints to ship around. With "Fahrenheit 9/11" playing so strongly, it may be that only recently the prints became available, the sources said.
The spokesman for Fellowship Adventure Group also noted that the DVD release date has yet to be official and has only been reported in the media.
Anstey said that without an official DVD release date, AAFES had to base its decision on what had been reported.
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