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By Way of Deception :false flag operations, & alQeda |
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by Kathy AKA DAN "King of False Flag Operations on Indymedia" Disinfo (No verified email address) |
25 Jun 2004
The Mossad uses "By Way of Deception thou shall do war" as their motto. After all, they are above criticism. Who in their right mind would ever believe anything that comes out of their mouths? How can you tell if an israeli is lying? His/her lips are moving. |
Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty, to name to major events wherein Americans were murdered to further the evil israeli cause.
When I first heard that American soldiers were torturing and abusing Iraqis, it's the first thing that came to my mind, that it had israeli involvement all over it. The US sent troops to israel to be trained for this so-called war on terrorism, plus israelis came tot he US to train other troops. Now once the nation of humanity, we have been reduced to the lowest ranks of the most inhumane nation on earth, israel. The US will always be associated with israel and its disregard for human life. If an American leaves the country and a foreigner spits in their face, don't be surprised because we deserve all the hatred the world can muster thanks to israel. As long as the US continues to support israel the world will never see world peace because israel doesn't want peace, it will forever be at war with all the so-called evil Gentiles it sees throughout the world who are a danger to jewish power, not to mention greed.
All the decent jews who remain silent about what their evil leaders are doing, better not whine when they are once again thrown out of countries for their crimes against their host nations. From the beginning of time jews have never been grateful to have a country that would take them in, they have to control everything as they do in the US, government, banking, media, education and entertainment. What right do these people have controlling our entire nation, a nation that sure wasn't founded for them? But why shouldn't they, there are not enough patriots to stop, the traitor politicians are they're either to afraid to take them on or enjoy the money that lines their pocket. When we suffer a worse fate thant he Roman Empire, all who aided and abetted this evil cabal should be dragged through the streets and publically stoned for their treachery of putting israel's interests before their own country thereby bringing about it's demise. And there are many politicans who are gone, their corpses should be dug up and publically stoned for their part in our current sad state of affairs. Whether it's President Wilson who sold out his country to International Greedy Bankers who brought us the Federal Reserve, to Presidents like Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Truman, even Reagan who couldn't do enough to earn their honorary yarmulkes, traitors all of them.
I could go on forever so end of Rant. |
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Re: By Way of Deception :false flag operations, & alQeda |
by gehrig (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Jun 2004
"From the beginning of time jews have never been grateful to have a country that would take them in, they have to control everything as they do in the US, government, banking, media, education and entertainment."
Sorry, but that's the wrong answer. Thanks for playing. Try again in thirty days.
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